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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Just got a call in Bostin say i have a herniated disk in my lower back funny its taken 4 month to find out what was wrong and that pisses me off.but i thought i let some of you wonderful people know since im a prestigest member here in Xisto.comI take all donations of monatary value preferably $50 and $100 bils even though the sergery i will be getting is free goign to need the money for food drugs and ROCK & ROLL.but in a;ll serious though goign to be talking to a sergeon in august most likly get in october after goign to a cousins wedding and play vegtable for a couple of months.
  2. My Webpage i finally finished it my latest design xhtml style took some long hours to fix errors resize images and do the coloring but now i can start to propery put my images in a good site. none of the links are working but thats ok a couple of days i will have the image and download sections up looking for people to advertise my site and to advertise their site. pm if you would like to do this the infomation is on the page on what you need.
  3. but your name would be immortalized though. ooh ever think about that.
  4. yeah if you go to some of these gfx sites are stuff looks like a 3 year old did it. Thus that is why i am called the master of the sig well at least on this site i tried some of my stuff on gamerenders and hell not one comment ***thanks johnny**but anyways you will all be surprised this weekend i should have about 15-20 sigs ready for all of you to drool on MUHAHAHAHA.
  5. johnny you hurt my feelings again what johnny said you did but you go to work on the font change the color to something lighter. but the brushing just got better too keep up the good and soon you will be as good as me ***EVIL LAUGH***
  6. as usual a 10 but...... oh wait never mind.
  7. problem with the flag is that it was cut like that but going to make the image just a little bigger for people to see plus imgoing to get rid of the border so my tech border will look better
  8. ok so it should reset to zero on july 1st then ok thats all i need to know
  9. well everyone we are on the run now i just saw this and had to post.
  10. just thinking about it now, how much is it to add additional bw to a website here?
  11. just curious correct me if im wrong. is bw alotted per month or for the whole hosting account?
  12. i give it a 6 and i will tel you why brushing need to be worked on i can tell the repeating brushing. the font need to contrast with it i barely can see it myself. yeah work on a border 3px black 2 px white 1px black is usually.com also sie doesn't really mater unless you pop out 800x600 sigs which is not need good size that me and other sig makers have done 400x125 is usually a good size cuz it gives lots of room to work with in brushing fonts and renders as well.
  13. yeah just now when i went to my favorative wrestling site lordsofpain.net they went down for the first time and when i notice the plan this is what i got 100 years come on who would register a domain for 100 years me of course but when i look aup my name .com .net and .org gone but anyways thats like $1000.00 a century yeah i see microsoft would but they have unlimited hosting. 100 years hmmmm.
  14. pretty much what they said iwork on the quality not quanity of oyur posts and once you have achieve 15-20 quality posts then try again. its that easy.
  15. yeah i would agree that w3 is good place to start but to get in the good stuff try out html tips and tricks in your search bar and you will get some good stuff also i have a good deal worth of html on t17 for html css dhtml javascript and xhtml as well.
  16. the link still works right now im looking at other major sites for render downloads that are zipped
  17. hmmm not that i know of the only way that can be done if someone saved the image on the computer then open it up might be some php or javascripting in it but i am not to sure about it
  18. ***doing the beavis laugh*** you said poop ***doing the beavis laugh***
  19. try differnt colors see how it comes out, well the borders could do a little teching themselves
  20. oooh im going to go all over this one i think this will be my longest post on sig making ever okSig 1- fix the font color is kind of bad try to blend colors into the font. now with the render use the wand tool to delete the white spaces around it, or but the image under everything else to get rid of it. also workon your brushing the chrome looks tacky with it. add a border to 3px black 2px white 1px blackSig 2- render looks awful, no need to strech it out, font work on it a bit color looks ok just change the font style, also do a little brushing to it and i also recommend feathering the image instead do that background that you did with the black.Sig 3- stop relying on the chrome rendering its tacky unless you do it properly look at my early sigs on how i did that, also the image looks choppy i recommend thanks to johnny is edit>transform>scale the image make sure to click on the link it will auto size the render for you. feathering looks ok. font work on it as usally make it smaller maybe.Sig 4- work on the font and brushing feather looks good the render looks good adda border to it.Sig 5- font again, add a border i think i see some repeat brushing, work on that again reders look good except they look choppy.Sig 6- font brushing border render looks goodSig 7- font, brushing, color, borderSig 8- ok border, font, brushing, render looks bad try to use that transform technique also when you do a pop up sig make sure the file is using transparency and that you save it as a png to make it blend with the back ground again look at my sigs.Sig 9- pretty much what i said about 8 and the renders look good.Sig 10- brushing looks good except your repeating the brushes color looks good again work on the font and maybe add a border to itSig 11- what i said on 8ok scores are 1-3/102-2/103-4/104-4/105-4/106-3/107-3/108-1/109-2/1010-5/1011-3/10need alot of work i suggest you start with burshing techniques but downloading tons of brushes and work on them then work with the color on them use ctrl+U layer> adjust layer> color. the renders look ok but you have work on resizing them so they don't come out choppy remember edit>transform>scale the image also with the borders some onf them look better with them use the 3px black 2px white and 1 px black keep looking at tutorials follow the steps to them and you will get better on the font its a matter of taste i suggest /l like 15-20 different fonts and work with them.note=phews thats alot of typing
  21. looks ok i get rid of the blue maybe
  22. not to bad but change the font it so small makes me want to go blind
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