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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. In your ACP panel your have a section for the portal to be configured with all the stuff you want, since I haven't touch the ACP panel in a very long time, I believe this is the trail to set up your portal ACP > Portal > Portal Configuration. There you can set up what you want to display including posts, topics and other stuff. But Like I mention this is coming from memory since it has been awhile since I looked into a board, so those with IPB board can help you better then I, but I think I am close as to where you have to go.
  2. This battle is official Albus Dumbleor you have won this battle congratulations on your sig battle victory.Thought I mention something, ever since I looked at Albus's Sig, it looks so 3-dish because Captain American is poping out from the background and so does the text. I was wondering if anyone else saw that as well?
  3. Well as the war on identity theft continues, another huge case begins as a man name Matthew S. Kichinka is charged with 54 counts of identity theft. With the help of stolen SSN#, birth dates and other person information to pen about 35 bank accounts in order to steal over 3 million dollars from E-trade and Ameratrade. Of course in that 54 counts of id theft, includes death threats, bunkruptcy and of course wire fraud. well with the way people are getting for prison time I see at least 15-20 on him . Of course that death threat could boost it up as well. What got me though is that kept track of this guy for 3 years to trump up the charges against this guy, I guess they wanted to make sure they got enough against him when they caught him, or he was doing good for the first year of this. Source Here
  4. Although I am bit surprise that no one really take about way back then, but it seems the hackers and crackers I starting to use the microsoft update downloading to transmit there malware and torjans to compromised computers. The reason being is that the Microsoft update program bypasses firewall security protocals and so when that malware is getting download, your firewall and virus programs will not pick it up. I know a few people turn it off and either download them manually or don't download them at all. So to toss out a warning, when you get he windows update pop up check to see if those are legit files, by either going to microsoft's website and downloading the updates from there or look and read the update bulletins and see if they match up. Source Here
  5. The vegtable one was hilarious chewbroccoli was awesome, yeah the mtv spoof was good the first two times when it originally aired and on the encore that was about it.
  6. I don't know if you are aware of this but cpanel x was installed but for some reason, the upgrade cause a whole lot of problems for everyone that range from whole site shutdown, MySQl error, phpmyadmin errors the works. So they had to downgrade back to the old cpanel and are most likely trying to figure out what happen during that installation process.
  7. I agree I would say it took me a combine 35-40 minutes to install both dreamweaver and photoshop onto my laptop, so I would have to say it's your system that made it take so long to install. Of course if you have a previous version of dreamwaver on your computer, the installation process will take a bit longer because every single file has to be updated. Of course when I change how many file dreamweaver had I nearly had a stoke. Dreamweaver alone has 9089 files in it's program but also several other things came with adobe as well, like adobe bridge (which I believe is a system like communicatiions network), adobe device central, used ot design for mobile phones and photo program. so in total at least for me that is adobe dreamweaver set up 12,177 files with in 1405 with a combine total of 462MB of space. Now that a lot of files and folder to install which requires a good processing speed to do that, but I do believe I ran my ram cleaner after installation and do a registry cleaning as well.
  8. Well I wouldn't really worry about Dreamweavre 8 anymore Dreamweaver 9 is the more complete package, due to the fact it now supports more templates both fluid and fixed width, the coding is up to standards with support for coding in mobiles phones. IT now supports ajax and scary it enough there is xhtml support for frams. It both supports not only fireworks but also photoshop images. Also includes no junk coding which is one of the best things for a html editor, so basically what I am trying to say it is the ultimate package, not to keen on the browser it has but thats ok I sometimes use it for quick edits. There so much stuff to it, you wish other html program can support most of this, although this is one of hte most expensive html editors out there, it's worth every penny.Of couse some of us like to go old school and use note pad, which I do sometimes for again quick fixes, but when I am doing serious codig I like to see the code more organize with it's pretty colors and what not.
  9. Yeah I would have to agree that cats and dog dream, especially dog when they do fidgit and what not, I did find some interesting articles about cats and dogs dreaming, http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art46704.asp. What really caught my attention was this part: I been hearing things about narcoleptic dogs years ago and along with the fact they sometimes growl as well when they are asleep, of course do we really want to know what they are dreaming about? THe human mind is bizarre enough when it comes to dreams I only could imagine what they are thinking about i.e. they got us on a leash and walking us around hte park to poop and pee on a lawn somewhere .
  10. typo I assume that your running the latest version 3.x.x if not this link could be useful http://www.icab.de/dl.php as it supports the latest mac systems g4 and g5.
  11. Saint_Michael


    Like I mentioned earlier about this, the problem I see with doing a hack like that is it will mess up the post that use a unique number and then the increases by one every time a new post is made. When someone posts on the forum that has the same number as the link the forum generates, it could cause a possible error in the database. Unless you somehow create a separate database if the info programmed in and then generated through a php then it might work. Hopefully that gives an idea on where to start programming that.
  12. I would say text messaging can take partial blame on how it is affecting students writing skills, because people send text messages quickly and you know how some people are they just want to get the assignment so they would quickly. Now I would some what speculate and say that when that student is trying to burn through those writing assignments and or got to turn it in the next day after waiting a week or so to actually start. Yeah you can call it laziness to there part but if in a rush they won't even know that they are doing it because they got like 5 minutes before class starts or something. Of course the one thing I did learn is that you can proof read your own paper because you sometimes can never tell you made any mistakes. That due to the fact that you have to write like your speaking to others, but when youre actually writing it doesnt feel like your doing it. Again its about practice and of course English and journalism majors are perfecting this everyday, but people like me who dont do writing on a daily basis, sometimes we loose those skills and are constantly fixing something. You could say text messaging is a cousin of leet speak since leet speak uses some acronym's with-in it's structure, but the thing with leet speak it is obvious that the words are wrong so correcting them shouldn't be that hard to do to figure out or actually forget how they are spelled correctly. However, I don't think the hardest of the hardcore leet speakers don't have that kind of problem when it comes to correct spelling, but it was never fully covered from the articles I read. So it would be hard to say if along with text messaging that it could be a problem for those who get loss between the fold of english writing. Watermonkey I just don't know what you are talking about , incidentally my lack of writing skills stems to the fact I never really wrote that much after my high school days. So you can say I am very rusty when it comes to writing, of course now I am getting like tons of practice when going into detail such as I am writing this sentence fragment of some sorts. Anyways, that's more or less what this topic is about; if a person can't tell the difference when they are writing a paper of some sorts school how will they be able to tell the difference when they are working in multi-million dollar companies? There is nothing wrong with send quick text messages especially since most text messages have limits as to how many characters you can have in a single message. The only really solution is train yourself to tell the difference between a 3 letter text message and 20 page research paper of some sorts; writing is a art and it just takes lot of practice to be good at doing it. Sometimes when I am reading news on the net I catch small typos especially with wrong words and of course when I read the paper I see small stuff as well. Another good idea that I have picked and has been somewhat effective is when I had to read other peoples essays in class; I was somehow able to pick up on errors that they missed. So with that in mind make sure you let others read your stuff, like I did with my research paper just a few weeks ago.
  13. yes you can change your member title as many times as you want without the need to reach post 1001 and 1501 in order to do so.
  14. I know others have notice that ff2 seems buggy when it comes to some ajax applications. I had to switch over to IE in order to see the shoutbox here on trap for while, because something was screwy going on with the ajax, but eventually something was fix or an update to ff fix it somehow. Of course hopefully ff3 fixes some of those problems and most likely safari will see an upgrade for ajax. Which sadly in my searching I haven't found any information on when or if that will happen.
  15. Of course the price is right its free , anyways I do believe the late versions of smf, phpbb and even IPB are both php4 and php5 so you can use them on either or. Of course you would have to pay attention to what mods you install since you now have to deal with both php4 versions and php5 versions, but I highly doubt you will have any problems with most mods regardless of what version it is. If I remember correctly though php5 just added a few things and some restructuring in how the code is so you should be able to still use most mods.
  16. I must admit this is your best one yet, some problems I notice is you have a lot of open space, I would make the render a bit bigger to cover some more of the background up. Next is the text you need to work with the anti-alias tool to make the text smoother and crisp instead of blurry. I aslo I would begin hte process of smudging your render into the background to help blend it it, Smudging take a lot of practice and if you notice some of my sigs I have been using a lot of smudging in them. The colors work well with each tool.I give it a 7/10
  17. Well first get a more secured and updated forum, IPB 1.3 has so many security problems that you will be wasting your time trying to prevent script kiddes from getting in instead of running your site. What I suggest is that you go with phpbb, SMF, which are free forum software and can be used on php 5, or plunk down the money for IPB 2.2. I don't think it won't even matter if you were able to convert 1.3 successfully you will still have the same security problems, so look at some more updated forum software and it will save you a major headache.
  18. hmmm.. Have your tried pinging that site from your router admin panel? If oyu get a packet loss of 100% then their is something wrong with the site on your end (IP number). Another suggestion be to log into your admin panel and find something that looks like Access restrictions (or website blocking) and see if the site is listed or not. If it is listed then just delete the entry. Another thing would be to see if your actualy IP number got block by the site , sometimes that is the case when you can't access a site, is that htey block you access on your end.
  19. Well if you know Christian lore and angel hierarchy name is coming from the patron saint of chivalry and the warrior, Saint Michael. Who is an archangel and basically leader of the army of god and well my first is also michael so it fits . Oh yeah he's also the the guy that beat satan and imprisoned him for 1000 years, somehow I lost that key . You could say that someone could compare my style here on the forums and the way he works . But on another note it's also a combination of my email account on yahoo and of course my first name as well .
  20. Well this topic is now redundant due to the fact that Birkhead is the father and that was proven a few weeks ago with the DNA testing. So if he is still making that claim dude needs to see a doctor because there is no way he can prove it otherwise.
  21. Welcome to the site mago and most likely I will assume you have read all the rules and stuff so I won't beat a dead horse about it, so enjoy your stay, enjoying your hosting when you get it and have some fun.
  22. Well I was able to fix most of the problems, you just have to tweak it now so the right side border with align with each other and the realign the text which will most like be done in CSS and not in the tables. HTML <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title><link href="Testing-Template_files/css.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /></head><body><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="697" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4"><img src="Testing-Template_files/header.png" /></td> </tr> <tr id="header2"> <td width="140" colspan="3" height="85">Navigation</td> </tr> <tr id="fill"> <td width="700px"> Navigation<br> Navigation<br> Navigation<br> Navigation<br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><img src="Testing-Template_files/footer.png" /></td> </tr> </tbody></table></body></html> CSS BODY { MARGIN-TOP: 0px; BACKGROUND: #6b4929; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px;}#fill { BACKGROUND: url(fill.png); background-repeat:repeat-y;}#header2 { BACKGROUND: url(header2.png); width:700px; background-repeat:no-repeat;}
  23. Some good entries for this week's SOTW so let the voting begin delivi Android Mich Imtay22 Forbez faylestarr Saint-Michael mattmgill truefusion Ridwan Sameer Voting Format delivi: Android: Mich: Imtay22: Forbez: faylestarr: Saint-Michael: mattmgill: truefusion: Ridwan Sameer: Remember to state a valid reason for you vote for it to be counted.
  24. this site took about two hours and some change, image came my render collection, I will be making some minor updates to it in the near future, the reason I kept the welcome to the all hte pages, was that this was a speedy design so I just left it there. Version 1.0 came from the original template, so I won't be changing the look of the site any time soon. But like I said I speed coding this and so in the course of coming weeks I be making minor updates and what not it.Thanks for the comments, and of course members of the evil society start bringing in suggestions for what you like to add, I won't be uploading any type forum or guest book, because we do most of our discussion here in the forums to begin with and I don't feel like maintaining something when it is such a small group. I thought I throw in a small update for every I made some minor adjustments to the pages and added a poll section to the site so members and none members can decide on some new idea's I thought about when expending the site so enjoy. for a quick link to the polls go here NO LONGER VALID!
  25. I would have to say Super Mario Bro's 3 was my favorite along with Super Mario Kart and world for the snes are favorites because of the replay value they had back in the day I play them from time to time on a emulator. We use to spend hours racing each other in mario kart is was some good fun back in the day.
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