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Everything posted by Harlot

  1. Will power and determination has nothing to do with it. What family you are born into has everything to do with it. I don't understand why the concept is so hard to grasp. If you are born poor, you usually die poor. If you are born rich, you usually die rich. These are simple statistics. People tend to dismiss truths that are uncomfortable for them to accept. Furthermore, you rise to the top has everything to do with little kids making baseball glove in sweatshops. You have the opportunity that you have based on the suffering of others. That is a fact. And as for someone putting a gun to their head to force them to work, they have to eat, that is why they work. If you live in a country where all the resource are hoarded by white western capitalistic, who deprive the people living in those areas control of their land and resources, you would be working for $10 a week also. Furthermore, your children wouldn't be able to go to school because they have to work in order to keep food on the table. You don't have to live under those conditions, so you refuse to understand. You rather believe the lie that you have more because you work hard and smarter, but as I said, the truth uncomfortable and inconvenient. You don't know what hard work is, seriously. There are people who work 15-16 hours a day and still barely can afford to eat. By your reasoning, perhaps they should work harder. The money that they do make is spent on living. You seriously don't understand how things work in third world countries, and their are actually racial undertones in those operations. The fact is that Western whites own the majority of land and resources in third world countries and they wish for it to stay that way. In Africa for example, when the armies pulled out, the whites kept the land and they still have it today. South Africa - Whites own 90% of the land (As of 2007) Kenya - Whites own 73% of the land (As of 2003) Zimbabwe - Whites own 73% of the land (As of 2003) Lets note that some if the figures may be a little different now since the first link is from 2007, and the other two from 2003. Its now 2010, so the numbers may be slightly higher or lower based on land reform and other factors that may have taken place since. In Zimbawae, whites make up about .03% of the population, but yet they own 73% of the land. That is insanity. Imagine if Africans owned 73% of the land and resources in the United States and they gained it through colonization. It simply wouldn't be tolerated, especially if the resources from those lands are being shipped back to Africa instead of fueling the economy in the United States. Eventually the children within the U.S. would be digging through trash and working in sweatshops ran by Africans if such was tolerated. Every country should have control of their own resources, and use those resources to feed their own people. It should not be used to give you or any other outsider advantages and unequal opportunity. You can deny the facts all you want, but the facts stand alone and all the rhetoric about people being about to achieve based on determination is nothing more than baseless propaganda and denial. I will leave you with a quote.
  2. Thanks for the heads up, however, I am kind of dumbfound on why anyone would want to phish Xisto accounts. It doesn't really make much sense, what are you going to do with the account? It seems pretty pointless to me. I could understand the idea behind phishing paypal, ebay, or rapidshare accounts. You know, accounts that are materialistically valuable. People are getting more and more ruthless everyday it seems, and are phishing accounts simply to cause destruction. Its not about the money anymore, its about simply being devilish and vandalizing without logical cause or reason.
  3. H.O.D, welcome back. The MyCent system is working, but it updates extremely slow. So far it has not updated in like an entire week or at least it has felt like an entire week. Someone suggested, I can't remember who, that the MyCent is currently being updated manually based on post count due to the small number of dedicated users that at currently at Xisto. I don't know if there is any truth to that, but admin has not really updated us on anything. There is definitely a lack of communication. I understand that the admin have really worked hard, even though this one issue continues to plague this community, so I am really indifferent on where to direct my feelings and frustrations on the current situation. However, I can only imagine how those who have spend hours upon hours, posting hundreds of thousands of post may feel. Anyhow, I how you stick around and once again welcome back
  4. I hope someday you'll stop believing such a outright and blunt lie. It is indeed a lie and it is a lie that has been pushed forth for quite a while. People are not poor because they want to be poor, or because they are too lazy to work hard enough. Who do you think are the hardest workers in any country? It is poor people. Poor people are the ones who have the jobs that are the most physically hard and stressful. The poor work the longest hardest, but the least pay. Who wants to work harder to less pay? To say that poor people want to be poor is an insult, as I live in the inner city and I see people working hard every day trying to make ends meet and yet they are financially at a stand still. To say that these people want to be poor, or are not working hard enough to uplift themselves is a delusional lie that is pushed forth by those who have no understanding of poverty and have never lived in poverty a day in their life. For every person you know who went from poor to making $100,000 a year, I know 20,000 that didn't and it was not based on them being happy with their status. No one is happy being poor, that is the same lie that slave owners push forth. That slaves were happy being slaves. The same lies with different names. If you have never seen anyone who wanted to succeed and didn't, I wanna know what world you live in. Earth is not the place where everyone who wants to succeed accomplish that goal. Certain people are born with social disadvantage that prevents them from succeeding. It is easy to see why someone would think the way you do, as our educational system is modeled to push forth the "American Dream" lie. After 12 years of being instilled with that lie, its depressing to find out that the American Dream is nothing more than an American Nightmare for most. Then we have to look outside of America, which is even worst. Do you believe those kids on TV digging through trash want to be poor? That they can't rise above poverty because they are not willing to do what it takes? They are poor because of corporate colonization and the exploitation of their natural resources by countries such as the United States and Britain. Therefore instead of their natural resources being used to generate wealth in their country, it generates wealth for Americans and the British. When an American or British corporation own all the oil fields and gold mines in a third world country, who do you think will be rich and who do you think will be poor? Why do you think America was so much against Communism? It was because Communism means that American companies would lose control of the massive resources in third world countries, as those resources would be naturalized by that country's government and used to feed the people within those nations. You have to ask yourself why the United States has surpassed those nations in 250 years. It sure isn't because we are better, smarter, or superior. However, of course this is what the propaganda placed in the average history book tell you. The truth is that it is possible because we are willing to use military force in order to advance our economic welfare. Well not even "our" economic welfare, but rather the economic welfare of rich capitalistic. The same capitalistic who run sweatshops in Thailand. You have to understand the country that you live in and not be blinded by lies. The United State and European countries have a long history of oppressing other nations by taking over the nation through military force, place all the resources in the hand of Western companies, and then withdrawing the military force and keeping those resources in the hands of U.S. and European companies by threat of force. Even after the colonization of African and South American ended, U.S. and European companies maintained control over the resources of those countries and used them in order to increase their own wealth. Therefore these countries can not use their own resources for their own development and enrichment. Even if you look at Vietnam, it was not about Communist alone (although Communism did end U.S. and European control of Vietnam's resources). It was about the natural resources within Vietnam, particular rubber. Look at Iraq, we invaded with the excuse of nuclear weapons and terrorism. Whose companies are in control of Iraq oil fields? It sure as hell isn't Iraqi companies. People need to pull the wools from over their eyes and understand the truth behind wealth distribution and poverty. So the quick answer is that U.S. is richer because it controls other nations resources through capitalism, and uses force to maintain that control. Finally, I have been thinking of books that I could suggest that you read so that you can better understand the truth. You should start with a book called "Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James W. Loewen. It is well sourced (pretty much every paragraph is sourced). This way you can read researchable fact rather than take my word for it. Also, just for clarification, I do not believe in the idea that rich people can't go to heaven (if in fact there is a heaven). I have no problem with people being rich, as long as they recognize the truth and stop putting blame on the poor in order to relieve their own guilt. It is also fine to have two legs, but don't say that the guy with one leg doesn't want two or that he has one leg because he won't work hard enough.
  5. I don't know about pride, but I think its called being a man. I know many people will disagree, but I am a strong support of self defense. In order words, violence should be met with violence. A lot of the educated and liberal minded (not that I am or am not liberally minded) people within my community disagree with my stance, but I don't believe in turning the other cheek when you're under attack. If someone knocks you over the head with a bottle, you find a bottle and knock him back over the head. I do agree that there are circumstances where non violence is necessary, but that is usually only so when you are leading others and encouraging violence will lead to more than just your own bloodshed. If you are leading people, you have to take their welfare into consideration and ask yourself if taking the violence route would be worth the cost. However, I strongly believe in self defense...yes armed self defense. I truly believe that non-violence is only effective when the cameras are rolling and the oppressor is a radical segment of society. It encourages the centrist and non-radical pacifist to get stop being pacifist and speak out. However, if there are no camera around, non-violence is not going to stop you from getting beat down in the streets. You can sing negro spiritual all day, change won't come until you are willing to strike back and pose a threat to the individual or group attacking you. There are two ways to create peace if I am beating you down everyday. 1) You can be non-violence in full view of my friends, family, and associates, and thus persuading them to put pressure me to stop. 2) You can strike back to the extent that I believe that you are willing to die and take me with you. The quickest way is obviously number two. And in many case your family, friends, and associates will turn a blind eye even when you are doing wrong. They will just say, "hey that's not my business". This is why you have so many women being abused, but yet their boyfriend or husband's friends and family don't say anything about it despite the fact that they know. During the Civil Rights Movement, there were two different efforts going on at once. There was the non-violent movement and the self defense movement. The fact is that people were calling Dr.Luther King a Communist and accused him of attempting to overthrown American until people Malcolm X came along. The black militancy and counter-racist tone coming back black America scared a lot of people. You had people such as Malcolm X talking about "if America doesn't come around, we gonna burn it down" and he had the following to carry that out to a certain extend, even if it would have ended in defeat and slaughter. The same applies to someone individually harassing you. The more you fight back, the less likely you are to be targeted. When I was in 4th grade, I use to get into fights every week with the same guy. However, I noticed that people respected me for standing up for myself. He didn't just target me, he picked on everyone in the class who he thought was weak. Eventually he stopped messing with me because he knew he was in for a fight...win, lose, or draw. I have always held that mentality. As I grew older I attempted more so to avoid conflict through diplomacy, but once it turned physical then I defended myself by any and all means. When you are defending yourself go on the offensive until the threat is neutralized and don't be afraid to lose and be just as quick to fight the same person again. The person you are defending yourself again can only respect that, you eventually you'll be left along. Every person I have ever fought, as far as I can remember, has befriended me after the conflict. I am not downing non-violence, I believe people have to decide their own approach. It is something that someone else can't decide for you. Every situation is unique, and you have to make the decision on what is the best strategy to solve the conflict and bring down tensions. There have been times when diplomacy has worked and has been effective, however, every time diplomacy worked the person knew that I was willing to fight. It was more like I am willing to take peace, but I don't mind going to war. The smaller you are, the more you have to make it known that you are capable of defending yourself and that everything is a weapon. Diplomacy is even a weapon. It gives you time to examine your surroundings and see what can be quickly picked up and used to turn the tides, while positioning yourself to get to it unnoticed.
  6. You don't have to be rich to do great things. I will have to disagree with that. In fact, I believe that being rich works toward preventing you from doing great things. People are rich because the poor, especially those within third world countries, are exploited and denied of their livelihood in order for someone living thousands of miles away can drive a nice car and live in a house bigger than they need. So what happens is that the rich create a false image of greatness, such as singers, celebrities, rich politicians, and etc, who in actuality did little or nothing for the good of mankind. On the other hand, those who really stand up for justice, and for equality are shot down in the streets or thrown into a shabby prison cell. Greatness if being willing to give up your life for a cause, not exploiting the poor and then contributing a small percentage back in order to make yourself look like a humanitarian. If you take my cake from me, and then leave me a few crumbs, I am not suppose to be happy or grateful because the whole cake was suppose to be mine. That is pretty much why you see children in third world countries on your television digging through trash. It is because 1% of the population has hoarded 90% of the wealth. This means that everyone could have a middle class life if it wasn't for the billionaires, both public and private (known and unknown), who have in their possession more money then they can spend in a lifetime. I don't know if it is taken out of context of not, however, people have a history of removing or putting forth their own interpretation of parts of the bible that threatens their lifestyle or the way of their society. If this one verse applies only to the 500AD, then what other parts of the bible does not apply to us today? Could this mean that the entire Bible could in fact not apply to modern day society? I simply don't believe in having it both ways. You either believe in the Bible and its entirety of you don't. If I believe that a section of a book is inaccurate, then I tend to question the credibility of other parts of that book. However, it seems that it has been made alright to ignore one part of the Bible and then condemn sinners for violating another part. If you are rich and the Bible says that you are going to have a hard time going to heaven, well now you know how homosexuals feel, as you are on the same boat now...plain and simple. As for being rich honesty, it is not about how to get it, its about why and how you have the opportunity to get it. How does it effect the lives of others that you have a disproportionate amount of wealth? Lets image that this forum was a real community, meaning in real life. We are the only people in existence. There are 20 of us. In total, there is $20,000 worth of wealth (meaning goods, resources, etc). If 2 people have $19,000 out of the $20,000...the other 18 are going to have a hard time eating. In fact, eventually, the bottom 18 are going to be working as cheap laborers for the top 2 and therefore making them richer and themselves poorer. If you apply that ideology to billions of people who live on earth, you can see clearly why children are digging through trash over in Africa, South American, and Asia. You will also see why Communist countries rose and the working class revolted against the top 1%, taking their wealth away and putting it into the hands of the people. My first comment will be that a lot of religious beliefs don't fully make sense, however, it is insincere to accept part of it as true, and then discard what goes against your lifestyle. People tend to do that these days. They ignore parts of the Bible that are depressing and they dismiss it as a mistake, misinterpretation, or a deeper message that can't be understood. Secondly, "anyone" can not become rich, that clearly displays a lack of understanding for the lower class of society and the people that the Bible claimed that Jesus represented (the poor, oppressed, and lowly). There are people who work their entire life, save every dime that they can spare, and are still poor at death. This especially applies to those living outside of Western countries. However, it also applies to the poor within Western countries who are technically poor by birth. And despite popular belief, the majority of people on earth die in the same social class that they were born. The majority who are born poor, die poor. The majority who are born rich, die rich. The majority who are born middle class, die middle class. There are exceptions, but the exceptions are irrelevant. Also, I believe that you have a very narrow view of the historical causes of poverty. In fact, I actually know that you do based on your comments here. If you get a job offer for $1 million dollars, you are not the average poor individual who finished college. In fact, it is almost certain that you have a rich family who were able to send you to the best schools and give you the best education from birth. The million dollar offers are given to Harvard and Yale grads, not affordable universities. And although rich children have an educational advantage, they don't typically go to these wonderfully expensive schools because they are smarter, but because of their wealth. Many have bribed their way to a 4.0, believe it or not. Then they bribe their way through admissions if necessary. As for the hard working 16 year old, what makes him any more hard working than a janitor who has worked sun up to sun down for forty years? How is that 16 year old contributing anything more to society? Why does he deserve a better life than the hard working janitor? Simple because he has been trained in a skilled profession he should make more in 1 year than a janitor makes in his entire lifetime? Seriously, who really worked the hardest here? Did Warren Buffet or the Walmart Family work harder than the single parent mother who has to hold down two jobs simply to make ends meet, and has been doing so for 7 days a week for the last 20 years? Serious, people put brain power too far above hard work, and that is a bad bill of goods. The working class, which is the majority, contributes more to society than the rich who claim that they deserve so much. It is the labor of the working class that creates wealth. We can send all of the rich people of the world to Mars and society would go on. Try to send every working class citizen to Mars, the economy would collapse and the rich would have to get off their butts and do real work. As for the religious leaders, they are exploiters. I have nothing against religion, but in many cases it is used to exploit the poor. I've heard pastors tell the congregation, consisting of very poor people, to give to God (the church) even if it means not paying their bills and God will make a way for them to pay their bills. The pastor stuffs his pocket with money and continue to praise God at the alter. People don't think the same, we have to understand that. Some people wouldn't dare insincerely praise God and use it as a way to scam people, while others, many who don't even truly believe in God, can't find any other profession so they become a pastor. And anyone can become a pastor, really. I have seen prisoners become pastors and then use their life story as a way to show God's power (God turned my around blah blah), and then stuff their pockets with money on the way out of the church. Thin about it. If you go to New York, you will see churches with ceiling trimmed in gold while outside of the church there is nothing more than poverty and slum. Why is that church spending money on gold ceiling when they could be feeding and clothing the poor? Why do they need to build a church that takes up the whole block when people are nearly starving? The culture of corruption. That is your answer. Even the pope, why does he have all this luxury when people in Africa, Asia, and South America are digging through trash? Why does he need all that if he is a man of God and is here on earth to do the work of God? I have no problem with religion, but it should do what it promise to do. I am very much in touch and support the teachings of Christ even if I differ on certain fundamental beliefs, however, if you say that you are doing the work of Christ than you should do it.
  7. Harlot

    Hi Everyone

    Well hello qzilver. Welcome to Xisto and I hope to see you around the forum sharing those ideas you just mentions . I am also a student, well I will be as of August 12th, and I am majoring in History (I may double major in Political Science also). Anyway, welcome to Xisto once again.
  8. The only game I can think of at the moment that qualifies for this thread is MuOnline. I can not rank it against the others post here because I have not played any of them or any games similar to them. However, without consideration for the other games in existence out there, MuOnline was a pretty fun way to waste a few hours and have fun. The only problem I have with the game is that there is no clear guidance or tutorial, you are just thrown in the game and have to figure out everything on your own. I still don't fully understand the game. For example, I don't know what the events are that occur daily, and I don't know how to get to them or even if I qualify to take part in them. I don't know what is classified as "wealthy" in the game either. Also, the players seem to not respond to questions and thus far they are either unfriendly or maybe they can't speak english.
  9. I don't believe that it comes down to pandering to an individual or being passive. I think it comes down more to attempting to gain an understand of someones life and the reasons behind why they may conduct themselves in the fashion that they do. I don't believe in cutting anyone fingers off or allowing someone to go free without consequences for stealing, however, I believe that the consequences should be based on the reasoning behind the actions. An action should be based on the motive behind it. If someone breaks into a store in order to steal food to feed themselves, I consider that more as survival than stealing if it is concluded that the action was the best option available to the person executing it. However, at the same time, allowing individuals to get away with crime at the expense of no punishment sends the message that they can do it again. If someone gets away with knocking you over the head and taking your money, you better be ready for them to come back and do it again. And even if you sit down and have a talk with them about their action of knocking you over the head, they may decide that they like you and won't do it again. Instead, they will knock someone else over the head and take the money. People operate based on cause and effect. I knock you over the head = I get your money. If "I get your money" does not = "punishment", then it will be done again and again and again. There are some exceptions, however, the theory still remains in tact. I don't support the idea that people shouldn't receive punishment for their actions, and I believe a lot of people think that way based off of brief interactions with prisoners and the disadvantaged. Yes, most people should realize that the average prisoner is not a heartless machine. But, that realization should not end with the conclusion that no punishment in deserved. As for rehabilitation, it does not work. I say this not because I do not believe in the power of rehabilitation, but because it needs a major reform. Rehabilitation should really be based on an individual's background, culture, and lifestyle. People are different, they are not bees. You can't pull them all in with the same honey. Rehabilitation programs don't address the root cause of the problem. It explains the wrongness of the crime, but does not address the reasoning because the crime. It does not address the cause and effect, and put it in a way that the individual being rehabilitated can understand.
  10. I don't believe its a good thing because that is exploiting people in order to increase the mass within their pockets or bank accounts. Perhaps if it was clearly pointed out that Google would be scanning emails and browser history to display those ads in exchange for their service, then perhaps it would be fine and many of us who disagree with it could have the knowledge required to make a decision on whether we should fine a new search engine or email service or not. We could also have the information available to determine if we would like to take Google Ads off of our website and fine another service.
  11. I agree with anwii. When I first registered a week or so ago, I was so confused about the MyCent system, and there simply wasn't enough information to explain what was going on. I followed the instructions and used the same email for my Xisto - Support account, but no where on the forum said that I had to wait an unknown amount of days for the system to update. I got the most help from the nice people in the chat room who tried their best to explain the little that they knew about the system and how it worked. If it wasn't for the greatly interesting topics, I would have simply left and dismissed the system as broken.A lot of people seem to be upset or thrown back by how long it takes for MyCent to update. The timing surely can confuse new members, however, more importantly what is needed is a clear sense of leadership in this community and we need that leadership active and involved. The fact is that we understand that admin can't satisfy everyone and a perfect community is non existent, however, Xisto would be greatly improved if there could be increased communication and the admin could update us on what is going on. Although I see room for improvement, one thing I would like to do is thank admin for all their hard work thus far. Too often we note the bad without noting the good, and my desire is not to come across as a critique who can't be satisfied no matter what is done. I believe that admin have done well in certain areas, while other areas are lacking and creating undesirable results.
  12. People usually associate the United States with a Free Market Economy while associating countries such as North Korea, Soviet Union, Cuba, and Venezuela with Communism. However, it has been pointed out in this thread that there is not a country currently existing. Even North Korea has a private economy and over 50% of their economy is based on black market trade. Even if black market trade is not publicly endorsed by their government, if something consist of 50% of your economy, you won't make too much noise about it. It has been proven again and again that a pure free market economy is a recipe for failure. The fact is that companies are out for profit and will do anything, no matter how immoral, in order to maximize profits. No matter how much they make, they will always push the limits to make more. In fact, when a free market is not regulated, it leads to Communism. When there is no regulations, companies turn people into slaves. They pay you as little as possible and put you in the worst conditions if it saves them money. That is really how labor unions got started. Companies paid low wages despite making record profits, and they put employees in terrible work conditions for the sake of saving money. Workers were dying left and right, but it was cheaper for companies to replace them rather than find ways of prevention and put them into effect. That is what really lead to labor unions. Workers organized and they literally revolted. If you look at every Communist country, that is what happened. People revolted against greedy corporations who paid the lowest of wages and treated workers more like livestock or slaves. The people revolted, replaced their government, and put corporations under state control. Some people try to say that we are more moral now, and companies wouldn't do that, however, they are still doing it. You have companies such as Walmart opening sweatshops in third world countries for cheap labor and they subject those people to terrible work conditions and unacceptable wages by human standards. We look the other way, but we would be in the same condition of the U.S. didn't regulate businesses. The U.S. regulates businesses within the U.S., but encourage deregulation in other countries as a means to boost the U.S. economy at the expense of the lifestyle and humanity of people within other countries. If you look at all Communist countries, they generally developed after revolting against governments who were controlled by Western Nations and supported Western corporate interest. The people revolted, installed their own government, and took over corporations and put them under the state's control. The initial intentions were to provide freedom, liberal, justice, and equality. That vision only deteriorated after Western Countries decided that it was in their best economic interest to overthrow such governments through bribery, coups, and assassinations, and then reinstall a puppet government that would support greedy U.S. and British companies and their unethical practices (which includes exploiting these countries of their natural resources). This forced Communist governments to crack down and put a sort of marital law in place simply to remain in power and keep the control of their country outside of the hands of Western capitalist. Why do you think North Korea really closes itself off as it does? Do we really believe that the country is full of crazy people? Lets remember that North Korea and South Korea is technically the same and was divided by the United States and Soviet Union. So we must act ourselves why there is a distinction between the two nations. I don't support North Korea's actions in way, shape, or form, but they are really doing what they have to do to not be overthrown by the U.S. and Western nations. People know better than to attempt to overthrow a government or assassinate the leader of a nation with nuclear weapons. Especially if you believe that a segment of the population is crazy and bent on destorying the West. You don't know who may get their hands on those nuclear weapons. People in Communist countries have to suffer because outside forces attempt to make their government unstable do so through any and all means necessary. In fact, look at the United States during the cold war. Look at how our government, during that time, transformed from the beacon of democracy to a military state. Now image if the U.S. was the size of Cuba or North Korea, and we were up against the Soviet Union spies, military, assassination attempts, and coups. You would have a state with little or no rights given to the people. We say the cold war is over, but we are still engaging small communist nations like North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. People need to really understand what capitalism is and stop associating it with democracy. Any economic system, no matter if it is capitalism, communism, or a mixture can have freedom, justice, and liberty. It simply depends on the stability of the government and the threats that it faces. Some people will try to say that the U.S. doesn't target these countries, but they do. The U.S. has attempted to assassinate several leaders of different countries across the world based on their economic decisions. Even if you look at Zimbabwe. What is the primary reason that the U.S. is against Zimbabwe? It is because of the economic reforms. It is not because of the lack of democracy. If it is because of the lack of democracy, why do we deal with Saudi Arabia? We deal with Saudi Arabia because they support our economic interest. We don't care about the rights of their people or the rights of the people of any country for the matter. Whenever we support the rights of the people of a nation, it is because that nation does not support our economic interest. It is all about U.S. national interest and every action made reflects our national interest. When Hugo Chavez began to nationalize his nation's economy, the U.S. attempted to coup his government and they almost succeed. The U.S. has made hundreds of unsuccessful assassination attempts on Castro. They have attempted to overthrow the government of North Korea and Iran. So when you wonder why Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela don't seek closer relations with the U.S. since President Obama is in office, it is because they understand the game that the United States play. They know that it is all about corporate and U.S. interest, and unless they are willing to surrender to that, there is nothing more in existence than insincerely smiling faces. There is a public partnership, but in the darkness of night there is assassination attempts, coups, and sabotage. It is almost like the Mafia, they smile in your face and next thing you know a bullet is in the back of your head. People need to understand how government works. The government classifies information in order to keep people knowing this stuff. Even when something is declassified these days, all of the vital information is marked out in jet black. I believe that the best form of government is a mixture of capitalism and state government, with tough regulations on corporations to ensure that they are ethical. However, I also believe that those regulations should extend to how corporations who are based in the U.S. operate in foreign countries. We should also change our foreign policy approach, and only use our military in "DEFENSE" and not as a bargaining chip or threat. However, I guess that will probably never happen because economic and national interest come before morality. This is way you see children in third world countries digging through trash for food. The majority of 3rd world countries have the means to feed their own people, and provide them with a decent life, however, their resources are exploited and used in order to fuel the American lifestyle. Why do you think that we have an economy double the size of a nation with 1.4 billion people? It is not because we are so brilliant and superior. It is because we have the big guns and we are willing to use them.
  13. I have to agree. I don't really see the point of having an unlimited plan if it doesn't at least come with a few add-on domains. I mean, I understand disabling shell access and maybe even activities like streaming and limited chat rooms. We have to be understanding of the resource limitations that Xisto probably has compared to companies such as Dreamhost who surely has a larger revenue base and doesn't believe in giving away anything for free or in exchange for anything that is not monetary. Therefore, we are trying to compare apples and oranges when it comes to Dreamhost and Xisto. The limited chat and shell access not being available is reasonable, but from my perceptive, there should at least be 5 add-on domains. Maybe I would understand not allowing add-on domains if streaming, live chat, and shell access was allowed. In other words, it should be one or the other.
  14. I think that 'adriantc' makes the most logical sense here, however, one thing that disturbs be is that it appears that the consensus here is that all those who doubt the existence of God or a god supports the theory of evolution. Its really not that complicated for some people. It comes down to the idea that from their perspective, there is no evidence that God exist, and therefore they either don't believe or simply accept that they don't know.My perspective is that religion is fine. People should be allowed to believe whatever they wish, however, their religion should not be used to ostracize others to create a sense of abnormality for non-believers. In the south at least, I am not sure about other parts of the U.S., if you don't believe in God you are considered taboo. Why is it taboo to not believe in something that no one has proven to actually exist? You have to really ask yourself that question. The fact is the people decide the truth based on emotions and then they use their brain and validate what they feel. So when you will have is people trying to make a logical argument based on "feelings" which have been instilled in them from birth. However, I maintain the idea that everyone should be able to believe in whatever they wish. If people believe the truth is God, then thats fine. If person believe the truth is science, that is also fine. At the end of the day the painful truth is that neither side really know whats going on. People don't know why we are here and what we really are. We don't even know the meaning of our existence, if there is any meaning. Religion is popular because it provide simple answers for hard questions and use emotional attachments to solidify those answers into the minds of their followers. The truth is that no one knows what happens at death. No one knows why we are here on earth. No one knows. No one knows. Again and again, no one knows. Its scary not to know, but thats the truth. You pastor and the scientist do not know what the heck happens when we die. People get scared with the fact that we don't know if we cease to exist, go to heaven, go to heaven, reincarnate, or float around the earth. But that is the reality of things. If someone tells you that they know what will happen when you die, I'm sorry but that person is a liar as of now. In the subconscious people know that they really don't know. That is why people are afraid of death. If we knew what happened at death, there would be no reason to fear it. One girl or guy in another thread was saying he or she was afraid of graduating high school because he or she does not know what they are going to do after wards. People are afraid of the unknown and people continue to push forth the idea that they know when they do not. But the reason I really like religion is because some people don't really have time to think about their existence, death, or the unknown. They are busy working and trying to take care of their family, so religion is a way for them to have a simple answer and not have to think about those things. It is a way for them to have hope or find at least a little happiness from their existence. So thats pretty much the state of humanity. No one knows, but everyone claim to have the answer. However, if we take a look at history we will find that both scientist and theologists have been wrong time and time again. We all know that science does not come without error, so I will not even focus on that. Scientist and the scientific community already accepts the idea that they can be wrong about certain things. Look at the religious community, the idea that the earth was flat was once accepted just as much as the idea that a God exist. A flat world was validated by the Bible. You have to ask yourself if religion got that wrong, what else could be incorrect? There may certainly be truth, but why is it so hard to exist the idea that sometimes religion gets it wrong too? You can also look at the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition to show us the direction that we do not want to go. We could easily move back to those times because as I said, people decide things based on their emotions and they use their brain to validate it. So when you look at the brutality of those times and say, "I would never do that" you are wrong. If you think your God wants you to do it, they will do it. That is what those people thought. If you think that you God has ordered and commanded you to murder Atheist, and that it is the only path to heaven, you will murder Atheist. That is where religion gets dangerous, especially when you believe that a man (the Pope) can communicate with this God for you.
  15. We were discussing traveling about a week ago in the chat room and I mentioned that I had never been outside of the South (United States). Its great to see you guys talk about your love for different places across the world. Maybe while I am on college or afterward, ill have a chance to visit some of those great places such as Egypt, France, Italy, Spain, India and even other places within the United States. When I was in high school, there were trips organized to Europe, but the price was too high for my family to afford. Living in a single mother home, $2500 is simply not available to take a trip to Europe. I wouldn't even be so selfish to ask for something like that, when $2500 could be used towards college or something that is more important.
  16. The truth is that people will eventually drop the V8s and drive around and those little "toy looking" cars that everyone today seem to despise in American (except for the far-left environmentalist). If there is truly a shortage of oil or if we are head towards a shortage of oil, than necessity will force people to drive less and develop more oil efficient cars. The same goes for every other natural resource. Some even believe that a limitation of natural resources will eventually drive the world into communism. If there is a great limitation of natural resources, there would be no room for the rich to have anymore than the poor and when resources are limited the poor revolt. Currently in the U.S., there are such vast resources compared to other nations that the U.S. does not have to worry about such and plus there is a middle class in existence to create balance.
  17. I think it would be great if ebuddy turned into a downloadable software rather than a web-based messenger. Perhaps it provide both solutions, a web-based messenger and a downloadable version. I simply don't like web-based messengers because you have to keep the browser owned at all times. Thats not good convenient, especially if you are the type of person to browser from a lot of different windows at once like myself. I like a messenger that I can run in the background of my computer and open it when I need to message someone or someone message me. The problem is that I don't want to have 5 or 6 messengers downloaded on my computer and its easier to have an all-in-one type of thing. There are all-in-one messenger software in existences but they are all either buggy or have a terrible design. The way that ebuddy designed its web-based messengers, I would be more than excited to try a downloadable version of it. For the moment I only use one messenger and thats Skype. I think a lot of people are moving over to Skype as their primary messenger. I use to use Aim as my primary messenger and before that it was MSN. Before MSN, it was Yahoo and at once point I had all 3 of the messengers (excluding Skype) on my computer and running them all at once. So for the moment I will stick with Skype, but it would be nice to be able to go over to MSN, Aim, and Yahoo again without going through the trouble of running three different software at once.
  18. It seems very confusing, but from what I pick up on it, time differs depending on your location. On earth, we really don't know how fast time is moving compared to another planet or universe. If we visit the fictional Universe of Auta for what seems to be 5 minutes, we could come back to earth and 100 years have passed. If we spend 100 years on earth, we could go to Auta and only a few minutes have gone by...so you're an old man but from their perspective it has only been 5 minutes. Einstein theory went along the lines of...if you get into a space craft and traffic at the speed of light for 5 minutes, and come back and travel at the speed of light back for 5 minutes, 200 years could have passed while only 10 minutes have passed for you. If true, time also relates to nothing only location but also speed. Its very confusing I must say.
  19. I am not sure what you are asking, but if you are asking how to remove audio from a video, you can use any major video editing software. The most accessible software would probably have to be Microsoft Movie Editor. Windows Movie Editor is free so that a plus. Other free video editing software includes Avid FreeDV, Virtual Dub, and Wax.
  20. I would first like to say that anwii gave you wonderful advice and he is completely correct. You are messing around with a dangerous man, it doesn't matter how far away he is located. It is pretty clear that he doesn't love you and it seems like he is just as much addicted to all these different women as you are addicted to him. I don't know what is he seeking from you, but he surely sounds like a predator without a stable life. If what you posted is true, I am certain that he is just that. The thing is that I hope that he is now out of your life. However, the fact is that most likely he will call you back and apologize for "losing his temper" and tell you that he lost it because he loves you and all of these other lies. That is what predators do, they are masters of exploitation. I hope that you don't fall for those lies and tell him where to go. As anwii states, there is no telling what else this guy has done that you don't know. He could be a child molester, rapist, psychopath (sure sounds like one), or even a serial killer. For all you know he could be preying on all these women with the goal of raping and killing them. Think about it, why would he be starting all these relationships with women online? What is he getting out of it? Are these women sending him money? Did you send him money? Or is he a some type of sick sexual psychopath? Just because this guy sounds so normal, and treats you like a lady (which you mistake for love), doesn't mean he is the good guy that you may think he is. What shines isn't always gold. In you case, he doesn't even shine. You can't turn a dirty rock into a piece of gold. I recommend ensuring that you do not reopen connections with this guy. You feel like you have lost something perhaps because you are lonely or don't feel like you are worthy of someone better. I don't know you so I am only making assumptions or guessing what the problem could be. However, it is obvious that you can find someone better. There are plenty men out there looking for a good woman, you just have to jump right into it and looking for them. Thats why anwii suggested getting out there and developing a social life. As for your cousin pursing this man, I know how poop smell and it smells like poop to me. Its just another lie. I don't see how you can even consider it as truth after the continuous lies that he has told you. All of his online dating women are just either flirts or lying, you cousin is lying, and next thing you know you'll be asking yourself if you're a liar yourself too. So when he calls back don't answer the phone. Don't give him a chance to pull you in once again with his lies and promises. The guy is 30000 miles away and you want him to say that far way if not farther.
  21. Yes its possible, but I think some people were trying to say that it may take a lot of work and activity on the forum in order to foot your bill using MyCent. That is assuming that you intend on maintaining the server month after month instead of just temporarily.
  22. If you are proving a paid service then it is really difficult since the market is so flooded with not only free hosting, but also paid hosting companies that are stable and have credibility. People don't like to take risk unless there is an incentive involved that can't be turned down. That is why I agree that the best way to start is with local businesses who may want a website but don't understand how to develop one. The best thing to charge people for web design, and then purchase the actual service from someone else at a lower price. Then at the same time, sell the person web hosting. It may be a good idea to give them one month free as a test run.
  23. Graduating high school can really be scary. I once had a teacher who told me that the time of his life where he was most scared of when he was graduating from high school. In high school, you get into a route. You get up at a certain time, go to school, go to classes, come home, and do the same thing the next day. Once you graduate from high school that route is completely gone and its time to make a living. That is absolutely scary and horrifying for something who has no idea what they are going to do after graduation. A lot of people know that they are going to college or the military, and all those plans are in place so there is no mystery. Therefore, they may not understand your feelings. You said you that graduate in October, my suggestion is to get with your school's counselor and explain to him or her that you don't know what you are going to do after high school and you need to be guided in the right direction. The options are usually college, military, trade school, or work. If you have decided to go to the military, you need to ensure that everything is in place so that you can go. By the way, don't take for granted the possibility of a military school which will give you the opportunity to enter the military as an officer. However, if your choice is the military, you need to talk to your counselor about it. Talk to her about your prospects in a military school vs what you need to do to enlist right out of high school.There are usually military recruiters at schools. One thing you need to keep in mind is that the military recruiter is paid a lot of money just to get you to enlist. So don't think that recruiter is being so nice because he or she likes you. Ask them questions and make it clear that you know the game they are playing, and you want accurate information rather then sensationalism and exaggerated benefits. I know how they operate because I considered joining the military and the recruiter was almost like a stalker. I later found that he would be paid thousands of dollars if he recruited be successfully. I scored really high on some military test called ASVAB, but I didn't know it was a direct entry test. I thought it was for military school. I eventually gave up on military school because no one provided the information and I didn't stay on the back of my counselor so I just decided to enroll in a 4 year college. So make sure that you explore every and all options. Look at the possibility of you enrolling in a college, financial aid will probably cover the cost of tuition and books if you go to a state college and you have a financial need. If you can pick up a job in college, you may be able to get an apartment of your own. Also look at the possibility of the military, both direct enlistment and military schools. If you plan on direct enrollment, talk to your counselor about taking the ASVAB or talk to your local military recruiter about it. The ASVAB is pretty much a basic test that determine what positions in the military you can choose from...like basic infantry or communications etc. Make sure you research the test. When I took the test, I did well in the academic part which was basic math (a look harder than basic), reading, and science. That was 1/2 of the test, however, the other half was technical stuff like mechanics. So I found myself look at a engine and not knowing that it was an engine (lol). However, I still came out with a great score by using common sense on the mechanical part and picking names based on how something looked. The test doesn't discriminate on the academic and technical areas. I believe they are all worth the same or similar. So even if you are bad at math, reading, and science, if you are good at mechanical and technical stuff, you will score well above the requirement. The ASVAB and a physical is all I believe that you really need to enlist. As for enrolling in a military school, I have no idea. However, I was contacted by a military school last week, but I told them it was too late as I was already enrolled in a college. Its unfortunately that they didn't contact me until I graduated for high school . So if you know where you are going, you won't have a reason to seek failure. I know it disorganized and you're probably very confused and stressed. However, really really really take these words to heart...we always exaggerate how hard something is. If you tell you counselor that you want to go to the military and tell him or her to make it happen, they will assist you in doing that. The primary thing you should be doing is making sure you have set plans so that you won't have to be so stressed.Also, there is nothing wrong with being a little jealous of your friend, we are all jealous of someone, we just have to recognize that jealousy . I hope that you stay here at Xisto, its a good place to get support in our times of need you know
  24. You can surely go back to high school and get your diploma, however, I don't think that it makes much sense. I would recommend that you enroll in a community college, if you are eligible for financial aid it should cover all of the tuition and book expenses. Speak with a community college adviser and see two year program you can get into that has the best career prospect. If you can make it to 12th grade in high school, you can surely graduate from a community college and get an associate degree. If you have recently had trouble getting a job, simply mentioning on your job application that you are currently enrolled in a community college could prove much more effective than having a high school diploma because the employers can see that you are moving forward, you're pursuing a high education, and you have a goal. The work will likely be the same as the stuff that you tackled in high school, so why not? Most community colleges only have one requirement, and thats having a GED. You have one so you are on your way. If you decide against a community college, than go to a trade school. I am not sure what you mean though by GED is not enough. Does it mean that you can't find a decent job? Does it mean that it is limiting your educational future? Or what does it mean? If you are trying to say that it is limiting your educational future, I would still recommend a community college, as you can simply transfer to a four year college. If you are saying job wise, then either community college (pick major wisely) or a trade school. Whatever you decide, remember that you are only 19. Don't get discouraged because at this point you have not reason to be. Don't look back at what could have been, and look at the cards you currently have on the table and how you can turn those cards into a winning hand. I don't see high school as the winning hand for you, I see community college has the winning hard. High school is really irrelevant once you receive an associate degree. I don't think people understand how irrelevant high school really is. The purpose of high school is really to prepare you for college and serves as a way to get into a college (like a weird ranking system...hahaha). However, you don't need high school to go to a college. You only need a GED, so its not really smart to waste any more time.
  25. I'm really a terrible cook so just as web stated, I won't try to dance with that recipe in the kitchen lol. However, it does sound really good. Maybe you should ship us all some in the mail haha
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