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Everything posted by TripleH13

  1. i really thought the original one was amazing. But the one for Game cube was also really good with a bunch of improvement from the first. There are a lot of amazing things to do in the game. I can't wait for the next one to come out. I saw the trailer and all i can say is that game is gonna be really fun on the Wii.
  2. TripleH13


    well i have hard a lot of people saying that the 360's graphics are better than the ps3's. I have played the 360 on the HD tv and i must say they where amazing. I really wanna try the ps3 so i can make the comparasson myself. But i have not seen the release date for the European release for the ps3 anyway. But you will probably find out soon.
  3. just saw this a few days ago. Its a really good price for someone who has a 360 and wanted a hd player. But now we will see a competition between sony and Microsoft because now Microsoft will be using HD DVD's and Sony will have the Blu-Ray
  4. well now the xbox 360 is cheaper than ps3. I have also heard a lot of good stuff about it it compared to the ps3. People have said the graphics are better than ps3's. But if you can hold off until after Christmas it will probally be chaper.
  5. The wii seems like a really great system. The big thing is that it is virtual. I really wanna try that out and see how it is. I really thing the wii will be able to compete with sony and Microsoft this time around if the virtual controller is as good as it is suppose to be. I also can't wait to try Zelda and the new DBZ game.
  6. i was also disappointed with the video. They didn't really to anything special. I hope in the full release we get something a little more. Like more of the people reactions and stuff like that. Or something a little differnt than what they did with the 360.
  7. pretty funny. But for all the people outside waiting and just seeing a guy come out with one and smash it right in front of them. It would be funny to see what the other people do. But it is really a lot of money to spend just to destroy something.
  8. never heard of that but seems really cool. I am really hoping to get a will. I don't have a ds but they are going down in price. But with that cool feature i would really like to get both and see how it works. I also heard you will be able to download old classic super Nintendo games and stuff like that on the wii. But i am not sure it it was true or not.
  9. Technology is always getting better so what can you expect. But Sony shoudl have at least got the ps3 out before the upgraded cards.
  10. i saw the game. But it made for people that are really good at guitar or can anyone play the game? Or would it be to hard for someone who doesn't have to much knowledge of playing the guitar.
  11. well the ps3 basically is more or less a little upgrade from the xbox 360. It's got a blu ray drive they say all games from ps2 and 2 work. They are doing something different with their hard drives. But the price is just to much. Between the 2 i would probably say the 360. Because it is a lot cheaper.
  12. i really liked doom 1995 the best. After that is was just better gfx. But there will probally be another doom in a few years.
  13. if i could be any pokemon, i would be charzard. first of all, hes the most powerful .. he can beat any other pokemon. I really like his powers aswell.
  14. It's really hard to say from the GTA double pack to Halo 1 and 2. I would have to say Halo becuase it was xbox's first big game. It was the game that got a lot of hype and people bought an xbox for that game.
  15. I also know someone who has it and they say it is very buggy. But until the final release comes what can you expect. I also heard that if your computer has the minimum requirements it is not that great to install it. It is beeter if you are over the minimum requirements for it to run how it should. I don't know if it is true. It's just what i heard.
  16. yea the consoles now all have hd graphics. The best that is possible. But in 2026 there will probally be higher quality tv's so probally by then the chaacters in the game will look exactly how they look on t.v. You probally won't even be able to tell the difference from when your watching t.v and playing a game.
  17. graphics look pretty good and realistic. Looks like it should be a good game. Can't wait to see some trailers for the game.
  18. just went to eb today. I saw that the wii is going to be $279.99. Also saw all the games that are gonna be released on the wii release date. I think Zelda is gonna be their biggest one. The graphics on the games look really good but that was just from looking at the back of the box. It looks really cool that in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance that you can actually do the actions and it will happen in the game. The Wii looks like it is gonna be an amazing system that i am gonna get on release date.
  19. i have it for psp. it is really fun game. It is just as good as underground 2 if not better. I personally liked NFS hot pursuit 2 the best out of all the NFS games. But this one is still very good. I can't wait to play NFS Carbon. I hope it is really good aswell.
  20. Mine are Scorpion and Sub Zero. I really like Sub Zero becuase and he do the ice attacks. The way you use him in the mortal combat games is really cool. I like scorpion because he is very similar to Sub Zero just minus the ice attacks with his own.
  21. I thought you could play ps2 games on it. At least that is what I read when i saw it in the flyer being advertised. But the Blu Ray disc is a cool extra feature. But i don't own any blu ray discs and probably won't so if i get a ps3 it will just be something i didn't need.
  22. I really think Nintendo is going to do well with the Wii. I will have to wait until it comes out to see if i am gonna buy it. But i really wanna get it. They will probably sell quite a bit because it is a lot cheaper than the other systems. It also has a cool design and the cool new controler everyone want to try.
  23. I just got it a few days ago. It's made by the same people who made GTA. This game is amazing. The story is really good. It is about some kids who is in a school where all the bad kids goes and you go around causing trouble and stuff like that. The game play is really good. I would rate the game 10/10.
  24. i really prefer rap. Especially with all the new stuff comin out and how it is all changing. Rock is ok but i just hate that heavy metal rock. And in rap they are tellin a story in a song. The beats are always really good and good to listen to many times. SO that is why i prefer rap over rock.
  25. I would say the pc is very good. It has amazing graphics on most games. But the only negative side is you have to have the right computer specs to play certain games. So for some new games older computers won't work. Which in that case it is just better to buy a console and not buy a brand new computer which is going to cost a lot more.
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