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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Doubt that and no I wasn't paying attention to the extra's. But anyways $120 mil opening weekend is kind of below standard really, They better take another big load of case this week or this movie will be consider a flop since X2 made little over $214 mil. So the producers better pray no one has seen the bootleg versions yet (HAHAHAHAHA). But if They take in about $80-$100 mil then she should be fine. All depends how much that movie cost to make. btw what happen to NIGHT CRAWLER? he should have been in the third movie. Just know looking at the List they sure left out alot of xmen in the crew Jubilee-the girl that played would be about the same age as the actors playing iceman, rouge. Gambit- Come one I heard someone was going to be playing him from the beginning. I like to know where Psylocke was in this movie. Now thinking about it X3 ruin the xmen universe. Their better be a ton of stuff on the dvds or I will scream.
  2. Well if you look a little closer you will notice alot of render topics in the resources section and also if you look at the pinned topic I made about render pack downloads you can get them there as well. But to make the process go a little quicker here is the link. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/30950-saint-michael-official-render-package-forum-updates/ Also moving this topic to questions/queries forum.
  3. Well if the movie theatre is out, at least do the dinner thing and maybe rent a movie and hang out at your place his place her place :wink: :wink:. I was going to agree on some points with anwiii but that all changed afte reading that post. The time limit thing, don't you as the guy set the time limit to the date. That is bad mojo right there, she might think you have more important things to do then get to know her. At the most let "guy" or his date or her set the time to end it for the day. But if Its getting like real late and you do have to work tomarrow then you mention that you have to get going don't even lie about it or you will ruin what you already have started on msn. Don't even follow that, be honest with her and tell her your shy guy and she will understand for all you know she could be the same way as well., saying what that anwiii mentions makes it sound cheap and your trying ot get in her pants the easy way. Its true talking online and talking in person or on the phone are different, But if you want a legi relationship you have to do the person to person. The computer will only get you so far in a relationship. The only thing I really agree with anwiii is the talking thing, but to change it up just a bit let the conversation flow, it all has to do with timing rush to soon and she will think you don't care what she says, not answering after awhile and she will think your not even listening or thinking about getting in her pants again. You want somewhere in the middle. You being shy will have some advantage but after awhile that shyness will wear off and your conversations should be fluid after that. But those are only suggestion don't treat them as the bible, use the info and try to incorporate it into your situation and who knows something good will come out of it. Besides the getting into her pants, thats just a bonus of being honest with yourself and her. Trying ot be a player will not work no matter who does it and says it works girls who fall into that image are Ho's (using the best word for that). But the best advice I can give that people should follow is "BE YOURSELF".
  4. Well I would suggest googling Flash Tutorials that will help out a little bit. Also check out pixel2life.com they have a extension db of tuts for anything needed to design in flash.Also its not true that flash and photoshop make a website popolur it helps out a little bit, But it all has to do with how to code it properly and optimize the coding as well.
  5. well its always good to see a long time member back in the game, But wouldn't your post be consider spam since it boardlines the oneliner rule???Anyways now I don't have to worry about Albus being hte only one sending me pms about spam posts and stuff.
  6. first things first how the hell is that even possible with thee cooking oil? I just don't see how that is even possible with all the circuts and junks. Thats just insane. Wonder how much money they spent cooking that idea up (if you don't get that so sad).instead of spending hours looking at how its done someone explain in if I was an idiot. How does the water travel through the system. From the looks of the pictures its keeping the metal cool am I close to that assumption?Cause I don't see how putting water on the circut boards and the chips will help it function properly.
  7. well its hard to tell how long have you been doing sig design?its noobish at best, to bright/contrasted, no border, the color doesn't stand out much, render is monotone as well along with no blending either.Background is flat, need to add depth to it with your brushing. The font at least fits the size of the sig.So you need some work I suggest reading up on some gfx tutorials we got here to help you improve.
  8. to explain it a tad better do the following steps1. Go into phpmyadmin2. Select your DB that you want to drop3. Now looking at the tabs its the last one on the right and click it4. Select Yes and your set.
  9. pretty much what he said, just read up some the simple stuff and then combine for greater effects.
  10. even though its a very basic animation, their no real flaws to it, its smooth animation.But with everything else with the sig needs work. To contrasted, brushing needs work, color needs work, text is so-so but still needs work. Well the render and the effects you put on for this sig are ok, but it still needs work.I would suggest start reading the tutorials from this site and then expand on tutorials from other sites.
  11. going with johnny on this one.Sig 1. Background is a bit plain could use some sort of better background to it, brushing and depth. With the lens flare best thing to do is put that layer up top and then smudge that layer to bring out some better lighten to it. Text could be better as well. Like the outline you gave the render.Sig 2. You have a good start with this sig, but the background lacks depth to it, since you just slap on the lens flare and didn't do any smuding or layer properties to bring out the c4d render to its fullest. Text works well with it.@johnny yes the render is from POP 2.Sig 3. it looks like you starting smudging from the looks of hte background, but their is more to smudging then just smudging. You want to try out different filters to bring it out and also you want to work on smudging hte render as well. In which it takes a few layers to blend it properly.Like I tell everyone keep on reading up on tutorials.
  12. well you picked up the basics fairly well, I agree text is ok, just have to work on brushing and render blending just a bit. Text though good could be better don't rely on the outh glow effect all the time try out different stuff for text effects.With the use of the pixel stretch background you have to do a combination of light and dark brushing to bring out the color and yet still kep it blended.
  13. agreed pretty much to what was said. (like the render though--that was done by me XD)-well he doesn't have to make it wider he would have to shorten the hieght of the sig to 120-125px at the most.-it needs a some more brushing.-needs a bit more color.-needs a border.Put it like this it needs to be redone, I suggest read on some of hte tutorials we have posted on the site and other tutorials that you know of on other gfx sites.
  14. this one looks a bit better from the previous, but what throws it off is the blur you put to it. From what I seen on other sites rule of thumb never filter the render your going to vector, just the background.Keep working at it.
  15. its not bad, but some things could be fixed on it though. For instanced:The render should be under the border.Text opn the right could be a little more broader.Could use a tad of soft grunge brushing as well to help add some depth to it.I give it 7/10
  16. not bad, not bad at all, it looks like you have the grunge brushing down fairly well, Need to work on render blending a bit (2,3,5)and the text as well.Now with the 4th one it seems incomplete, due to the lack of background it as I would suggest downloading some vector brushes and use them to help spice it up a bit.But with 5 its bit to dark best thing to do is try out some lighting techniques to help lighten it up a bit. With the render though it looks like it wasn't resized properly.Best thing to do is read up on tutorials to get better.
  17. its not bad by the looks of it you just started doing this type. Just have to fine tune it a bit, get some of the rough edges out of it and work on the coloring just a bit more and then you should be set.
  18. @iwuvcookies thats what im being told on gr thats who she is.Well I wasn't searching for porn their was just alot of it in the mix. XD@trace-uk well if you notice closely it was computer enhanced just a bit.
  19. well its was a bit of a twist from the original phoenix saga, she was evil but that didn't last long and she was able to control, this version she was totally evil and had no control, would have liked to have seen the bird itself that would have been cool though.But the ending though makes me wonder. of course rumors were going around during X2 that a wolverine movie was in the works, but havn't heard to much about that though.
  20. This week's SOTW will be vector sigs its been awhile since we did one so here we go. Sig size: 300x100-350x150 Brush Style: Vector Render: freestyle Text: Your name Other effects: anything you want Due Date: June 3rd 1st Place-50 Credits 2nd Place-25 Credits 3rd Place- 10
  21. New Rules to be added.Since we are now adding hosting credits as prizes here are hte nuew rules to be followed1. Any one can enter the sotw to recieve credits for a prize.2. Any non-hosted member that wins a prize should remember that if they apply for hosting their credit level will be reset to 2 credits. This means some credits won here could be wasted when/if they apply for hosting. Also it would be a good idea to have at least 10 good posts before entering so you won't have any problems applying for hosting.
  22. this weeks sotw winner ashy congrads you wll recieve your tab and your prize shortly.
  23. sad thing I found this in mixed with about 600 porn pics XD.
  24. this is my first live render its not to bad with what I did with it a its a little pixelated and stuff but still its not to bad.
  25. I have to go with experiance can't believe mine didn't get in .
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