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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Due to the nature of our service, for security reasons, Xisto. does collect personally identifiable information about individuals.Personally identifiable information on individual users will not be sold or otherwise transferred to either affiliated, or unaffiliated third parties except when such individuals specifically provide such instruction on a voluntary basis at the time of collection. Further, Xisto reserves the right to contact a user by email, regarding matters relevant to the underlying service and/or information collected. Xisto will never contact users directly through a physical address or by phone, and such information is securely stored after being reviewed.Users should be aware that Xisto is lawfully required to provide personally identifiable information to law authorities, such as the Internet Police as requested, if a criminal offence whether related or non-related to Xisto and/or its community has been committed. Additionally upon breach of Xisto's Terms Of Service, Xisto is required to contact and report the offence to all parties involved in the violation, including but not limited to the violator's Internet Service Provider and Internet Police.Users also should be aware that non personal information and data may automatically be collected through the standard operation of Xisto internet servers or through the use of "cookies." Information about "Cookies" is usually available in the help section of most browsers.If you do not want to receive email from us in the future, please let us know by sending an email message stating you do not want to receive e-mail from our company. Users should be aware that it may lead to termination of their specific services associated with Xisto and it may be impossible to delete all references to a user without some residual information remaining because of backups and deleted records. We asure you, however, that such residual information - if any - remains secure and covered by this private policy.Xisto reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying users of the existance of a new privacy statement.The policies described herein are effective as of the year 2005.
  2. Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Use of Xisto.com's service constitutes acceptance and agreement to Xisto.com's Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). The term "Service" includes both Free Web Hosting service and Forum membership. The TOS and AUP may be changed from time to time at the discretion of Xisto.com. TERMS OF SERVICE RELATED TO FORUMS ( applicable to Web Hosting Account holders and General members ) All forums are post moderated; however, this dialogue is a cooperative endeavor. To maintain an environment conducive to quality, please agree to the following few basic guidelines and requests before using this system: By using our Forum system, you agree to abide by the following simple common sense rules: Nicknames that we feel are inflammatory, vulgar, promotional, or rude will be removed. All groups are moderated for foul language and commercialized promotional posts. Always be respectful of other users, the system, and the moderators. We put the system online in good faith, please use it in good faith. Be descriptive, specific, and succinct in your postings. This way your opinion and point is clearly understood and referenced. Remember, people from all over the world read here with English as a second language. Because your posting may be more pertinent to another on going discussion, or it might spawn its own thread, it may be moved as Xisto sees fit. Links to adult content, pages with links to adult content, near adult content (including model and swimsuit sites), or messages describing anything against the law will be removed as soon as possible. Any discussion of those are off topic. Email excerpts of ANY type or length are not allowed on Xisto. There are no exceptions to this rule. No press releases, newsletters, web pages, or copyrighted content may be inserted into Xisto posts. Minor fair use excerpts of less than one paragraph (4 sentences) may be used if the content is publically available on the internet but must be placed within QUOTE bbcode tags. All other forms of inserted content from press releases, newsletters, web pages, or any other copyrighted content placed into messages will be removed without exception. A link to the content is acceptable and appropriate. Periodically the Moderators of Xisto will post his or her comments, but they may not necessarily reflect the opinions of PHD Software Systems, or its employees. This forum system is not a venue for personal or private vendetta's. Keep your personal business as just that - personal. This forum is not a venue for the resolution of personal disputes with members or companies. Please don't drop promotional urls, signature files, nor specifics that would lead people to your site. Signing your name is fine, however commercialized posts or resume signatures will be edited. We tend to err on the side of caution to protect the integrity of the system. Affiliate based URLs are not allowed anywhere on the system. Please keep your language clean and decent. This include personal inflammatory language as well as obscenities. Any on site private discussions (StickyMail) with moderators or administrators related to board policy or actions may be shared with administrators if we feel it is necessary. Please stay within the topic area of the forum you are posting a message in, and within any topic that another poster may have started. You agree not to hold Xisto or its members liable for anything stated within the forums. Signing up a user name that is a obvious domain name or product name will be removed. This is out of unfair promotion considerations as well as trademark implications. Since this is interactive, and everyone who participates in Xisto.com is "in it together", please treat others the way you wish to be treated. One way to guard against misunderstandings is to read over your response before you post it. Flaming: flaming or personal attacks are not allowed or tolerated. Should anyone use inappropriate language, start a personal attack, or engage in hate speech, they will be barred from all further discussions. The forums are not a venue for advertisements in any way. It will be the sole discretion of Xisto and its moderators as to what constitutes an advertisement. We do not allow review my site posts except in Forums which are specially ment for reviews. Posting promotional or review posts in any other forum is not allowed. It is impossible to deduce which posts are honest requests and which are promotional. You must not post any referral links to any services on the internet which may lead to any personal advantage or profits. Posting such messages may get you banned. You are responsible for your own posts and agree not to hold Xisto Corporation (Xisto.com) liable for any messages posted. You will not copy and retransmit any information out of these forums without first getting the permission of the original author of the message and a Xisto.com administrator. Discussions about moderator or administrator actions are welcome in email or local private messages, but should not be discussed in public forums. This is out of respect for the members and moderators or policy involved. Self promotional URL drops and whisper campaigns are strictly forbidden within the forums and will be edited out. Claims of action, flames, and calls to action against any company or person will be removed. Messages posted at this site are the sole opinion and responsibility of the poster. Personal exposure. Anyone posting another members personal details or web site details without permission will be banned. When a message is placed in any forum system, you are granting a soft license to the site to use it. ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS Xisto Site Privacy Policy. For our part we will do our best to protect your privacy and respect your posts. We will not edit or otherwise misrepresent what you write without cause. We reserve the right to edit any and all content that has been placed on Xisto. We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service related to Forums from time to time without notice and are retro active. By using the Xisto.com forum, you are stating and acknowledging that you have read the aforementioned terms and conditions and that you understand such terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them. -- End of Tos related to Forum use and activity -- TERMS OF SERVICE RELATED TO WEB HOSTING (General) Xisto takes No responsiblity over the content or data in any format stored by its members ( on their respective free web hosting account ). Xisto sub-domains created to serve as Free Web Hosting accounts have NO affiliation, contracts & any agreements or relations with the data stored in such accounts. The member who gets approved for an account is solely reponsible for his/her content stored on our server in his hosting account. Manual verfication of site content for all the sites on our server is/may be impossible and hence Xisto cannot be help responsible for any site(s) which may be supporting any unacceptable activity as stated in the Unacceptable Usage Agreement. However, Xisto agrees that it will take all actions within its power to bring down sites stored on its server that breach the Unacceptable Usage Agreement. Any activity reported, regarding any site hosted on our server breaching the Unacceptable Use agreement will be strictly handled and all the necessary actions will be taken against those account(s). In such conditions, Xisto may give out personal information regarding the user (owner of account) like Ip address, web site logs etc. to any Authorised official for further investigation. TERMS OF SERVICE RELATED TO WEB HOSTING( applicable to Web Hosting Account holders) All websites must be in English to qualify for free hosting. We do this to ensure that Accounts are legal and have permissable contents. We may remove any material that, in our sole discretion, may be illegal or may subject us to liability. Xisto.com's services may not be used for illegal purposes, or in support of illegal activities. Xisto.com reserves the right to cooperate with legal authorities and/or injured third parties in the investigation of any suspected crime or civil wrongdoing. In addition, Xisto.com shall have the right to terminate all services set forth in this agreement. UNACCEPTABLE USE Spam and Unsolicited Commercial Emails (UCE) are not allowed. Accounts will be cancelled and deleted immediately if found to be spamming or sending out UCE. Web sites deemed offensive or racially degrading, by Xisto.com, will be removed from our servers without notice. Web sites promoting, making available or otherwise contributing to software piracy, hacking, spamming, storage of large files or using account for file storage, storing MP3's of other large files in any electronic format, denial of service attacks and/or damage to commercial networks or servers will be removed from our servers without notice and illegal acts will be reported and prosecuted. Abusive behavior of any type will not be tolerated. Xisto will periodically moniter the sites on its server, any attempt to spoof the visitors or creating secret pages leading to illegal activities are strictly prohibited. Xisto.com has a zero tolerance policy for the use of its network for the posting of messages or commercial advertisements, which violate the rules, regulations, FAQ or charter of any newsgroups or mailing list. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) traffic is not permitted on our servers in any of its many forms including, but not limited to: bots and IRC servers. All server activity is logged. Any snooping, hacking, or other inappropriate activity of any type outside of your account, on our servers, will be grounds for termination. Xisto.com reserves the right to refuse or discontinue service to anyone at Xisto.com's sole discretion. Xisto.com may deny you access to all or part of the service without notice if you engage in any conduct or activities that Xisto.com in its sole discretion believes violates any of the terms and conditions in this agreement. Xisto.com shall have no responsibility to notify any third-party providers of services, merchandise, or information, nor any responsibility for any consequences resulting from such discontinuance or lack of notification. Xisto.com reserves the right to cancel/suspend any account(s) without prior notice. Xisto.com requests that anyone who believes that there is a violation of our policy to direct the information to help@Xisto.com EXCESSIVE USE Xisto.com accounts operate on shared resources. Excessive use or abuse of these shared resources by one customer may have a negative impact on all other customers. Misuse of resources in a manner which impairs network performance is prohibited by this policy and may result in termination of your account. You are prohibited from excessive consumption of resources, including CPU time, memory, disk space and session time. You may not use resource-intensive programs which may negatively impact other customers or the performance of Xisto.com systems or networks. Xisto.com reserves the right to terminate or limit such activities. Accounts using up enough server resources, to slow or crash a server, will be shut down without notice. No Copyright material without written permission from the copyright holder is allowed. You shall obtain any and all necessary consents and clearances to enable you lawfully to make use of all and any intellectual property rights through the Services, including without limitation, clearance and/or consents in respect of your proposed domain name. We will make every reasonable attempt to avoid unexpected server downtime and to ensure that all accounts are well taken care of. We cannot guarantee or predict server downtime. Any network problem, or outage, is not covered under any guarantee or warranty and will not be grounds for reimbursement for any subsequent financial damages or losses. All account data backups are the account holder's responsibility. All requests for cancellation of accounts must be made via email to help@Xisto.com Xisto.com makes no warranties or representations of any kind for the services being offered. The service is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title, non-infringement, or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No advice or information given by Xisto.com or its agents or employees shall create a warranty. Xisto.com provides no warranty that the service will be uninterrupted or error free or that any information, software or other material accessible on the service is free from viruses or other harmful components. Under no circumstances shall Xisto.com be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages that result in any way from your use of or inability to use the service, or for third parties' use of the service to access your Web space, or to access the Internet or any part thereof, or your or any third parties' reliance on or use of information, services, or merchandise provided on or through the service, or that result from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, errors, defects, delays in operation or transmission, or any failure of performance. If you are dissatisfied with Xisto.com service or any of its terms, conditions, rules, policies, guidelines, or practices, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the service. Your use of our service is at your sole risk. Xisto.com is not responsible for files and data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on Xisto.com servers. Xisto.com reserves the right to monitor any and all communications through our servers. Xisto.com reserves the right to amend its policies at any time. All accounts are required to comply with any changes made to these policies. Notification of any major changes to the policies will be emailed to all account holders. If you are unsure if what you are doing is against our TOS and AUP, contact us. This agreement supersedes any written, electronic, or oral communication you may have had with Xisto.com or any agent or representative thereof, and constitutes the complete and total agreement between the parties. Should any provision of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect and said provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. By placing and continuing to maintain or place information on Xisto.com servers you are stating and acknowledging that you have read the aforementioned terms and conditions and that you understand such terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them.
  3. We have seen that most of hte people copy posts over there. Also in the humur and jokes section, Max posts are all copied.
  4. Oh.. From now on i will start playing games like tennis, Soccer, ping pong etc.. which dont involve voilence.
  5. Yes. They were taking up a lot of space and also kinda ugly. Many people were getting confused. I have shifted them to the Main PORTAL Page. They can be found on the right hand side.Also, Many useless pages were being indexed by google due to the link on the top. So, another main reason is Search Engine Optimization.The portal has been improved too. Members can access the last 75 Fresh Replies and respond to it. If you want, I can reduce this number.The Left bar gives them access to any forum , Sub-Forum Directly.Any Suggestions, Please put em. I desperately need more suggestions to improve this place .
  6. Dude, the Windows XP build in Firewall is a life saveR! Atleast it keeps away those Blaster worms.BUG ENCOUNTERED IN WINDOWS XPMy mouse pointer moves automatically across the sceen. This usually happens when I keep it stationary. The pointer moves automatically across the sceen. It is really a headache.I saw this same thing at my friends place too but se said that switching his mouse port from PS2 to USB, The movement stopped.Has anyone expreienced the same ?
  7. The script is fine. Members who have a very large site ( especially sites ) can use PHPADSNEW for rotating and managing ads. It does the same work and it is very powerful. Provides great tools and options for targetting and managing the ad campigns. Xisto members can install it with a single click ( included in fantastico )- OpaQue.
  8. OpaQue

    Google Im

    Google IM. Definately a Joke. Got any proof dude?
  9. I am quite un-familier with the religious texts. I dont have much information bout them either. I said that thing about eve because thats what i heard. I was not sure about that point either. my point was simple, Man and Women are seperate. Equality is good but the problem is due the diffrences, the equality rule can create problems. So there are cases where answering this question is difficult.As for blaming women for her mistakes, I agree to that point. A sin or crime must be given the same status regardless of who commited it ( man or woman ). The Society favors men when there are some cultural issues involved. Which is obviously not right. The main issue what i feel is Reputation and character (especially relating to sexuality ). Women have this extra burden on them. Society considers a huge diffrence between a virgin and a *****. We dont hear much bout gigeloes or male prositutes.Males dont face this thing. A guy sleeping with diffrent girl everyday is not blamed and the issue is taken very lightly. But the same act is pointed and critisized when a girl does it. ( i don't mean prostitution here ) I hope my point is clear ..
  10. Here is just a general list ArcadeReputationKenka Rpg modShoutboxMember MapArmy SystemGlobal MEssage modAds between posts ( created by me - all messed up but works )Latest 10 posts and topicsA Faulty mod for userfriendly urls ( which was edited a 100 times by me )I cant remember.. but i m sure i missed something..
  11. Haha! Now I have proved you Wrong! I removed the ADS on top. The ads on the side of the forum. Hardly any ads are shown of forum index pages and topic lists. Now ads are only shown between topic posts. We get reputation and publicity. We got a PAID Hosting company, So people who think that one day, we will convert into a PAID hosting site, forget it. We are not going to do that. Our paid hosting site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Many members who get a good response from their site and start earning revenue shift to our paid hosting option. We dont force them. The % of members who shift is very very small but still, it does help us in a way. Not to mention the awesome community that we build. Xisto was lauched for the sole purpose of community.
  12. We did support SSH, but if you got a good reason, please request it at the REQUEST Hosting forum and we will get it activated for you. :-)-OpaQue
  13. JSP servlet has to be installed. Please request it at the request hosting section of the forums. We will get it installed for you. Thanks.
  14. This Question does not really belong here. Anyway, Your question has been answered. Closing topic.
  15. We are ready to help in whatever way we can. That is our main objective. You create a website with us. You can post your difficulties and expect for answers. Most of the times, they willbe answered shortly. Xisto forums are quite active and you can always use the shoutbox to ask for help. As for the forum system, we provide quite a lot of choices. You can select any of the forums in the Fanstastico script thing, and install it within seconds. All you need to do it configure it. The uploading and configuration ( manual procedures ) are also easy and you can always get help regarding that too.
  16. We are currently working up with a script. But expect it to take atleast a month to be active. The script will be tested on Xisto first and then will be installed on Xisto. And since, I am creating it all by myself, it is going to take lot of time.
  17. I made the Advertising mod myself. I am looking out for a solution. I am not a pro in making and editing mods. Its all messed up. There is a stupid array where i used preg_replace thing... Got to work on it. I will fix it soon.Thanks for pointing it out. I used MS IE once a month or something or in some special situations only LMAO..
  18. This is probably because of the Ads in between the POSTS. We do not want to spam the users screen with ads. Members expereince at the forums is our first priority. We removed our top banner ad just for the sake of performance. But the ads that are shown in between posts can increase the load time. The AD server ( FALK ) gives problems and the images are sometimes hosted on seperate servers. The pages take time to load on INTERNET Explorer as IE does not show the page when it is partially downloaded. So IE users will have to wait till the entire page content is loaded. But these problems are OCCASIONAL when the image servers ( external to Xisto ) are slow. Many members dont face speed related issues. I have used a 56 K connection as well as 1 mbps connection, The load time was normal accordingly. The MOD_REWRITE hardly takes a fraction of a second. So that part can be ignored. The TEXT IMAGE thing on the Top of the page can take 1 sec extra for 1st time. But once it is cached it is super fast.We are planning to remove some of the URLs on top. That might help us to get indexed faster.
  19. Please give Exact details regarding the MOD that you want to be installed. Is it an APACHE MOD. Or is it a feature that needs to be compiled with PHP.
  20. JSP puts a lot of load on the SERVER so we do not install the SERVLET by default. Please request it at the REQUEST HOSTING FORUM and we will install the servlet.ISSUE RESOLVED. TOPIC CLOSED.
  21. YEs. I am well aware of this problem. Please use INTERNET EXPLORER to view it. If anyone can help me correct the HTML of this MOD, that will be highly appreciated. Internet explorer renders the page without any problem. I view it using IE 6.
  22. You have been suspended by Server Root and We cannot un-suspend it. Its out of our power. The Server log say that your account was suspended due to spamming. You have already been informed that you need to provide us with a REMOTE FTP address of any other server or other hosting company so that your files can be uploaded (transfered).PS: Please Do not use out Hosting Accounts for testing out Scripts. We encourage you to setup your own server on your pc and test out the scripts before uploading them.PM me your FTP details.Your Query has been Answered. Topic closed.
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