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Everything posted by comp2

  1. This is a debate all over the internet talked about by many, but I would like to see some feedback from the KS users. I personally use Android for my cell phone but I am not one of the Apple haters. I own an iPad for "work" it's mainly for play. In my opinion I lean toward the Android family. I love the use of widgets and the choose of devices. Most of the negative feedback for Android is due to cheaply made phone from select manufactures. If you pay for a cheap phone your going to probably get a cheap phone. I personally look at reviews and specs.
  2. Well it seems that someone has fixed the glitch. I hope that it stays this way forever. I was really excited to return to KS forums and using the myCENTS program again.
  3. Has anyone on the forum tried Chrome OS yet. I personally have and enjoyed the experience a lot. Now don't get me wrong there is severe limitations to the system but if what you do is mainly browser based then you should not have a problem. I started my adventure with the pilot program Google launched about two years ago with the CR-48. I must say I was highly surprised when the package arrived and it was a laptop. Now the CR-48 model was cheap with just the basics, but it worked like a charm. After using it off and on I eventually purchased the Acer model which was faster and had more storage. One of the features that I enjoyed was directed access to Google Drive. Which at the time was not available to windows. It was easy to back up local files to it if needed. The speed is also another great feature that you cannot over look. By simply opening the screen you have at max 10 seconds until the login screen appears from a cold boot (2-3 seconds when waking from sleep). Now don't get me wrong it does have its limitations. The biggest is there are now applications that you can install. Everything must be a web app, which thank goodness their selection has grown. There is no access to Java, which some of my work applications require Java. On a side note Chrome OS has the abilities to now do a remote desktop connection to windows machines. The other machine will need to be running Chrome and be already configured.
  4. Well it has been about a week and I received an email today stating that a deposit was made to my myCENTS. I really do hope that all the kinks are now worked out and we see our accounts grow quicker. I hope everyone else also grew in their myCENTS.
  5. Still not growing and I sent the only admin listed on the site now. I thought there use to be more. But I sent him a message about a week ago and no reply so far. Hope this kink gets worked out soon.
  6. Another topic related to this is fraud is the Lifeline program. The program was originally designed for land lines and when to cell phones in 2008. The program has nearly tripled in size from $800 million in 2009 to $2.2 billion per year in 2012. It has been stated that house hold are getting multiple phones when they should only be receiving one. And another thing..... It really irritates me to see someone in a new car paying for food with their food stamps card while talking on an iPhone. If you cannot afford something then you might not need it. End of rant.
  7. The number one security flaw of any system is the users in the my opinion. I have a physician that spells out his password as he types it, which is a HIPAA nightmare.
  8. I probably have an intro on this site, possible under my old username, but I thought I would do it again. I work in the Medical IT field for a corporate hospital system. I support the south east division of my company and I have to say I love what I do. I mainly do educational classes now training the new members of our local IT teams. Our company uses over 30 different systems and it is my job to show everyone how to use them.I have now moved from the corporate head quarters to a facility near the beach that I love. I can wake up on the weekends and visit the beach and take pictures of the sun rise. (photography is my hobby). Of course this is after my first cup of coffee. I am also an avid nature lover and that and photography seem to go hand in hand. Living on the Gulf Coast has provided me and my wife plenty of opportunity to go out and have fun. We living in the city for so long and I was getting home sick for the south.
  9. Its has been about 2 days since I posted and have not seen any changes to me mycents. I will give it another day or two to see if there is a change.
  10. Looks like mine stopped growing again. I have no idea whats going on. Anyone else still having this issue.
  11. comp2

    Photo Editing

    Yeah instagram got into a big stink when they started selling users images. I use the cloud for another back up only. I have an external hard drive I use as well.
  12. comp2

    Anybody Home?

    I remember back in lets seen 2004ish 2005 the forums use to boom. I would really like to see it get that way again. I guess people forgot the amazing advantage of post to host. I came back to the forums because I am tired of paying for hosting again and I am trying to save money.
  13. comp2

    Photo Editing

    What is your favorite photo editing software (free). I personally use Picasa for my photos. It seems to be doing the job but I am now looking for more options in my editing. I would one day like to upgrade to a software like Photoshop, but it is not really in my budget for something I do as a hobby. Another question is what would you use for online storage. It is for storage only not for showing off the photos.
  14. That is a very sweet story . Thank you for sharing I am an avid dog lover, unfortunately I live in apartment now due to work and I can only have one.
  15. Is anyone else excited about a smartphone with Ubuntu!. I have been an avid lover of ubuntu for years now and I hope that they find success in the mobile industry. I personally have been using Android for a while and love it but ready for a change. I was never really please with iPhones os , however to be fair I have not tested an ios device since the iPhone 3 so that is not exactly fair. Unless Blackberry can really pull in the users with its new phone and os I don't seem them lasting and some other company buying them. Personally coming from the network side from a regional wireless carrier they are a pain and strain on the network. Hopefully with software that will change. I remember my old Blackberry, it was like my old nokia. You could beat a man to death with it and it would still work.
  16. My myCENTS finally grew!! I am so happy to see it is back working. Sheepdog I hope you are able to catch up in time for you plan cycle.
  17. Unfortunatly that is the only solution I have at the moment, however I will keep this in the back of my mind when talking to fellow nerds. I personally use ubuntu and I have not booted into windows in over a year. Let me know if you do ever come across a solution. Also using .old should of forced windows to generate a new one. Weird that it did not!
  18. Sheepdog, I justed noticed your post. My mycents is not increasing either. I was afraid it was because I was not active on the forum for a while but now I see I was not the only one effected.
  19. Nice to meet you. You could please elaborate on what your site if or post a link. Interested to see. Enjoy the forum.
  20. My mycents is not growning. I made a few post yesterday and nothing has changed as of today. Am I doing something wrong. I was inactive on the forum for a while.
  21. I have ran windows for a long time and never came across this problem. Currently on 8 and I'm not liking it too much If you want to reset the cache for your icons >>Go to Computer >>On the Tool bar, click Organize and choose Folder and Search Options. >>Click the View tab, and check to select the Show hidden files and folders option, and click OK >>Then, enter the following directory: C:Users(User Name)AppDataLocal >>Find the IconCache.db file, and rename it as IconCache.db.old. Then restart the machine. This must all be done in SAFEMODE Let me know if this worked for you.
  22. comp2


    Interesting recipe, I would love to try it out. One question would the onion burn in the oil? Just a thought.
  23. comp2


    I haven't been on the forum in a while. But I wanted to let you know that Axample.Net currently has google+ invites. I really enjoy its like facebook was before everything took over like the games. If your already on look me up.
  24. Even though that would be really nice to do that.
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