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Everything posted by TripleH13

  1. yea i agree. I think graphics wise the ps3 will be better. In my opion N64 was the best console from nintendo that it when they where really ahead of sony in my opion. Then when the new systems came out they didnt really do anything like have their system be able to play movies or something special. So i am really hoping they will do something like this and you never no maybe this could beat out the ps3.
  2. I really think it is cool you can install games on to the 240 gig for xbox. But i have a question when you use the harddrive to play games do you have too have a game a ame in the cd tray. The reason i ask is becuase my xbox has a problem and whever i put a game in the cd tray it will freeze at certain points and i have no idea why.
  3. yea it really get annoying when you see it every site you go to. You know its a scam just to get your email address. And i hate when i see people who say yea it is true i just got my ipod. When you know they are lieing. I just wish they would end this type of thing already we arent stupid we know it is a scam.
  4. i have a friend who was obbseeed with this game. I reallly want to try it. I heard it was a great game. I am not really sure what the whole game is about but i still really want to test it out and see how it is. And it is really great it is a free online game.
  5. this happened to me a while ago with my cd drive. I would put a cd in and nothing would load and i noticed my cd drive was missing from My Computer and it converted to an image drive. I never found out what the problem was but it came back a few months later. So yours probally isnt broken just something interfering with it. Another thing could be have you installed any new programs becuase i heard that could do it sometimes.
  6. it was only a matter of time until someone hacked it. Lucky for that people that have the 360. But it seems really complex and even if i had a 360 i don't think i would be able to do it without messing the whole system up.
  7. it does have a lot of game for younger people. But it still has some really great games so i wouldn't say it is just for children.
  8. I really would love to have this done to my xbox but i am not even sure what i would have to ask for. I have waned to do this for a while becuase i have heard tons of great things about it. But i also heard if they do anything wrong your whole xbox is messed is that true?
  9. yea halo 2 is the best game for xbox. It is really actioned packed and not easy to beat. I really like the game and would recommened it to anyone who doesnt own it or hasnt tried it out.
  10. I agree fifa kind of goes by their name and not really their gameplay. I think that pro evoloution becuase they have to work harder than fifa to sell their game. The gameplay also seems alot better to me. But that is just my opion.
  11. i also tottaly disagree with the first two comments. I have never put my psp down since i got it. Their have been so many great games that have came out in the last few months and their are still more great ones coming. Also being able to watch movies, play music and have games is just awesome. The graphics are top notch. I would not say it is going down hill at all.
  12. i dont think the sony ps3 will be a rushed job like someone said on the other page. Sony has always had a relaible product. At least when i have baught a sony product. Know xbox and Xbox 360 seemed like a rushed job to me. But i think the ps3 will give the xbox 360 some good competition.
  13. Yea detrioit is a great team and will not go down without a fight. I really hope they are able to pull it off and win the series. And then go on to win the championship like they should have lat year.
  14. that really sucks there only bringing it out for the 360. They should really bring it out for the original xbox aswell as they do wth their other games. But i guess this is what they are doing to make us buy the 360. Well if will probally be chaper by then but who knows.
  15. This one of the best if not the best game for psp. It is everything and more that you could expect from the GTA series. It is just as good as the ps2 version. It did so good that they are bringing out vice city stories. So i cant wait for that one to come out. But if you haven't played liberty city stories you are definetly missiong out on something.
  16. yea the pistons are the best team. They have some great players and i hope they can pull it off. I was really hopping for them to have one it last year. But if they win this year it will make up for it. I just couldn't get over them loosing last year when their like one of if not the best team in the league.
  17. yea your right. But the reveloution is more catchy than saying i have a Wii. They should still call it the reveloution and make the Wii like a nickname. But i really how the system has nice graphics and the game play is good. But like you say whatever the name if it is good than it shoudlnt matter.
  18. the tony hawk games are normally very good. I like them becuase each game has differnt parks and becomes more advanced. Each game is very differnt. They also take alot of time to finish. So it isnt one of those games you get and your done in a few hours. Thats what i like about the series.
  19. I tried this game once for ps1. I never really got the point of it. Alot of people i know say this game is amazing and i guess it must be if their is a number 13 in the works. I am hoping to try one of the never versions of this game and maybe i will like it better. The graphics on the new one do look amazing.
  20. well it would be really cool to see a xbox handheld. But maybe to late. Becuase they already have the 360 out. BUt you never know. I really do hope they make one becuase it would be intesting to see how it would look.
  21. yea i have heard about this. I also like the pc versions of games becuase their is more that can be done to them. Like san andreas has so many mods for pc that can't be done on other system. But thanks for the info on the trick.
  22. well if you got the E3 pics or went and saw it or even saw it on tv you would know how amazing the ps3 looks. And you can also confirm it hasnt been delayed a year becuase they annouced it november release if i heard correctly. I can only hope the ps3 is as good as it looks. But as the look of it goes i say good job Sony!
  23. it looks like the ps3 is gonna be really good. But it really suck that the 20 gb is missing tons of stuff. Like they could have put the card reader and wifi on the 20 gb. It wouldnt really do anything to themm by adding it. But most people will probally just go for the 60 gb becuase you get 40 gb just for $100. But it looks like the ps3 is really shaping up nicely. I cant wait to see what it can do when it comes out.
  24. i would say ps3. This is only becuase of the problems i had with my origianal xbox. Also becuase i have heard that alot of people where haveing problems with their xbox 360. I honestly think Sony spends more time on their pruduct and that is why you dont hear too many problems with them. I have never had a problem with anything i got that was a Sony brand.
  25. for this to happen he must have had a problem. Becuase someone doesnt just die from playing a game for a long time. But 50 hours is just a crazy amount of time. That would really wreck your eyes if you did that. But i don't think it would kill you.
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