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Everything posted by TripleH13

  1. I really like playing basketball. I also like riding my bike and i like making GFX and learning sutff like that.
  2. i was really happy. I had made a lot of posts and i was anxiously waiting for one of the admins to except me. Then the next day i saw they had and i started uploading my files to the ftp. I was also learning a lot of stuff. About where to put everything. Then in about 1 hour my site was created.
  3. I would say ps2. It has very few problems. I have never had a probelm with mine. Compared to the xbox which still has probelms. The ps2 also has a great gaming selection and the graphics are amazing. Overall i really like my ps2 and i cant wait for ps3.
  4. It probally is the best game series out there in that type of genre. They jut keep getting better and better. Even on the psp it was amazing. I cant wait to see what new features are in the new one. I saw the trailer and it looked awesome. I really liked vice city. It was probally that game that got the people hooked. Then san andreas they added a bunch of thigs and it was amazing.
  5. the boss in Zelda was pretty hard at first. It gets easy after the first or second time. But it is also very fun. The first Zelda game for n64 probally was the best one ever. It also had the best boss to.
  6. My favorite movie was waist deep. i really liked it. Well, mainly coz im a HUGE game fan .. hes my favorite rapper. I also really liked the movie coach carter .. it was really good. ATL was also a really good movie. The homie TI's movie. The soundtrack to that movie was also pretty sickk. The negotiater is also a SICK movie. Even though its kinda old .. i love that movie. It's sickk. I've seen it like 3 times.. its sooo good. If you havent seen it .. go watch it!!
  7. I really think the specail effects can sometimes determine a great movie from a good movie. Movies like Star wars which have these great special effects really get everyone's attention. So everyone wants to go see it. The Actors also really count when people are deciding which movie there gonna see.
  8. I really wanna get one. But i think i will wait for the first price drop. I would get a 360 but i have had problems with them before and i find sony more relaible. So really i'd rather buy from them. But in the begin i guess it's common for the systesms to have problems.
  9. I really liked megaupload. But yea the file limit going to 250mb is kind of low. But the good thing is that they increased their dowload speed. But you can allways spit something if it doesnt fit. But most things wont need more than 250mb and if it any bigger it is gonna take a really long time to download it.
  10. Probally more for a wrestling fan. The story mode followes a bunch of story lines. It has all the moves your favouirte wrestlers do. But try it out you never know. I really like it but i am a big wrestling fan. But its just your typical fighting games with WWE extras.
  11. I really like the game. Yes it is similar but it has a lot of new things you can do. But i hate the thing where if the wrestler gets tired you have to hold a button. That just makes the game kind of stupid. Becuase yes it is more relastic but in a game i wouldnt want that type of system.
  12. No one knows for sure , but i think maybe there is some sort of creature that lives on another planet. In the movies they make them seem all scary, but they'd probably be just like us, but maybe look and talk differently. A lot of people have said they've seen UFO's , but then again, people lie. I wonder if we'll ever know if theres life anywhere else in the universe .. we'll just have to wait and see!
  13. Well, i really like Pizza Hut , they have awesome pizza. I like there dips and there new pizza's , they've always got somethin new going on there. I think i was at papa Johns a long time ago when I was little and i thought it was good too. But I havent had it in a really long time. so, I'd have to say, I like Pizza Hut better.
  14. I live in Canada..and I dont really like it that much. It's such *BLEEP*..barley any exciting events are held here..the tax is 14% , and the selection and stores and prices are not that good. I went to Buffalo a few days ago, and shoes that are $130.00 here..were $60.00 over there..thats $70.00 cheaper!!! And a lot of the stores they have over there are much better aswell. But Canada does have some upsides..like, its not extremley dangerous here (well, in my area). But I would prefer living in the US.
  15. Well, I would buy myself a really nice car..like a lamborghini or something. And then I'd buy some new clothes & shoes and all that kind of stuff. I'd also give some money to my parents because they're helped me out all my life, so its the least I could do. I would donate some of the money to charity as well. A cause I really believe in..like PETA or something.
  16. Well, I usually use the internet to go on MSN and talk to my friends..see what they've been up to. I also use it for my site..i love it and i constantly update it stuff. I also use myspace a lot..I'm always on that site. And when school is on..I use it a lot for projects...for typing and finding information. It's the best source for information..you can learn so much on the internet. I also like listening to music on here. ANd I can watch my DVD's on here too, which is another bonus. lol..you can do everything with a computer.
  17. As a child, i was really scared of the dark. I couldn't sleep without some sort of light on. & i was also really scared of this evil dummy from this show callled Goosebumps, named Slappy. I was petrified of him. So at night..I'd always have to have a light on..and I'd be okay. But in a little bit of time..I learned that slappy wasn't real..and I wasn't really scared of him anymore. But I had to keep sleeping with a light a bit longer just until I wasn't afraid of the dark.
  18. I would really like to visit L.A. I've wanted to visit L.A. for like 3 years. I wanna go there because they have really good shopping..they have the best stores..and the best selections of everything. Also, I really like meeting celebrities and a lot of them live there. I would also really like to visit New York City, for similar reasons. They have amazing shopping down there..and they have such cheap fake stuff down there, that you can't get where I live. And a lot of celebrities live down there too. They also have this really nice hotel down there that I've always wanted to stay at..it's called The Waldorf Astoria..it's such a niice hotel..but it's also REALLY expensive. Lastly, I'd like to visit Hawaii. In Hawaii its such a nice play to go and relax. The water is so beautiful. But..I am kinda scared to swim in the ocean over there after that girl got her arm bitten off by that tiger shark =|
  19. the only place i have heard of the DS outselling the psp was in Japan. In the u.s and Canada i think it would be the psp outselling the DS becuase it has a lot more to offer in my opion. There Game selection is a lot better than DS's.
  20. I really like the psp compared to the DS. There is alot more things you can do with the psp. Graphic wise i also think it is better. It also has a lot of better games. And after all the stuff they annouced at E-3 about gicing it a camera and stuff it is far superior to the DS.
  21. all the games in this series are really good. It is so cool how you get to make amusment parks an get custmers to come. I also like the other ones like making a zoo and all that kind of stuff. It is all really cool when you are bored and have nothing to do.
  22. My favorite food is salad..I can eat like 2 a day..My favorite dressings are zesty italian, ceaser salad, and balsamic vinagrette. I take turns as to which dressings I use, therefore I never get sick of them. I also really like pizzaa..pepperoni & cheese..it's my favorite. I also LOVE the garlic dressing..its soo good. Well, thats my favorite meal.
  23. Personally, I'd put my nickname or sumthing like that. But before I'd get a tattoo, I'd have to know for sure I'd always want it. So, the older you are the better. Some people that I know that got tattoo's in there teens, said they wish they hadn't because they dont really like them anymore. Some people might also put the name of there husband/wife because they think thats a sign saying they'll be together forever..but if things dont work out..& tattoo's are VERY expensive to have removed..and I think it also really hurts. You could also have it covered..which isnt as expensive, but still. Therefore, if you want to get a tattoo..make sure your gonna want it in another 20 years, because its gonna be on your body for a long time.
  24. nice work. That must be one of the best Bcodes. It has become very popular the last little while. I have see many forums using it. It is also very helpful to get other members to thank people for the stuff they post without just reading and not posting anything.
  25. Yeah, there are a lot of free webhosting sites. The most commonare Freewebs.com, Friendpages.com, and piczo.com. Some of them dont give you too much space (freewebs) But if you run out of space..you can just upload your pictures and then put the code in. In piczo, the more visitor's you have at your site..the more space you get, but again, if you run out of room, you can do the same thing. In friendpages, everything has to be uploaded, so its unlimited space.
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