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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. to override a htaccess copy in whatever method you choose and then edit it and then upload from there. Nice, clean and simple just make sure to have an original just in case.Someone might have to confirm this since I have no clue ( I know so sad)either you can't edit that file (admin privilage) or you edit it by going though apache handlers. But i think it's the first option.
  2. Never heard of that book although I seen the Stigmata though, that's where some of that post came from although I think i picked up alot of it from the history channel when they showed programs related to what I posted.Although I'm not a Templar Knights nut I do find the history behind them interesting. saw Da Vinci Code as well. But it is pretty hard to seperate truth form fiction related to historical events like that.
  3. btw the media doesn't need help in bashing a religion that through out history has used violence as a "way of life". Also I find it funny that the Quran proclaims peace and yet, the Islam accepts honor killings and even the death of innocents as well. Also I think you have that backwards Religion does not dominate the west if it did we would not be having the problems we are having right now. It's only extreme because of the way people twist the words around and warp others to believe it as so. Also I find it amusing that Islam doesn't believe in material possessions and yet they are selling oil and buying stuff from countries they say are evil Like America. And what I find even funnier is that people of the Muslim faith have yet to stop these people from killing people who have nothing to do with it. How would you feel if you had a member of your family kidnapped and held for ransom and then displayed on a video and have their head chopped off or shot. I wouldn't think you appreciate it much. Well guess what your fellow brother's and sisters of Islam are doing that. Like so many other's I bet you were overjoyed when the WTC was attacked and innocent people were killed. I lost many great friends both Iraqi and American when I was in Iraq, because it's people like you that believe we are attacking your religion If you don't like it then tell people to stop instead of running into a building and blowing yourselves up just to try and scare someone. You’re not going to scare us you’re just making it worse for yourselves. Only problem I see with most of the Middle East is that they think they are still in the Dark Ages and the only way to strike fear into someone is by killing and kidnapping. Also I find it sad that Islam treats women as objects and not human beings. But again that is the Men that are doing that as well. I see a lot of preaching in your posts and yet you’re defending a religion that condones the killing of women and treatment of women as slime. I don't need the media to think for me so don't try it. I proud to be born in American Infidel so you got a problem with that come to my house and I will beat my point into your skull. Also for a religion that HATES America they sure are living here, I find that rather odd.
  4. Want to know something really funny about religion? Every religion get's its stories from somewhere else. Christianity prove that when the Roman's were taking over England and Ireland in the early days of Christianity. So to make everyone convert much quicker they just change names and places to make it sound more convincing.One their is no proof that none of these people existed, if they did you think we would have preserved their bodies a lot better to either prove that it is them. Or have actual historical documents that prove beyond the doubt that it was them and in no way possible that someone just wrote them up. During the Dark Ages after the fall of the Roman EmpireLook at the shroud of Turin; they proved it was not Jesus because the carbon date set it at 1200-1300 AD. (Forgot the actual date).What's even funnier is that the Vatican has all these documents and yet no one can see them because either 1. They could actually disprove that these people existed and God was made to be able to control people.2. If they are true the information they contain would be so out of there, it would drive to mass hysteria. (Although that would be to extreme)Anyways to add more into this Jesus debate, Islam just considers him a less prophet anyways and not omnipotent (think I spelled that right) being. Also sweet princess I doubt you realize that a suppose book does exist that Jesus wrote himself, but the Vatican in all it's wisdom decided not to make it public due to the fact it would run the foundation of the church itself. Would like to make one correction the New testament was written by only the main disciples (Luke, John, Matthew, Mark, Peter, Paul) With Paul and John written most of them.Of course the true authors of the bible will never be known, or if they are it's a well guarded. Although never looked into it but the Quran is as full of holes as the bible is. Example would be that huge gap with Jesus from when he was 12-33 something like that. I believe there is a few gaps else where but I can't think of any.Religion was created to be able to control people and the Vatican has been doing that since the beginning. The same with the Quran, although people are twisting the meaning of the words around and so here we are now with today's current events.If I'm wrong heck I see everyone else in Hell then, because I won't be praying for forgiveness on my death bed for someone screwing me over. (Long story)
  5. in my search for good scripts and what not i have an alternative although I havn't tested it myself it could be use to help not display the index page. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. their is no prize, this is a web hosting forum and when you get the quality posts that equal 10 or 30 hosting credits the nyou can appoly for webhosting here.
  7. driving and using a computer at the same would be a hinderence of course .I'm using a internal card and I got good signal strenght unless the connection at the other end is weak then it won't work as much.what i suggest is shop around and see what kind of external cards are out there and see which one would best suit your situation.
  8. their shouldn't be an issue with it, it is your account you can do what you need to keep people happy.
  9. was this the help you needed from the shout in the shoutbox earlier lyon?
  10. Put it like this by the time I play this game it wil be all over and done with on my PS3 XD.Basically it's a combiniation of underground 2, juiced, mostwanted.
  11. Hey albus i cry over spilled milk before...wait no i haven't :DAlbus the answer is obvious and although I'm heartbroken that no one mentioned it.Contact the maker of the computer company and explain the situation to them and most likly they will recommend to either send the computer to get repair or tell you what steps you need to take to repair.That is the smart thing to do.
  12. Buff hit the nail on that. Haslip I go will a dell set up. Although the computer i use is a gaming computer (Dell XPS) i don't use it for that this. It is well rounded for what oyu need. Here is a link to the basic xps system http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thye are bit expensive but with a bit of chopping you could crunch it down to less then a grand. So if you got questions on the Dell XPS let me haslip i can give you the 411. Of course Alienware computers beat a dell xps any time but i doubt you want to spend 2-3000 for just hte bare minimum.
  13. On booting up your computer just keep pressing the F8 if successful then you will get a menu and then select safe mode in that list you should be able to get in since only minimum files are used to run the computer.And no that screw driver didn't do anything. You need a powerful magnet to do any serious damage to your computer. Something that small won't do anything.But if you do not get that command prompt i suggest you go to a computer tech and maybe he could figure it out.Also with your computer off take the cover off of the computer and see if anything is disconnected in their. Sometimes a wire could be pulled out by accident.
  14. right now it looks like all show and no flare whats that word im looking for about a tricked out car with no power (can't think of it off the top of my head).I havn't gotten to much into windows vista been busy with more important things but from what im hearing it's just a windows xp but much prettier with some new functions here and there.Fro mthe few comments i heard about this build that is alot better, although it's tempting to d/l and try it out not going to risk it.btw how many gigs does it take up right now?
  15. it is legit post since it directly relates to the forum that it falls under.
  16. he's doing exactly that. Although I ran into a site were people were asking for burned copies of myspace design. Although i would help I just won't due to the fact that your basically ripping an idea and stealing a copyrighted site. Your site might as well be myspaceclone.com just to get it over.And so this topic is closed due other legal issues and the problems that will come otthe future as well.Also if this is website made under a Xisto domain, the website/your hosting account will be terminated as well.
  17. Another reason why the arcade won't be up;oaded is #1 we have a gaming site for that #2 it's a BW eater as well.It is true not alot of topics to think no making and posting about but maybe we can use the debate forum as a focus for people's opinions about world events both domestic and international.Hopefully we can get some more input as well.
  18. I didn't say they were impossible Im just saying that they are rare and barely spoken of in the net world. Most virus are OS and software destructive cause either the elite don't bother with hardware viruses because replacing hardware is cheap especially when the systems are under warrenty and the noobs have no idea how to do it.And so they go for the most possible destruction and that's the loss of information thats critical for business.
  19. Yeah it's understandable that your got screwed royally for your birthday. You have to remember you adult and i think your family see that and think "he's an adult now he can get your own stuff."But what your father did is wrong hell i would trash the computer and say some virus did it.I say live with your g/f and cut off contact with your family and see what happens. of course 1 of 2 possibilities happen 1 they actually care try to contact you and the other they never cared and won't be surprise that even left or if you happen to come by not even look up and say hello.
  20. I have to agree hardware viruses if they do exsist are rare but if you think about it a well executed computer virus could damage the hardware to the point that you have to replace it like a cdrom drive or a hard drive itself.Call if fuzzy logic if you can follow that, But remember if at the most extreme that you have to reinstall an os that virus could still be in the hardware floating around.So in my instanity you can say that all computer viruses are hardware viruses.
  21. Tell you the truth Don't never took a certification program yet. But you should be asking are they even qualified to even handle this type of material for all you know they could be giving you last years answers. My suggestion would be to contact the facility that you will be taking your exam and ask them what books you should be reading or what ever else to study and learn from. Instead of using questionable material from a website.
  22. Well Since I spent most of my weekend hear monitoring the forums I seen a huge decrease in members logging in and the lack of posting as well in general. Although people are logging in and posting, spam posting is showing up more i caught a few myself and looked over ones that been already taken care of as well. Also old topics are surfacing again as well.So i think it's time we brain storm idea's on how to improve overall posting and people joining and staying as well.Let stay away from free hosting credits and free hosting plans.some suggestions i have aremore link exhange programs that won't break the adsense rulesPeople posting website review on website hosting review sitesand at least my favorite joining topsites that are gear towards hosting and forums as well.So let her some good idea's and let keep the posts to at least this topic so no hijacking and going off topic thanks.
  23. you all have to remember Firefox came out roughly the same time xhtml coding was becoming main stream and with css becoming alot better as well. So they had a big advantage with thatAlthough Im suprised microsft hasn't mad eany attempted to make sure people can't download ff or opera on to Windows OS. Even though i made a post about it a few days ago of a FF being on the microsoft site.but you have to remember though Microsoft is assuming everyone upgrades their os everytime they put out a new OS for their computers and of course it's a smart business decision to stop producing updates and resources to out of date software as well.
  24. that is a good idea i don't think that much doing has to be change since all your doing is adding piece of the coding that is used on the forums to the cpanel coding.
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