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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Computinghost does not offer IPB skins like TeeCee mention you would have to search for skin sites or if your a designer you could design and code your own skin or modify an existing one.
  2. To expand a bit on buff post on CSS rollovers it would look more like this CSS .home {background: url('images/home.gif') no-repeat;width: 40px;height: 31px}.home a {width: 40px;height: 31px;display: block;}.home a:hover {background: url('images/home_h.gif') no-repeat;} HTML class="home"> Then you would apply that class to your images and your set. Of course adjust the code accordingly to fit your design.
  3. I spent about a good half hour looking but I have no results. Heck try to find registry search see if it could be done that way, of course I came up empty on that. Then I tried a few reverse engineering on how to disable ctrl+c but it came up with website stuff mostly.But from the results I did find viruses wouldn't do this. Best bet would be to try your keyboard on another system. Also pop the C key and see if it is dirty or not.Of course I recommend that you try and contact Microsoft Tech Support (AHAHAHA) and see what they say, which would be "check your connections and all that good stuff".If all else fails bring your keyboard to a computer store and see what they say.
  4. Buff Is correct that you want the main javascript code within the head tags now for optimization purposes it would could to use external javascript docs. Set up is simple, this is an example of how it is done. First you take your main javascript code you plan to use and you stripe the the beginning and the end of it like so. <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- hide script from old browserstest = new Date()month = test.getMonth()month = (month * 1) + 1day = test.getDate()year = test.getFullYear()document.write(" ",month,"/",day,"/",year," ")// end hiding script from old browsers --></SCRIPT> Stripped javascript <!-- hide script from old browserstest = new Date()month = test.getMonth()month = (month * 1) + 1day = test.getDate()year = test.getFullYear()document.write(" ",month,"/",day,"/",year," ")// end hiding script from old browsers --> Like a CSS file you need to have the doc as a javascript file or for file purposes .js. So if you using notepad you have to do save and put the .js at the end, or if you have something like dreamweaver you can do the same thing without typing it and just select the file type and your set. If you know how to external CSS files work it is the same thing in getting the javascript to load and so you just put this on top or below the CSS (preferably below) and use this code. <script SRC="datestmp.js"></SCRIPT> and your set, all browsers I know accept this so Safari should as well. Of course don't forget to add the body onload code to where you want your javascript to work or it won't do what it is supposed to do.
  5. that game disappointingly easy for me stayed with the sword and gun modes and your set.Heck the megaman collection is for the ps2 is still as hard, of course I got a lot further then I have ever had before thanks to doing a lot of saving.Metal Gear series was all about timing and reflexes and yeah BOSS gave me some problems as well took a couple of sit through to get the timing right to beat her. Of course I struggled more with hte metal gear then anything else.Lucky me I actually found the original Sim City Disk I had for my Gateway @k computer and still as hard as ever of course the who Sim series is very challenging to the point you have to save several times every 5 minutes just in case something goes wrong.Although This is debatable on many final fantasy forums but Fina; fantasy 12 has been the most challenging FF I have ever played since Final Fantasy 1. Although I died at least 5-10 times through out the whole game, lets just say I had some good timing when most of my party was wiped out.Regardless that someone has good skills, their is always the random lucky death shot and I have had plenty of those happen to me throughout my industrious gaming career.I have to put in DDR because one I don't have that kind of energy to dance like that and two I am white so I have no dancing skills .
  6. @serverph nope it is no typo unless yahoo messed it up for some reason .Any ways yeah J.K is set for life the movies alone will net her a few hundred million. The books a few hundred more and the royalties on HP products (not computer) will rack up at least a billion.Of course another rumor going around is a spin off of some sort, of course I haven't hit up all the big Harry Potter sites (Albus Dumbledore's ).
  7. another one is leaving noooo , oh wait your coming back YEAH!!! don't stay away to long or who else will have to talk to while waiting for my bus.
  8. Like I mentioned above trap is preparing for a forum upgrade and so a new banner could help and also most people who don't celebrate Christmas could in fact design the new banner for trap and asta.
  9. I wonder whose design they ripped off ?But I am in agreement their new site looks good, although I wonder if they didn't try to a vista type design with the glass effects all over the place.Of course they Could make their css file a bit cleaner, but most likely they went for optimized loading time.
  10. Weapons are not predefine although they would somewhat help when you determine their clas type if you going to play that way.I put in 112 so far in 3 months, most due to leveling and marks and hunts.Fran-70Penelo-70Ashe -70Baltheir-66vann--66basch--66got pretty much most of the side quests done and in fact I could finish the game if I wanted to but other then that I am taking my time amoung a busy scedule.From reading the gamefaq message boards depending on who you like anyone could be a magic user and stuff. But for me everyone has everything for a just in case. Plus makes my life easier .
  11. Bit shocked no one hasn't put anything up yet. Anyways the design I have will be both for trap and Xisto as well.
  12. Well Yahoo just posted news about the final installment of the Harry Potter Franchise the book is called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.Of course your guess is as good as mine on what will happen to Harry Potter...My insiders Tell me Potter will be hooking up with a special lady finally and you won't believe who it is. :DSo we get to find out the big question will harry survive the final battle or sacrifice himself to save everyone? Right now their is no release date for the book, JK said she is still writing it so expect htis book to be at least 6-700 pages long. It would be messed up if it was only 200 , but we shall see and of course Harry Potter Movie number 5 comes out next year as well so HP fans especiall out own Albus Dumbledore will be jumping for joy on this.Of course word is going around that Daniel Radcliff might give up the HP character for something more poetic from what I heard
  13. Maybe thats why my ff seem to freeze and crash sometimes. After some digging these were the security issues with 2.0 Now their are individual links to these bugs that will explain more click this link to find out. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Also you don't need to download it since you will get a pop up saying that FF Version 2.0.X has a new update and then you can download it from there.
  14. When Have I been ever good with text?? umm never, should have just took out my name or moved it some where else. Might change it before it ends for a just in case.
  15. @FF what do you mean they can't sue over similarities of how it looks and runs? By copyright law any similarities between any two items could be considered copyright infringement depending on the dates when those two items comes out. Now thats a loose translation of how copyrights work.Of course that being the case the creator of linux could sue both Apple and Microsoft on some stuff that went open source to non-open source. Then Apple could sue Microsoft on some junk. Then Microsoft could go bankrupt since they took everyone else's ideas. You would have to see it in the coding to find out if Microsoft did in fact did do some copy and pasting.. Of course whats funny is that Bill Gates has got some control over Apple computer, since he help Steve Jobs get out of Bankruptcy back in the 90s.Who knows' he could me pimping out the Mac OS just to see what people think about before working on his own.
  16. This render scream Evil SM style so here we go
  17. Your issue was simple the moment I saw it,, it was word wrap issue and I remember my P style tags. It's kind of rough but a few tweaks here and there and you should be set. Also form someone who told me about why P tag is so much better is that you get rid of the <br> tag tag in which you have lot of them.So this rough code will help you will everything, I recommend you look at My first Part Pure CSS tutorial and try to get your self away from table set up as well. In the coming weeks I will be working on content boxes but with set by set process of the core design you can get rid of most of the tables you have.CSS <style type="text/css">body {font-size: 11px;font-family: arial;}/* Header Image */.header {background:url("header.png");background-repeat:no-repeat;position:relative;clear:both;float:left;width:758px;height:168px;margin:0;padding:0px;}/* Main Content Text */ .date {color:#FF6600;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;}.title {color:#0000FF;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;}.tutorial_text {color:#000000;font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana, Arial, serif;}.tutorial_credits {color:#333333;font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace;font-size:10px;}/* Right Side Text */.content_titles {color:#FFFFFF;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 16px;}.right_titles1 {color:#FFFFFF;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;}/* The websites content */.main {border: 2px black;border-top:none;width: 758px;background: #white;padding: 3px;}.head {background: white;padding: 3px;border-top: 2px solid black;border-left: 2px solid black;border-right: 2px solid black;border-bottom:none;}.left {background: #bbbdbf;border-top: 2px solid black;border-left: 2px solid black;border-right: 2px solid black;width: 30 px;height: auto;}.mid {background: white;padding: 0px;border-top: none;border-left:2px solid black;border-right: 1px solid black;border-bottom: 2px solid black;width: 500px;height: auto;}.p{word-wrap:break-word;width:90%;left:0}.right {background: #CFCFCF;padding: 6px;border-top: 2px solid black;border-left: 1px solid black;border-right: 2px solid black;border-bottom: 2px solid black;width: 258px;height: auto;}.foot {background: #bbbdbf;padding: 3px;border-top: 2px solid grey;border-left: 2px solid black;border-right: 2px solid black;border-bottom: 2px solid black;text-align:center;}/* Links */a {color: blue;text-decoration: none;}a:hover {text-decoration: none;color: #0000FF;}.header {color: #D78800;font-size: 16px;font-family: "arial baltic";font-weight: bold;font-variant: small-caps;border-bottom: 2px solid black;display: block;}input {border: 2px solid black;}</style> HTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Windows Tweaks</title><style type="text/css">@import "style.css";</style></head><body bgcolor="#bbbdbf"><table class="main" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><!-- Header Include --><thead><tr> <td align="center" class="head" colspan="3"><div class="header"></div></td></tr></thead><!-- End of Header Include --><tbody><tr> <td valign="top" class="mid"><br /> <p class="date"> November 29, 2006</p> <p class="title">Change your Windows shell to look like Vista</p> <p class="tutorial_text"> Want your PC to look like this?: <br /><a href="http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e295/chuckystjoes/sc.png; target="_blank"><img src="http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e295/chuckystjoes/th_sc.png; alt="Desktop Picture" /></a><p class="p">This tutorial will involve making your XP look like the new and upcoming Windows system, Vista. We will be changing the folders and other tweaks another day. Today however, we will be just switching the main shell and it comes with a boot screen. This is if you use the file I have provided if not, I have that covered to.</p><p class="p">Before we start read the caution statement below:</p><p class="p">CAUTION: Although I have never had any problems with changing the system setting such as the shell and boot screen, this does not mean it wont happen to YOU. Me, Trap 17, and the software creators claim no responsibility for system failures. If you ever have a system malfunction you can always try a Windows Recovery/System Restore, which will fix most problems.</p><p class="p">OK time to start.</p><p class="p">1. First thing is first. Make a folder in C:\Resources\Themes. If you do not know how to do this:</p><p class="p">*Open My Computer<br />*Create Folder and name it Resources<br />*Open the newly created folder, Resources<br />*Create another new folder and name it Themes<br /></p><p class="p">2. Next you need to download a theme. The first theme is the one I chose and this tutorial will be following, but you can use ANY shell provided below as long as you follow the simple steps. I have provided you with the zipped folder of the Vista Transformation Pack 4 (VTP4).</p><p class="p">*Go here <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; target="_blank">http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <br />*Download it into the C:\Resources\Themes folder.<br />*Then unzip it.</p><p class="p">You will do this for every theme you download.</p><p class="p">If you want to look at some others, here is a link you can go to and take a look at some other shells. There are some amazing looking ones here:</p><p class="p"><a href="http://www.deviantart.com/browse/all/customization/skins/windows/visualstyle/; target="_blank">http://www.deviantart.com/browse/all/customization/skins/windows/visualstyle/;</p><p class="p">Go there and click on a thumbnail you are interested in. Then if you like it click the download link on the left side of the screen. It looks like a computer monitor/TV screen.</p><p class="p">3. After you download a theme and unzip into the Themes folder you will need 2 other things, but first find out what service pack you are running. To do this click start then right click on My Computer and click properties.Under the general tab there should be something that says or close to:</p><p class="p"> <i>"Windows Edition<br /> Microsoft Windows XP<br /> Media Center Edition<br /> Version 2002<br /> Service Pack 2"</i><br /></p><p class="p">Download one of these and unzip them on your desktop.</p><p class="p">*If you have Service Pack 1: <a target="_blank" href="http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Themes/UXTHEMEDLL-Pack-DLL-for-SP1-included.shtml 1</a></p><p class="p">*If you have Service Pack 2: <a target="_blank" href="http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Themes/UXTheme-Patch-For-Windows-XP-SP2-Final.shtml;</p><p class="p">And then download this Replacer tool. I strongly Recommend the STABLE version: <a href="http://www3.telus.net/_/replacer/; target="_blank">http://www3.telus.net/_/replacer/ </a></p><p class="p">After this is done downloading unzip it to the desktop. Make sure you read the "readme"</p><p class="p">4. OK time to replace the uxtheme.dll Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\ and find the uxtheme.dll file. It should be towards the bottom. Don't open it, just find it. Keep that window open and do the following:</p><p class="p">*Double click on the replacer tool you unzipped<br /><br />*It will ask for the OLD UXtheme.dll file. So, drag the uxtheme.dll file you just found in the system 32 folder, and DRAG the file into the Replacer tool and press ENTER.<br /><br />*It will now ask for the NEW uxtheme.dll file. Open the other folder you just downloaded and unzipped for your Windows XP Service Pack 1 or 2 . There should be a uxteme.dll file inside. DRAG the file into the Replacer tool and press ENTER.<br /><br />*It will ask to confirm this. Make sure you did it right and enter Y for yes or N for no and press ENTER.</p><p class="p">All done with the hard part!</p><p class="p">--</p><p class="p">OK now to use that theme/shell you downloaded.</p><p class="p">If you have not unzipped it yet do so now. If you are using the file I provided Go to A. If your using another file go to B.</p><p class="p">A. So you picked the file I gave you? Great.</p><p class="p">*Make sure the file is in the themes folder and open it <br /><br />*Double Click on the Vista Transformation Pack 4.o icon. <br /><br />*Just follow the instructions and when the computer boots back up it should be different with a different boot screen and login and everything!<br /><br />*If you want to change the Vista theme right click on desktop > properties > appearances tab > Windows and Buttons. Just scroll through. There are 4 themes that come along with it.</p><p class="p">B. So you picked a different one? No problem just follow the steps below:<br /><br />*Make sure the file is in the themes folder and open it<br /><br />*Inside of the folder, most of the time in the root of the folder, is a icon that looks like a paintbrush painting a Windows XP window. Double click it. That is a Windows Visual Style File.<br /><br />*It should automatically open the Display Properties and then all you have to do it click Apply. If not right click on desktop > properties > appearances tab > Windows and and look for it.<br /><br />If you want to know what to do with the other files that you don't know why they are there, email me. Email me at <a href="mailto:boozker@gmail.com">boozker@gmail.com</a><br /><br />That's it all done! You have changed you shell/theme. Try out some different ones now and then. Tomorrow we will be showing you how to change the folders to look like Vista.</p><!-- End of tutorial --></p> <p class="tutorial_credits">Tutorial written by: BooZker</p> <br /> <hr width="100%" /> <br /> </td> <!-- right side content Include --><td valign="top" class="right"> <p class="content_titles">Tweak Archive</p> <p class="right_titles1">Top Tweaks of 2006</p> <!-- Pop Up Script --><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> function openDir( form ) { var newIndex = form.fieldname.selectedIndex; if ( newIndex == 0 ) { alert( "Please select a Windows tweak!" ); } else { cururl = form.fieldname.options[ newIndex ].value; window.location.assign( cururl ); } } </script> <!-- Pop Up Script End --> <form action="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <select name="fieldname" size="1" onChange="openDir( this.form )"> <option>Top Tweaks</option> <option value="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Windows to Look Like Vista</option> </select> </form> </td><!-- End of right side content Include --><!-- footer include --><tfoot> <tr> <td class="foot" colspan="3"> © Oscar Godson 2006-2007, All rights reserved </td></tr></tfoot></table><center><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ & BooZker Design</a></center><!-- End of Footer include --></body></html>
  18. Well I was able to find something about the $_GET['id'] if(!isset($_GET['id']) | !isset($_GET['rid']) so you you have to set up a if statement of some sorts to finish off the script from the looks of it.
  19. OMG M$ did rip them off ahahaha, Apple could so sue the hell out of them for this. It is so obvious that it is sickening, I have a feeling Vista is not going to last long once apple starts with the lawsuits and they show.Widgets does not equal gadgets and yet are the same thing. Glad I have XP, what even funnier he only mentions the apple users and not the linux users.
  20. current is a class so it will work for all of them if you set the link style to that.But what your asking in order to stay on the index page you would have to set up a iframe like include in which it looks like a frame but doesn't act like one.I seen it done but I haven't found the coding for it yet.
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/43941-topic/ '> http://forums.xisto.com/topic/43941-topic/ With word coming down about the soon to be upgrade of the forums to 2.2 this SOTW will be running from Today till the end of the month (initial entries). Then 2 weeks for voting and we will pit the best designers from across the forums for the logo not only for trap but Xisto as well. Which means you need to design two logos for both sites. Banner size 300px by 100px Hopefully the new design will give a updated look to the forums when the 2.2 goes online. So GFX designers get your photoshop or gimp open and design away.
  22. With word coming down about the soon to be upgrade of the forums to 2.2 this SOTW will be running from Today till the end of the month (initial entries). Then 2 weeks for voting and we will pit the best designers from across the forums for the logo not only for trap but Xisto as well.Which means you need to design two logos for both sites.Banner size 300px by 100pxHopefully the new design will give a updated look to the forums when the 2.2 goes online.So GFX designers get your photoshop or gimp open and design away.
  23. Wow that made it just more confusing then ever . Unless it's door to door guys trying to convert you to their religion then no. Of course this sounds like a messed up version of Avon.
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