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Everything posted by TripleH13

  1. I like chese sanwhcihes. Especially when you add ketchup to it. I like chese fries. I like chese on spaghetti. I like chese on my pizza lol. I liked chese on most things I eat.
  2. Welcome. Your really lucky to have found a place like this. The hosting is great and very relaible.
  3. well you have to agree to a bunch of stuff when you singup with your internet company.
  4. Yea it is just all stunts. I have also noticed that man people have been saying all these jokes about him leately. There must be 1000's on the internet. Like whereever i go people are talking abou chuck Norris.
  5. my favourite game is poker. it is really exciting to play with a group of friends and it never gets boring. Any poker anytime.
  6. since Monday i have beem having a similar problem. Its happened to me onece before. I waited it out for a few days and it went back to normal. I just hope it will be the same this time. But i would really like to know what is causing it.
  7. For boys, I think Nike sells better. Pretty much everyone has a pair of Nike running shoes, but who could blame them? They are very good. & for girls, I think tna sells the best. So many people have there pants, its sickening. My sister loves tna so thats how I know. And even though they're so expensive..they do really sell that well.
  8. I've never really met any big celebrity before. I've met a a few that were from tv shows in Canada, but no one that most people have heard of. I've also met a few hockey players, Bobby Hull ; Shane Corroson & some others. I'd really like to meet some really famous people, like the game. He's my favorite rapper, and one day, i do hope to meet him.
  9. most people use giftcards to give people presents. For your birthday, someone would give you a giftcard because they dont know what to buy you. They could either give you money or a giftcard. I'd personally rather a giftcard for my favorite store because then Im gaurenteed I'll get something there and my parents wont tell me to 'save' my money. But in a lot of ways, giftcards really arent that great, because if you lose it, then all the money that was already on it is gone.
  10. All M. Night shalone movies after the sixth sense. Every movie after that was terriable.
  11. never even heard about this before. I am gonna gave to install this and try it out. It seems really cool from what you are saying about it. I cant wait to start using it.
  12. you can drive that google program when people click adds on your site if you have one.
  13. I like it becuase they are the best free host on the net. You get no advertisements and alot od space to set everything up. There is also a lot of bandwhich. I am really glad i can host my website just for keeping my credits up.
  14. Yea same here. The only time i get a gift card is for a present. Or i get one for a present. But people sometimes get them when they return something to a store.
  15. I mostly listen to rap. I personally thing its the best genre our right now. They have so many up and coming people. Epscially with all these mixtapes coming out. There are so many news guys that arent that big yet that you get to hearr. It is really amazing.
  16. i think a lottery system would be cool. I have seen other people use it. They have money and then you set a date like a week from that day. Then if the person picked the right amount they get more money for the store.
  17. I would say Nike sells the best. They don't always have the nicest stuff. But they are avertised so much. Personally i think their shoes are the best but thats just my opionion.
  18. i really hope they bring it down a bit before its official release.
  19. Well, it depends. If your really new at making sites, go with piczo. If you use friendpages, you will have to use HTML completley. It's very difficult, because everything you want to put on your site (besides writing) has to be uploaded. & if you want to have a lot of pictures, that can get very annoying. Plus, you cant make as many pages as you want. In piczo though, you can make so much more things, and it has a help button too, so thats also quite helpful if you would like to figure out how to do something. So, I think since you were saying you dont have that much patience, you should go with piczo. In piczo, it has a button to upload pictures, a button to write text, you can make shoutboxes, etc. In friendpages they just have a place where you put codes. Well, I hope I've helped. Sorry, Im not sure about the dreamware.
  20. I made my first website of freewebs.com. I made it there because my friend had told me about it and it looked okay. But it wasnt that great after all. My second website was on friendpages and I thought that would be better, but it was a lot more complicated because everything had to be in HTML, but it was much better than freewebs..because as long as I uploaded everything i wanted to be on there..it would be okay. Freewebs had a certain amount of pictures you could have on it without having to pay. Now, my websites on piczo, and I really like it. I think its the best out of all of them. The more visitor's you have, the more photo storage increas you'll get, so that's really good. I think you start with being able to upload 100 pictures. & the more visitors you get, it'll go up. You can also use HTML for special writings and such. I would strongly suggest piczo to anyone who wants to make a website.
  21. most of the time 7 hours. But i really aim for 7-8 hours but sometimes i get alot less. But it doesnt really matter to me.
  22. I would nomally get a pizza slice for $3.00. But is kind of a rip off becuase there is a pizza pizza down the road where they buy it from for half the price. So alot of people just go there instead.
  23. i just affilate with other sites or the toplist thing. But most of the time i will tell my friends who tell their friends and so own. But you best bet is porbally a toplist site to do with you site.
  24. I think this game is gonna be awesome. There are alot of people that think this game won't be good. But if they add some new stuff to it, it would be perfect. I just hope they continue what they are doing with this series and it contunues to be a great game.
  25. i am glad you posted this topic becuase i was thinking about asking this exact same question. I will probally go with the tuner card. I have heard about it before and i think that is the route i will go.
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