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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well i d/l the books and they were pretty good , the only problem i have is the number 2 didn't really fit the story line at all but lucky for me im not a die hard fan of the series.
  2. Final fantasy 7-9 best ever the stories where not linear like ffx and ffx-2 and din't required to play online like ffx1. but 12 can be up there, we will soon find out about it once it hits stateside.
  3. instead of making money on the web how about getting a job that will actually garuntee you will actually will get the money.
  4. The Amry System 2.1 some of the heaviest compititon online wohoo
  5. well not to crush your hopes and dreams the book its self is complete bull i read a few pages and thats all it is, completely made up but with known locations and people.
  6. why change the design but i have feeling those are fake what kind of moron at sony would design controllers like that should be shot and fired.
  7. i havn't had any problems with the updates myabe its the fact that i have name brand computer that actually works.
  8. ok heres the problem i see with the shoe 1 the chip is in the shoe you going to running jumping skipping and hopping around you think after away the chip will start breaking apart from all the wear and tear of the shoe, i think its not worth the $250.
  9. im in total agreement i hate people that try to convert i think next time i will convert them to a beat down with my hands and feet, i don't that much about my religion that much but i believe all regilion is is pure bull**** like kiko says almost every religon is loosly based off of each other its just that the top 5 religions catholics, islam, protastant, jewish, hindu have pretty much wiped everything else out in the last 2000 years and in one way or another incorperated all the other religions into theirs.
  10. to help you with your question macromedia fireworks fade option
  11. the flight of the bumble bee, some mozart a little bach and some of vivaldi he got that speedy stuff.
  12. i like the progress the the series made but never really played them at all but i know about all the ups and downs this series had and if the movie people where smart don't make a third movie.
  13. i have to agree its a good series watch all 3 anime and got through the first 3 games i might start it up again and see how it acutally plays out even though i know the answer from the second anime that they came out with but overall it was a deep series.
  14. well what game would you be talking about their is a least a few million from crappy to excellent
  15. As of this printing of Saint-Michaels Tips and Tricks issues we have 364 hits which is think is pretty good for this website but to generate more views i guess if anyone has tips and tricks of their own they like to see featured on our tips and tricks issue contact me and let me know what you want added on.But today we are going to talk about html editors a web designer's friend for the most part going to list some of the top editors out there, and believe me they rrange from free to few hundred bucks just to use the software to design websites. so here we gofirst one up microsoft front page. need i say more well yeah i have to . Microsoft latest edition so to speak to software have brought some great stuff. and since microsoft likes to incorperate all their software for max effect then your business as a good setupFrontPage 2003 $199 US Order Update $109 US Macromedia Software, well i have to say its expensive, worth it depends on what kind of skills you have the software they have can help you with. Macromedia leans more towards design and special effects with their software most of it is graphical in sense you can make great pics and the use of flash make it even cooler.complete package $899 and $399 for the upgrade.next in our lineup is Adobe software. to make this quick nothing but graphical interface, pretty much all their software goes into make pretty pictures for the users website. Their latest product adobe cs 2 which combines pretty much everything but they do have web designing tools and server design programs and guess what you thought macromedia was expensive for the cs complete packageUS$1,199.00 and for the standard $899.But the problem i see with these editors is that you have to do everything and i mean everything from scratch but what if you have editors they came with preinstalled scripts- lavascript java applets dhtml and all they other dynamic stuff.well here you go. first up CoffeCup Editor team i would hae to say they are the next in line as one of the top 10 editors out there, you can do so much i can't list it all and the best part you can get it all free if you host from them yeah i say thats a good deal. and what better they are adding more stuff to the website which make it numero uno as one of the better dynamic html editors.Price range varies on what you want to getthe next dynamic html editor is 1 page 2000, coming from down under australia, i used this software before due to it being free and well hooked up to the sense they have preinstalled scripts that can help the novice web designers.well to finish up our special edition is everyones favorite NotePad its free and simplistic that 99% of the known designers use it. and its cousin NotePad++ adds a little more features.well their you go the top editors for the top designersPEACE!!
  16. who said anything about sandpaper handpainting it would achieve the same effect but of course i won't drop another 150 for ps2 thats to impulse i will be saving the ps3 and maybe they won't short change us on the color either this time.
  17. i know what your saying about contrasting the colors how can you go with a light color on that, yeah i did fix the img somewhat its more align to the background what would a suggested color be for the pic i have, i know i have alot of work to do on it doing some background stuff like forums and stuff like that the weekend i should have everything that i need
  18. well i figure out the problem with the pic i had to make just a little bit smaller plus i had to readjust the div tags thank god for them so it would fit right, about content still working all the dirty stuff. yeah i know my artistic tlaent blows but what can you do get better at yeah but believe me i would be wasting time keep on posting about what you think of the intro design.
  19. thanks im going to change the image to jpg and the text and a little more on the intro page
  20. again why would people try to get these ppc or search email programs due to the fact your practically given your life story them and when they have enough customers well they will close their site and then use your info for something dirty
  21. Season 4 comes out may 17 and i saw the superman of the refrigerator WOOOHOOO
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