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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well after looking at a few pictures and seeing how this could be the best customized keyboard that I have I ever seen, I would mind having one, but not at $1500 dollar price tag they offering. However as a web/graphics designer it would make shortcut about 100x time easier to set up. But after reading some blogs and what about this, some say this is just for shock value and once they get passed all those snags and what not (8 days) then they expect the price to drop. But what about the programming that was needed to do thig though must have be horrendous to get going and tweak, especially setting up all the images for the keyboard to recognize and what not.
  2. Interesting enough James Cameron lost the rights when Linda Hamilton won the Terminators right in there divorce and then later sold them and old top of that whoever had them last just got bought by Halycon Group, so james camera pretty much has no so say except for the fact he started it all. Also Arnold has some movie rights to the franchise but I do believe he sold that off. With concern wit hte Terminator 3 story he had one, but once he lost those rights he didn't bother and so I got picked up by someone else.What I was referring to about the Star War saga that they were going to make 4 movies and although the original were awesomely, some people felt the prequels were a let down because of the way the acting as handle in those movies. Of course most blockbuster movies usually don't go past because usually the by the third movie the original cast and directing crew is gone and the new people just basically tell their own story. OF course there are exceptions to that especially with the horror genre (Nightmare on Elm St., Friday the 13th).
  3. Well the news somewhat is brand new and that a Terminator 4 movie will be coming out and this time it will be in the future . All I have to say it should have stopped at 2 I don't know why but 3 just seem disappointed with a lot of plot holes and what not, but of course the way 3 ended we would have eventually expected to see a 4th movie but this time in the future. However, from what I read they will pull a star wars and most likely the 4th movie will be about the beginning, the 5th movie the actual sending of the terminators and 6th movie I would go as far as to say the final victory over the machines to finish this franchise. I would say that would make the most sense on how to spread out those 3 movies, when and if they decided to go with the future trilogy past Terminator 4.But how would they be explain the the future since the whole plot of the terminator franchise of the future is a paradox in it's own little way. I never read the books, but most likely they could answer some of the questions that people want answer to.Although this would be speculation as to how these three movies will go, but I would say the ending of the 4th movie that they found out the machine discovered time travel and thus set up Terminator 5 in which they send Reese and the two terminators back Of course we found out in Terminator 3 that john dies ,so one would speculate that at the end of the 5th movie he will meet his demise and most likely Karen Brewster will become top dog as the final battle against the machine begins in Terminator 6. Of course I be really really shocked if I got that right , but of course Terminator 3 flopped and if Terminator 4 flops you could kiss Terminator 5 and 6 good bye. Either way we really won't see anything about terminator 4 till the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009 when they plan to release T4.Now let me talk about this tv series, it won't get any further then maybe 2 or 3 episodes, because reality tv will prevent this from being any good, and the money that will be spent will be in the millions because there will be no way they can be cheap with special effects. But the tv series will during hte events of terminator 2 and terminator 3, so I doubt any terminators will be seen. Either way I don't see it going to far then a couple of weeks once the bad ratings come in.
  4. yes you would have to wait for the site to propagate, when changing servers it takes anywhere from 24-72 hours for server to kick in your site and then display it on the net. But what account are you getting those errors on your yahoo account or your trap account? But like kubi mention, all you need is to add those two server names and you shouldn't be having any problems and just have to wait for the server to kick in. I would get in contact with the the yahoo server tech and see what the problem could be, since it could be on their end and not on your hosted account.
  5. I give your Halo sig 4/10 it lacks, color, depth, lighting and not much blending of the render for that pop out sig. Neds a some more work, I would go back and try again with it. RATE THIS SIG
  6. I would say that's a lot of hearsay and rumors, I search a few websites and most concur that electromagnetic radiation isn't harmful, but some are really sensitive to it depending on the dosage, of course some claim that wifi signals are bad and all that stuff. I would say you would need a very large dose to get affected by electromagnetic radiation. But the odd's are pretty low that you would get affected by this. If we were getting affected they would have told us so, unless it's a big secrete and they don't want us to know . Either way WIFI is the new big thing in internet connection so I highly doubt it will go away any time so.
  7. Detailed indeed, OMG!! someone who hate DBZ and is not a teenager color me shocked , either way welcome to the site and since your hosted already enjoy the free hosting in all it's glory and of course if you got problems don't be afraid to ask or even post about them and you will most likely get a response the moment you post it
  8. As usual I am late again and now that your hosted you have a good idea what is to be expected in the forums so enjoy your stay, enjoy your hosting and tell your friends about how great this place is and the large community we have here that have many great people to help you out and stuff.
  9. Saint_Michael


    well here's my late intro, but since your familar wit hthe forums I won't spend the next 23 hours explaining everything in post to you :(. So enjoy your stay, have fun posting and hosting and got any questions about anything practically anyone can help you unless it's about how to make a watermelon talk .
  10. well short and to the point I guess that's ok, but hopefully you tell us a bit more of yourself so as to get a better idea what kind of person and poster you will be in the forums. We area great community of designers that have a few thousand years of experience , so enjoy your stay and see you in the forums.
  11. why does it have to be Canada? I think we got like 3-4 for hockey fans in the stats . Well welcome to the site and you got a good list of hobbies, I am somewhat into classic car's myself, I usually catch a classic car auction from time to time on tv and you be surprise how much a person drops for a classic car. Again welcome to the site and enjoy your stay and see you around in the forum.
  12. Welcome to the site, heres a fruit basket and a picture of me <---thats mean, just make sure to check out the Xisto read me for some good info on how to post and for that wonderful day apply for your hosting and what not. So enjoy your stay and again welcome to Xisto.
  13. The mac address is a unique number on your computer that is used to identify your computer in a network system. With that number it restricts outside sources/connections from connecting to your computer and in case of wifi connect it prevents people from war driving your wifi signal and using it for themselves. It is very useful when setting up security protocol and of course preventing people from hacking into your computer and what not. But heres a better definition of what a Mac address is.
  14. Well I did now that this battle is under way I can toss in my two cents. Ridwan Sameer: 1 Albus Dumbledore: 1 Ridwan Well to start off I hit the text right away, that text effect only works on certain sigs especially on the overkill use of it. I believe it works best against a dark background either on tech, vector, soft grunge background. By the looks of it you going with the c4d background which is ok if your using the right layering properties, but the gradient is over powering and pretty much cut any depth you might have had. The drop shadow might have worked, but like I mention before the gradient you using just kills it right off, but I would say the border work's with this sig so that a good point about it. Another thing I notice is a lack of color in your sig, usually splash of colors helps in the long, you just have play with the settings a bit Albus Well again I start with the text and I just say it doesn't work, I don't think a font would be good on any sig, but maybe in the right settings it would work bu no on this. I would say it's colorful and by the looks of it you just grabbed a brush and wiggle yourself all over the place . The motion blur is a good effect I would it works well with the render just not the background. then hte usually of lack of depth and all the good stuff that we preach about in the gfx forum os I won't go into all that. Overall both sigs need work but since ridwan your just getting into the game it will take awhile to find to find your style so keep at and well albus I know you don't do sigs on on daily basis like like the rest of do, but at least hit up a tutorial to check some stuff out and see what you can come up with you be surprise what you can pick up. I would have to go with ridwan since more was put into it although a bit over done but better of the two designs.
  15. I concur ridwan you either have to change the max sig size which is allowable since you started the topic or reduce your sig size to fulfill your requirements.
  16. Well I would say my situation is somewhat similar, I am 25 not working, but attending a community college with the money I earn through the military, somewhat and like you I can't balance work and school at the same time. Now two things that I do know about is that airforce deployments are short (6 months unless that changed for them), and while in the military you should be able to balance out school and working at the same time. Now it is possible to take online courses while deployed but you would have to work that out between you, commanding officer, and the school adviser on how to best approach the situation, of course getting your education is free also through the military. Now while deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, the amount of money increases for you because you get a good amount of bonuses, I was making about 3k a month while in Iraq. Of course being in the military you need to have a good stress level because it does get stressful especially when you get deployed. Of course theres the physical aspect as well, they like to drill that in you to stay in tip top shape and all that good stuff. All the perks are there as to why you want to join, but the danger factor is very high especially since a lot of airforce personal are doign jobs they are trained for.Of course the lack of people that are signing up the military have been pushing for bigger bonus packages and what, I am not saying you have to join which is fine but you wanted something to think about and so there you go.
  17. Voting is simple first to 7 wins, for those who vote must state your reason why you chose this person and adjust your vote accordingly, also those who have enter cannot vote. Saint-Michael truefusion kubi voting format saint-michael: 0 truefusion: 0 kubi: 0
  18. Man that was quick but finally after helping some people out and what not I finally got mine in
  19. Well since this is your first I be gentle MUHAHAHA .first thing is the color, that blue is way to bright especially on a white background, I would suggest either make hte blue a bit darker or turn he white background into a darker color. Reason is your want contrasting colors like dark on ligh or light on dark, so as to keep them seperated but also show a little blend to them.Next thin is the scan lines you don't want to cover the whole thing with them, reason being, when its time to cut you could have some problems line them up (thats if you convert the tables to divs) and also it removes any depth you would put into the rest of the design. So what I would recommend is that you just have your background with the scanlines and your content tables all solid or vice a versa; it's the same thing with contrasting colors you want them to be distinguish but be able to flow with each other.Next recommendation I would do is work on using drop shadows as they give a flat design look more 3-d'ish if you can think about it that way, especially if your using a light background such as white, since drop shadow give a small separation to the design and the background. With the circles drop shadow would look nice, I would recommend looking up tutorials that deal with glass orbs and such to help spruce them up.Overall it's ok, keep working at it, from time to time when I make it a template I usually spend all day tweak this or tweak that to give it a bit more.I would hit up pixel2life.com as they have quite a few tutorials on building websites from adobe, you can find some good idea's to help along the way.
  20. I know carnage would be sweet, of course that movie would have be very dark, I mean mary jane (dead), Aunt May (gone), half of new york (blasted away) . Well one rumor I heard about SM4 is the vampire dude as the villian, turbo will know who I am talking about, But I rather see King Pin, Carnage, Croc,. King Pin especially since his character got butchard by the Daredevil movie, Carnage obviously, With the Croc, Dr. Curt Connors has been in all three movies so it should be interesting if they introduce him.Well I wouldn't say I am a big movie critic, since I don't have that kind of experience to really break down the movie, it's more opinion based then anything else.
  21. It's been a while since I started a sig battle but I though I make oe and make it interesting. Rules Opponents: 3 Allowed: anyone Brush style: freestyle Render: Sig Size: 180x320 (Vertical sig) Deadline will be set once the first 2 people sign up for the battle.
  22. I have to agree with you on that, what I found amusing was one member on trap siad it was a bit over dramatic, I thought the movie was awesome out of all three especially the stuff with uncle ben and the sandman which made that story truely complete, of course I don't remember what happen in the comic books, but I do believe that sandman was not involved. After I saw hte movie I gave a full trilogy review about what I thought of the two movies of course when I reviewed Spider Man 3 I kept it spoiler free . http://forums.xisto.com/topic/47580-topic/
  23. Well it seems some new information has shown up about the TJ MAXX hack, it seems that the hacker wardrive their wifi network. For those who have no idea what wardriving is, it's basically a person driving around looking for wifi signals to hijack or in some cases hack into that computer the wifi is conntect to. They believe their wifi signal was using an outdated protocal that leaks out packet infomation, which I don't find surprising because people known for years that WEP has weak security and that been trying to improve on it as well. But of course I read an article a couple of months back that some people when they connect to a wifi in their homes and of course they showed the proper ways to do so. Either way I find this a big setback for improving wifi security though especially when you have a large network connected to a wifi signal. SOURCE Here
  24. Well thats I would think that setting up another separate sever for ASP would be my plausible then trying to install ASP into apache and create problems for everyone else. Maybe trying to graft ASP from a seperate windows server could be an idea, with safety protocals that when or if windows server goes down or hacked it won't affect the original account and send it into disable mode.
  25. In layman's terms perl is a programming language based off of C, shell, Lisp and a few other things. It is mostly used for OS program, network operations and some website development (mostly cgi). Here are a fe wlinks to help you get a better understanding of what perl is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perl https://www.perl.org/ http://www.cs.cmu.edu/cgi-bin/perl-man
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