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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. ie dawn of the internet till now firefox crapped out on me and opera blows
  2. yeah i wold have to say macro software is top notch dreamweaver is pretty good i use it for minor stuff but still good as usual
  3. Todays is were are going to do some text effects that should be interesting for some people, the first one we are going to talk about is the matrix scrolling text effect, if you seen the moives and about 99% of you have then you know about hte computer screens now you can do it. this is done in a 2 step process. STEP 1: Insert this script in the head tags STEP 2: instert this tag where ever you want for that cool effect The next dhtml script contains a little css but thats ok, this script lets you put your text in a vertical position and why would someone do this who knows but its still cool effect. This is also a 2 step process STEP 1: insert the following css script in your header or externel link STEP 2 insert this script in the body section of your website are next text effect script is kind of useful in some aspect its called glowing text effect this to is a 2 step process STEP 1 insert this css script into head tag STEP 2: insert the following span id tag to get it going and the final text effect we are going to show is another neon one which is very customizable so here is the script the next script we are going to talk about is a progress bar but due to the fact you need a external js fil i will show you the link that will tell you what to do click here for those who like to use iframes for small sites this script is a floating iframe and also you have the option of closing it like thos adds with the close here tag line STEP 1: insert script into the body and to close the floating iframe you use the following script and to end off our issue for today tabs, alot of sites are using the tab feature which actually help you make your site more presentable and their are so many ways to do i will just post the link to finish it up for the day PEACE!!!!! XP Click here for tab info
  4. its amazing how they attack msn and aim and not slam yahoo with viruses i seen the hacks but then their is the email viruses oooh
  5. if you have to restart your computer cuz it get slow that means that your computer is older then you or you just have to much stuff running at the same time. sometimes i leave on fora few hours with the screen off or i sut it down completly, i have to do that with my laptop due to the fact the battery gets super hot afer a few hours of being on and doing stuff on it.
  6. work in a brokerage firm to sell stocks and what not that how you can earn money right their
  7. actually i just thought about it you can save your ps1 games on the memory card you just won't be able to play it off that memory card duh i can't believe i forgot that.it simple start your ps2 with no disk and the memory cards go to memory card copy ps1 data and paste on the ps2 card and their you go i can't geruntee that it will work if you recopy and then paste it over again
  8. a penny for your thoughts talk about gettting rich quick scheme MUHAHAHA
  9. well out of pure boredom i found some more murpheys laws, funny that no one would try to make them a federal law hahaha but here we go i tell you murphey laws are maknig me depressed now no more
  10. funny i never heard of the game being talk about in local gaming magazines must be a new software team trying break out or something.
  11. at least 5-10 times a day just to check up on my army of course so no one can rob me of my stash and i do the posting of topics sometimes
  12. not bad design but who would pay 40 for it when then could do an equal or better design with the tools they have
  13. Todays issue we are going to talk about a bunch of good newbie stuff. The first is meta tags to make it easy use a generator, from my searches on the internet ther are soe many meta tags to use its not even funny but for those whoe like them is are the more common ones that are used for a website. also for a dynamic look using the meta this called page fading so to speak, what it does when you click on a link the website will fade for a duration of time to the next page on your site warning it doesn't do anything when you first click on the site i wont go into detail but this website that i have found has some useful info click here Next i will talk about decorating your forms by the use of cgi php or what not it can be customized an anyway possible the for i got set up here is example on to decorate a form in just html mind you just pay attention to the decoration part of this example as you can see this form is transparent into the background color of your website which is a cool i think. next we are going to talk about url or links to your website can't have a useful website without links well unless your just displaying pics and stuff but lets start off with the basics thats the basic link but wait their is more to it, you can be really surprised for the novice users and what you can do with links, for an example you can tell the link what to do when it is click on, like opening a new window another way to make your link dynamic so to speak is addind a description to like this this next link tip is useful for those who use FAQS on their website with process all the user has to do is click on the link and they are brought to that section of the website and to finish up you can do more with links using css scripts which makes it even better. well thats it for issue #3 look for many more issue to come on Xisto.com PEACE
  14. read eat sleep watch tv fornicate and play video games
  15. hey spawn you cannot save ps1 games on ps2 memory canrds and visa versa
  16. a few days ago i was watching the train wreck on the japanese news and when i was watching it they way they sounded it sounded like it happens everyday over there yeah i don't speak an ounce of japanse ONI SUKEBE but of course i might have misinterpreted it. yeah it was messed up if the guy live who drove the train i pull him out and then beat the crap out of him for speeding that and killing all those people and from waht i saw i guess a big named actress singer whatever was on the train to and got messed up good i think i don't know.
  17. again read the forums before posting this topic as been brought up several times i should know i answered everyone one of them IE STILL ROCKS.
  18. and plus the games get dull the hardest mode is to easy for its just lost its touch over the years nhl 98 was better but the way things go maybe they will do college hockey instead.
  19. yeah the only way you can get an opensource like windows if you work in microsoft and remember people watch what you say anyform of talk about hacking and all that good can constitute a ban here at the website one person already got banned for asking about serial numbers for programs so becareful
  20. just to let some of you know the word pygmies comes to mind, but yeah i did hear about it though but i question if its just remains of kids but dna testing can be done in different ways bone marrow works too but i thought i did see some hair on one of pics that they showed on tvand on the post about what makes them unique would be their age and possible how "small people" genes works but now im talking out of my butt so i will end it right there.
  21. wow i completely forgot what hte superman thing until i read the post the running epsiode i remember everything never really caught into it that deep well i only got the first 3 seasons on dvd but i will have to look out when i watch the reruns everyday and the words from the SOUP NAZI "pretty funny NO SOUP FOR YOU"
  22. again i like to say thats why xbox blows cuz to many programming problem hahahahaha
  23. you failed to mention if its coming to the us or its going to being euro and japanese only and knowing our luck here in the states we get the single color model hmm maybe if i can take it apart or spray paint it it would look so cool hmm.
  24. Well by the many views i have seen on my web design issues i should go into new territory, so im going start with some useful xhtml info for you web design fenatics, the info i present to you is from other websites so be warned it might or might not work all depends but lets start off with the basic info for using xhtml. Also this tutorial is for beginners so i won't be doing any xml info due to it being a more server side then actually webdesign 1. DOCTYPE this is used to tell the browser what kind of infomation it will be displaying. nothing as really changed from html 4.01. so here is the low down on the doc types 2.XHTML elements must be properly nested- which means that where the tag starts it should end the same way. look at the example and you know where im getting at 3.XHTML documents must be well-formed- this is simply saying that it begins with <html> and ends in </html> example 4.Tag names must be in lowercase-THIS IS SIMPLE DO NOT CAP YOUR TAGS LIKE THIS 5.All XHTML elements must be closed- if you start a tag you must also close even if it the worlds most complex design, so pay attention where your start tag begins or if you like me and want to validate your website it will come out as an error and then you have to figure out why or why is it not validated. 6. Empty Elements Must Also Be Closed- well to many of your disappointment the following tags must be closed as well as you can see it is now required to have alt tag in your image and need to be quoted which brings us to NUmber 7. IMPORTANT Compatibility Note: To make your XHTML compatible with today's browsers, you should add an extra space before the "/" symbol like this: <br />, and this: <hr />. 7.All vaules in your tags must be quoted or it will show up as an error on validation 8.Javascripting in xhtml for those who use javascripts in their website except those who are in the corprate world (php, asp, perl) javascripting change a little bit but not much, if you use css scripts or you actually used js files then you know what im talking about but if it something simple say for an example a clock, then you have to little cut and paste. The Problem with javascripting in xhtml from my understanding is that the programming is going to pop up errors no matter how hard you try to hack and slash to make sure nothing goes wrong its going to come out an error unless your a programming genius but anyways here are the steps for you novices out their i tried a few out i got it to work some didn't but it depends of on what your using for a javascript STEP #1 cut out the following tags in your javascript <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> and </SCRIPT> STEP #2 open a text file This is where the problem will start if your using javascripts that have 2 parts first part in the header and the second part in the body then about 90% of the time the javascript won't work so pick your scripts wisely STEP #3 copy and paste and save as date.js thats the easy part thier now just like css somewhat you have to comment the javascript as you can see here or it won't start. and the next easy part saving the txt file. for those who use editors it should show up as a js file but if your hardcore and use note pad make sure you save it using the .js or its not going to kick in. STEP #4put the following tag on your website now to finish off this process its as easy as 1234 steps . now you put this tag anywhere on your website and it should not conflict with your xhtmlm validation mind you it might not work if the script is 10mb long. their you have it you just made a js file for using xhtml formant and now to finish issue #1 the comment tag, we all now what it is but for those who just lost their mind here you go using that format is now invalid if your xhtmling they changed it quite a bit, don't see why but hey its programmin so here is what the new comment tag looks like
  25. so if i could blow hurrican size winds that means i can power mouse for centeries
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