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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Also the best advice I could give is make the form yourself go to pixel2life.com they have tutorials on about almost everything for forms like security, mysql and php.So check them out, Cuz most of the time those form generator screw you over in terms of proper coding, the form actually being sent and all that.
  2. heres the website I'm applying to http://www.optimapc.com/ It's a Local business they do online game, web design, network solutions and all that other geek stuff, what really sad is the lack of online games they have I have more games in my case then they do. Maybe the Guru can convince them to set up FFXI Online.On a side note i should be sleeping it almost 2am told them was able to come in around 1 130 pm (have to watch the niece sometimes).
  3. Well this is Hot news at least for me. But Since Im at a nice happy High I post it here and then move it later.I just got a Job Interview first one I actually got since I been out of the army getting Fat (literally I gained 40lbs due to that stupid surgery) at a local web designing/gaming place near were I live, going for the interview later this afternoon (its midnight now) ( should be sleeping XD). I put in my resume what I know and were to go since most people know that I know alot of places to and such mind you only thing lacking is good memory. To much to remember but hey I will be honest with them and such, and not impress them with big words like "THE" and "IT". Listed sites that I did (gfxtrap.com)(my trap account)(another gfx site), actually now forgetting about one but hey they just seen a few. Plus it coming in on the weekend for all I know I could Start Monday or tuesday !!!Only problem I have and its more like one of my personal issues, trying to do good qork without BSing it.Well I find out so WISH ME LUCK!!!!!
  4. I like to make a little correction there are 4 ways to install a virus, you mention 2 the other 2 our websites and Hacking as well. Both follow the stuff you mention. Also a nice liitle quote to remember if its to go to be true then its a virus.
  5. I have to laugh at that sorry if you havn't been paying attention for the last 6 years thats what we are doing right now, but more in terms of throwing it away for no reason. @Truefusion, that maybe true in christian lore but it is never mentioned in the bible or at least the catholic and lutheran versions at least. @Cerebral Stasis, to expand on that just a bit further you could use gravity wells to help stablize the space stations as well. to keep it boyant per say. But then the problem would lie in how to prevent space rocks from punching a hole in them and pretty much destroy it. Yes i agree greed is preventing us from going anywhere. But I think people will change once all our natural resources of energy are gone and that being Oil. I also had this thought, I'm curious as to what nasa doesn't sling shot Satellites from the poles and see what happening above and below us they usually slingshot them left or right. Well the Freak even for earth was the Big Bang, That theory has the most evidence that it did happen. BUt though I have feeling though that the whole universe was big bang and then during the course of millions of years smaller big bangs happen and thus here we are today. Also I just read on yahoo a couple of days ago that Triton (neptunes moon) could have been part of the suns orbit a few million year ago since the rotation between triton and neptune is kind of strange and not normal for most rotations between 2 objects. Meaning it just takes enough gravity to rip something apart. But leeleelee post on Hawkins question brings on another question, are we expanding universe or are we limited. Remeber we all thought at one time that our solar system was the center of the universe until technology proved us wrong. But we as humans are limited ot how far we can see in the universe as well. Who knows theri could be some force preventing us from going beyond out solar system.
  6. I rmember the price tag for the system being at $900 for the system, But yeah I'm with you I would be surprised if they did stay at the $50-$55 area. But of course I'm getting older and should stop playing games less but what thell i keep Playing until my hands fall off, even my kids (when that days comes).
  7. heres your request If you want he psd hit me up on yahoo or something and i can send it to you.
  8. He's referrom to Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter and not hte game suckes 3 hours to beat the game only thing useful is online play and that it. But if you want a better version I guess is the Xbox 360 version other then that the game is not all that good in actually game play sounds is ok graphics are so so and could be alot better should had some movies in it as well to help out with the storyline but nope.
  9. request fulfilled also send a pm as well to give him his sig as well.
  10. the border looks ok but the scanlines ruin the background and the text set up isn't good either lower the opacity to the scanlines a bit to see the background more.
  11. I might just by the system and then wait for hte big games to come out of course nothing hasn't been mentioned about the price tag for the games either I have a feeling though they wil be $60 a pop.
  12. Zab wins this again nice animation albus your sig need more.Zabb [3]Albus [1]
  13. Im going with albus, just due to the fact that the background is easier to see and the same with the text as well.Ash you border was nice but the scanlines hur the background that you made.
  14. Heres a trailer for MGS4 and my god this game is going to be awesome but what kind of future is it though, I see the post apocalypse happening but dunno. so heres the trailer http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Its coming out next year, the gfx are awesome the sounds going to be awesome and my knowledge of the metal gear games the game play is going to be awesome.
  15. Already in the works the full title is Final Fantasy XIII: Fabula Nova Crystallis. But heres the best part 3 games will be made under the XIII name. Thats alll I know so far from what has happen at E3 so far I keep you up to date as time goes by. Some Images seen so far First Official Trailer to FF XIII http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. Well It Official at this years E3 Sony reaveal hopefully the last updates to the Specs of PS3.
  17. Saint-Michael vs Avalon First to 7 wins. Saint-Michael:0 Avalon:0
  18. That pretty much sums it up, sports is what really runs school, but in term of scholarships they do have them for other things besides sports, you have to do alot of research a school counselor would be your best source of info.But its not as easy to maintain a sports scholarship, it would be a matter of priorities.Look at the whole duke situation they are losing millions right now due to this field hockey scandle.
  19. they both work and they look like clean designs as well. But if your going to compete with other webhosts I drop the spalsh page and use the space to put all the info you can about hte hosting plans you offer or you will be coming up short for customers.
  20. yeah it was a new sql injection by exploiting the xss loop hole and we got tag thats what this upgrade is pretty much for.
  21. like the background but I think the render or at least the face is to dark for it. text is ok.
  22. welcome to the site, you near south park?? enjoy your stay make sure to read up on the rules and what not to get yourself aquainted with the site and go ahead and do some posting.
  23. Colocation Hosting Definition Dedicated hosting. that should help you, But basically if your servers are in a bad location you can move to where someone can watch them for you.
  24. the db's should be back up now. Will keep this post open just in case.just a reminder everyone make sure a topic has not already been started with it concerns downtime and errors, Don't need 10 topics on the same thing.
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