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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Just a small reminder that everyone will have this with fantastico, the reason being was that duriing hte upgrade process fastatico had to be renewed, but when everyone started have problems cpanel was downloaded and so fanstastico wasn't re-installed back into the old cpanel. So as haslip mention most of hte scripts that were in fantastico can be downloaded and installed manually.
  2. It will be a month now since this tragic event and hopefully by then the shock should have worn off for some while other still trying to cope with the loss. But it seems the media likes to keep things going, although I would say this is even more disgusting the videos people posted on youtube.com. But now people are buying domains to make a profit off it and some have gone as far as getting domains with the names of the dead on them and to think you people couldn't get more disgusting then this. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's bad enough people had to die because one person couldn't deal with their emotions, but now people making thousands off a $10 domain name, I am so glad I live in a world were people are nice to each other . Lucky for some people that these domains that got registered have been close down, but do it the fact you can use anything for a domain name, most hosting providers can't really do anything about it or they try their best to prevent people from doing this.
  3. enjoy these wonderful sigs on mine I like the top one the best since it's all original work and the bottom one is 2 years old with some minor modifications.
  4. Well I know that sucks, but you know how guys are when it comes to leadership roles, most won't give women a chance. Although the eivl society will go force and bring the guy down , but think about this though, it shouldn't be hard for this guy to mess up, so the best plan is keep track of his activities and place them against the club charter. If he has broken any rules and what not you as VP have the authority to bring to a vote to kick him out and make sure during that time you list his offenses and what not and the moron lynn should see how bad this guy is and have no choice but to replace him. But make sure if you do any work/projects and he does no work with it, don't give him any credit, I have a feeling it's sexism, but since I am not there and I don't know the whole situation I can't say it like that. Best thing is to work through it and pay no attention to it, I know you don't want to hear that though, but thats all you can do. However, don't forget all the hard work you have done since being in this club, thats the most important thing, because positions of authority can be taken away just like that, so I would tough it out and do what you would normally do in this club.
  5. Well I finally finished Ridwan's sig, which is based off an old design, some of you should remember this design since it was two years go, so enjoy the update.
  6. Here's looking at you kid , but I just don't know about chewing on that sword might break some teeth
  7. Well hopefully they won't change anything expect for maybe 20 million more ad's and other useless junk that don't need. Although I wasn't to keen on the idea that you can upload video's to their site, they should have just stuck with just photos and be well with it. Of course I wouldn't mind them taking a few idea's off imageshack. I like the cleaner layout, so hopefully photobucket does something like that in the near future.
  8. Some interesting posts I have read about this particular topic, I would agree that some are able to separate the two forms of english and they are fine with it. But what I am getting at is when you hear articles about this particular subject I see it as more of a growing trend. YEAH!! I found an article that should make this topic more interesting now that I found it: But what got me interested was these two paragraph's right here Now for dwayne's post saying the opposite how could return the argument based on this article that it is not 100% but maybe 70-80% right? I don't think the government has anything to do with this situation, this is about the teacher's responsibility to the students to give them a proper education and it's student's responsibility to be able to tell the difference. I could go on to say children younger then 10 years old are starting the famous trend of text messaging and if they are like these two kids when they become their age it could become a problem for them. You have to remember a child's mind is still developing as they grow up and they tend to pick up bad habits along the way and so this could become a bad habit for them if they are not careful about it. But I will contend that some students can tell the difference as the article mentions about above how teachers break that habit and drill it into their school work to when and where it is appropriate.
  9. A lot of girls like a lot of guys and of course the opposite as well, but if you make the first move she will like you even more, she already thrown the signals out you just have to figure out what they mean by asking her. Everyone as gown through 1st relationship, of course every new relationship is like the first one because you start over and you build up from there. Heck do what the cave men did back in the day, knock her out with a club and drag her to your cave, second thought don't do that. Either way just ask her and then go from here it's that simple. relationships are the most complicated things just because some people are afraid to make the first move, of course some have it easier then other's but I won't go into that.Take her to an icecream social or whatever you crazy kids do these days and have fun and then at the end of the night pop in the "I like you and would like to go out with you"and go from there.
  10. With suicide it has to do with what kind of depression people go through when they finally commit the act. Some people can can pull out of that depression by themselves or through talking with other people, but it's with talking to other people that will be able to figure out what they should with their own lives. I don't think anti-depressants help, they more or less compound to the problem especially if that person missed a couple of days of not taking them. SO talking things out and talking to others is what will help. Of course those who actually commit suicide don't try to seek that help or you have people brain warping them to think other wise). I have dealt with deep depression since coming back from Iraq I still go through it sometimes, with the usual thoughts about doing it, saying to myself I don't have to deal with the pain anymore. I usually ride it out because I don't mean it, but during that time I am like a stone cold vegetable and shut myself from the outside world. I actually thought about having myself committed just so I can force myself to come out with it and tell someone. But I hate talking to people about whats going on in my head because 1 they won't understand and 2 they just tell you take this happy pills and it will make you feel all better. Of course I gotten used to dealing the BS that goes around so I listen to it and then just move on, so I don't have be like some people who can't handle the stress of everyday life, of course I do have my boiling points but that is usually when the BS accumulates within a given time frame.Either way if you can't talk to anyone because of the embarrassment, talk to someone anonymously and you won't have to worry about it as much, those who don't will let it keep stirring until they commit suicide. Of course then you got attention seekers, who do it on purpose to seek attention, but usually theres a subliminal message under that attention seeking suicide. However, there are different types of depression and that depends on the situation, as a vet when I hear a story of a soldier committing murder or taking their own lives it usually stems from the horrors they have seen when in combat. OF course government doesn't want to tell you that because of the bad image that might give to those thinking about joining and to their families.Again it's all about people trying to deal with their emotions and the best way to deal with them is talking to someone, forget your pride and just sit down and talk to people, if you don't then instead of being a person you will become a stat it's as simple as that. With this emo I still have no clue what that is about even though a couple of people explain it to me, meh either way I stop figuring out what he latest trend's are and stick being myself and do what I like to do instead of what that fad likes to do.
  11. I know guys have this this about procrastinating that question and of course think of every excuse in the book not to ask. But here is how you you would go about asking if she likes you or not, you go up to her and ask if you can talk about something important. Then we you two are alone or in a private place you just ask her, it is just that easy. Then you will get one of two answers which is yes or no, if it is the latter just move on and remain friends and do normal friend stuff.There is no secret question, phrase, look, body language that iwll tell you if she likes you, unless she gives you that very nasty look of disgust then you can tell. So be a guy and just ask her, it's not like she will point and laugh at you for asking her a serious important question, especially since she is flirting with you.
  12. really that I did not know, interesting to know what sites not to look up for annoying stuff .
  13. That is true that a lot of new people come to the forums some have little experience and of course the hundreds of questions are asked, of course you could say some new people don't have much forum experience either. Especially when they post the same question that 20 other people posted before.thats why I pointed that different languages use both " and ', you could say that was a little reminder to be able to tell the difference. Well I know some big name sites are changing over and out of curiosity I looked at yahoo site and they are still using html strict . I even check google main page and they have no doc type whatsoever and filled with many errors . But like I said the only reason some are still not using xhtml, because they don't use anything that requires XML support. Then you have those who use pre-made templates and just stick with the original coding because the time consuming process it takes to convert tables to divs, I been going at it on and off for a couple of months and it is time consuming. But I won't talk about myspace coders because I would like to sleep good at night knowing that html coding is getting better and not worse .
  14. What I found funny about that was my parents dell computer which is 512MB of course, can handle vista premium, which I was in complete shock when I saw it. Even 1.5 Gigs of ram is still slow, most likely once you start turning stuff off it won't be such a problem, but of course I plan to drop 2 gigs on a desktop to run vista smoothly. Especially with all the resource hogging programs I got on my computer I would need at least 2 gigs; now if I had the cash I might drop in 4 gigs of ram, but I might go with 2.5 if possible I have to ask in my pc hardware course in a few weeks. Well I think the reason it got cracked is that people who got the beta OS through the MSDN accounts had it loaded it up on torrent sites, so hackers, crackers, phreakers and phrackers had there sweet time in working out the details to see what they could fine. Or they were doing these activities themselves and see what they can do. Of course I find it funny that no one has called Vista another ME, because of how bad ME was. Of course word has it, MS is already working on the new OS and it's supposed to be in beta in like 2009-2010 or something like that, so it could be interesting that vista could be like ME just prettier.
  15. Yeah I came across that myself when I tried out some new add-on's delivi made a post about a few months agot and man that was insane, when I couldn't figure out what was making firefox crash so much. Currently I have 39 extentions installed on my firefox browser and I am running 22 of them. It takes firefox a bit longer to load but I can wait the extra couple of seconds. But with the tools I posted here shouldn't crash your browser unless you have other stuff installed, so if your a first time ff user and install these programs you shouldn't have a problem. I have a feeling that having anywhere between 25-30 extensions running at the same time will crash the browserand then you have to go to safe mode to figure out which ones you want to keep.But you do bring up a good point that since firefox is opensource it should be able to accomendate all these extensions at one time, mind you that your computer can handle all this too.
  16. Just saw this today and all I have to say is another service to get get ruined by myspace with ads and other junk stuff. Although I haven't used photobucket for awhile now, I either use imageshack or imagefilez for my needs, but for photobucket to be tangled up with myspace I dunno that it won't be as good as it is now. We already know myspace limits people on how they can design their layouts and what not, but what kind of limitation will myspace force photobucket to do once this is completed. Lower bandwidth or allow certain amount of photos and what not. But I guess that just paranoia from a crappy service and a good service that people use.
  17. That is weird , it is obviously a alignment error with the second tab, but when checking the other tabs out it is fine, what I suggest is that you tweak with this part of the coding: /*Inner Stuff*/#inner{ margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 1px; width: 705px; height: auto; padding-bottom: 1px; background-color: #f7f7f7;}/*Navigation Stuff*/#navigation{ width: auto; height: 23px; background-color: transparent; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;}#navigation ul{ margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; position: relative; top: 5px;}#navigation li{ margin-left: 10px; background-color: #f7f7f7; list-style: none; font-size: 15px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 20px; color: #9c0000; letter-spacing: -1px; text-align: center; float: left;}#current_tab{ width: 95px; height: 23px; display: block; background: url("./current_tab.gif") transparent no-repeat; border: 0px; border-bottom: 5px solid #ffffff; font-weight: bold;} At first I thought removing one of the tabs would work, but thats not the case since it did the same thing to the second lin. So thats hwy I would suggest tweaking the CSS and if nothing works and no one has a solution here I would suggest getting in contact with the person who originally coded this because they didn't pay attention to aligning these images properly.
  18. That is some good stuff, a couple of them I seen and I think I did back in my early days of web designing, but most of it is really new to me due to the fact I don't really work on search engine optimization at all. But one thing I did notice you left out, or you didn't but change the wording to is google bombing, I believe it falls in line with link farming but to the gooogle search engine and what not. So this is some good info for users to read and be honest in trying to build their websites through the search engines.
  19. I would say this would be another bad site I came across when I was looking up movie rumors for games and what not when I cam across this http://vindmegaman.ytmnd.com/, the background begins to hurt you eyes after awile with al that running.
  20. Interesting enough the new way of coding has been talked about since xhtml was introduced back in 2000 I think, so it's nothing really new if your coding career start with the xhtml era. Of course the books I have been coming across with recently show like ot emphasize that particular note as well including the use of the "&" symbol in your html coding.One thing I do like to comment on is the doc type which I recently found out myself, you really don't need to use XHTML doc type if you don't plan on using XML with in your site, HTML 4.01 strict is the closes thing to xhtml then it can get with some minor differences. Although people have been using xhtml since it first came out since it was cleaning, some designers especially those who make web template still use html 4.01.But hte one thing I thought was a bit annoying was the fact you need to close every tag in your document like <br> and image tags, I think was a bit unnecessary of course I haven't heard to much about xhtml 2 yet so who knows what they changed with that coding structure. Another thing I would like to point out with the quote thing make sure your using the right quotes since most programming languages uses both " and ' within it's structure. Although a interesting topic it should cover more uncommon things that most designers don't know about or trying to figure out, especially now that ajax is coming around and you got all thes video and photo sites showing up.
  21. Well from looking at the coding and adjusting the heights of some of the images it seems all your problems are steming from your header, because every time I tried to adjust your index_06.gif image it wouldn't align properlu with the rest of the header. What I suggest is that you re-slice your template with the follow slices, mind you this is a rough sketch of where the slices should be, but you should be able to get an idea on where to slice the template as you can see it cuts the number of images down just a bit, but of course I am assuming that you will want the site to expand the content I would recommend this type of slice Also make sure when your checking hte sizes that you have px next to the number so not to quirk mode the browser, that could the problem that you were haveing with the images because you just had the number and not the px next to it. This should give an idea what to look for and or redo.
  22. For a wallpaper maybe but for a business card, a tad to background busy for a business card, however, from reading your post I would suggest that you keep the other side plain and just add the business information to it so if you were to use it people will be able to see the other information without having a hard time seeing it. Other then that nice vector design, colors fit well the off center look for hte image looks ok but in this case centering it would still look good.
  23. agree wiht everyone else, the lack of color in your background and the text and render blending don't go well with each other either. So what happen with these sigs, i seen your other work and these seem to lack a bit, I would take another shot with these and add some color to them.
  24. Agree with truefusion, when you have a big like that you usually want to make the render take up more space to it. Same goes with the text it could be a bit bigger as well. Though you have a nice a background going it lacks any depth to it especially since you didn't to much with the render. I would take another crack at this and work on trying to blend the render with the background. I would support te 5/10 it's half way there, just need sa bit more work to it.
  25. YEAH!! i can actually reply to this topic now, yesterday I just brought myself a motorola red razr cell phone. of course it got quite expensive after it was all said done when I got my razr, have to make sure to send in those rebates in for my money back .
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