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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. biggest question i have is setting up a forum set like here on Xisto.com of all the ones that i have seen they expect you to pay over 200-300 just to get their board i seen some decent free ones to so my first question would be1. which scripting would i use cgi, php, asp, dhtml, my sql2. where do i start with when designing the that forum is well.3. which would be more convenant to set up as well.
  2. born in wisconsin move to nh for 6 months then lived in vermont for a good 17 years then join the army went to south carolina, the georgia then washington then kuwait then iraqhave a nice day
  3. only watch the first couple of weeks and that was about it other then it was ok
  4. 1 first one actually went kaput on me second same thing with the help of iraqi dust same with the third >
  5. thats funny as hell but serious mac sucks just because it does nothing more XP
  6. well with desktops you can change out the cards no problem laptop i dunno never really had the chance to fiddle with that one, i think it would depend on the system could be wrong on that one. but with most integrated cards you can change them out if you know how to. but again never try it didn't need toplus i prefer speed and sound over graphics anyways unless im gaming and thats not often.
  7. ok this topic is about HOW BUSH SUCKS BIG BLEEPING DONKEY BALLS if you want a conspiracy theories start bush iraq topic XPhey but we can blame the polish now since they are currently arming the insurgents since they have a weapons contract with iraq nowabout about those damn apples hahahahahaha
  8. lets seeStar wars trilogylady killerspunishertom catsspiderman 2dare deviland plenty more
  9. its a work in progress looking for some critics and opinions.
  10. well trial and error don't help you be wasted money and time especially if you short out the hardward think about that for a sec.
  11. if the post paid attention to the xbox ps2 better topic then you can figure out which system you wantTAKE PS2
  12. yeah it was somewhat time consuming to actually get going fav scene the bar
  13. well i tired out the ps2 version of golden axe visual its ok but even thing else blew hell it took me no more then 45 minutes to get through that game with out using a continue the sega and the arcade were more challenging then this and it took me at least a couple of hours at the mostgolden axe blows DONT BUY
  14. for those who like to hack the xbox i hope it break on you and or melts your hard drive if you going to play old school games at least have the system thats as cheap as he 800+ nintendo roms i have on my computer XP.thats the one thing great about ps2 its stay with the system, but i wouldn't doubt that people hack the system and started play old school atari games on them as well.
  15. ok what os would people recommend running it off of mac or windows?
  16. what adventure D&D nothing except console games can beat thatNWNThe temple of elemental evila few billion rpgs
  17. the one computer class i took for programming was on a mac and *BLEEP* i had to do a lot of cough cough copy cough cough
  18. should have been more clear, i was referring to like a chekcers game or simulator or a full blown program that does to much in one sitting
  19. havnb't had the opportunity yet but from what im seeing from game play and all you got to think quick or you die quick alot strategy but lucky enough you have a lot of cover to take your shots xP
  20. what simple programs would a beginner should code in order to get some understanding the c++ along with leaning as well
  21. Im just wondering who would i go to for dowloading or or purchasing the linux program for best resualts on a computer?
  22. here are som sites that i have found while searching on the internet some consist of tutorials and others for compiliers and some that have suggested all ready
  23. Ok 'm in agreement that AOL *BLEEP* BIG DONKEY BALLS but what don't you people with dail up go broadband. it would make more sense or if you have the money why don't you people got digital cable and would make the dial-up obsolete hmmm thats in idea
  24. well welcome to trap im somewhat new but been here for a couple of weeks just posting on anything and everything because due to my situation can't really work on web design for another few weeks at the most.but once i do hahaha its on mofo
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