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Everything posted by TripleH13

  1. i hate it! sometimes i get so many from many differnt people in a matter of minutes. Even if you push block this sender, the emails still come through.
  2. I was just searching around for a webhost on google.. Then i found this forum and my first impression was that this was a really great place and it was.
  3. yea the really good ones makes tons of money. I have seen guys asking like $5000 for just a cd cover. But for that price you would have to be one of the best. I can only image what the guys making addes and websites get.
  4. it has been alot of fun watching all the games. It is really a shame that it is ending in a few days. I will really miss all the excitment. I wish that it came around sooner than every 4 years.
  5. i would say ipb. I find it alot eaiser and more things can be done to it. I think it also looks alot better than phpbb. Sometimes the codes for ipb are a little complicated but you can get use to them when you do it alot.
  6. i hate all those games epscially the two you listed. The one with the basketball really high in the air. You see the guy take the shot he gets it in and it looks so easy and then you try and you miss terably. Then the rink toss they offer such great prizes and noone ever wins. I have never seen anyone win that game ever.
  7. i thought it was gonna be alot better. I got to say i was a little disapointed. It was a basic soccer game nothing to amazing about it. I hope next years version is alot better.
  8. i would say zelda if you classify it as rpg. It is a really amazing game. I really enjoyed the first one for n64. I thought it was amazing espcially how it all plays out. The story in the game is really great. Hoever the ones after that like the one where you have to get the masks in a certain time limit i didnt like as much as the first one
  9. i liked it alot better than the other one. They really improved alot of things. I perfer other games more than this but it was still a really exciting game to play.
  10. i think the worst game was pokemon snap for n64. so many people where pre ordering and buying it. It was so bad you could find it preowned the same day or the day after it was released. I think it was a real disapointment to all the pokemon fans. When i played it myself i was really disapointed. But then with their next games they improved them greatly so i guess they learned from their first mistake.
  11. i thought it was really amazing. I have played it on psp and ps2 and the are both just as good. I know alot of people that had a psp where mad when sony annouced that this game was coming out of ps2, becuase alot of people bought a psp for this game. But it was just so good it had to be on the ps2. I hope more of the psp only games will eventually go to the ps2 and more sony ps2 will go to the psp.
  12. never even heard about this. I have to try it out it sounds amazing. Thanks for letting me know where to download it.
  13. shockwave.com is a really good one. It has some great games. I especally like redline rumble if you are into racing you will love the game.
  14. i prefer 2k6 becuase as already stated it is more of a arcade style game. Just what you would want out of a hockey game. I also do like the fact that they make roster updates and i agree with CbK Voldsom that the roster updates appear to be out sooner the NHL 2006.
  15. i have tried it aswell. The graphics are really nice. If you liked the version for n64 you will defently like this even better. Nothing was really updated accpet the levels.
  16. mine didn't ask me to update either. But maybe it will soon.
  17. i have tried it. I is so cool, you can practacally locate everything. I also checked it with my house and could see the exact spot. If you havent tried it you really should just to see how accurate it is.
  18. i doubt this would be possible. You would defently void your warrenty. You also might mess something up and have nothing. I would suggest doing this.
  19. i just tried it out for a a little bit. The game is amazing. The graphics are great and the gameplay is really good.
  20. the graphics looks amazing. The game looks like it is gonna be the best super smash brother yet. Especailly with all the new characters and the new attacks. All i can really say is whoa! I just couldn't belive what i saw in that trailer. I just can't wait until it comes out so i can play it.
  21. yea i really enjoy it alot more on the computer than xbox. I feel it feels more realistic. I also like the cars alot better than any of the other nfs series. If you havent played this you defently need to try it.
  22. i would have to say minesweaper. You can never get tired of that classic. It just one of those games you just keep going back to even tho you have played it thousands of times.
  23. i might try this out. Just to see how it compares to other things. Btw has anyone else tried it out if so has it worked good.
  24. i really think they should get in to it. Just to see how it goes.
  25. it was such a hyped up game. It got delayed for like a month. I thought it was ok but not what i expected. There was alot of bugs in the game. Smackdown vs raw 2006 is a much better game but this is the best wrestling game for xbox to date. But there is alot more featues in the next one they should add.
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