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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Thanks Hashbang for answering his question.-/ Topic Closed.
  2. Once you register your domain, you can either park it and use it. Or you can request for your ACCOUNT MODIFICATION.We modify accounts on our sole discreation to avoid spamming. We wont do this for members who are inactive and who have a poor forum record. Or for members who keep requesting repeatedly.If your Account is modified, you dont have to park it. Your NAMESERVERS must point to NS1.ASTAHOST.COM and NS2.ASTAHOST.COM
  3. There are 1000's of things which are beyond the limits of Science. One thing while reading your (pbolduc) post was, Life after death. All the people who have expereinced death have reported that they saw themselves lying on the floor. The could see the people around them. And most of them even claimed that the feeling was very devine and peaceful. There is also a phenomenon called ASTRAL PROJECTION in which a person can travel out of his body. According to crystalinks.com/astral.html ( Read for more information ) All this cannot be explained by Science. Does that give us a reason to believe in God ?
  4. Err.. Did you Calculate the life of the battery .. LOL. I am sure you missed that part. Lets assume the Great MP3 player works non-stop for 8 hours! 1 hour = 60 mins. 8 hours = 480 mins 61440 mins / 480 mins = 128 Batteries. You got one battery already fixed in your IPod! Now you will need 127 extra! Get ready to buy those
  5. No doubt, As pointed by MC, Word of mouth is indeed the best Marketting tool. But it needs one company to hold a good reputation. One must try to achieve max. possible customer satisfaction.
  6. THE SENDMAIL.PHP can be improved much further by using the following code [/br]<?php [br]/* recipients */ [/br]$to = $_POST["email"]; . ", "; // note the comma [br]$to .= "any-extra-people-u-want-to-send-email@example.com"; [/br][br]/* subject */ [/br]$subject = $_POST["subject"]; [br][/br]/* message */ [br]$message = <<<END [/br]<html> [br]<head> [/br]<title>$_POST["subject"]</title> [br]</head> [/br]<body> [br]$_POST["message"][/br]</body> [br]</html> [/br]END;[br][/br]/* To send HTML mail, you can set the Content-type header. */ [br]// SENDING EMAIL IN HTML FORMAT RATHER THAN TEXT IN PREVIOUS EXAMPLE[br][/br]$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; [/br]$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; [br][/br]/* additional headers */ [br]$headers .= "To: $_POST["name"]<$_POST["email"]>\r\n"; [/br]$headers .= "From: ANYGOOD NAME <YOUR-EMAIL@example.com>\r\n"; // Your address[br]$headers .= "Cc: EXAMPLE@example.com\r\n"; // Send CC[/br]$headers .= "Bcc: BCC-EXAMPLE@example.com\r\n"; // SEND BCC[br][/br]/* and now mail it */ [br][/br]mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); [br]?>[/br] The code in previous example is perfect, but the one above can be used to improve the email exprence
  7. Checking for NS1.TRAP17.COM Checking for NS2.TRAP17.COM All DNS settings are working properly.. Please reconfirm. Things were corrected long time back.
  8. Well, This answer may be a bit stupid. But My site is my contest.And I have managed to win trust and support of soo many people. :rolleyes:In real life contests, All I remember is winning 1st prize each year (in my area:p) for art and drawing ( especially in pencil Shading ). I have won 2nd prize in best Handwriting 0_0 ( state level )2nd prize in C/C++ Programming at university level.
  9. MOV is a movie file. I dont understand who that can be converted to SWF. Importing the file does make sence. When you talk about converting, you are actually speaking of changing the entire format of movie. The Flash files are very compact and they are filled with calculations and variables which render the video and give amazing effects ( while taking up very little space ). MOV is not the same... Importing makes sence if you want to play it on web, Else, I guess you might be more interested in converting it to DivX.Can anyone comment on the Compression of DivX and MOV ..
  10. The Forum has been setup. It has not been made a ROOT CATEGORY ( A root category only allows sub-forums ano no topics ). But If we get a large response and there are other broad discussion topics, then we will make Sub-forums for further categorising the forums. However, Xisto Forum is more dedicated towards Computing and Technical information. But its afterall the members who make the forum possible. :-)
  11. I really like this Idea but this seems to be a pure invitation for SPAM which we are against of. Xisto forums are extremely strict with respect to spam. + Post counts in general sections are not counted. + Post Counts in sections like Humur or which have no important meaning is not counted.+ Post Counts below 3 lines is not Counted ( This point may be in contradiction to some, but this has been done to tackle spam, and it has proved to be the most effective one )As for RANKING, We have reputation system. If you like the posts of a member and his talent then you can always give him Reputation points and put up a small reason for it.
  12. I believe in some power which supports me, encourages me and calms me down whenever I go mad. I have faith in that power, which helps me when i m in the worst situation, which saves me from an accident within inches... The chill runs down my spine and then assures me that I am alive and everything is fine. I call that God. Nomatter what you do, whom you follow, what you preach.. Just make sure that when you pray, you have faith. Else don't do it at all.Besides, a week back, I read in papers that Australian or American Scientists have proved that the people who pray live longer than those who dont.
  13. Please Check your site before blaming us. It really costs our reputation. :rolleyes:I am really glad that your site issue has been solved and it was a bug in the Vbulletin system that you had installed. Since the issue is solved, I am closing this thread. If you have any futher problems, Kindly Pm me.
  14. I got one Seagate which has lasted for over an year and has some bad sectors i guess.. The performance has dropped pretty much. Recently, a month back I purchased Samsung because they are giving 5 Years Warranty. Now who the hell would ignore that
  15. Comparing the Graphic cards is not easy.I ran a benchmark test on ATI and Nvdia But something are worth noting.Some Features related to polygons and pixels are supported by ATI while some are supported by Nvdia.The Technologies which both offer are suited to diffrent situations which work bests for some games and applications. Both have their own specialities..
  16. Its depends what are you using the programming language for.Perl is very fast and has proved to be faster than PHP. So it is usually suited for people who want to perform more processor intensive tasks which are related to handling data ( like searching large text files ).JSP is also very fast. I dont know much about this one but once the scripts are compiled, the things are very fast and gives better performance. Some people do complain regarding the server load etc.. ASP. A very nice and powerful technology from Microsoft. I really hate coding asp. It is quite diffrent from others.. The Database connectivity procedure are a bit diffrent. I can't comment on the speed and performance because I got no idea. I heard that it does not provide support to connect to wide number of database as php does. Well, Once should also not forget that ASP requires MS IIS server which is quite expensive than Apache servers.PHP, Very easy and fast. It is perfect for people who are alone and code all by themselves because, unlike perl, you save time on small and general scripts like parsing input data etc. Provides a wide range of connectivity to many types of database. It is opensource and installation is easy. ( My choice )Coldfusion is not listed, but I would still like to comment on this one. I have used this language too. I dont remember the software I used to write the scripts.. but I was quite amazed to see that some tags in the scripting language were replaced by equivalent Javascript. I was very much excited to learn this but I dropped it because of the limited no. of servers which support CF. I coded for a month.. ( just for curosity ) about 2-3 years back. I have used all the above languages except JSP, and would like to recommend PHP for people who want to start coding. Before PHP became my fav. language, I used Perl. But as I used to get sick of writing basic codes, I shifted to PHP. If you already know Perl, Learning php will hardly take 2 hours.
  17. Members must follow the General Rules while posting. For the General rules, please Click the following Link. GENERAL FORUM RULES AND GUIDELINES Rules more specific to this Forum. There are three general types of posts we are looking for: 1. Descriptive or informative posts. Feel free to explain your views on a matter as you see them, WITHOUT belittling other views or proclaiming that your view is the 'correct one'. These should be conversation starters, and you should be prepared to face possible criticism, though you are free to respond. 2. Argumentative posts, that take a position on something. These posts should be logical, and well thought out. Please remember that others may not share your assumptions about life, so please realize others may disagree with your argument or its conclusions. 3. Question posts, if you seek clarification or information about some topic, or just to start a conversation. You are free to try and convince others about your views, provided that you accept their criticism and are open to being convinced yourself. Conversations that degenerate into shouting matches will be dealt with harshly. The way to avoid this is to either A. agree to disagree, and leave it at that, or, B. Go over your common assumptions to make sure you are looking at things in the same way, or interpeting things the same way. -Thanks, The Xisto Team.
  18. We have not altered any account. Please recheck your site. Also Do not give your password to anyone. We cannot be held responsible for any data loss. As for the problems regarding the server, Our main site is also controlled by same systems. So if your site is down ( by our mistake ), Xisto should be non-functional too.As for the SQL problems, We are sorry about that. The problem is many newbie members execute poor written scripts and sometimes execute invalid scripts which hogs up the server. Eg. Executing SQL queries in huge or infinite loops. These things affect the server. Our monitering system reports the errors every 15 to 30 minutes as a result, sometimes, it may take time for our team to resolve the issue. It is more important that members make good use of the limited resources and share their webspace peacefully with others.
  19. EA is F**Cking Cruel and Insane!I thought it is a privelage to work with such a great company.. but not any more..! Members. Read this above link and Spread it! I am pinning this TopiC!
  20. Whatever.. I hate this fact that US knew about the Disaster about 1.5 hours back and it did not inform India. India still had a lot of time and 1.5 hours was enough to get the people 20 km away from the coast. My source is yet unconfirmed.
  21. The Post here was MODERATED by our Staff. Hence, the original post no longer exists. We encourage you to enrich the topic with any valuable information you may have.
  22. The Post here was MODERATED by our Staff. Hence, the original post no longer exists. We encourage you to enrich the topic with any valuable information you may have.
  23. OpaQue

    A Great Story

    The Post here was MODERATED by our Staff. Hence, the original post no longer exists. We encourage you to enrich the topic with any valuable information you may have.
  24. The Post here was MODERATED by our Staff. Hence, the original post no longer exists. We encourage you to enrich the topic with any valuable information you may have.
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