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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I would hae to say luck, but i bet if you install a anti virus program now your computer is loaded, you may not see cause its behind the scense kind of stuff. So I would check it to make sure.
  2. Jsut got back from the movies and I have to say desptie what hte critics say this moive wasn't to bad yeah some stuff should have stayed and talk about dark over tone of this moive. BUt after seeing the ending to it I could see Xmen 4 in the works.
  3. well if I can master the art of cutting her hair then maybe.
  4. ok then so I won't comment on it till then just a side don't put png in the gallry or it won't look right. :)Buy from what I can see it doesn't look to bad, but that could be just be the black background so I have to look at the clean version later.Well now to finish it I say its not a bad cut you blurred up some spots of the render but from my point of view its not bad of a cut just keep working at it.
  5. well in order to get a ad free ipb forum you need to purchase it at invisionpower board, They cost $180 to purchase the current version which is 2.1.6 or you can purchase the the $70 board version which is 1.3.This site provides web hosting not purchasing forums, you can have your forum hosted on here with no ads that we can do. But if you have a invisionfree board you have to pay to pay them to get your information to be move from forum to forum.
  6. they need a little more work, like more background detail, maybe a tad bit of brushing and some lighting work to it as well. (thats for both of then)your second sig, the render should be more blending in then overlayed like that. You stuck with the theme of the matrix text could be a bit better though as well.Keep at it and read up on tutorials.
  7. I been using smart ftp for the longest easy interface, easy login set and other stuff thats needed. I havn't had any real problems using it.
  8. I would say the background is on a good start could use some lighting work to bring it out a bit and maybe smooth it out with soft grunge to make it less busy as well., text could be a little better.
  9. that first one is a sick design, nice smuding and the coloring as well. but hte text could be better as well.The other ones are ok they need some work here and there.
  10. thanks and itsmyard it takes pratice to use these techniques just keeping working at it.
  11. what sad I had to explain this sig, its amazing how people cannot think outside the box on something like this sig especially.
  12. well its cleaner but you need ot make more dynamic, like hte buttons to a image rollover to change them up, make your banner smaller.Also make the copyright info just a bit bigger, making it that small means your hiding something, Its not bad to have it showing.also in your images put alt="" in it you have 16 errors on that alsoreplace <br> with <br /> tha1t should take care of at least 5 more errors.also you CSS IS VALIDATED so thats good to know)Also you should make your content have maybe more stuff in it as well.other then that its a big improvement over your old one.So did you ever make those changes I sent you or did you pick up a new one?.Also I would drop the splash page since your site is small "literally" and just stick with building it up from there.
  13. @johnny all I can say dumb luck and stupidity. Most of it had to do with smuding and layering really.
  14. it almost looks like you did that in ms paint, i say its colorful, but needs more work to it. 4/10 RATE THIS SIG---
  15. this a new one I Did took about a hours worths of work to do, again text destroys it but I think the outcome came better then I expected, most of it was trying stuff out.
  16. I clear this up since it space theme it falls under everything that is related to it, sci-fi, outer space itself, aliens and other non earth stuff. my entry
  17. its ok at a noob level, but it need ssome work. lighting effects could help this a bit and it needa bit more depth as well.Also you have alot of open space as well, render blending is ok ut could better as well.
  18. what dragonfly said but to give it a bit more detail.Create These Folders-images-videosBut everthing in there that corresponds with those 2 foldersthen put the following in your coding: /images//videos/Also if you want a faster make sure to to use proper coding as well which leads me to another point. If you have DW8 use the validator it will help you out alot I clocked your site with 113 errors ran it through my validator and got you down to 28 errors in which you would be down to 7 errors cuz when you use xhtml with images you have to have a alt tag or it comes up as an error.Also I recommend using this site often as well. wc3.org with helping you clean your coding up and spotting errors an such.What Im going to is pm you with the cleaner coding mind you will have to change a few things since I had to download it off the computer so you have to change some urls around and such. It shouldn't be to hard to figure what you need to change, But it cleans up your site up a bit more.
  19. well after some time coding the template thanks to true the main page to the new template is up its a bit more colorful and user friendly up to what has been done to it so far hopefully as the days go by it can even be more dynamic and stuff. here is a preview link to the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ What I like about it is that its a bit more colorful then our current template and make it more dynamic and forum friendly. would like to suggestion and comments how what cool dynamic stuff could be added that I havn't thought of yet.
  20. This topic is only for the gfx crew anyone else caught posting here it will be deleted along with credits reduce from that post.GFX Crew Make your post and then each time you complete a tutorial edit your post of that tutorial with the link in it so we know which ones are done so no one Makes another copy of it.Once your 10 tuts are completed zip them and send them to me on yahoo or msn messenger.side note: I do my own tuts (11)
  21. your best bet for great free templates is http://www.oswd.org/ the best part about these are some sweet designs that are coded perfectly, mind you, you might have to code stripping ot adjust to your liking but it gives you a good idea on how to have a perfect coded site. or if you want you could design your template in straight gfx or flash.
  22. dude believe everyone has been in that situation before, best thing to do is take one step at a time, plan it all out and let it be a smooth transitition.
  23. this is directly from the source code <style type="text/css"><!--.form label {width:4em; float:left; display:block; margin-right:0.5em; text-align:right}.form .submit input {margin-left:4.5em}.form input {font-weight:bold}.colours input {color:#781351; background:#fee3ad; border:1px solid #781351}.colours .submit input {color:#000; background:#ffa20f; border:2px #d7b9c9 outset}.form fieldset {border:1px solid #781351; width:22em}.form legend {background:#ffa20c; border:1px solid #781351; letter-spacing:0}.form fieldset p {margin-top:0}//--></style> you can put that directly on the doc or do a external css for it. then when you want to apply those settings to the form do this <form action="" class="form"> what class will do is read from the css that you input and it will show up however you design it.
  24. do this <p><form action="FormToEmail.php" method="post"><table border=1><tr><td>Name</td><td><input type="text" size="30" name="Name"></td></tr><tr><td>Email address</td><td><input type="text" size="30" name="Email"></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Comments</td><td><textarea name="Comments" rows="6" cols="30"></textarea></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><input type="submit" value="Send"></td></tr></table></form></table> you notice in the table tag I have a border=1, that will set up a border for you, but to take it one step more you can apply css to it. visit this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to put some css to it.
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