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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Not bad at all some good stuff added to the tables bbcode, I might have to do some tweaking in my sig block tonight . Good thing html tags where turned off or people would be designing websites in their sig blocks .
  2. Tecnically speaking that is not cheating I know quite a few sites that offer real cash for fake cash which is legal since I doubt they gain they money illegally. Of course I find it stupid because really why would you want to waste real money for fake money just to beat a online game. But thats kids for you and the hand full of adult gamers that buy fake cash for real cash.Now it would be cheating if he hack and stole other peoples account and then sold off all their junk they had but that would be it for cheating.
  3. I never knew about the military experience which is interesting, but don't really made since i have no need for one. But now for a big shocker in this who shooting, it looks like cho bought the clips through ebay through his account that he has. Now if that doesn't just put an eye sore ot ebay especially the person or store that sold him the clips. $5 says ebay isn't going to do anything about it except maybe slap a few restrictions of weapons and what not just to cover themselves and not get sued by every single family. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. I took a long shot and it did pay off, awesome! I assume that you used different keywords then I did? I just Google SQL Error : 145 and it was the second site it listed that gave me the post about what to do more or less . Although the post mentioned that it worked he didn't mention which link he used. Should be a good idea to post that smae link as well haslip so everyone who is using an old phpbb board can use it if or when a error happens.
  5. I would say it's only possible if your a newborn baby or in a old folks home because either way it would be hard for either or to be able to concentrate on using the computer properly. On the other hand if your between the ages of Teenager and getting ready to retire, then you will be touching a computer unless your a janitor or something then most every job uses one in some shape or form. To either communicate with someone, passing information or even storing information. Computers have or on the verge say maybe in 20-30 years will replace most jobs that do not need a human hand except to turn it on and off and maybe replace parts when they fizzle out.The average user have become some dependant on a computer that most have more then 2 computers in their own home which includes 1 desktop and 1 laptop and maybe a 2 more of either or. But what can yo usay computer have made most peoples live simpler, while some angry that they just lost their job by getting replace by a computer. Which still happens from time to time because last year where my father works a bunch got laid off and got replaced by an oracle system to automate everything for them.So as the computer become more advance so will the need to have a better system then anyone else.
  6. Rock On!!! a lot faster the others, now mark brought up a interesting point that it he directory updates the link through hte hosted application. Although I don't how much it is used here but requesting to change domain name post should be added into the script somewhere, since that won't be caught in their hosting application form post they made like 3-4 months ago. I got a few unverified links and some dead ones when I went through but you trimmed down to those who are actually hosted to everyone which is good because now the script is flexiable enough that you could add two options to script:Option 1: Display full Xisto directory (ever domain that has been set up)Option 2: Display Only Verified urls in the listI don't see the sense of having a suspending page loaded in the directory if the person does not have sufficient credits to keep it running.
  7. Like I mentioned in my review after seeing this movie I think it was more of a comedy then action movie with blood and guts. I considered the blood and the violence as a bonus to the movie because most of the time when I was watching the movie me and hte rest of hte people that watch it were laughing our heads off. To bad though it's not making as much money as some of of their older movies, but most likely it will be a big hit when the DVD comes out in about 5-6 months. Of course with all the movies that are coming out within the 3 months of summer most people are saving their cash for those.
  8. Im surprised he hasn't just a superblock on your ip address and thus limited you what sites you oculd go to. But like everyone else, we are not going ot tell you how to do it because its not our job to raise you properly so wait till your 18 or 21 and then get your house and look at all the bad stuff you want.
  9. I can't remember or not but doesn't phpbb have a repair feature like ipb does with it's DB within it's admin panel? By the looks of it I would say it's a specific file and DB so instead of doing a full restore on a back up see if you can patch the phpbb_post_text db and then upload the viewtopic.php file. Of course if the patches don't work then go with the full restore and see if it happens again. I did do some searching although not the same DB but the response the next person gives could help out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/=.
  10. It figures it would happen eventually that people would be doing some stuff on youtube.com. I would say only 2-3 people did stupid stuff and that is mock cho's play and then upload them and the excuses this one guy made doesn't cover the fact he would do this. Even if was about the murder, however some people have posted positive videos about what happen which I say is good coming from the fact we have morons trying to start trouble. If youtube is smart they delete that video ASAP and spare more suffering that the families have gone throw so far. Also I just read the article about Cho's family making a statement about it, from the looks of it, the authorities found the family quickly because they mention that the whole family is under protection now. But at least they made a statement so those families won't treat them like crap after what has happen. I know they are just as suffering as the rest of the families and wanting to know what happen as well.
  11. I would believe all the sites would be located through the WHM File directory, I take a guess and say that MySQL db handle part of that but I am only taking a guess on that. thats the nasty exploit thats been going around last few weeks and people have found many variations to use it as well nd its also the one I been talking about in the last few weeks at trap http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46756-topic/ So whatever you do, do not click that link if if you are patched to cover that ani exploit.
  12. Just a small warning about using this script, in which I gave a similar post before about something similar to use. If you want your website to be index properly in search engines like google do not use it, because if you constantly change your website title then your site will not get index properly and you could also get denied for search engine cheating in someway. But if you don't care about that and just making a personal site then go right ahead and use it to your hearts content.
  13. wow that is extremely slow doing it that way, but what pyost mention does make sense but how about in addition to, if a hosting application appears more then once for that member check the dates and use the current one as the current link. Because it's most likely that url would be the most current one out of the group of applications for that member. We know one of the current issues with the script is the time it takes to upload the links, I say you would have to go either flatfile or MySQL db to store the urls for quicker upload upon a user updating the directory after the first run through. So that would mean you would need to add a if statement into the php script that would follow that in some way in order for a quicker time.Ok so I am making this project more complicated then it should be .
  14. Aah that would make sense, so all the extra space pushed the code up I guess and so what was supposed to be on line 6 was somewhere else and thus created the errors, interesting indeed.
  15. I had to redo the evil monkey sig after I found out I did a override with it, the EM sig looks a bit better without the vector.
  16. With the month of may just less then 2 weeks away (11 days) and its been a while since a render challange for those who are looking to improve their skills and what not. Ok so with this SOTW challange you will be using the following render. Here are the rules for this SOTW challange Sig Size Min: 300x150 Max: 400-170 Brush Style: any Render: use the one in this post Text: Either use Hulk or Incredible Hulk and your forum name Other Effects: optional Oops forget something the due date Entries end on May 12th 12 am (west coast usa time)
  17. How about this would it be possible to set up a function in which you uses the member search function and lock it on to hosting members? I think it would bump the accuracy just a bit if you connect that db with the request applications to those who are hosted and if it possible that would cut the invalid links out. Of course the only problem I see with that is that you would leave out the mods and admins of the forum since they are in seperate groups from everyone else.Well since the alexa and PR are based on php scripts I don't think it would be to hard to implment those into the script or you referring to when someone clicks on that link in the directory then they will get some of boost?
  18. For some reason I can't create a good dark sig, becuase if I am make htem dark then render deatails get swallowed up and you can't really seem them. Of course other create dark sigs just fine, but I don't plan ot make a career out of this though.It's not hard but it does consist of some crazy antics in the Xisto shout box with in reason, but if your interested just send a jingle at trap .
  19. actually the turtles don't know, only the researchers and pretty much anyone else who goes to the website know about this and so all we doign is seeing who get's there first. The only difference is that humans haven't fully interfered with thier habitat or at least during this race they haven't but thats why they did this to bring awareness that these turtles are disapearring and the bad people need to be taken care of.
  20. Well at least we know why he did it based on the video NBC got and from the updates the media has been showing yesterday. Of course what the media hasn't talked about is cho family, I would assume they are still alive since I doubt he went on the boat himself since he would have 8 years old. What I find ironic is hte fact everyone knew about his mental problems but didn't really do anything about it, they should have kept him locked up until he was able let go those feelings of anger.Of course I think his statement of him being picked on was contradicting since he was a loner and beyond anti-social. Of course what was really sicken was he would compare his act of violence and suicide to the death of Jesus and that only just shows you how mentally unstabled he was amoujg other things he said.But it's time for grieving and of course people to wake about what really is important instead of oil (Bush).
  21. That would be called instinct and navigation skills csp, which is basically stored in thier DNA when they are concieved and goes from one generation to another. I do believe turtles have an alpha leader of some sorts, so where one goes the others follows until that instict kicks in more or less.
  22. (These sigs are based on a unofficial group in the Xisto forums) This is the first 5 sigs I made for the secret society known as the Evil society, ever since it's founding members began their patrol of the forums known as Xisto the question that everyone asked when do we get a sig so we can reveal oursleves toth world to tremble before us and so we present 5 of our members in no particular order: Grand daddy of Evil aka Pure Evil aka Saint-Michael Evil Mod aka jlhaslip Evil Sorcerer aka Albus Dumbledore Evil Writer aka NigaiAmaiYume Evil Monkey aka Watermonkey The other 5 sigs will be ready by tomorrow night so comments on these good ole sigs of mine.
  23. Interesting scripted indeed, this could be very benifical especially when people are looking for website affiliates to do link exchange with and also see what other members websites looks like. If I caught the post right you said this was all javascript or did you set up some ajax to handle the searching? Do you planned to set up a cache to this script so someone doesn't have to rebuild the directory everytime they come to the site? Another interesting idea I have is during the verification of the links how about if they are green they get pushed to the top of the top of the list and the ones that are not verfied start from the last verified site. SHould be interesting what the trap one will look like.Also Has OpaQue Seen this script at all, I think he could put a good use to it on the SEO site that he has set up already.
  24. the dark render against a dark background is usually hard to pull unless you got some good lighting, which you barely started on. Hard to see some detail to the render, text is a bit hard to read as well could have made it a tad bigger to fill in some of the gap you have. It's an ok sig just not complete.
  25. This is the first 5 sigs I made for the secret society known as the Evil society, ever since it's founding members began their patrol of the forums known as Xisto the question that everyone asked when do we get a sig so we can reveal oursleves toth world to tremble before us and so we present 5 of our members in no particular order: Grand daddy of Evil aka Pure Evil aka Saint-Michael Evil Mod aka jlhaslip Evil Sorcerer aka Albus Dumbledore Evil Writer aka NigaiAmaiYume Evil Monkey aka Watermonkey The other 5 sigs will be ready by tomorrow night so comments on these good ole sigs of mine.
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