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Everything posted by comp2

  1. I am curious, were you working for corporate T-Mobile or an agent that was privately owned. And I would like to thank you for serving this country.
  2. Thats a very good question. This issue really came to light when Google launched Gmail.Com, and the ads inside were content relevant. I personally dont have a problem with this, however it is when government agencies require companies like google to hand over the information. Even some grocery stores use a similar technique like when your purchase a can of soup and the register prints out a coupon for brand name soup. I have come to terms with the fact that nothing is totally private anymore. Big brother is always watching! However on the other side by doing this business like KS or xisto can now make a revenue off of the advertising world. But you can always unplug your internet and live like a hermit crab.
  3. when are you allowed to change your sig

    1. web_designer


      you can change it any time from the setting...

    2. Baniboy


      when you turn 18

  4. Yes I will probably purchase a theme for this site. xisto.com's theme look like one I have purchased in the past if only I could remember the name of that site. If I remember correctly they were around 50
  5. I'm surprised that an admin hasn't cleared the air about the issue, At least so we know the real reason.
  6. I currently use the My Touch 3G from T-Mobile. I love the android software and my average bill for all my lines cost 189.00 a month. Pure Beauty
  7. I am looking for a good clean professional theme for joomla. I like the theme that xisto.com uses, however I would like a little less clutter.I have used joomla on multiple site in the past, however for this site I cant find a theme that I really enjoy.
  8. That was awesome, I really wish I had the tools to do that.
  9. Make sure you update your phpbb to the latest edition. Sometimes the one in cPanel is not the most recent and can have a lot of holes in it.
  10. Why isn't my post count going up

    1. web_designer


      check it after few hours...

  11. I have noticed that my post count is not going up until like after a day.
  12. Most of the combo packs are not that much more, usually one 5 bucks. I love my blu ray player not only for the quality but for the extra features that come on the disk. Not to mention that my player has netflix vudu and pandora built right in.
  13. One question are you and the other person with the problem using the same ISP?
  14. You might want to consider a hotspot device, most of the major carriers offer them and they allow multiple devices to be connected, the other option would be if another labtop was handy and you could adhoc. I take it since the company blocked the usb ports they dont want you doing anything to their pcs.
  15. I think you should receive the same bonus as if they purchased them selves. But this could only be possible if forum used advertisements, and was making money for people who posted. I dont see any ads on this site and that really shocks me. I personally think you should at least get some mycents.
  16. I use to purchase the combo pack the reason behind this was, at the time I did not own a bluray player. I knew at one point I would purchase a bluray player and would have to start making my collection. There are certain movies that I am really glad I purchased the bluray version. Another reason would be that I only own one bluray player, and if I wanted to watch my movie in the bed room, portable dvd player, or another location I would have a copy of the movie that I could view. I too at one point questioned the same thing, however it does make sense.
  17. I personally agree with the law, The law is in fact not as strict as the laws of our federal government. This was just a way to get attention on to something else besides them. I also did not like the fact that no one from the federal government said anything to Arizona, however they simply are taking them to court to get the law reversed. If they were really concerned about the issue I believe it would have been handled in a different manner.
  18. comp2


    Hello to you Carl, I'm new also. I recommend reading some of the older post first to get a good grasp of how the forum works. If there is anything that I can help you with let me know, and everyone on the forum seems helpful.
  19. comp2

    Iphone Clone

    The only problem that I see with this is apples os requires an activation. And personally I really dont like the os that much to begin with. You might be better of spending the money on a new phone whether its an iPhone or not.
  20. comp2


    Has any ever used the android application Tikl. The application was really great until they updated it about a week ago and its not connecting like it should. Is anyone else having this issue.
  21. There is a great article on ehow https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-password-protect-a-flash-drive that has a lot of great information available.
  22. comp2


    I hope I was not breaking the forum, and most of them have reappeared. Can't wait till the mycents have started working again. Thanks for you help.
  23. I have just started on this site within the week, and I am confused on how the mycents work. Non of the topics I have seen seem to help. I did register on Xisto - Support.com/billing with the same email address and waited the correct amount of time, however I still dont see the mycents on my post. Did I do something wrong? Also some of my post are not showing up, the they would apprear and now they are gone again. Is it me or is something wrong.ThanksComp2
  24. ebuddy is great on android devices, one of the few facebook messengers that work correctly. Their last update really helped me out since my company just blocked IM services on the network.
  25. I think it looks great, I wish I had talent like that, Html css, php has been mastered, but thank god I have a guy doing graphics. Keep up the good work.
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