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Everything posted by Harlot

  1. I don't know if you have attended the wedding yet or not, but its all about reaction. Its not what she does, its how you react to it. When she began to not accept your calls, I believe that you could have stopped calling. You reaction of calling and pleading only accommodates her alleged behavior. You should have allowed her to cool down and let her call you back. If see never called back then ooo well, friendships come and go. If she calls back, talk like everything is normal and nothing happened. Sometimes you have to take the approach that you would take with children. Act as if you don't notice the behavior and don't give the issue the attention that it is demanding. To be honest, it seems like you're creating your own problems. Yes, it sounds like your friend is jealous. However, besides posting something nasty about you on facebook and removing you as a friend, she has not really done anything other than walked out of your life. The reasons for her walking out of your life may be wrong, but she has the right to do that and you should stop trying to walk back into her life. Don't send her anymore letters or have any contact with her unless she initiates the contact. I feel out with a dude that I considered at least a distant friend and he removed me on facebook and I was fine with that. I actually considered removing him after a dispute, but I decided that it would be rude and done out of hate rather than necessity. Eventually he removed me so it worked out fine. I have not contacted him or anything because I don't think its appropriate. I also had another friend who I suspected was extremely jealous of me. I cut off connections with him, and he attempted to reach me but I wouldn't accept his calls or his friendship again. I ran into him and we patched things up and we are good friends again. You can't force yourself on people and while it is reasonable to be jealous, you have to remember that jealousy can be dangerous. Most of us, including myself, have been jealous of something before, but if an individual can not recognize the fact that he or she is jealous, it is a train wreck waiting to happen. So my suggestion is to go to the wedding and simply not speak to her. If she speaks to you then that's fine. Most likely, if she reacts the same way to your other friend as she reacted to you, she will try to crash her wedding and ruin that friendship too.
  2. I am not sure dream expert, although many here claim to know a lot about dreams. My dreams usually consist of random thoughts and usually pleasing thoughts rather than extreme and scary visuals. However, I have had a few bad dreams in the past and they usually related to the way I thought at the time. I think that dreams are simply your thoughts in your conscious or subconscious. The lady in your dream could really mean anything, you have to ask yourself what she means. She could represent someone evil or death. She could represent your fear. She could also represent absolutely nothing, except for a random thought I really don't believe in the idea of dreams predicting the future or anything of that nature. It could be possible, but I tend to lean towards believing that dreams are nothing more than a representation of ones thoughts and feelings.
  3. The first thing I want to say is that this is not criticism. The fact is that success is always a possibility (at least most of the time). However, you must clearly understand what your goal and purpose is for creating a blog on failures or fail. Are you creating the blog on fail because you are passionate about such humor and wish to post some of your own? Are you creating the blog simply to entertain yourself and others? Are you doing it for the money?If you are doing it for the first two reason, then go ahead and shoot for it. If you are doing it to bring in money, you will be fighting an uphill battle. The first issue is that there is always a developed site on fails, and the idea is not unique to you. The fact is that you have competition. What do you have that the other fail blog, that people have been using for quite a while, does not? This is why Ash-Bash keep asking if you have a team or community to help you. It may sound easy to simply post pictures, but you have to put the time in to find those pictures. That could mean searching the internet for hours at a time simply to find a few unique pictures. Either way you will be seen as an intruder and you site will be dismissed by most as a imitator. People don't like spending time on a cheap copy when the real thing is free.The second problem is that its a terrible niche. A fail blog is a niche that you can't make money off of unless you have thousands upon thousands of people visiting your websites, and even when you have thousands of people you will likely be using only google ads rather than independent advertisers who pay a lot more since the middle man (google) is no longer there. Most advertisers who buy directly from sites want a particular audience. They want a website for moms, as they can target mothers with their products. They want a website for bikers, as they can sell their bike shining product to bikers. They want a website for pimps, as they can sell pimp canes and suits (lol). Anyway, I am sure you get the point and understand what I am telling you here. If you have a website on "fail", some of everybody is visiting it, and all those people have different interest. When it comes to advertising...a site with small traffic that has a targeted audience is better than a site with large traffic but no idea on the interest and needs of those visiting. When it comes to making money, you have to pick the right niche and stick to it. I once had a political blog, but then I realized that I would never make the money I wanted to make with it without being at the level of Daily Kos. I have a passion for politics, but if you plan on going to politics its best not to write about it anyway, especially if you're going to get only $.50 a month from ad revenue. So if you are doing it for money, pick another niche. Write about music, gardening, cooking, food, or any of those boring topics that people seem to need advice on. You need a website where people have problems and need to buy a product in order to solve them. Start a blog on weight loss, and sell products that relate to weight loss through affiliate marking. If you want to make money, you usually have to write about a boring topics. I am sure that many people will differ, as they may consider slaving over a stove all day and later blogging about it as fun. It was mentioned above that you have opened and closed all these different websites. That is a sign that the sites are not making money and therefore the project is thrown out of the window. I have done that many times before, the latest being my political blog. I have thrown forums out the window left and right. The fact is that I failed most of the time due to competition. I had two or three political blogs in my life time. Two of them were on the national level and they failed miserably. The third was on the state level and it was actually pretty successful. I only kept it open for two months and the traffic was coming in like crazy. I was receiving more visitor than I ever had before with a website. However, I closed it because I have a better idea that should have a greater effect and traffic with less effort and work (including a better niche). Nevertheless, if you go ahead with the project, one suggestion would be to get reed of the idea that your blog is a fail blog. You should really market yourself in a more unique way. For example, you could create a domain called tuked (just an example - domain already registered) and use the work "tuked" instead of "failed". Not only does this make you site look less like a cheap copy, it begins the creation of a new word which is the domain name of your website. Another suggestion is to give commentary on your fail pics. Failblog currently doesn't do that. They simply post the picture. I remember running across a blog that posted pictures and gave very short commentary on them. I'm really upset that I can't find the site anymore. It was entertaining and addictive. There was one picture of a girl falling on face first on a slip & slide, and the blogger made it seem so funny. He was saying something along the line of not taking her out of the house because she'll be falling all over the place. I really hate I can't find the blog, the guy had me laughing all night. I ran across that blog months ago and still remember it (just not the domain lol). So those are two quick suggestions for you.
  4. I agree that Awstats is usually off, I am not sure about Google Analytics. I used Google Analytics and Awstats and the results were completely different. Some days it would be the same, but most of the time Google Analytics showed a lot more or a lot less traffic. I don't really believe that any of those programs used to monitor traffic are 100% accurate. I guess you have to just make room for error.
  5. I don't live in India, but I think that its sad that third world countries don't have the same access as Western Nations to online translations. There are claims that a lot of the discrimination is based on scamming within some Eastern Nations. I can see maybe Nigeria (lol jk). I must say though that a check is better than nothing, since many countries are not supported at all.
  6. I have Rome Total War and I also played Earth Empire (or Empire Earth). Currently I play a game called Super Power 2. I love RTS, but my computer can't really handle the new releases of different games. My computer is pretty outdated and I don't see myself being able to afford a new one anytime soon. A new version of Civilization came out recently and I can't play it because of my computer. Also, a game called Supreme Ruler 2020 and another game called Geo-Political Simulator, and I couldn't play those because of my outdated computer. I got bored of Rome Total War, and Super Power 2 is the game that I play the most. I usually play it online. The online community is small, but big enough to have a game at least a few times a week. The games usually last a few hours, and they are extremely fun. Geo-Political Simulator reminds me of Super Power 2, however, many people who play Super Power 2 claim that Geo-Political Simulator is way too complicated and buggy. I thought Super Power 2 was complicated when I first started playing and now I wish that I could have more control over my country and its affairs. You can build an army, dictate spending, raise taxes, change laws, and etc, but there is really no political consequences to changing anything. It may lower your relations with other countries, effect your economy, and lower your approval ratings, but raise spending on propaganda and your relations will be find no matter how much you change laws or raise taxes...so the game in single player is really easy after playing it for an hour and online play is the only way to get excitement out of it because you are trying not to be conquered by other players (therefore you have to build relations with stronger players to protect you if youre a small country).I didn't like Earth Empire much, at least not the single player version. I guess AI can never be that great, but its seems like AI attacks randomly. When you first start, you know that the primary goal is to be the last man standing. There is no room for a strategy to build a long lasting partnership and use that partnership to win. Every time I played it, my allies would eventually stab me in the back and roll their units into my borders. I almost forgot Heart of Iron, which is fun. However, I my computer can't play Hearts of Iron III. One game that I really regret that I can't play is Galactic Civilizations. I have heard great things bout the game, but ooo well. Did I miss any good games? I am constantly looking for good RTS games to play that I have not played before. This game has me all tingling inside, searching Google for new RTS...hahaha.
  7. Obviously they are having a few problems with it. It was suppose to be released in 2008. What is the big deal about the Boeing 787? Like whats new? The design looks exactly the same as the Boeing 767 and Boeing 747. Sometimes I look at airplanes and I am astonished. In fifty or sixty years, we went from riding horses to flying around in the sky. Its really amazing.
  8. I don't think anyone really wants to know when they dead. The only way someone could possibly live knowing when their death is going to come is if they live in a culture that completely glorify death to the extent that people can't wait for it to come. People have tried to glorify death in the past. For example, Haven upon death sounds glorified. After you die, you live a happy life and walk on street paved in gold. That sounds like somewhere that I would like to go. However, in the subconscious people really understand that death is surrounded by mystery and men fear what they don't know. Therefore, its probably not wise to know (paradox) the date of an event that is surrounded by mystery. Then if you know how you die, that would be equally terrible. This would mean that not only do you know what day and time you're going to die, but you also know that the truck on side of you is about to run over your face. In a way though, I think that some of us may have to deal with knowing that death is on the way. It seems like some people know when death is near. They go to their family house and give hints without saying it directly, and tell their family that they love them and bye. Lets face it, most people would rather not tell their family directly that they think that death is near. The reaction of your family, if they believe you, would not be a happy one. The second biggest fear of death (for me at least), aside from not knowing, is leaving family and friends behind to mourn. I will have to briefly contradict myself because there are exceptions. If I was going to die tomorrow, I may want to know so that I can spend the time I have left with my family. However, I don't think I would want to know a year ahead of time or even a month. Of course this is all "I think" because I really don't know if I would even want to know about death a day before. Its a very complicated issues and I believe the best thing that we can do is live life to the fullest and do what we think is right deep inside (not what others think is right). If you live life in a way that it could not have been any different in the sense of being true to yourself, then there are no regrets at death no matter when it occurs. You don't have to wonder if you are going to cease to exist, go to heaven, go to hell, reincarnate, or whatever, because whatever happens was meant to be.
  9. Of course I am attending college in August and my passion is history. However, I have always wanted to know how to code games and software. I have actually wanted to learn at least one programming language well for a while now. However, every time I Google it, I get disenchanted and confused. Have anyone learned a programming language independently? Did anyone take a college class to learn a programming language?Also, how long did it take you to learn a particular programming language and what projects have you been able to accomplish with them?
  10. Now that is funny. A plane crashes and a car slams into it, but the high gas prices is the most pressing issue at hand
  11. Thanks web, I am going to Google it tomorrow and see what it is all about. I have heard of Visual Basics, I think that is a problem similar to Visual Studios. I actually had Visual Basics but never learned how do anything with it except for create a crappy browser using a step by step tutorial where I just copy and paste what they told me to copy and paste. I do remember hearing about ASP on facebook maybe. It may have been regarding facebook apps or something along that line.
  12. Yeah, people love to show off and make it appear as if they have more money than they truly do. Where I live, to show off they buy expensive rims and most of the time the rims are worth more than the car. Some people are culture shocked when they see people buying rims that cost more than the car itself. In fact, there are some people who pay a monthly bill for their car rims and then drive around bumps on the road so that they won't damage the rims. As for gas, I don't think its a big problem in the United States. The people who are hit the hardest are those who living under the poverty line. But I don't understand why people try to show off. My uncle was actually jacked of his car yesterday at gun point. He had the big rims and nice paint on it. Its really dangerous in some parts of town to have an expensive car or expensive equipment on a car. They left him standing on the side of the road, but he was lucky because a lot of people are shot down and their car is just taken.
  13. I really have no idea what ASP is and I have never used it. I can't really classify myself as an expert of any programming language, not even html. I was introduced to php because most software such as forums, portals, and blogs use it as their programming languages. So when you have to deal with forums such as PHPBB and edit copy/paste hundreds of lines of php, you learn a little bit about it. It seems that those who posted before me, such as SemSem know more about it then I do. However, I do know that all the major softwares are in php. For blogs and portals, both WordPress, Joomla, PhpNuke, and etc use php. All of the major forums use php. I don't even know a single software that uses ASP, can anyone mention are popular software that uses it?
  14. I would have to agree with many of those in this post. There are so many dumb things that I have done in my short life span, and I guess I have a lot more dumb things to do in the future. I just try my best to learn from the mistakes of other and observe the mistakes of those older than me. I would have to say mistakes including stealing, smoking, and hanging around the wrong people. Many people in my age group have died hanging around the wrong people or being seen with the wrong people.One of my class mates from the 8th grade only has one leg now because he was hanging around a dude that was robbing people home. The people game to the guy house, and when the guy wasn't there they took him instead and tried to kill him. There are other people who I know that were shot down in the streets or killed and thrown into an abandon house. I use to hang around a guy in middle school who got to high school and shot down a old woman down in the streets while trying to rob her. He now has life in prison. The majority of people I hung around ten years ago are probably dead or imprisoned. I was always told that, but never believe it. My teachers would always say, "Look around you, in ten years the majority of them will be dead or imprisoned, I hope one of them isn't you". I ran into one of my years a few months back at an awards ceremony. I was receiving all these awards and I bumped into her after the program and she start crying. She said that I must have hit a 360. However, I think the best way to minimize mistakes is you have knowledge of yourself and find something to be passionate about. I placed on my focus on studying history and politics, and that is when certain people stopped hanging around me. I read way too much and we simply couldn't relate anymore. Some of the friends that I run into, I can't relate to them at all anymore and both of us notice it as soon as we open our mouth to greet one another. A revolutionist named H.Rap Brown was great at articulating in his book "Die *BLEEP* Die" not being able to relate to old friends who have spent most of their early life on the street corner while you have spent a significant time of your early life in books.
  15. It may have more to do with the culture and society that you live in web_designer. My surroundings indicate that both genders are picky. The men want the perfect women and vice-versa. I believe that is a large difference in societies who oppress women rights and it resort in women having less of a say-so about the standards that the perfect man should have. It really depends on where you live. If you come to the United States, women are really out of control by Eastern standards. Men really don't have control over what a woman wears, or how see conducts herself in public (unless he is willing to beat his wife or girlfriend). A lot of Eastern women come to the United States and after meeting a few American women, they are murders for disobeying their husband and enjoying the American way. "Girl why you wearing all those cloths" "Girl you don't have to do what he tell you to do, this is America""Girl, he aint yo daddy""Girl, my husband told me that and I put him on the couch"You just have to find the person who is right for you and respect you as a woman. Many guys get a little taste of power and they abuse it. It starts off with them wanting to know where you are and next thing you know its a full blown beat down.
  16. I am not sure about the relation between dreams in reality, such as the assertion that if you die in a dream, you could die in reality. However, I did hear of an incident where an individual had a nightmare and it resulted in an heart attack. I believe it was some sort of medical condition however, and not the typical nightmare or dream.
  17. 1) A friend who does not back you when you are right and don't tell you when you are wrong. 2) A person who uses religion to exploit other people. 3) An arrogant and condescending person.
  18. The best thing to do is to reinstall the operating system. You can either buy it on a cd from any major computer store or download and burn it illegally. If you call anyone who fix computers, they should have it. However, lets note that reinstalling the operating system will delete all files that are not default.
  19. Q: So are you saying that I should let her call me a...?A: The customer is always right. Q: What do you mean by "We have to take our county back"? A: Nooo, you don't know me, I voted for Obama!Q: Are you the father?A: NoQ: Why should I take you backA: Baby, I am a changed man.
  20. I no longer believe that all these singers are Satanic. Even if they are, I believe that it is being completely overblown by conspiracy theorist, which is what usually happens to every issue. Some nut comes in and start saying that the music industry is hiding aliens and literally sold their soul for wealth. Maybe they do worship Satan and hide aliens, but what evidence does anyone have to even come to that conclusion in the first place? I was talking to a guy at school a year ago, and he was telling me about the Illuminati and how the entire music industry is controlled by them. Hey, it may be true, but why was he so certain? He really had no evidence to come to such a conclusion other than a thirty minute YouTube video that was filled with propaganda. I had a brilliant history teacher who use to say, "The Mind is Delicate". That was one of the most truthful things that he said and it stuck with me. If you can convince people that the music industry is controlled by a Satanic group with a few thirty minute videos, the mind is definitely delicate. The amusing thing is that about a week after I talked to the guy about it, half of the school was talking about the Illuminati and the music industry. They begin to listen to the music backwards, but the funny thing is that despite the fact that they felt the music industry was Satanic, they continued to listen to the music. Some even said that they wanted to join the Illuminati...hahaha! There are so many conspiracies that I don't believe any of them without at least a small tad of proof. The Bilderberg Group conspiracy makes a little sense, or parts of it are believable. I say this because why would all these powerful people be meeting. What are they discussing and why it is behind closed doors? I am going off topic a bit, but the point is that I don't believe that the subliminal messages are necessarily Satanic or intentional.
  21. I really don't like the new look, and I prefer the old way. If something is not broke, than it shouldn't be fixed. It Google Images was more simple before, and that is how most people like it. It seems like websites are trading in simplicity and becoming more complicated. Even face book recently redesigned their events page, when it was in fact already fine.
  22. I can not believe that you just stated this OpaQue, it has been in the back of my mine for the last few days. Recently, I went on Google to look for some hair clippers. I spent quite a while looking for some and I eventually found some that I liked. My intentions were to find them online, and buy them from the store due to the fact that I don't have any money in my paypal account. Come to find out, none were available in the store, therefore I just simply decided to do without them. Believe it or not, I keep seeing those clippers on Google Ads. Not only that, but I also continue to see the 1 or 2 advertisements that always appear on my blog, on other people website whose niche does not even relate to those advertisements. I definitely believe that Google is violating privacy. It appears that they are making ads appear to people based on what they previously searched for on Google.
  23. This "MyCent" system really sounds interesting. I been trying to get it to work for quite a while, but I believe that a certain amount of post are required before you can begin to receive or see them. If your "MyCent" is based on the traffic and usefulness of your post, thank it brilliant. It actually reminds me of revenue sharing put in place by many freelance writing content websites such as Associated Content and Suite 101. I think that we should just take note of the beauty of the system and stop trying to figure it out I think the purpose of making credits based off of characters rather than post, was to simply stop spammers. If you look at most free hosting based forums who use post as a medium, they are spammed out. When you factor in characters and usefulness, even those who are simply in a community to get the benefits, will post useful information. So once again Kudos to Xisto!
  24. I got excited when I saw that someone post, I thought I was getting a response to my question that has been sitting here for days However, I believe I found a thread that explained my problem. I may not have enough post yet. As for Opaque, stay strong and keep the faith baby
  25. Hi. I am not sure if this is the thread that I am looking for her not, but I do not have a "MyCents" sidebar or gadget thingy. I registered with the site that I was instructed to register with and I used the same email. Can I get a little help please?
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