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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Welcome, Welcome and for the third time Welcome to Xisto.com, the best place to be since the clubs of the Disco era. We have thousand of people to talk to, thousands of topics to post on and the best hosting to host on since...umm..FREE HOSTING!!! So enjoy your stay here and see you in the forums.
  2. Another reason you could have that error, although it is the same thing, the CD-Key gets reported it usually gets locked out and so you have to basically get a new game.
  3. FREAKN AWESOME AHAHAHAHA!!! and to think a picture says a 1000 words, with this I put at a couple of million, now people have an idea what I really look like I will add it to my collection Tiki thanks.
  4. Well I didn't mean that these two flaws were "galore", I ment in general that I have seen quite a few more firefox flaws, bugs, hacks and all that other good stuff has been appearing more lately. refer to my topic that does talk about what you mention.
  5. I have one addition that should be helpful and recommend, remove all that whitespace from your source code, need to add a doc type and also clean up your coding as well. If you clean up your coding and remove the white space you will see a small increase in loading speed of your website.
  6. Well I just got back from the watching the Simpson's movie and all I have to say is, "BRING ON THE SEQUEL!!!" I went to the 7:00 show and it was packed, and went I got out the main entrance was pack just to see this movie, and with that being said I already give this movie $100+ opening week/end easy. I believe every Simpson's character from all 18 seasons were part of the Simpson's movie, animation Simpson's style flawless and they have done 3 things never, ever done before since the beginning of one of the best animations of TV history. I don't know what else to say about this movie, if your a Simpson's fan expect anything and everything from the greatest franchise, the creators did great with this and especially the extra hour they put into this story. I know I haven't laugh so long (1.5 hours) who knows how long (Never actually, well at least movie wise). If your a Simpson's fan it is a must see, if only seen a few episodes of this show, still go see it and for those who haven't seen it, well shame on you. Well i guess that is it for this review although it is a bit shocking that it would be just a tad longer, but like I said only a Simpson's fan would understand how bad (it means cool people) this movie is.PREVIEW HINTSAlvin and the Chipmunks starring Jason Lee (SWEETNESS!!)Resident Evil 3: Extinction (saw a poster and a bit shocked)Bumblebee Movie (forgot the name)
  7. Thats the reason most people don't do sigs like this because of the height of them, but I wanted to do something unique especially the way I design this one. Yeah I could do something like that in a standard sig, but once I got the lighting to this just right, it wouldn't be the same since most of the render would be cut off and it wouldn't be anything new.
  8. Now this tiki curse can be lifted and years of torment from voodoo dolls and other crazy stuff won't happen again, so here is your tiki sig tikiPrincess
  9. it could be your ISP, what I recommend is go to a proxy site like this one and see if it shows up. If your website shows up in the proxy then you could have IP problems in which I would suggest getting a hold of tech support and see if your ip is listed for that site. Like haslip I can see the website to so it could be on your end.
  10. Oh so thats what it was about, only briefly read the article on yahoo about Intel getting into trouble. Still, they have some of the best hardware money can buy on the market; but lets not forget EU has gone after Microsoft for the same thing or more specifically trying to Monopolize themselves over there. Although you can blame them for cheating AMD like that, but that is how business works by out doing the other, and with AMD prices low as they are right now, I believe Intel have to figure something out in order to get customers back, especially since EU is practically a linux country.
  11. I believe this method would help you recover your password OR You can try this method
  12. Since the beginning of 2007 a lot of the security reports I have been reading have mentioning about hackers using rootkits to get into people's computers. Google defines a rootkit as a set of programs used to hack into a system and gain administrative-level access. Once a program has gained access, it can be used to monitor traffic and keystrokes; create a backdoor into the system for the hacker's use; alter log files; attack other machines on the network; and alter existing system tools to circumvent detection. Rootkits are an extreme form of System Modification Software. So with that being said the articles that talk about rootkits usually mention that they are almost always found in spyware or malware or even in virus packages when people either download email attachments, or go to infected websites and then in lamen terms your computer just became a Zombie. Right now it's in beta stage but very useful because so far I have found 10 registry strings infected , right now there is no download link at mcafee website so I searched around to find a descent download site for it, and so here it is. Hopefully if they were smart Mcafee would update it's security suite to have this program run with it as well that way, the program can be running constantly without the need to run it every week, but it is still in beta stage so most likely they got a plan for it. SOURCES Here Here Download Here
  13. Well it seems firefox flaws are becoming a popular now, the two flaws that have been reported all follow the same protocol that had posted about before; So far it would seem their are several patches for the first flaw, that only protect the OS and not fix the problem at hand. As of right now there is no patch for the second flaw that a hacker posted, and if memory serves me correctly this post also talks about the same thing. I wonder if Microsoft is jumping for joy now that Firefox is getting it's browser kicked all over the internet . SOURCES Here Here Here
  14. Although I have read and saw this before, it is interesting that another Cat is playing the role of the grim reaper once again. So far this cat has predicted, if you want to call it that, 25 people who would die a couple of hours after he would arrive and sit there and wait. So far no explanations as to why the cat does what it does of course one person comment that the warm blankets that are being used is what attracts the cat to them, but I don't believe it that much since it has been reported that both cats and dogs have played this role before. Cat Story
  15. You have to remember all a computer virus is a piece of code, so once you quarantine, delete, override that piece of code it is gone. So once you reinstall an OS your basically overriding all that programing and the virus that was in your computer is now gone. The only way a virus could stick around would be if it was a hardware virus and you rarely hear about that, and to finish up make sure to update your anti-virus, firewall, windows security and all that good stuff on a weekly basis. Also never ever download through P2P because most of the time all those files are viruses in disguise.
  16. I wouldn't do it unless I am sure that a Jellyfish sting won't kill me, their poison is rather powerful in some species and I don't think sunscreen will protect me from the poison within my body. As for getting stung by a jellyfish I believe you have to threaten it in someway in order for them to attack you, but I seem pictures and articles and tv shows of people swimming with these sea creatures.---OFF TOPIC---2000 POSTS OMG
  17. I would say look into something that can be turn into a tutorial, my computer hardware class is almost over and I have slowly been developing posts around that and then hopefully by august I would have developed a series of tutorials in which a person can build a sweet computer at half the costs, or close to it. Another good thing idea to search around for is look for new articles that can be debatable among the members or in some of the topics I have posted about tech news and computer security, I know I can generate interest if I do enough research about that headline and get into good detail about it. Especially with security issues usually I try and find solutions that will either fix or provide some sort of protection, and that way members on the forum will be aware of the situation.So its a matter of finding that topic and sticking with it, until people will say no more .
  18. Can I have my 20 credits now?? or can I can we do it in monthly installments of 2 credits??
  19. The hosting forums is about quality not quantity so the more you post the more credits you get, I know the max amount of credits per post is 10 and I believe that is the same. Tutorials area great way to earn a lot of credits because they will be pretty long. Best thing to do is reread your post and reread the previous posts and see what else you can add, you be surprised what you can add once you get thinking.
  20. Although Fantastico is down, it is actually more helpful the reason being is that when you go and download software that fantastico provides its will be updated and more secured then the fantastico versions. The next part as to why it is helpful not to have fantastico, people get to learn how to install, edit files, and run the programs from scratch without the need of the quick install. That way when you come across problems and find the solution you can turn around and answer someone who has the same problem and so you learn something new and you teach someone else something new.
  21. I think that was your first problem was that DirectAdmin panel, my first look at that I wanted to cry , it was just a horrible set up. As for servers most likely they got them from second hand reseller hosting site with bad tech support. Of course I find it strange that they wouldn't let you back p your site, especially when they lost your files and heck I would mention the website hosting company name, what are they going to do, hunt your down and break your legs. However, one correction I would make is that compared to the hosting you used Xisto is better, but of course Xisto is better then everyone else so it don't matter anyways.
  22. Interesting topic, its amazing what new stuff about what happens in our universe, but a interesting note that scientists believe their is a source of energy beyond our known universe. For the life of me I cannot find that stupid website and I spent a good 45 minutes looking for it . I been watching this program on the History Channel every Tuesday called the Universe and I have been learning some new stuff about the latest happenings of it as well. I would recommend trying to watch this program its on at 9 P.M. east coast time. So far they have cover all the planets except for Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. It they have covered comets and asteroids and hopefully they will cover Gamma rays and stuff like that.All I know about Gamma Ray's is that one burst of that radiation even your atoms won't exsist .
  23. Don't forget I am the originator of all Evil so DANCE PUPPETS DANCE MUHAHAHAHAHA!!! Of course we do have people who have posting problems, they post too much and they get that posting addiction going on like I have . Well people do want more, MORE!! from its hosting provider.
  24. As member of the welcome committee I welcome you to Xisto.com, and I would like to point you to the most important link here on the forums If you follow me here if you please.. So enjoy your posting here on trap and on that wonderful and glorious day enjoy your hosting as well here on Xisto.com
  25. Welcome back, I know you couldn't leave Xisto for that other guy , and since you know what to expect I won't bore you with my sweet words of wisdom. So I will see you in the forums and maybe post along with you as well .
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