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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. since my htmls tips and tricks issues are hot on the forum i decided to do some css stuff so lets get to work all you beginners and experts. Also note to those who read this is coming from other websites so i am not claming any rights to this info even though some people think if they make it, its theirs which is bs cuz if that were true then there would not be to many websites on the internet now would their?. Ok the scripting im using for right now is the the actually scripting on the website without external linking first css trick that is sometimes good to use is the cursor scrip this changes the way your mouse looks when you highlight something on a webpage like a link or text so this how you would do and cursors that you can use next script that some people like to use that actually goes well with the design of a website is the scrollbar color their are some website that can do it for you you just choose the colors you want and there you go ok this next script is sweet i just added it to my style sheet this script puts your scrollbar on the left side your website Warning on the left sides scrollbar it alwasy reverses the website as well so use at your accordheres a tip i just found out and finally since we are dealing with scrollbars on this is issue for those who have small layout or who use frames (HAHAHAHAHA) heres how to take them off well that it for today hopefully this help you out [/color]
  2. how about nueral networking computers and when you plays game and stuff it feels like your getting you butt kick everytime you get tackled shot or blown up :lol:i got that idea from a book that im reading good hacker stuff
  3. well i think its a little disappointing to me they rather have features the game play excellance that what i think NEED FOR SPEED
  4. well thier is one thing you can do is search the internet and by gaming magazines they have the most infomation you be surprised plus its a way to keep every in suspense and what to suspect in the next generation games its called marketing skills its the best way to hook people into buy their games and also in order to bring out a great game it has to be tested and retested so their are no mistakeslook at computer games look how many patches come out because someone want to make a quick buck time and patience look at grand turismo 4 it was supposed to come out in nover 2004 but it came 3 months later
  5. ok for those who don't understand law heres something for you all to learn it is illigal to monopolize in any industry if you all remember those who live in the states a few years ago with microsoft trying to monopolize it didn't work out to well they had to split the company into 2 parts and prevent bill gates from controlling the whole computer industry with his os the best thing they can do is 1 kept them seperate companies but create the staff 2 run both companies all but incorporate their technologies together yet still kept them apart if that makes sense
  6. i think the show is funny as all hell it make people reflect upon themselves to remember what it was like to be a bratty kidd kudos to the nannies
  7. hes just jealous cuz he can't become pope and sacrafice the way these guys have done in the last 2000 years give or take a few years i would take pope status over leading a country any day but since me and the man are having some problems so to speak were not on talking terms right now also to become part of history would be the greates honor ever for one person most of these popes have been their during some of the greatest moment of human hisotry just look at all the dates. heres the link of the 264 greatest men in history he stay out until some miricle happens from him http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12272b.htm
  8. thats a simple question ps3 baby and this time im going to preorder that bad boy to yeah i believe with all the new info i found out about the cell chip thats going into the ps3 that it will be about 300-400 dollar range the cell chip make every computer out ther look like a stone tablet 9 different processor chips in one thats how deep the the ps3 will go. the question will will the game produces try to make games to the point it actually melts the chip due to all that it can do instead of using 60-70 percent of the true power of the ps2
  9. Well i thought it was time to bring in issue 2 of html tips and tricks and i found a very interesting html coding which i thought was funny as hell its called Preventing Search Engine Indexing this coding is used to keep your website from being index why i don't know why you don't want you website listed unless it someone stupid as in telletubbies.com but heres the code [To prevent a Search Engine from indexing a page, place the code below between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags. QUOTE]<META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW"> This tag tells the robots not to index this page and not to follow any links within the page. This tag tells the robots not to index this page, but follow any links within the page. heres a next trick ever though first time users could do this with the <iframe> tag but since most people are beginning to use html 4.01 xhtml and php and other scripting this use the embed feature so here is the coding for that This is kickn script i have cuz one it uses the cpanel login which everyone uses to work on their hosted site this script was done by Terror GraFeX so just incase he moving around here somewhere heres that credit First create a new HTML document or open an exisiting document which you'd like to add the box to. Now copy this code into your page Code: < Now your overall code should look like this; Code: well thats it for the day suggestions or comment on what you fans would like to see in issue #3 of html tips and tricks by saint-michael and for some good stuff go here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ PEACE
  10. well most of you people are to youn about this chatroom cuz it closed 97-98 it was liveuniverse.com many great features on the website they had the most addtive bingo game and word game on the site i was using it for a good three years till they closed then i had icq didn't use that much then came yahoo
  11. my baby has grown going to miss you give me a big hug and kiss
  12. with what your asking java won't cut php might but that requires to many scripts my suggestion would be is look at muds and contact the webmaster and see what they use
  13. lets seemetallicarammsteinac/dcguns and rosesthat should cover most of the top ten
  14. its simple one can be enlighten if he cannot chose path woohoo its sounds like a monk
  15. what surprises me the most about china and japan that they still have a loose truce so to speak and that they havn't invaded each other and start each other off
  16. i see where going with it but the problem we have right with the army system is that we are experiancing glitches in the system and most people would gauk at the idea of using their hosting credts to use it for thier army people would have to post so much that it could overload the system i think but i will bring it up
  17. ok my problem is the txt document this is what i get testphp.php.txt what am i doing wrong
  18. they are german heavy metal band i should know got 4 out of 5 cds and i got to tell they got some kick *bottom* songs on their cds their newest rock "amerika" and goth sucks
  19. hey how about you actually put the banner right this is considered spamming so thats your warning
  20. lets just say religion is used to make people better about themselves btw im a lutheran so you catholics have fun hahaha
  21. the movie will be a big funny though same techonology they used when the made thier first movie but we all know what happen thier smart enough to just package it in dvd and get over withDAMN just thought of an idea anniversary package deal for ff7 updated game so to speak and then the movie hell they would make millionsmmm now where did i put that email address for square-enix presidents at hmmm
  22. heres a few for you try the dutch ones those are crazy as all hell Six sick slick slim sycamore saplings. A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers? If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry. Betty Botter had some butter, "But," she said, "this butter's bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter-- that would make my batter better." So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. So 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter. Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick. Is this your sister's sixth zither, sir? The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick. Toy boat. Toy boat. Toy boat. Pope Sixtus VI's six texts. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells. -Ik zag de zon zakken in de Zuiderzee. -Hoor de kleine klompjes klepperen op de klinkers. -To en Tom aten tomaten; To at en Tom vrat. -Soldatententententoonstelling. Minimekaniko ni Monico ang makina ng Minica ni Monica. Botica, Bituka, Butiki. Sara shara shir sameyach. Namamugi, Namagome, Namatamago
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