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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Funny enough I did finish a course on statistics, but if you were to look to at the question a bit longer and not at rval correct answer, it would be obvious as to why his number is correct. Since the odds are lower with more choices they would slightly increase as more choices are dropped from the list. Then when the king chose a door those odds would only increase, but heres the thing the thif could be that got the wrong door as well so saying what rval says could be partially right. The number is correct but that number could swing both ways as to which door is the correct one.
  2. Well I got the link took some time finding this answer but this post seem the most logicial, funny feeling you seen it as well, but here it goes. Person had the same problem as you and so another member listed the following links https://support.microsoft.com/en-us https://support.microsoft.com/en-us https://support.microsoft.com/en-us https://support.microsoft.com/en-us now when I finish reading the post it was mention that link number 4 was the one that worked because of the IE repair tool would correct this. Also here is ome more info on the repair and how to use it as well. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/194177 source http://pressf1.pcworld.co.nz/archive/index.php/t-32756.html Hopefully these 6 links will be able to help you recover your images mich, but if not then I recommend that you save everything and the reinstall windows to recover the broke file that deals with the images.
  3. Well look what happen with the second pirates movie they open it up for a second time around as well and you don't see to many movies do that unless they have to cover the costs. Of course look at harry potter, most of that money is coming from the kids while spider man and pirates is more of a teenager-adult type movies. Of course the question should be will pirates be able to score 150,000,000+ on opening weekend as well? since spider-man three has broken every record that the pirates movie just broke.We already know that SM 3, PotC 3, HP 5, Shrek 3, transformers are going to be bringing in at least 3-4 Billion dollars by themselves, although I am big a Ocean's fan; however, not to many kids are going to see that movie since it's not funny and all that good stuff to them. I think the record for total gross during the summer was like $10-$15 billion or something? Of course think about this by the time PotC 3 does come out everyone including their mothers will have seen Spider-Man 3. It will be the biggest year yet for movies, of course who know's how much they could have make since a few hundred million will be lost to torrents and bootlegs and what not.
  4. man that sucks bad mojo right there, heck if the dude does come I don't think no one will mind beating the snot out of them and of course forcing the same poison food down their throats as well for doing that to these cute little puppies. With the pregnant mother it would be hard to say since don't know how long the food has been out, I would say bring her to a vet and see if they are alright or not. Also to think the idea of eating cats and dogs was bad enough but people killing dogs for no apparent reason just because they are there.Of course the thieves are stupid enough to do this as well, because now everyone knows that someone is coming and these thieves don't even realize they just set themselves up bad as well. Let us know if you caught these beeps and throw in a couple of punches for me .
  5. How about we ditch our computers and paint the town all evil like XD

  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Did I call that or what? I can't believe this movie could gross that much in a weekend like that. Well I will keep my prediction going and say it will either replace star wars for 5th Pirates of the Caribbean for 6th or the first Spider-Man for 7th. Of course with the final Pirates of the Caribbean coming out a few weeks this could be the biggest summer of movies of all time.
  7. Not to beat a dead horse with this, but the reason you want to go with % is that you will be building a fluid design, meaning any computer resolution that looks at your site it will remain the same size. Of course in order to get a perfect fluid design everything around the % or it will break beyond the standard resolution. The same goes with fixed width's as well, if you don't use specific width's then your design could break as well. Then based on your which way you want to go will determine how much editing you will have to between the top browsers to make sure nothing is wrong with any of them. Just make sure you don't mix or match or peopel will have problems looking at your site beyond the 1024x768 or the 5 people that still use 800x600 resolution.
  8. How young were you referring to? Funny that you mentioned it a lot of kids saw this movie yesterday and some adults when I went, but of course I highly doubt the kids get the darkside to this movie. Of course without spoiling anything their was a lot of stuff peter was doing that most kids shouldn't even think about. With X-3 they pretty much ended the trilogy with that movie I would think they could have done another movie with apocalypse as the main bad guy. Actually it isn't the last spider movie, the details for the forth one are already being started on, so far only Dunst is coming back and it's slated for a 2009 release, most likely we won't be hearing concrete news about SM 4 till mid 2008.
  9. Well after seeing quite a few topics about who smokes what and how many they smoke a day I thought I post this essay that I wrote and see what you smokers really think about what you do. Yes thanks to the junk they put into the cigarettes it is very hard to quit smoking and of course the best stress reliever since the exercise bike. This essay is more gear towards kid's who smoke but for the adult's it could still prove to be useful info. So after reading this essay what do you guys think who's more at risk the people who smoke or the those who don't smoke?Smokers or Non-Smokers: Who?s More at Risk?Smoking is possibly one the world?s oldest leisure activities and stress relievers since historians have dated the use of tobacco as early as the Mayan Empire (250-900 A.D) and it?s partial discovery by Columbus when he first landed on the new world. (Borio) By early to mid 20th century, however, smoking cigarettes started showing its deceptive side to both smokers and non-smokers alike. Although it would take years of research, thousands of reports and the constant battles between the courts and the tobacco, people were slowly beginning to know about the health risks of smoking cigarettes. The biggest question that surrounds smoking may be who was more at risk; those who smoked for 20-30 years or those who suffered form second-hand smoke for 20-30 years.Though cigarettes are the most profitable commodity in the world due to its addictive nature, on the other hand it?s the most prolific reason why so many people have different forms of cancer, smoking mothers lose babies, and smokers paying a high financial price for their habit. The 2004 report, ?The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General,? by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services states that smoking can cause cancer in the bladder, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx (voice box), esophagus, cervix, kidney, lung, pancreas, and stomach ?New Surgeon General's Report?. Now that?s ten different cancers a heavy smoker could get just by smoking cigarettes over a long period of time. Yet, the most common form of cancer that most smokers get is lung cancer, due to the fact the smoke that gets inhaled builds up over time in a person?s lungs. However, depending on a person?s body structure and how long a smoker has been smoking, it could take months to years for symptoms of lung cancer to develop. Those symptoms include shortness of breath, chest or abdomen pain, chronic coughing to name a few ?Symptoms of lung cancer?.Although getting cancer is on the top of the list of health risks for smokers, the number two problem is for pregnant mothers who smoke and their unborn children. Smoking mothers increase the chance they could lose the child anywhere from a few weeks into their pregnancy up to when their child is born ?Women and Smoking?. Or some mothers could have problems conceiving altogether. However, problems for the children skyrocket the moment they are conceived in their mother?s womb. The problem that ranks number one is the fact they could die depending how much the mother smokes. Though the odds are that children could develop normally from a mother?s womb to when they become adults are somewhat small, children who do survive the first nine months are in a high risk of complications developing over time, which include colds, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases ?Women and Smoking? Though people have to suffer through these problems as children and then as adults for the rest of their lives, the financial burdens for smokers are so heavy that during a smoker?s life time a smoker could be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, and that?s including buying the cigarettes and paying medical bills to keep themselves alive. Based on a calculator program provided by http://www.cancer.org/ to show how much cigarettes would cost a person (I will be using myself as an example although I don?t smoke), lets say I started smoking at the age of 15 at $4.00 a pack and 20 cigarettes a day, in 10 years I would have spent about $16,196 for smoking. That is a lot of money to be spending on something that will eventually kill me. However, others are still susceptible to the health risks and financial costs of inhaling second hand smoke from those who they socialize with who do smoke, though it may take longer.While non-smokers are saving that $16,196 from not buying cigarettes they still are susceptible to getting cancers, losing babies and paying for medical costs. So how are non-smokers still susceptible all of those problems? Simple, it is called second-hand or passive smoking. There are two ways for a person to inhale the smoke either through the smoke coming from a lighted cigarette or the smoke that is exhale by the person smoking. Although the only benefit non-smokers get from this is it takes longer for their bodies to develop the protection their body needs. However, some non-smokers could develop symptoms quicker then others, it just depends how long a person has been exposed to the smoking. When it comes to second-hand smoke for mothers and children, second-hand smoke is as dangerous to the child in the womb as if the mother was smoking directly (Children and Secondhand Smoke). Although the risks are still high in losing a child, the greater risks are the child?s development as he or she grows up; second-hand smoking can cause learning disabilities for the child such as reading and visual learning (Children and Secondhand Smoke). Children could also develop the same problems children of smoking parents, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and even low birth weight (Women and Smoking). Non-smokers will be saving thousands of dollars by not buying cigarettes, but in reality they will be spend even more then that from the medication, doctors and even respirators to help fight off whatever complications a smoker or non-smoker might have. Though non-smokers will be the healthier of the two groups in the world of cigarettes and smoking, it still makes people wonder when people will realize that is bad for your health. So who would be more at risk, the smokers or the non-smokers? Both groups of people can suffer the same fates whether they know it or not. A smoker could go through life and just suffer breathing problems while a non-smoker could have full blown lung cancer or visa versa. I would say the non-smokers are more at risk because most of the time they are inevitably around smokers wherever they go and while smokers know the risks they have a hard time beating the addiction to those tobacco products they buy everyday. Works CitedBorio, Gene. "Tobacco Timeline." 2005. 05 Mar. 2007 <http://archive.tobacco.org/resources/history/Tobacco_History.html>. "Calculate the Cost of Smoking." Cancer.Org. 05 Mar. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. "Children and Secondhand Smoke." http://www.entnet.org/. 2007. 5 Mar. 2007 <http://www.entnet.org/content/secondhand-smoke?gt=;. "New Surgeon General's Report Expands List of Diseases Caused by Smoking." U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 27 May 2004. 5 Mar. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. "Second-Hand Smoke: the Science." No-Smoke.Org. Nov. 2006. 05 Mar. 2007<http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. "What are the symptoms of lung cancer?" VCU Massey Cancer Center. 15 Dec. 2005. 05 Mar. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. "Women and Smoking Fact Sheet." American Lung Association. Mar. 2006. 5 Mar. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;.
  10. I have to admit I only seen a few of these of course our favior nigerian scam was in on the list as well, best part they have links to whats was wrong with everyone of these hoaxes. Of course I have to admit these were some pretty funny ones, especially the cell phone tracer. what I recommend for a phone number is 000-0000000 and you will be safe from any problems in the future and also care to look how how to stupid some Nigerian scammers are? check this link out and read the emails and the foot notes to these emails http://www.scamorama.com/bunyan.html. Those of course who live in American or know some of our famous people will recognize these names. SOURCE HERE
  11. Yeah I would agree that it would take some time to work out the details, I see that taking a few years just to work out the mail and search engine . OF course Microsoft is coming out with their new email set up, yahoo just came out with it's new browser based yahoo messenger client. Of course this could be a scare tactic by the two companies to make google do something stupid and buy another company that has legal problems .
  12. Since yesterday one of the biggest stories to hit the tech world since the discovery of the microchip has been floating around since the first two reports about it have been made public. Those reports well simple rumors are spreading that Microsoft and Yahoo could merge and create one of the biggest mergers of all time and actually threaten google dominance in the tech world. when the markets closed yesterday yahoo was worth about 48 billion and Microsoft a whopping $300 billion and so the rumor price would be that Microsoft would drop $50 billion on this little deal. Of course everyone from the janitor to the top dogs have denied this and only mention that there are some plans in actions for some tag teaming in order to bring google down a notch. Also if this deal were to go down this would be the most money Microsoft has ever spent on a merger and right now the most they have spent was about $1.3 billion and could bring an actual threat to search market against google and of course the software development. Then of course thanks to this breakign news report did the stock market ever fluctuate between these 2 companies. But the big question would be will it happen? I highly doubt it but who knows crazy things have happen in the tech world in the last seven years.
  13. Well school is out, the sun warming up the skies and of course hitting the arcade's in a pair of shorts and a tank top and of course drop $100 into coin exchange machine and have your pockets rip at the seams with quarters....aaahh...was that the gold life in the olds days of arcade games. Now you got Dance Dance revolution jumping around like a jack rabbit listening to Britney Spears singing "oops I did it again". Well not today, we are kicking it up old school style with another cult classic with a good import to the sega genesis called Golden Axe. A good ole button crushing, thumb jammin, sword swinging fun and oh yeah you get to beat on a guy name Death Adder...SCARY!!! Golden Axe Some screen shots Game Maker: Sega Year: 1989 Levels: 8 Sound: 6/10 (all though this was a good game even back then sound was lacking since all it consisted was background music, screams, and weapons sounds). Graphics: 8/10 (though there was good detail to the game and some good animation to it but I think it was lacking somewhere even back then). Mini Games: none in the arcade but on imports dual mode. Difficulty: 10 (this game was pretty hard especially since you had 3 life bars and if you get caught in a attack sequence you could lose 2 in one shot). Gameplay: Well this arcade game had three buttons jump weapon attack and magic. Which also consist of 2 types of running attacks and a special two button combo attack as well. Of course timing these ultimate attacks were so-so hard, it all depend on where the bad guys where at. Plot: Well the story goes the Evil bad guy name Death Adder has taken over the land of our hero's, each one with a back story as to why they must defeat Death Adder. But what make it even harder Death Adder has kidnapped the King and princess and in the opening scene their friend Alex gets killed by one of many henchmen of Death Adder and so as the hero or heroine your goal is to whoop some henchmen butt and finish off Death Adder once and for all. First Impressions Well put it like this I didn't get far, if I remember correctly I believe the farthest I ever gotten in the arcade was maybe the third level, but of course I never got that deep into this game so I would say maybe I spent about $20-$30.00 on this game. Of course hte best part was setting up the henchmen and making them fall in the pit. Of course when I scored my sega genesis I got this game and played it till I finally won, I can't remember how long it took me to it but when I did was I was WOOOHOO or something like that. But like I mention I didn't play this game that much in the arcade mostly on the genesis. 16 years laterWell as I was growing up I played it every now and then just to see if I could get that A++ ranking, I believe I got that twice, because how the ranking score was simple, the less guys you used and the further you got the better ranking. Of course if you look at the arcade game it seemed impossible unless you played it everyday. Then with at least 2 months left in my tour Iraq my room mate had the Playstation version and of course I played it as well, I do believe I beat that one as well, of course this version got an update and I wasn't all that impressed either for some reason. Now that I played the original I forgot how hard it really was. of course with my experience hands in this game I was able ot last awhile and the old tricks still worked; however, I did die quite a few times I think when I played it for the first time I think my ranking was C when I played it for the first time. Still a fun game even to this day, hopefully when I get a free chance I try and see if I can score that A++ ranking again. Overall Ranking I would give it a 9ish, difficult game with ok graphics and so so sounds, the music made up for but those scream were horrible. I found out that the scream are coming form the movie Rambo First Blood, talk about a shock right there. I wonder if they ever knew that or not. If time your attack and keep everyone separated you get to the last level with ease. Of course in two player mode you odd's just double on winning this game, so try this game out either arcade or port and you will still enjoy it like I did back in the old school arcade days. So now for a catchy slogan..... "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  14. I just got back from seeing Spider-Man 3 and I put it like this, spider-Man 1 and 2 and if it happens 4 will never beat this movie, but I discuss more about it as I review all three movies. Spider-Man I would say I was a big spider man fan I saw a few reruns of the old tv show back in the day and then when I caught the spider man cartoon on fox I like it up till the very end as Mary Jane watson would disappear from existence and then we get that crappy spider man in the future series. Let's time skip to the first movie which in which we start from the beginning as high school nerd Peter Park would get bit by that radioactive spider and of course the rest is history. The first villian we get is the Green goblin which I think Willem Dafoe did a good job with in bringing out the evil of the green goblin, he did a good acting job with the character and he should be pleased with it. Tobey Maguire who plays our hero I think he did an awesome job he brough an average guy to a comic book hero alive and of course the emotion to it as well with the other characters. However, although Kirsten Dunst is a good actress I think she was better as a child actor and thats about it, I can't think of any good names that could pull off Mary Jane Watson, but I feel as though she didn't put in enough feeling into the Mary Jane character like I was hoping. James Franco as Harry Osborn, I think he did a pretty good job, he played the character like he was straight from the cartoon, he was friends but he had that jealousy with Peter Parker especially after Mary Jane left Harry for Peter. J.K. Simmons all I have to say is that no one else could pull J. Jonah Jameson then anyone else, especially the guy who did his voice in the cartoon. Let's not forget uncle Ben and aunt May they did a could job with the character and I believe that Cliff Robertson made those famous word have even more meaning in the movie then in the comics or the cartoon but as I digress it was after Ben Parker's death that more of an impact then when was alive. Of course the way the movie ended we all knew the sequel was coming as harry would take over as the Hob Goblin, which we were a bit wrong, of course know one knew who spider man was, so the second movie justified that a little bit. I would say the movie had a good pace going especially are climatic ending with the death of the Green Goblin, it didn't have has much emotion as it's predecessors, of course it was just the movie so you wouldn't really expect it that much. Special effects awesome of course with a goo smooth transition between the effects and the real actors. Everyone did a good job with the roles they played and I couldn't wait for number #2. I give this movie a solid 10/10 as this was one of the better comic book movies to come out since the X-Men. Spider-Man 2 So as our story continues Peter parker has accept his new life as spider-man and the fame he has brought with the character and so we are now introduced to our second villain played by Alfred Molina (Indiana Jones and raiders of the Ark anyone?) after a freak accident with his experiment and course on hte come spree to finish his work. Of course if anyone of you remember the short live spider-man series on MTV which talk about events between SM 1 and SM 2 (all 3-d) was background filler while we waited for the second one, it was ok but I think it took a side track from both those just a bit. Of course I never saw he last episode but you could assume that it had to do with the second movie. Well as the movie goes we find out the difficulties of being a super hero and it would catch up with him, especially his love for Mary Jane which I remind you that Kirsten Dunst did a little better with Mary Jane this time then in the first movie. Skip a few scene's and we finally see Peter break down and los complete confidence as he told Aunt May the truth, disappointing Mary Jane, hte land lord, the bugle (did I forget anything) but after rescuing that girl in the burning building and course that piece of cake with the landlords daughter and being forgiven by aunt May, he was back as our hero once again. Throw in the train fight and of course the emotion the citizen's of New York carrying spider but back the emotion that made this movie big. Skip a few scene's and now Harry finds out who spider man is OH NO!! Skip a few more and now we are done to the big fight with Doc Oct who after finally realizing the wrong he did sacrificed himself to save New York. Oh Yeah Mary Jane just found who Spider-Man was and ditch Captain Jameson at the alter and they both confessed their love for each other (aaaaw). Oh and Harry found the secret stashed behind the mirror as well. So we all know that Spider man 3 was coming and so we knew and hope the Hob golbin would make his debut. This of course was better the the first because of the struggle and the emotion that was felt as Peter Parker was trying to find himself and as his alter ego, everyone did a good this time and music of course was awesome and every time I hear it, I was go kick some @ZZ Spider-Man . Again I give this a 10/10 because this was true sequel and wasn't that was put together, the sotry played out perfect, special effects just as good and more. Spider-Man 3 Well now that we cover the first 2 movies we know come to this movie was coming even though we wouldn't know at the time that we would see venom and the sand until the trailers showed up. Well to not give this movie away to much I can tell you that the Hob Goblin makes his appear, so does sand man of course spider man's arch nemesis venom and course a couple new character's besides the ones I just mention are Gwen Stacy and of course Eddie Brock (take a guess who he is) and course the original cast comes back for the third time. I have to say that this was the perfect timing to play the dark side angle and Toby hit it awesome, of course if you read the comics and watch the cartoon we all know that he get posses and enjoys the power, and eventually break away from it and of course though the set up was different Eddie Brock would become Venom so that is not much of a spoiler there. Unless you never read the comic or watch the cartoon and it is. Right now I put it on the table that this movie will score big opening weekend with at least 100-150 million and I see a top 5 listing of the most gross movies of all time. The emotions to this movie were so powerful you couldn't help but shed a tear I know I did. Of course the ending of this movie made the emotions so powerful I had to keep myself from making of a pool of tears. I stake my claim that this movie is best sequel of all time and I have see a lot of movies that are trilogy based and then some, heck it was better the Return of the King. And so I tell you this, if you only get to see one movie you have to see it and just don't download it illegally because you won't feeling the emotion as you would in the theater, so sped the 7-8 bucks for it and trust me if This Evil guy can cry you know it to be good. Of course I even got a special edition Spider Man 3 cup which was awesome too . My rating 100/10 because this 3rd movie was better then all three and I hope it does well and with both movies grossing $777,292,200 I see at at least 1.1+ Billion overall for this franchise. Of course the rumors have started with Spider-Man 4 and most concerning the fact that people are leaving blah blah. Of course no villian's have been named yet, but I think it is time to bring the King Pin, the Ultimate Bad guy in this franchise, hopefully Michael Clarke Duncan does not play him because he ruined it in DareDevil, although the guy is huge, I don't see him playing that character good enough, of course he does reprise his role and the Kingpin, hopefully this time Sam Raimi will be able to bring out the King Pin that we all love to hate. Of course I don't know to many actors that are like 6'7 and are like 500 pounds of pure muscle ( I am only guess at the size of King Pin). I guess in the coming months and of course next year we will find out who will star in this movie and what to expect, maybe even the disappearance of Mary Jane like in the cartoon or doctor conner becoming the croc of course the other ultimate villain Carnage, that would be awesome to see especially how well they designed venom in this movie. Well that's it for my review but if it does end as a trilogy that would be the place to end it, especially if certain cast members don't come back as the rumors say, I can't wait for the DVD and see what they have in it.
  15. Well good news for though, sony plans to cut the 20 GB hard drive and add more to the 60GB hard drive, Last I hard they plan to increase the capacity to the hard drive, in which they didn't say how much but htey plan to. Well of course do to the lack of sales of PS3 and of course good games it will be some time before sony will get back on their feet. OF course in the news the father of the playstation basically got fired because of the lack of profit and hte father of final fantasy just straight out said that PS3 is to hard to design on.Of course whats funny is that people have installed windows and linux on the PS3 and mostly use it for photos and music and junk because of the lack of games, but hopefully this fall and winter Sony should be making some money with load of games that are coming out.
  16. No i will be keeping it on my account but It gave me a killer idea for getting a domain for the site, in which I work out the details to that later. Funny enough I wanted to design a template for this, but I thought against it and just found a simple design and then work with. Whats good I kept the site a simple 6 pages, but since this was quickly done I might add more to the site in the future.
  17. Well I was contemplating this idea for awhile and I just had to think about it and see what would happen, Then of course when I started designing the sigs and of course found our emoticon I thought about it more, then of course now that was semester for the school was over I could actually think about and so in a few hours this morning I found a template that I like and started working out the details for it and now it is complete. SO MEMBERS OF THE EVIL SOCIETY I BRING TO YOU OUR EVIL HOME PAGE AND MAY ALL THOSE FEAR US!!!. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. Well I was contemplating this idea for awhile and I just had to think about it and see what would happen, Then of course when I started designing the sigs and of course found our emoticon I thought about it more, then of course now that was semester for the school was over I could actually think about and so in a few hours this morning I found a template that I like and started working out the details for it and now it is complete.SO MEMBERS OF THE EVIL SOCIETY I BRING TO YOU OUR EVIL HOME PAGE AND MAY ALL THOSE FEAR US!!!.LINK NO LONGER VALID
  19. Yeah I heard about it as well (couple a weeks ago), but of course it's all in theory and pretty hard to determine if it is truly a hospitable planet in our universe. Of course the first thing to catch my eye was the fact this planet is a lot clser to a star then our sun is to us. Yeah the red dwarf is cooler then our own sun, but that also means that star has a shortly life span. Which means that it could go could super nova or a black hole and the planet would begin it's destruction, not only that they couldn't give a reliable read out on the surface temperature so who knows what it's seasons are like. Then of course the 13 day rotation as well, I don't think a person could handle the fact they would be a few thousand years old by the time they turn 18 .But thats all trivial because this planet is 20.5 light years away or roughly 200 trillion miles, so getting there would be impossible as it would take maybe 50-100 generations to get to that planet based on our current space flight technology. Hopefully as times goes by we can find more inforamtion on this planet and see what it tells us.
  20. Yeah I be seeing it tomorrow hopefully, just to see how well they did venom, even though they messed up the plot behind Eddie Brock, well at least in the cartoon version though I dunno about the comic book. I smell at least 70-80 Million opening weekend and by the time the movie is done at least 400 Million overall. Should be interesting how well they timed everything with Hobgoblin, sandman and venom, that is a lot fight scenes and what not, hopefully it doesn't overshadow the plot line at all.
  21. This caught my eye instantly right here Which basically says the yahoo designed a new messenger in which you can use through your browser. Which also means you don't have to do all that work just to talk to several people. Right now it's in beta and it's very basic looking chat room type application so it's very simple, hopefully as they go through updates and full version they add more things to it and what not. Here's the link to the messenger https://messenger.yahoo.com/
  22. I knew that template looked familiar http://www.oswd.org/design/preview/id/2849/, because of the way the nav menu looks like on my laptop resolution, I just couldn't put my finger on it till a couple of days ago, then of course I had to look for this topic as well. Anyways for some reason your cpanel log in is popping up, you may want to check your scripts on that.
  23. Yeah I did notice they had packages for ASP, like ajax and php, I would assume that in order to get them working you would need to have these packs installed in order to run them properly.
  24. Prime numbers that good one, when I brought up to the my web design teacher who posted this she did mention the fact since the number of months and day's are limited (12 & 31) their would be a small group of combination to be used. I also thought of another combination of numbers 05/06/11 = 5+6=11 and there you go now we can learn math in a whole new way. At least I think it is a new way since I had to learn my numbers through school and what not.@haslip weill why do you think I went from o1-9 instead of 1-7? yeah its another combo but impractical on the idea that there are some weird combinations with calender dates i.e. 06/06/06, which bring up a interesting point, that I didn't see anything happening on june 6th 1006. I don't think they really even cared since it was the dark ages and what not.
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