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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. you have to change your index file in your cpanel
  2. i hear you have some mighty fine women down under and the dingo ate my baby
  3. i have to say its one of the best series of all time everything you could possibly want in a video game but for a well experiance gamer it bored that quickly yeah the mayhem the blowing up stuff is fun and all but when you spend most of your time doing that and getting no were in the game it just gets dull after while even the storyline gets blah.damn i should lay off the games and get laid shouldn't I
  4. george lucus and spielberg how can you forget those two they brought in more money for all their movies then any other director and you know whycuz they butcher their films and make repeats btw episode 3 rocks
  5. heres a con for you allall the games for the psp are the same fore the regular ps2 why bother buying the same games hmmm?
  6. if you think about doom lost some of its glory after doom 2 yeah the graphics are kick *bottom* and the blood and gore are at its best ever but from what im hearing about the game its all hype and no actionsplinter cell series its ok
  7. yeah its true not to many peiople use that kind of layout unless they doing about bio about something ie a shrine for a character in a video game but other then that it loads fast, for me though graphics make or break a websiteto many and its just a porno website and lack of graphics tell something you skills reeks. you just need the right amount of graphics say like a header and used for highlights and menu navagation.
  8. yeah im with everyone else that is the crappiest design i have ever seen that guy should be shot for doing something like that
  9. only if i knew what the hell quantum physics was i would be well off but since my iq is like 2 i won't
  10. oh oh oh oh i have a suggesting don't bother using it p2p at all its took months to clean out my compute when using kazaa yeah i might get rream but hey FREE PORN
  11. due to the fact that i can't read german im hacing a problem installing its saying that im missing the php cli file using windows version
  12. don't know much the meta spider but with regaurds of putting it on every page its over doing it unless your website is specific about something in general especially if you running a online store and all that good stuff.
  13. why don't you people earn money the easy way get a job these money scams are just what they are scams really who would pay you to look at junk email its just another way to get your info so they can rob you of the money you do have
  14. well i was going to do the drums thing but after finding out that my cordination sucked i decided to stop yeah i could keep on practicing and get better but i have better things to do so to speak
  15. yeah they were some good game short though but good story and the best part of it 90 percent of the levels are random so you hours of adventure but he worse is leveling up sound excellent graphics sub par to what i play but its an ok game
  16. well the quick and easy answer for this first it would take time to set up the packages plus you need to be fluent in the language your installing and thats some work in its self plus if thier is a scripting error somewhere and that will take forever
  17. well of course its fake it that obvious why would microsoft email you their is no reason for them to do that plus microsoft don't know your email anyways so its pretty obvious that its a fake
  18. oh hell no who would want to by something thats hovers 1 inch if i want hover i like it to be 30-40
  19. well for one who would spend that kind of money to make something like that ME yeah their are a few ways but its expensive as the military
  20. im a beginner like yourself i just know where to go it gives me an idea what to work with when using php
  21. http://php.net/manual-lookup.php?pattern=http%3A%2F%2Fphp.net%2Fdownloads.phpphpbuilder.comphp.resourceindex.comhere〈=en&scope=404quickref are a few websites to use this should help you
  22. well right now i have dell desktop and compaq laptopfirst computer hp- it sucked big big big big big big somethingsecond computer gw2k-it was a little better it lasted for about 5 years i thinkfirst laptop gw2k-expensive paperwieght >:)and i would like to announc that im on my 3 harddrive for my laptop thats how hardcore i use it
  23. again 1 terabyte for email is like 100,000,000 for minimum wage for everyone in the world try to pull that off
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