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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well I just saw it and I have to say it puts the first 4 to shame just the way the acting was and the story as well. Won't say to much about the special effects cause we already know what 20 years will do.
  2. after writing 10 pages worth of junk for class I needed a break. Plus this one looked a little weak in the entries as well.
  3. Well for those who read the book and did not think outside the box this book was more then a story it was a fact of life.This story delt with the great depression and how pretty much everyone had to live, drifting the roads trying to find a way to survive with little food, little water and rags for clothes and of course having that dream that they can live the good life after suffing through this great depression.In this case this story had to deal with difficult decisions and sacrafices George had to make especially with Lennie. So not to ruin the book completely I won't tell you which ones they are.I wouldn't be bashingg reat books like this, cause it was based on truth and who knows another great depression could happen. It has happen 3 times in the history of the USA and with the 1929 depression being the hardest hit. The other 2 was 1984 and we almost had a scare in 2001 when the stock market fell hard. Also if another one was to hit the whole world would be in chaos since everyone is tied into US currency.So insteading of saying its boring book I read into it a bit more and you will see the true suffering people had.
  4. well I had to clear my head on school work so I thought I post up a sig nothing to fancy just something i guess.
  5. well I had to clear my head on school work so I thought I post up a sig nothing to fancy just something i guess.
  6. I consider this my best layout design ever, I would have put more effort into it but I'm done designing so I consider this my Half completed work of art in the gfx world. The header alone took the longest had to get the settings just right for it, the content box took the next longest time but one the first one was completed it was easy street from their.
  7. Well after some serious contimplating and junk, I won't be on as much anymore, school is one of the reasons, but more importantly I see my skills at a designer pretty much get flush down the toliet, I spend valuable hours (not just on this site) helping people out and most of the time they do stupid stuff and I see it get toss away and think to myself WTH. I been in the game to long without producing anything worth of value and of course with all the crap that goes online whats the point when some @SS decides to hack your site for kicks and ruin months or even years worth of work. In terms of GFX Crew and what goes down there Avalon you have my spot as head of the crew, my design skills are noob at best so basically I could say what I tell people to help improve their gfx skills is meaningless really since I rarely do sig's anymore except for a sotw entry. I can't really say I am a guru at all a poser maybe but not guru. I did have somewhat a treat for Xisto since it 2 year anniversary is coming up in 3 days, but I stopped working on it I'll post a image of what I got done on it I would consider it one of my best looking designs of all time with a little bit more time and design, I think it would have gotten its approval by most everyone but meh. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png My legacy as a member will live on as long as trap is around, but my online legacy won't so peace out.
  8. Well Let me be the first to say congrats to Xisto/opaque for hitting the 2 year mark, You done what most free hosting sites couldn't do and that was stay open for as long as you have.June 11, 2004 First Member and First Post Done By OpaQueSo let the Party Begin.
  9. that is a interesting render, trying to pin point the game its on.
  10. well thats what I did with the brush pack I have on my filefront account I had thousands of them but of course most of them are cs and up so you pretty much have to have CS2 to use them. heres the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. It will be a year now since I hosted the first download pack of renders for people to use in their sigs, templates, wallpapers and more. of course on other sites I had many fights about it and what not, but I guess when you have renders that are easier to download instad of spending hours saving them on individual pages it would make sense.So thanks for Downloading them and what not also if you have a bunch of renders that you have made and have a pack in zip or rar let me know and I upload them to the site for other people to enjoy.
  12. interesting game it took about 6 minutes to figure this one out, that some sweet programming though that was done for this I only could imagine what it was like to do this the hard way.
  13. well heres the situation a aquaintence of mine from another forum is need of some help, he would like some people to design maps rpg style. They have to be done by scratch meaning the maps can look anyway you design them. the maps will be flat like your looking down at them. Here is the info that I was giving. example of one I know it isn't much detail but with the members we have that are addicted to video games and rpg it might help out a little. This of course is being done on other sites as well so I will keep you updated when and if these are done from other locations. TEXT: name of the city and or country. COLOR: whatever looks good SIZE: 600x600 for the cites 1000x1000 ( to show the countries that are bordered with each other) please direct all your questions to Kiriranshero by pming him and not to me since I'm doing this post as a favor.
  14. yeah i can vouch for that, Skill means squat in this forum . But that is a interesting design though, we shall find out soon though.
  15. actually its a golden rule that alot of people follow you earn the position asking to be a mod at least on this forum is a bad idea since we judge people by what they do here on the forum and such.Of course their are some situations that maybe warrent the on the spot mod job (not here). Websites that are brand new and you contribute alot at the beginning or you have very good connections with other people that are starting a brand new site/forum and looking for help.But if ask to get a mod position with a forum that been up for awhile then you have a long road ahead to be even thought of for a mod spot.
  16. I used a c4d render for background detail this is a renderless sig. Since putting in a render would actaulyy kill this sig.
  17. this one is a little better, I agree with the green turn it the blue you have going on with this template.@Avalon, with the number you could do the tree dropw down menu effect wit ha possible combination of the hot key as well which would look interesting with this one.I would say out some detail into the side bars, since they are mostly for show. Should be interesting what this looks like completed.
  18. to answer your question google will cache your redirect, from this post I saw on another site so, I would drop the redirect page altogether as well.But like tyssen said rethink it, I have found alternatives for javascript that can be done in css.But a small suggestion what javascripts do you plan on running?
  19. just a slight remind if your going to be sending the adult type renders do them through pm and do not post them.
  20. Well I thought I tried something new when doing vector sigs I think this came out fairly well after doing alot of trail and error stuff to it.
  21. yeah the rust shows it, best bet is to read up on tutorials again, especially the text. But your spider man does look ok.
  22. they are against law at lease in the us everywhere else who knows I think Japan and parts of europe have that same law. You can have the emulators but not the roms themselves. the 24 hour rule is bogus since roms are illegal. PLus I seen what a ps, xbox and ps2 rom size look like those are huge.So just a friendly remind any posting of links or downloads and you will get your posting suspended.
  23. Well thats a problem that I see with websites now a days its pretty hard to think of original content with you have 5000 other sites doing the same thing. I'm trying to figure out how people do it thats my question.But yeah I would complete the whole site before applying and basically make sure your site doesn't fall into the illegal stuff.
  24. going to close the request since this memeber has not been active since this request as been made.
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