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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Actually weaponx it auto updates sometimes. I had a update a few days ago in which it never mention to me that their was a update. Now a restart pop u[ shows up in which it gives you an option to restart now or later. Of course this pop up is on a timer so after a minute or two it will restart automatically. Now I am assuming that you disabled it in the normal fashion through the windows menu's and all that crazy stuff now I found a to disable it through the key register. Now if you tried it that way then my hands are tied on what to do next.
  2. This is coming from it's main site. Although I am not one to knock on religions but I have to say that Scientology is tom cruise wacky and I mean that literally. I claim ignorance on the fact I have no clue but I this L. Ron Hubbard guy had to been wasted or the fact he could get millions off the fact that he could "the lost children" to come to his religion. Heck I check his bio page, how much of that is true who knows, but heck this dude got a good one though. http://www.egnet.co.uk/halloffame/hubbard.htm https://m'>https://m https://m'>https://m'>http://www.egnet.co.uk/halloffame/hubbard.htm https://m'>https://m https://m'>https://m
  3. It sounds like a good idea but their is a small problem with that best post Idea the admin would have to go through hundreds of posts from that week and then decide which one is better. Now I don't know who has that kind of time to read all those posts and then decide, I know most of the admin already here don't have that kind of time.Also How would you determine what the best post should be like? (rhetorical question).
  4. @Grafitti I remember hearing something about that, which coincided with the ice age and all that.But in reality we as human are at fault. It's almost January and the only places with snow are hte North and south poles and the highest mountains. I remember like 10-15 years ago their was snow on the ground by thanksgiving.People who claim to hate the snow, won't realize how important it is when it no longer snows. Because with the snow on the mountains, the water that runs off helps the planet life grow and what not. Also it is the source of the clean water we have as well. So once global warming hit's the mountain tops you could say our goose is cooked (literally).Now if people were not so greedy we be looking for new energy sources and put them into full use. But since the rich are making billions off of oil it won't happen. I rather the planet go quick and easy instead of slow and painful like it is now.
  5. I agree with Pleno if you can get past the slow uploads and downloads, filefront is the only place that I know that has basically unlimited space for file hosting.Your files can be as big as 1 gig.Now the one thing you have to be aware of after a certain period of time, I think it is 30 days. If a file hasn't been downloaded by that time the it is up for deletion. Now of course you have the option of not letting that file get deleted so all you is click on the files you want to stay put and your set. Now if you don't do this with in 7 days I believe then they will get permanently delete along with the stats of that file.
  6. Well you can do this in several ways. 1, Purchase hosting credits by going here (recommend) http://forums.xisto.com/topic/572-mycents/ 2. cancel your account now and save your credits (don't recommend) 3. Do a lot of posting to build up at least 40 credits (high recommend) Those are your options in keeping your hosting account going.
  7. It's funny that with all these cases of pedophiles getting kids from myspace that parents or the government have yet to shut it down. forget the security stuff they say they are going to put in, that is easily bypassed with fake info and what not. That goes without saying that if they tried to make a age cut off for the the site yet again, fake info and all that good stuff. Plus it's not like your going to see these people anyways unless they are legit friends and junk.Although I have a myspace account I don't use it I just add people from the forums I know and thats it. IF they want to know about me they can ask.Of course what I find even more funneri is hte way these people load their page with junk like movies and music files, it takes forever to load and junk.
  8. Theirs a beta out already??? :PLucky me I have a small members accounts at adobe so I can download the beta. Should be interesting from what I read in the blurb that CS3 has a new look.Right now downloading it So I see how this bad boy works, hopefully it won't override my CS2 or I will be very upset.edit: well after reading that serial number disclaimer I basically canceled the download since I can use it...cough cough.
  9. To add a bit to Dooga post about your content what I recommend is setting up a transparency block with in your image and then have your content blend in with that. Then you don't have to make different pages for your stuff and so you can work on that picture. Transparency set up (give or take) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Only thing that gets me is the the text "rob blog" it stands way to much or at least the color does. A suggestion would be to darking it just a bit and then work with hte layer properties and adjust the the inner shadow to adjust for the change. It gives it a more blended look and also doesn't stand out to much. Maybe add a border and drop shadow of 2 0 2 to the picture could help out with it as well.
  10. So basically it is a expensive junk software that will mess up your computer if you uninstall that. Did you send a nasty email saying that it screw up your computer I would .$5 says theirs a programming error in the uninstall program that screw with the connection or somewhat. Anyways if I remember correctly in order to get a fast connection it has to do with how big your browser cache is. Meaning how many MB you put into the cache folder which stores the websites and the cookies.Internet accelerators don't promise faster speeds anyways, it's software that cache's websites better.
  11. I think I Understand where going and I can say you don't need php whatsoever you just need a simple css code. What your asking is that you want the chair to look active in hte sense that the picture looks like the other well it is a simple css thing. Here is an example of and active page link http://www.oswd.org/ As you notice the about link is highlighted over the rest as you scroll through the links. Which means that link is currently active or the in the sense your looking at that page right now. So all you do is put in a small css code for a current link and then set that link style and your set. From the site I showed you the set up looks like so. HTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Welcome to webnia</title><link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head><body><div id="wrapper"> <div id="colLeft"> <div id="divlogo"> <span class="web">web</span><span class="ain">ain</span></div> <div id="Navigation"> <ul> <li><a href="#"> home</a></li> [b]<li><a href="#" class="current"> about</a></li>[/b] <li><a href="#"> portfolio</a></li> <li><a href="#"> contact</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="menuTab">navigation</div> </div> <div id="colRight"> <div id="divBanner"></div> <div id="divMainContent"> <h2> Welcome to webain..</h2> <p class="allpara">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. </p> <h2> About the author..</h2> <p class="allpara">I am a web designer and developer and have been creating bespoke contemporary web sites and web applications for three years. This is my first attempt at open source web design template. I hope you like it. </p> </div> </div> <div id="footer">©your copy right designed by <a href="http://webain.co.uk; target="_blank">M S Rahman</a> </div></div></body></html> As you see that is the link style set up that you would place for that page. Now for the actual nav CSS #Navigation { padding: 0px; margin-top: 40px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; width: 175px;}#Navigation ul { list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;}#Navigation li { display: block;}#Navigation ul li a { color: #FFFFFF; display: block; text-decoration: none; font-size: 14px; background-color: #32556B; border-left-width: 5px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: #32556B; height: 15px; padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; padding-left: 25px; margin: 0px; border-right-width: 5px; border-right-style: solid; border-right-color: #32556B; padding-right: 10px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #3A5D73; background-image: url(images/icons/arrow.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left;}[b]#Navigation ul li a:hover, #Navigation ul li a.current { background-color: #365D7A; border-right-width: 5px; border-right-style: solid; border-right-color: #FFFFFF; border-left-width: 5px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: #365D7A; color: #B4FF05;}[/b] As you can see the nav menu is set up with a current code, so all you have to do is individual current css for your images and then when a user clicks on the page that image will remain highlighted, hopefully this isn't that to confusing if it is contact me at my yahoo or msn accounts and I can help you from there.
  12. Agreed as well, just need to work on everything, best thing to do is check out these sites and look at their tutorials.gamerenders.comchaosgfx.comSo as a member of the gfx crew your job of course is to promote the gfx forum to others around the net, do gfx support and all that good stuff welcome aboard.
  13. Same here comcast finish their take over of adelphia where I live just because the family were a bunch of crooks and all that good stuff.We are supposed to be getting a speed boost within the new few weeks, I think it is the 8mb that was mention, but I haven't had any problems with them either. I know that on the west coast comcast is huge over there in terms of that everyone is using them. if you still having problems when then switch to verizon and then get it over with.
  14. Useless I can't even believe Guinness part that in their records book. Of course who would be stupid enough to even show the phone in public.Although I am surprise that Japan hasn't made something like that, due ot the fact they pop out like a few thousand different new cell phones a year or something crazy like that.
  15. Of course whats best with google their are not scared of our government (US) . Can't say that about the whole thing with china and filters google placed on their engine over there. What can you do when your making billions, last I heard google was worth 9 Billion (Stock value).Of course if you took the time to search through the patents you be surprise which one's never made it store shelves.
  16. Agreed with Arbitrary, it would be easily to cheat with a combination of proxies and a ton of emails someone could easily mass a ton of credits. I know we talk about it on trap a few times coming with the same conclusion.
  17. My searching is coming up blank on that, I think the only you can force a save as if you set up a javascript that uses the right click save as option. I did something on forcing mp3s to download instead of streaming into a music player. Is that what your referring to viz? https://wordpress.org/support/topic/force-download-of-mp3-files-instead-of-streaming/ https://g'>https://g https://g'>https://g'>https://wordpress.org/support/topic/force-download-of-mp3-files-instead-of-streaming/ https://g'>https://g https://g'>https://g
  18. You could use the schools library computers, sneaky sneaky. . So your leaving me just like that , now who will I talk about stuff now??Could take another computer course for kicks like word processing and junk.Make sure to sure stop by so I won't be lonely in the shoutbox.Hugs and kisses
  19. The heated debate has been going since Mortal Kombat I was introduced on October 8th, 1992. Due to the fact at that time Mortal Kombat was the most violent game of the gaming industry. Before then the violence was very sub par due to the fact their was no blood in the Nintendo games and of course the sound effects of screaming, bone crunching and blood spatter. Of course it was due to the fact of Mortal Kombat violence that the ESRB be rating system would begin as well. I be a gamer since the Atari days so I have seen the changes, I do agree that a childâs imagination is at itâs most vulnerable stages because of what they see or hear they will mimic it no matter what the situation. Of course the maturity level of understanding whatâs happening in video games is not what happens in real life. So those who truly do get hooked on the violence will in some way try it for real. I remember the age bracket for the Atari-Nintendo you literally had to be a teenager in order to understand and be aware of whatâs going on in that game. But as we have seen video gamers are getting younger and younger. Heck my 4 year old niece can handle a playstation pretty well, of course she only playâs the clean games and when she is around I literally cut down my time of the semi-violent games. Although she has somewhat picked up on the death and the dying stuff. But I know she wonât be a hardcore gamer like my brother and I were and we are somewhat are still true hardcore gamers, of course we donât dump down $10,000 a year on games like some people do. The gaming industry knows that the players are getting younger, but some make sure ot balance it out like Nintendo does. Sony and Microsoft go for the teenagers and the Adults. PC gaming industry is more adult due to the intelligence factor some of these games have, like Myst. So the adults are partial to blame for the increase in violent video gamers and of course not paying attention to what their own kids play. Heck some adults are playing these violent games in front of their kids. But I feel the one gaming company that doesnât do enough for non-violent games is Rockstar, they have become famous for Grand Theft Auto, one of the most violent series since Mortal Kombat. To answer your questions gaming does effect behavior especially when it comes to a violent environment, in which it doubles or triples the itchy trigger finger. I would say itâs times to for the video game industry to produce more non-violent games, of course that wonât became we as humans crave the violence and being able to act it in that game without doing it in real life. I would have disagree with you statement that kids would become more violent if their were no violent games. There are many factors both environmental and mental that contribute to kids acting out violently. Yeah these games could in a way prevent, but most of the time that is not true. Of course most people are aware of the fantasy of the game and the reality of the real world, if they try to shoot somebody they know they could injure or kill them and of course be sent to jail or put to death themselves. It is a parents responsibility to be aware and teach their children from right or wrong and from fantasy and reality. If parents can teach their children these differences, then as the children grow up they will know it as well. I might have seen that episode, canât remember off the top of my head, you might have to go into some more detail on that episode then I will remember that/ It is in our human nature to compete and fight, the ancient world showed that to us and some people would agree that the world would be a boring place if everyone is nice of course thatâs arguable. However are answer to decrease violence is to use violence thatâs a way of life for most people. With the help of video games it keeps that little imprint in the back of our minds to crave the violence and the thought of doing it. Of course we try to learn how to defend ourselves from other attacks; some video games that are based on strategy show that by defending yourself you can live a little longer and if you mess up click the reset button or use that continue to go on. But life has no reset so you only get one shot at that. Of course we are reminded of our mortality every time we find out someone we know dies or we see the destructiveness of war and weather. But what do you consider normal though? Normal is in the eye of the beholder and that is were stereotypes come into play and how society is ran by those perceptions. It is true that some people can accept the violence they see because they know it happens in real life, but also the fact that punching out someoneâs heart is impossible so they can tolerate it knowing the fact it canât happen. Of course there are people like you who canât even stand the fact that their is media out there that is truly disgusting in every possible way from the hitting to the taking a sword and literally chop off body parts. It all has to do with tolerance, me I can handle most violence I see, of course there is some stuff I canât stand either because they have taken it way to far or making it to real. I wouldnât say disgusted, but disturb that in order to make money they have to show body parts falling off. We are told that kids need a safe environment of course when those same kids get access to the violence we donât want them to see, they get confused. Which is part of the reason why some kids act like they do because they are confused from the reality to the fantasy that they are in. It wonât stop the gaming industry makes over $20 billion a year so as long as games are making money they wonât stop producing them This pretty much sums up what I been saying. That is true some kids get so addicted to video games that they forget to get out of the house sometimes. That was me as a teenager but of course once I graduated high school, I literally canât afford to do that anymore. People have to grow up and realize that playing video games isnât what it is cracked up to be. Of course thanks to the video game leagues that are popping out and the fact that people are getting 6 figure paychecks just to be in a league. Of course some people who got the skills can make then more 6 figures just by making a game or even reviewing it. I know people have been seeing those commercials about a degree in video gaming. But guess what thatâs a false hope, unless you have been doing it for the last 30 years the only way to make it big is through connections or the older generation drops dead. This is due to the fact that the behind the scenes of the video game industry get very brutal as well. Right now itâs only franchise games that will eave your mark, anything new will either get tossed aside because it lacks something and is un original or it literally sucks and it shouldnât have been made period (I have a big list of games that fall under that category). Wish I was like that but Once I finish a game that it and it collects dust, I barely play games for replay value unless there is some replay value worth replaying. Movies are different to the sense that they are more real then video games and the fact that they play on the fears of the reality people know about it. Thatâs the thing even if the parents are watching them; they could go to their friendâs house and play those violent video games. However some kids donât realize the difference between reality and fantasy and those are the people who do some of these violent acts we hear about. Pretty much agree whats being said here. agreed Columbine was about being bullied and depression that was all environmental and mental, I donât remember video games being part of that high school shooting; although itâs been a while I looked into it and never really got into it. But itâs the violence that you hear about in which video games are directly mentioned as the cause of it. Look at the PS3 when it came out, people got shot, stabbed, robbed just because they needed it, the money was the bonus to it. I have to admit that this is literally the longest post in which I had to think about stuff, should be interesting what others say about this topic.
  20. Although I only got a year here at asta, been with trap almost since the beginning (Sept 2004). Only a handful of those from the 2004 era are still around. True most moved on to bigger and better things, but it's always good to drop a line once in awhile. Of course most sign up expecting to get a hosting account right from the beginning of course once they realize they don't, thats it for them.With trap we just get advertisers and runescape freaks and thats it. Although I don't know if it is the same here, but it gets harder and harder thinking of new topics to talk about. With out tell people to search the forums or just google it. Call it a small draw back of being successful in the internet world, of course when you have 4 billion people opening a hosting website it makes everyone's lives a lot more confusing .But that's my two cents of my observation of life and it's mysteries, of course I believe the forums could even be better if from time to time members from Xisto stop by over here and do some posting and people from asta do some posting at trap. Yeah the level of skills jumps rapidly when you come over here but still you can always learn something new.
  21. I would recommend Open Office for college students who can't afford the price tag of M$ software, just due to the fact the only thing good about it is that it's free and MS can open the same documents. Of course I don't know if their were lawsuits or anything with Open Office though, due to the fact that Open Office is practically a clone of MS word, minus a few features here or there.Why would people have to relearn it for? If you referring to how it looks compared to MS Word then ok, but formatting text, saving it and all that good stuff is the same. Like I mentioned earlier Open Office is practically a clone of Word, but changed it enough so it don't look and feel like it.Although I don't like M$ set up on how they sell their products I have to go with reliability in the sense that they never change anything . So finding what you need is easy and if their lack of support doesn't answer your questions you have the net to answer them for you.
  22. Without doing a lot of copying and pasting and a ton of quoting what your looking for can be set up from one of these sites, In which I start with the best one first and an ok one last. However these are tutorials so you would have to read them and of course figure which one is the better of the tutorials. https://bytes.com/browse/ https://8'>https://8 https://8'>https://8'>https://bytes.com/browse/ https://8'>https://8 https://8'>https://8 http://v2.scriptplayground.com/tutorials/php/Fetch-MySQL-Row/ '> http://v2.scriptplayground.com/tutorials/etch-MySQL-Row/ https://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=sigsource&e=com https://6'>https://6 https://6'>https://6'>https://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=sigsource&e=com https://6'>https://6 https://6'>https://6 From the looks of these tutorials you would have to set up the rows you would need including serial numbers. Although I somewhat recommend if you do have is set up your DBs with Access and then with that info set up your MYSQL tables with that info (Access course helped out somewhat).
  23. Basically you pick a number and if you get lucky you win, of course if you read the book the lottery then you were chose to be sacrificed to appease a demon. Yeah it's been awhile since I read that book, someone else who read correct me on that If I am wrong.Although I am a bit shocked that that the credit purchase is done through sales and not set up like it is on trap.
  24. From what I found on a website once your Windows OS is activated, the hardware that is installed at the time of the activation is hard coded into the rest of the system.So that means you change enough of the hardware on msconfig to warrant a reactivation, which means you have to reinstall it again.Who knows when you reinstall the OS you could fix the problem your having.
  25. Of course without knowing what kind of computer your running I assume that it is pretty old 5+ years. Here is what svchost.exe does By the sounds of it, your problems are ram and memory in which I recommend this program RAM DEF http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This will help clean up your ram and memory usage. Next I would look for a registry cleaner and defragger, sometimes if you clean out the errors and unused programs. It usually speeds up the computer a little bit. Of course here is the usual schtick, delete any unused programs and of course your already running the virus/adware/spyware programs. Of course Have you deleted any files that you shouldn't have?
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