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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. 300+ character is only to avoid spam. What goes ahead of 300 characters is all your credit. 400 character post will give you more credits than a 300 character post would.. Also, I feel it is easy for a MOD to catch a member spamming the forums and BAN him and his hosting. Because, A spammer will have to make big posts to spam. And such members can be easily filtered. No system is Perfect. But with this we ensure that we are near to it. Let us go point by point. If 300 character rule was not imposed :- [+] A member posts "LoL" and [ ], Which is indeed spamming. Now, he can simple use this Common reply for to post anywhere and increase spam. [+] Small one liners would increase again. And people do agree that 90% of the one liners are usually spam and do not count for any useful information. So, We have avoided all this. Lets also see the advantages. [+] Members now feel that bigger posts will help them and they will try to express themselves more. It is obvious that members will try to increase thier post size by putting More Content related to Topic. [+] The Post Quality increases and soon members get used to more elaborate and detailed posts rather than small posts. Also gives the members a reason for posting big. [+] It will definately cut down on spam. We have noticed the diffrence right from the day, the rule for 300+ character post was introduced. [+] For Web Hosting Approval, our mods will not have to check the length of the posts. Just checking the members post quality will serve the purpose. The mods will also have more time to take part. Regarding Hosting Credits. The Biggest advantage is, Post count limits members to make bigger posts. Hosting credits depend upon size and quality. So if you feel like you wanna post more, go ahead. You dont have to feel sad saying "After all that typing, all I get is 1 point! " The Hosting credit system breaks you free from the time limit and Hosting Activity limit. We used to tell members initially that they requeire to make 2-3 posts a week. Lets see, how things change in this respect. Previous to this system, you were asked to post 2-3 posts a week. This had one big disadvantage. Suppose you like Gaming topic. There are 10 Cool posts today and you think you can post the best replies and answer them. Previously, even if you replied all of them, the system only recognised that, You were ACTIVE for this One particular day. And the next week, if you failed to show up, You were fixed. Now, With this system, suppose you reply to those 10 topics,Our system recognises that you have really done a lot of posting and even if you dont come for a week, its ok. It wont trigger an alarm. The result is, You can participate at all the Forums without worrying about the activity limit. Ok, now If you made 30 posts this week because you found them soo interesting and then suddenly for 10 days things look dull. Go on a vaccation and come back.. :-) When you post a lot, you get enough credits and every single post is counted. OUR MAIN SOLE OBJECTIVE BEHIND USING THIS SYSTEM IS, WE WANT TO BREAK MEMBERS FREE FROM THE TIME LIMIT FRAME. You will no longer be required to set schedules for yourself to post at our forum. We no longer count activity on Weekly or monthly basis. Also, it is now possible for us to give members Vaccations without any headache. Please send a PM to Wassie or me and the number of days you cannot be active. OK, After such a long list of advantages, lets see the Limitations. [+] People trying to create useless topics to reach 300 characters. Solution : These members will be Warned and Banned. It is quite easy to handle these members and also allows us to get more quality members. Just posting 300 characters is not easy and you need to have content. And it will be quite hard for Spammers too, to make such spam posts. I am very sure that Members who are sincerely active at our forums will really benefit a lot from this system.
  2. Does any one have suggestion regarding including more types of games and stuff. I will do anything to keep you addicted to Xisto. Afterall its my job.
  3. I dont understand what is the problem. The rules were as easy and simple as before. You make 15 posts, get statters package. You may also request for upgrades as you move along.And you fuel your hosting account by making regular posts which is effectively tracked by my new system. I dont want to put extra job on mods and admins to check members for activity. I am more interested in theey making normal posts and participating rather than get stressed out of the filtering job. I am still working on the scripts and If I get more time, I will make better systems which will allow you to get more detailed stats and also clear up the things.
  4. One of my pals got cheated very badly by the paypal - ebay system. Looking at him, I think it is better I step out of it. http://www.paypalsucks.com/ => Go to this site and read some facts.
  5. your Account is related to the web site penguins.trap17.com which is working fine. I have checked your HostinG credits which is good. You are encouraged to stay as active as you can so that you can take a long leave in future. your activity records will help you to get approved for long vaccations and leaves.- OpaQue
  6. Sorry, I m making the scripts myself and the system is still being developed. That was a bug and it should not be visitble to normal members any more.thanks.OpaQue
  7. YEs. Do not use Absolute links Suppose you link a page in your site from page A to page B. Instead of using the following tag, <a href="http://yoursite.com/pageB.htm">Link</a> Use: <a href="pageB.htm">Link</a>This will work. These are called RELATIVE PATH links and they are not dependent upon the complete web address.
  8. 0 * * * * GET http://yourdomain.com/some_script/cron.php > /dev/null THe above systax is correct and I have used it myself. Try it out.
  9. The Hosting Account was terminated due to your prolonged inactivity at the forum. The files are un-recoeverable. The hosting TOS clearly mentions that you are supposed to be active at the forums. 1 month inactivity is way too much. After all we need to pay for our servers. We are a small and young company and it is hard for us to bear the expenses of so many accounts.We were very linient. In your case, you had been inactive for 69 days which is more than 2 months.
  10. Your Question has been answered at this page. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6147-posting-activity-rule-automated-hosting-script-know-about-how-this-system-works/ Kindly check it out. thank you.
  11. Your post is COUNTED at 95% of the Forum Topics. There are some exceptions like "Hosting Request forum", "Support" etc. where your post count does not increase. This is because we believe that these areas do not contribute much the the Information base of the forums. ?? POST COUNT & HOSTING CREDITS ?? The Hosting credits is a system which was introduced on 5th January 2005 to keep a track of Active members. Before we go into details of HOSTING CREDIT, let us see what it does and how to increase it. [+] Why is this system useful? How does it help members? The Hosting Credits System tracks the posts and keeps a record. It depends on the type of post you make rather than normal post counts. When you post a tutorial, article .. you recieve more credits than the conventional post count. Hence, it ensures that your work is not wasted and it is properly credited. The next advantage is "Activity Period". The Credit system, will tell you approximately how many days you can remain inactive. Unlike our competitors, WE DO NOT :- 1> Force our members to post Daily. 2> Hide or disclose information regarding activity 3> Force members to visit forums in particular period. 4> Give them Periodically posting targets. 5> Take long time to approve accounts. The Above manual system ( used by our competitors ) is not useful. And has following limitations. 1> A member is willing to post Quality posts but limits it, because of the Post count system. As large posts will also be counted as a single post and not contribute anything extra. 2> A member wants to take a vaccation or leave for few days and has to depend on Administrators. 3> A member is supposed to request adminstrators for every details regarding activity. 4> A member has to wait for long time for his account activation. 5> A member has no knowlegde about his activity and has to depend on the sole discreation of the administrators. He can be asked to post more or less depending on the admins. 6> As the system is not automated or tracked, there are lots of members who abuse services as a result, these hosts fall down and shut down. 7> The Forum activity decreases and is usually below avearge thus making the forum experience boring and dull. [+] HOSTING CREDIT *DOES* DEPEND ON POST SIZE. The Hosting Credits depend only upon the size and Quality of the post. It does not depend on the number of post you make. All posts are counted except posts like "thank you", "LoL"... [+] Hosting CREDITS are *NOT* counted in forums where Post Count is NOT counted. [+] Hosting CREDITS are nothing but the number of Days you can remain INactive. You can see your credits on the forum index page. http://forums.xisto.com/ [+] Hosting CREDIT has NO CONNECTION with Post Count. And both are completely Seperate values/variables. However, if your post count increases, you can be assured that your Hosting credit has been incremented too. Because the Post Quality filtering tools apply to both of these functions ( Post count system & Hosting Credit ) Hosting credits are calculated and maintained inside our system. The possible calculations determine a users activity at the forums, performance. The Calculations depend upon your frequency of activity, length of posts etc. :: IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION REGARDING WORKING OF HOSTING CREDITS :: Hosting Credits are scheduled to be checked on daily basis. The Forum members credits are checked and steps are taken accordingly. The Following is our Hosting Maintanance script task :- [+] Hosting Credits Exhausted : Your Account gets SUSPENDED*. [+] Hosting Credits Satisfactory : Your account is kept Active. If it was suspended, It will be un-suspended / Activated. [+] If your Account has Exhausted your Hosting Credits and you have been inactive (after exhausting credits) for One month or more, Your Account is TERMINATED**. *SUSPENDED : Files are safe, only the site is blocked. **TERMINATED : Files are all deleted and all the records are cleared. No recovery possible. If for some reason, you fail to be active and your Account gets Suspended, you will have to make the necessary posts and check your validity so that it shows it is healthy again. This will AUTOMATICALLY ACTIVATE your hosting account. ( Your files are safe ) :: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION :: [Q] : Can I transfer my hosting Credits ? A : Yes! Go to https://support.xisto.com/ for Xisto Hosting Members A : https://support.xisto.com/ for Xisto Hosting Members [Q] : If I cannot stay active at the forums, What can I do ? A : This is one of the most frequently asked question, The answer is, Be EXTRA active at the forum and collect enough hosting credits to take a nice leave. Do not Spam. We handle Spamming issue very very Seriously and we will not step back to Suspend your account if we see that you are spamming. It is better if you have a forum reputation. It helps us to know your activity and quality of posts. [Q] : If I am in very Bad Emergency, then what ? A : You can purchase the Hosting Credits. Please contact Adminstrators. [Q] : The Hosting Credit shows my account in healthy condition/ Good condition, will posting more help any further ? A : Yes. The hosting credit reporting tool reports the number of credits you have. But as for the credits are concerned, you still go on accumulating it. The limit max limit of this hosting credit extends upto approx 110.8 years. In short, your every valid post is counted. :-) [Q] : What is the Best way to be active and collect Hosting Credits ? A : We suggest that you make posts regularly and collect hosting credits accordingly. You will find it easy to make posts regularly and maintain your Hosting credits near 10 days or more. As you go on collecting more, the amount of credits offered also decreases. [Q] : How do I know, If I am suspended ? A : Your site will be redirected to a new location. ( suspension page ). [Q] : My Account is Suspended, How do I un-suspend? A : The main forum page will show you your current hosting credits. If it is negative, your hosting is propably suspended. You must have at least 4 Hosting Credits, to un-suspended your account automatically. We do this, so that members dont activate accounts and become inactive again. Activating and Deactivating puts a lot of load on our server and it requires us to restart the services. If you want any more Questions to be answered, kindly post them. Warm Regards, OpaQue. Notice from BuffaloHELP: June 8, 2008 Update: URL update
  12. Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)Use of Xisto.com's service constitutes acceptance and agreement to Xisto.com's Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).The TOS and AUP may be changed from time to time at the discretion of Xisto.com.All websites must be in English to qualify for free hosting.We may remove any material that, in our sole discretion, may be illegal or may subject us to liability.astahost.com's services may not be used for illegal purposes, or in support of illegal activities. Xisto.com reserves the right to cooperate with legal authorities and/or injured third parties in the investigation of any suspected crime or civil wrongdoing.All the accounts which are inactive over a period of time as decided by Xisto in its sole discreation would be terminated without notice. Hosting Account Holders who are inactive over a period of 30 days would be terminated without notice.In addition Xisto.com shall have the right to terminate all services set forth in this agreement.Unacceptable UseSpam and Unsolicited Commercial Emails (UCE) are not allowed. Accounts will be cancelled and deleted immediately if found to be spamming or sending out UCE.Web sites deemed offensive or racially degrading, by Xisto.com, will be removed from our servers without notice. Web sites promoting, making available or otherwise contributing to software piracy, hacking, spamming, storage of large files or using account for file storage, storing MP3's of other large files in any electronic format, denial of service attacks and/or damage to commercial networks or servers will be removed from our servers without notice and illegal acts will be reported and prosecuted. Abusive behavior of any type will not be tolerated.astahost.com has a zero tolerance policy for the use of its network for the posting of messages or commercial advertisements, which violate the rules, regulations, FAQ or charter of any newsgroups or mailing list.Internet Relay Chat (IRC) traffic is not permitted on our servers in any of its many forms including, but not limited to: bots and IRC servers.All server activity is logged. Any snooping, hacking, or other inappropriate activity of any type outside of your account, on our servers, will be grounds for termination.astahost.com reserves the right to refuse or discontinue service to anyone at Xisto.com's sole discretion. Xisto.com may deny you access to all or part of the service without notice if you engage in any conduct or activities that Xisto.com in its sole discretion believes violates any of the terms and conditions in this agreement. Xisto.com shall have no responsibility to notify any third-party providers of services, merchandise, or information, nor any responsibility for any consequences resulting from such discontinuance or lack of notification.astahost.com reserves the right to cancel/suspend any account(s) without prior notice.astahost.com requests that anyone who believes that there is a violation of our policy to direct the information to abuse@Xisto.comExcessive Useastahost.com accounts operate on shared resources. Excessive use or abuse of these shared resources by one customer may have a negative impact on all other customers. Misuse of resources in a manner which impairs network performance is prohibited by this policy and may result in termination of your account.You are prohibited from excessive consumption of resources, including CPU time, memory, disk space and session time. You may not use resource-intensive programs which may negatively impact other customers or the performance of Xisto.com systems or networks. Xisto.com reserves the right to terminate or limit such activities.Accounts using up enough server resources, to slow or crash a server, will be shut down without notice.No Copyright material without written permission from the copyright holder is allowed.You shall obtain any and all necessary consents and clearances to enable you lawfully to make use of all and any intellectual property rights through the Services, including without limitation, clearance and/or consents in respect of your proposed domain name.We will make every reasonable attempt to avoid unexpected server downtime and to ensure that all accounts are well taken care of. We cannot guarantee or predict server downtime. Any network problem, or outage, is not covered under any guarantee or warranty and will not be grounds for reimbursement for any subsequent financial damages or losses. All account data backups are the account holder's responsibility.All requests for cancellation of accounts must be made via email to sales@Xisto.comastahost.com makes no warranties or representations of any kind for the services being offered. The service is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title, non-infringement, or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No advice or information given by Xisto.com or its agents or employees shall create a warranty. Xisto.com provides no warranty that the service will be uninterrupted or error free or that any information, software or other material accessible on the service is free from viruses or other harmful components. Under no circumstances shall Xisto.com be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages that result in any way from your use of or inability to use the service, or for third parties' use of the service to access your Web space, or to access the Internet or any part thereof, or your or any third parties' reliance on or use of information, services, or merchandise provided on or through the service, or that result from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, errors, defects, delays in operation or transmission, or any failure of performance. If you are dissatisfied with Xisto.com service or any of its terms, conditions, rules, policies, guidelines, or practices, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the service.Your use of our service is at your sole risk. Xisto.com is not responsible for files and data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on Xisto.com servers.astahost.com reserves the right to monitor any and all communications through our servers.astahost.com reserves the right to amend its policies at any time. All accounts are required to comply with any changes made to these policies. Notification of any major changes to the policies will be emailed to all account holders.If you are unsure if what you are doing is against our TOS and AUP, contact us.This agreement supersedes any written, electronic, or oral communication you may have had with Xisto.com or any agent or representative thereof, and constitutes the complete and total agreement between the parties. Should any provision of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect and said provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.By placing and continuing to maintain or place information on Xisto.com servers you are stating and acknowledging that you have read the aforementioned terms and conditions and that you understand such terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them.
  13. Due to the nature of our service, for security reasons, Xisto Corporation. does collect personally identifiable information about individuals.Personally identifiable information on individual users will not be sold or otherwise transferred to either affiliated, or unaffiliated third parties except when such individuals specifically provide such instruction on a voluntary basis at the time of collection. Further, Xisto Corporation reserves the right to contact a user by email, regarding matters relevant to the underlying service and/or information collected. Xisto Corporation will never contact users directly through a physical address or by phone, and such information is securely stored after being reviewed.Users should be aware that Xisto Corporation is lawfully required to provide personally identifiable information to law authorities, such as the Internet Police as requested, if a criminal offence whether related or non-related to Xisto Corporation and/or its community has been committed. Additionally upon breach of Xisto Corporation's Terms Of Service, Xisto Corporation is required to contact and report the offence to all parties involved in the violation, including but not limited to the violator's Internet Service Provider and Internet Police.Users also should be aware that non personal information and data may automatically be collected through the standard operation of Xisto Corporation internet servers or through the use of "cookies." Information about "Cookies" is usually available in the help section of most browsers.If you do not want to receive email from us in the future, please let us know by sending an email message stating you do not want to receive e-mail from our company. Users should be aware that it may lead to termination of their specific services associated with Xisto Corporation and it may be impossible to delete all references to a user without some residual information remaining because of backups and deleted records. We asure you, however, that such residual information - if any - remains secure and covered by this private policy.Xisto Corporation reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying users of the existance of a new privacy statement.The policies described herein are effective as of the year 2005.
  14. a new method of spamming i guess lol.. this wont help you get your hosting credits.. hehe
  15. Turnning off the error reporting function can sometimes make it hard to track the errors.. So debugging becomes extremely difficult. You can use an include file on top to set this option for all the files. So while you are debugging you can temporarily disable it.The other option which you have is using the "@" symbol. If you preceed any function with it, the errors are suppressed but they are limited to that line of code only.
  16. I change the settings , go to my site.. keep working , give support simulteneouly etc... and after a long time, I go back to my Cpanel again and it still works fine for me.You are among the 800 + hosted members who is facing this problem. Now that really worries.. me :)I am sure, it is from your browser. Go to your friends palce and try it again.But dont save the passwords at the POPUP box, else you will come yelling at me..
  17. It worked fine for me. But I observed the following.Your page redirects itself at places. Remove those. try again. you do not have to include "/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi; in the begenning. Also, next time you get the error, do a traceroute and pm me the results.But remove the re-directs. It will be un-predictable, where things are actually going wrong.
  18. I m too poor in Maths and figure out all that time related issues.But I guess, there are 2 problems you are facing,1> Client side time 2> Server side time ( cannot be changed )Now, you say that GMT is your local time and server shows it wrong. The possible reason is, the server might not be set to show GMT time. The servers are located in US. I suggest you to execute a small program with the PHP time function to get the time on the server. You will have a better Idea of what is going on. You can verify the GMT time reported by the server too. If you feel that the server clock is lagging, please drop me a PM.
  19. And If you still cannot figure out ... Drop a Message at Request hosting section for Password RESET.
  20. Also, please ensure that you PUT a file called Index.html in each and every folder (even an empty file will do ). That will not expose your files. Your might be prone to the following risks :-1> Folder containing php files can be abused and you might get hacked.2> If it contains Images, there are more chances of Hotlinking and you will lose your BW.3> You expose secret files and even sub-directories.
  21. Sorry, I have removed them. They wont work continuously. I was testing the AD formats. Now we are using Frames. Initially we did not use ADS on Top because they took time to load. Using these formats, it ensures that the page loading is not affected due to those ads. The ads which are referring to are from those stupid advertisers from AD Networks. I sincerely cannot control that, but making the Iframe static will not make the things annoying. Initially we had set a reload limit which has been lifted.Also, we hope the pages load faster that before. Please give your feedback.
  22. The problem is my relations with psychz.net is not good anymore. Xisto is currently sharing resources. And most of the downtimes have usually caused due to the members of my site. BEcause of which, I really cannot re-instate his account. But however, I could make another account for him.But the only question to which I dont have an answer is : ResponsibilityIn paid hosting, members dont abuse service because of the fear of losing cash by breaking the TOS. But in free hosting, Members got nothing to lose apart from harming all the other people hosted on the server.My point is, What happens if he commits the same mistake again ? :-(
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