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Everything posted by Harlot

  1. The thing that I perhaps agree with the most is faith. I am not the most religious person, but I believe that one of the primary purpose of religion and faith is to help people deal with hard times. It is to give them something to believe in, to hold on to, so that they can have the courage to continue to move forward without burden. The most fearful thing about death is that we lack knowledge of it. Sense the existence of men, we have looked to the skies and asked ourselves two question. Those questions have been why are we here and why do we die (or what happens when we die). Most faiths answer both of those questions, even if they are not true, people want answers and explanations. The unknown is people biggest fear.
  2. I have the exact opposite problem. I need to gain weight, and it will probably not happen anytime soon because we can't afford enough food for me to eat three meals a day. I probably eat once a day on a good day, twice if I am lucky. In fact, sometimes I go an entire day with eating only a few snacks and it hits me hard in the morning. I just feel sorry for the homeless. I was attending a campaign event and I took a walk through a park that is filled with homeless people. I don't see how they maintain their weight. I think maybe my mom priories are not straight, and even though we are poor and make less than 10k a year, there are places were we can cut spending. But lucky, I just graduated from high school and ill be going to college in August. Maybe I can uplift myself out of this condition. My sister is already enrolled in college and she intends on being a nurse. My mom got pregnant and decided to drop out of high school, which explains out situation. Also dad is a deadbeat. Anyway, if you want to lose weight, much much much less. Instead of eating meals, eat peanuts and just enough to keep you moving. Exercise is good, but usually what happens is people eat more in order to compensate for the calories used while exercising.Therefore you lose little weight.
  3. I don't think that is a big surprise. I don't know anyone, as in corporations, who use wood as their main source of energy. In all honestly, I simply don't see the current alternative energies that are in existence as feasible. Solar energy, in my opinion, is the only clean form of energy that I believe has great potential.
  4. The fact is that we have had this oil spill leaking in the gulf for months now. It is becoming more and more evident that BP and the national government have no method of stopping it except for a nuclear explosion at the moment. I agree that setting off a nuclear explosion in the gulf could have terrible consequences and I am not an expert on the issue. However, it is really short sighted to dismiss the option, especially due to the fact that many experts support the move. We much also consider the historical use of the nuclear bomb in order to resolve problems such as these. Russia has nuked many leaking oil/gas wells, and it has consistently worked for them. The only difference is that those nuclear explosions were set off on land rather than the sea. But, I have yet to see anyone present any reasonable solution to stopping the oil spill in the gulf, which will eventually spread to the East Coast, except for the nuclear explosion. As I stated before, yes it could turn for the worst. Instead of facing a terrible oil spill, we could be facing a terrible radiation guzzling oil spill . There is no lack of risk, but I don't believe it is such a terrible idea when looking at the list of options that are available. The options that I have seen are.......errr.....I can't think of any. We tried to cap it, that didn't work so we can check that off the list. We tried putting golf balls in the leak (yes we were desperate), and that only gave the fish something else to chock. Now it seems as if we are out of ideas.
  5. It looks wonderful and obviously you're good at graphics. I like the one and in signature better though
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