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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. though a bit small its good text could be a bit better though.
  2. though it looks a bit better it just more planet like then sun look should try to smooth out the details a bit.
  3. actually this sig rocks it has what most people fail at and that is depth. just need to work on the focal point a bit.
  4. thought the colors are nice the background and render kind of contrasting with each other a bit. maybe smooth out hte background a bit to appeal to the render.text could be better as well.
  5. wow talk about this being a popular thread.But to comment on some of the postscomparing depthcore to sigs is bad example due to the fact that they deal with large more detail designs mostly c4d work. You could only campare sigs with sites like gamerenders, charmed arts and chaos gfx.though some people are natural talent doesn't mean they have the right to straight up bash someone elses designs. I seen that alot of big sites with people who think they big and bad cause they been doing it for years or whatever.no its not wrong to copy other ideas that how most of the sotw that I did got done.But to comment on the design the only thing hurtying this is he lack of depth to the background work on some lighting techniques and it will look a bit better.
  6. its got that grunge look but the background needs some depth maybe give it a focal point some where to give that depth look to it.
  7. its not bad should have smoothed out the blackoutline to it to make it look smoother and maybe some detail lines to give a full look to it.
  8. i it looks good just needs some smudge blending and a little depth to the background as well.
  9. even though haslip has answered your question what ways were you trying to delete your folder?
  10. well to fix the confusing this topic I had posted this is to show what it looks like the psd is used for the gfx crew to use to edit for the sotw here.Of ocurse anyone else can use it for their site as well.
  11. topic bump just to let everyone know that its up and running again.
  12. Well I suddenly got a inspiration to design and instead of going through the head of designing the site I used a template from a guy that I know. But besides that here is what has been done so far. Right now its mostly cosmetic in terms of adding our content and stuff. so im taking my sweet time with the content and stuff also on top of that with school going on as well. So it gives me time to think about the design and what to put into it and of course before adding any new pages to the site make sure the first page is completely set up. right now using my site to test everything out to make sure not to break the design and what not. so here the new look. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. thought it was time to give the tab a new look gfx crew members go ahead and download the attachment file with the psd in it so you iwll be able ot change the text.
  14. sotw #45 will open on saturday 12 am east coast usa.
  15. Well I thought i change it up and make it extremely challanging. Sig size: 100x300 Brush type: free style Render: a comic strip example: Text: none effect: free style
  16. god mode never exisited for super mario bro's especailly the brick braking that was seen.
  17. i just can't describe, I think it was a game hack (meaning the programming was changed but if that is true skill that someone found this all i have to say is HOLY COW!! watch this video http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. Just saw it in the previews all i have to say is live freakn action baby wooohooo, and like the they gave it was a complete teaser. heres one of many teaser trailers to come as well. /transformersmovie?_fb_noscript=1. All I have to say is when everyone saw the trailer and from the sites i visted everyone was in a uproar of waiting for this movie to come out. I can't wait either they got partial cast so far but they don't list the voice actors for the robots yet
  19. just got back from seeing it, the movie was sold out for the 6:30 show but someone had an extra ticket and people like idiots sood there with their friends saying lets catch the 9:00 showing.ALL I HAVE TO SAY this move is @$$@%@$ awesome can't wait for number 3 to come out. If you all have nothing else better to do go see this movie it is freakin awesome.
  20. I made this sig to test out to see if different resolutions would make it screwed up in anyway. My computer standard is 1920x1200 due ot the widescreen that I used. But for me when I set it to 1024x768 it goes all fuzzy on me. So besides the sign design itself does the picture come out crisp like it should be? so anyone at a 1024x768 monitor tell me if it looks like it should if I did it on that resolution.
  21. dj your entry will be accpeted in this weeks sotw but make sure to check the rules and also save your psd as well so any changes you need to make can be done.
  22. Well as I was updating and reinstalling everything on my computerm i came across microsoft ie7 browser since i was going to update it anyways and notice that beta 3 was out all i can say its more stabled and alot faster i think also the interface is a bit more organized as well. They brought down some of the icons to the tab bar so the the menu options are not taking up a huge amount of space up top.but other then that it's comign along nicely i think being somewhat updated and with a cleaner look as well.
  23. don't dl that pack if its not from microsoft then don't download it also those files are for running the update program to windows update so you don't need to have them installed.those sp 3 fixes are mini hacks most likly but since vista is coming out a valid sp3 for xp won't be coming out.
  24. Since I have a 2 week break I thought I take some time and design this sig it doesn't look to bad especially with the sprite image that I used
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