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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. SELECT COUNT(users.*), COUNT(guests.*)FROM users INNER JOIN guestsON (users.code != '' AND users.last_active >= 1106971028AND guests.time >= 1106971028AND users.last_ip != guests.ip)OR If you have missed the WHERE clause it will be something like this,SELECT COUNT(users.*), COUNT(guests.*)FROM users INNER JOIN guestsON (users.code != '' ) WHERE users.last_active >= 1106971028AND guests.time >= 1106971028AND users.last_ip != guests.ip
  2. Hosting credits are not listed in Cpanel
  3. When your site does not work, do a traceroute from Command prompt. And give us the results. We will try to determine, where the problem is exactly.Our server are up and havnt gone down in last 2 days.
  4. Karlo, I wont argue over this. Because you agreed to the terms. When you had no objections while registering, I dont understand why do you have objections now! We have systematic rules here and that is one of the reasons I believe we havent gone down like others. You wanted to know why we made this system, the reason is out of 100 members we had, only 10 were active while the rest enjoyed without posting. Members were Complaining about the SQL downtimes, uptime etc. The people responsible were those people you did not even care to contribute after getting hosting. And because of them, the ones who were really doing a good work by contributing were affected. Obviously, this is injustice to the ones who are contributing. Why should those people suffer because of the others.. Hence, I finally decided to build this system. Check out the list of members who were terminated. You will find members who were inactive over 145 days! May be this was the actual reason, you liked our service. Your currently have 4 hosting credits. That simply gives you 4 days of inactivity limit. If in these 4 days you spend another 15 minutes at trap, you will easily get 4-5 more days. You are not adviced to make 30 posts in one day and go on a vaccation for a month. Slow and steady wins to race. Cragllo has 27 days of credits. I still see him on the boards. While he can take a nice big leave. We cannot support members who do not want to follow the rules or who like to simply reap the resources without giving anything back in return. Best of luck for whatever decision you take.
  5. Hi,I have checked your ACcount and it is working fine.Web Hosting site : deviantdesigns.trap17.comCpanel Username : vadorIt must be a DNS problem from your ISP.
  6. Would you like that Xisto shuts down its service and Deletes all the data on the server just like the other hosts?The main reason for all this was the members never returned and never agreed to the TOS after getting hosting. I sincerely see many people returning and posting. But I hate to see, some people staying active for their hosting while the others sitting at home and enjoying the server without contribution.This system will ensure that only those people who contribute enjoy the service. The biggest advantage is the server is resources are free and the contributing user's hosting account enjoy higher percentage of uptime and performance.The mySQL hog ups and failures have gone down considerably after this system was introduced. If members dont like this service, it is for sure that they are not active. Because I dont see any reason for a member who is active to complain. Cragglo, who is active daily has more than 25 credits. So even if he decides to take a leave for a month, his account is still safe. Most of the members dont understand this.
  7. These are not reseller accounts. You cannot create any additional client accounts and you are not allowed to resell any of our services.However, you can setup your own forum in your account. The forum can automatically setup using few clicks using the auto-setup feature called fantastico.
  9. May be some users are more interested in making posts by using shortcuts (no offence)
  10. Copying is not allowed.If you post a message at another forum, You are giving a part of the copyright to that forum. We had issues related to sitepoint forums when one of our member copied a post. Also kindly note that, I have reprogrammed the deleting Post feature of this Forum. If you copy and a mod deletes that post, you not only lose a post count but also your hosting credits. And the loss of the Hosting credits is more. Ie. Suppose you got 1.5 points for creating a post, after we delete it , you will lose about 2 points. Even though it is a bit more but it is good to teach the cheaters a lesson. Else, they will keep on copying and expect them to get points for whatever posts the moderators fail to catch.
  11. *COPIED POST* [slash] search [?] q [=] cache [:] TzxtdJbCJtUJ [:] www [dot] webpronews [dot] com [slash] ebusiness [slash] contentandcopywriting [slash] wpn-6-20050125DoYouNeedaContentManagementSystem.html+%22Most+CMS+systems+must+be+installed+on+your+web+server+and+require+that+PHP+and+usually+MySQL+also+to+be+installed.+Once+you+decide+that+CMS+is+for+you,+you%27ll+need+to+decide+on+which+software+you%27ll+want+to+use [dot] %22&hl=en
  12. HAha, What do you think, Free Hosting companies like Shyper close down because they are affected by the members .. Thats all wrong. Most of the hosts come up on the net for making easy money. Especially from google ads because they seem to pay out generously. But google does not support these forum sites and most of the time, the site gets banned or disabled. Then these hosts close down blaming the members. We are not greedy and want to build a community. The Ads that we show are very cheap. They pay out $0.10 per 1000 ad impressions on an average. The Biggest disadvantage is, When it comes to advertising, only traffic from USA, UK, Canada are truely valued. The rest of the visitors have no commercial importance from the advertising point of view. We serve around 45,000 to 50,000 Ad impressions per day. Out of which more than 50% is useless and of no use because of international traffic. This a fact. Making money for our organisation is truely a big challenge. Anyway, we somehow try to get our basic expenses cleared by these ads. Its only when we start getting more and more traffic, there will be any scope for free web hosting sites. As for companies who close down, those are all purely because of lack of funds.
  13. But atleast you know exactly, how much you are supposed to be active. the main forum tells you exactly the no. of posts or days you can be active.
  14. Bill Gates strikes a pose!! Pretty scary , view at your own risk!! Bill Gates Strikes a Pose for Teen Beat Photospread, 1983 See the pictures below!!
  15. Hi members,I require banner for my paid hosting site ( https://xisto.com/ )Any help will be highly appreciated.Please Add this text on the banner if possible "Quality Hosting @ $9.95/YEAR!!"Some points I would like to add,1> The banners will be rotated and will be shown like 10K to 20K times a day. Please put your best.2> Make the banner professional. Xisto has a lot of members who are teens. Just forget that you are a teen for a moment and all the clan sites you ve made before. Think of a big company, and proceed on the work. 3> You can look at other company banners and get some help.. ;-)4> Sorry for talking so much.. thanks
  16. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/2324-topic/ HERE IS A TUTORIAL WHICH I HAVE POSTED. HAVE A LOOK AT IT
  17. How to setup Basic Cron Jobs. Ok. Many people are yelling that they cannot configure the crons properly. Here is a short tutorial which will help you set them. I have tried my best to explain the concept but there can be more advanced configurations. Basically you will want to run a PHP script file in specific intervals. Suppose you want to execute a php file called maintanence.php every one hour. This is what you do :- [ This tutorial is for noobs, Dont go into detail. Just do as instructed ] The CRON Command is in the Following Format [ Minute - Hour - Day - Month - Weekday ] - Command The COMMAND, can be broken down in [PATH OF PHP] [ARGUMENTS] [PATH OF PHP SCRIPT] So the COMPLETE CRON command can be written as [ Minute - Hour - Day - Month - Weekday ] [PATH OF PHP] [ARGUMENTS] [PATH OF PHP SCRIPT] The timing is spedified using * symbols * * * * * => Execute every minute0 * * * * => Execute every Hour0 0 * * * => Execute every mid-night0 0 0 * * => Execute every Month0 0 0 0 * => Execute every Weekday If you did not understand anything till now.. Good, this means you are a noob.. Read ahead Since this is a UNIX command, You will have to Mention the PATH of PHP. At Xisto, PATH TO PHP : /usr/local/bin/php( it also same at Xisto, if users over there want to use it ) These are the Possible Command line Arguments you can use. This will effect the output. In our case, we will use the -q ( Quiet mode ) argument. -a Run interactively -b <address:port>|<port> Bind Path for external FASTCGI Server mode -C Do not chdir to the script's directory -c <path>|<file> Look for php.ini file in this directory -n No php.ini file will be used -d foo[=bar] Define INI entry foo with value 'bar' -e Generate extended information for debugger/profiler -f <file> Parse <file>. Implies `-q' -h This help -i PHP information -l Syntax check only (lint) -m Show compiled in modules -q Quiet-mode. Suppress HTTP Header output. -s Display colour syntax highlighted source. -v Version number -w Display source with stripped comments and whitespace. -z <file> Load Zend extension <file>. The Path of the PHP file Must be Complete absolute path. If you have an Account at TRAP, And your USERNAME is "tom", Your path will be "/home/tom/public_html/" I assume you are familier with the PUBLIC_HTML directory. That is the Root folder where you store your html files. So lets say that Tom wants to execute my script "maintenance.php" every hour. And it is stored in "public_html/cron/maintenance.php"; So the Complete CRON command would be, 0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/tom/public_html/cron/maintenance.php If tom wants to execute it every minute, he would use. * * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/tom/public_html/cron/maintenance.php If tom wants to execute it every Month, he would use. 0 0 0 * * /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/tom/public_html/cron/maintenance.php There are more Complex forms of Assigning the TIMINGS for these scripts. You can go to CPANEL => Cron Jobs => Standard and set exact time when the script will be executed. Also, this method used php, you can also use Curl . -OpaQue
  18. These rules were re-written by Dooga THESE RULES ARE IMPORTANT! FAILING TO READ THESE NOTES WILL RESULT IN YOUR HOSTING CREDITS TO BE DEDUCTED! This forum is a forum to post tutorials that YOU have written. You are NOT allowed to post a tutorial copied from another site, regardless of any reference you make! (However, you may PARAPHRASE it with correct referencing). Your tutorial is going to be moderated (that means, anything you post won't be viewable until a moderator has accepted it). Do not re-post your tutorials if they don't show up! Any pictures you include must be thumbnails or links to the pictures. In other words, YOU CAN ONLY POST IN THIS FORUM IF YOU HAVE AN UNCOPIED TUTORIAL TO SHARE WITH US!!! NOTE: You may not post any requests for tutorials! Doing so may result in a warn (a possible removal of posting rights and hosting credits). You can however, reply like you do with other forums. Board Rules apply with replies and new topics.
  19. The Rules and Guidelines. Be sure to read them thoroughly! Always keep them in the back of your head when making an action at the forum, for otherwise they may result in you receiving the appropriate punishment. I hope you understand and respect these rules, any comments about it may be directed to Administrators. > THE RULES < THIS FORUM IS MEANT FOR TOPICS RELATED TO "WHAT IS?" i.e. For Explaining new things, issues, terms or any idea. But you may NOT create any topic which does not give any explanation. Spamming will get you banned straight away. No futher explanations will be entertained. So be careful before you think about spamming by creating any spam topic. YOU ARE FREE TO REPLY AND COMMENT TO ANY POSTED "WHAT IS?" EXPLANATIONS. We thank you for your understanding and commitment, The Administration Staff.
  20. Ok. Many people are yelling that they cannot configure the crons properly. Here is a short tutorial by "me" which will help you set them Basically you will want to run a PHP script file in specific intervals. Suppose you want to execute a php file called maintanence.php every one hour. This is what you do [ This tutorial is for noobs, Dont go into detail. Just do as instructed ] The CRON Command is in the Following Format [ Minute - Hour - Day - Month - Weekday ] - Command The COMMAND, can be broken down in [PATH OF PHP] [ARGUMENTS] [PATH OF PHP SCRIPT] So the COMPLETE CRON command can be written as [ Minute - Hour - Day - Month - Weekday ] [PATH OF PHP] [ARGUMENTS] [PATH OF PHP SCRIPT] The timing is spedified using * symbols * * * * * => Execute every minute 0 * * * * => Execute every Hour 0 0 * * * => Execute every mid-night 0 0 0 * * => Execute every Month 0 0 0 0 * => Execute every Weekday If you did not understand anything till now.. Good, this means you are a noob.. Read ahead Since this is a UNIX command, You will have to Mention the PATH of PHP. At Xisto, it is : /usr/local/bin/php These are the Possible Command line Arguments you can use. This will effect the output. In our case, we will use the -q ( Quiet mode ) argument. -a Run interactively -b <address:port>|<port> Bind Path for external FASTCGI Server mode -C Do not chdir to the script's directory -c <path>|<file> Look for php.ini file in this directory -n No php.ini file will be used -d foo[=bar] Define INI entry foo with value 'bar' -e Generate extended information for debugger/profiler -f <file> Parse <file>. Implies `-q' -h This help -i PHP information -l Syntax check only (lint) -m Show compiled in modules -q Quiet-mode. Suppress HTTP Header output. -s Display colour syntax highlighted source. -v Version number -w Display source with stripped comments and whitespace. -z <file> Load Zend extension <file>. The Path of the PHP file Must be Complete absolute path. If you have an Account at TRAP, And your USERNAME is "tom", Your path will be "/home/tom/public_html/" I assume you are familier with the PUBLIC_HTML directory. That is the Root folder where you store your html files. So lets say that Tom wants to execute my script "maintenance.php" every hour. And it is stored in "public_html/cron/maintenance.php"; So the Complete CRON command would be, 0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/tom/public_html/cron/maintenance.php If tom wants to execute it every minute, he would use. 0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/tom/public_html/cron/maintenance.php There are more Complex forms of Assigning the TIMINGS for these scripts. You can go to CPANEL => Cron Jobs => Standard and set exact time when the script will be executed.
  21. I have changed your password and Email. Given the password to Original Fu, on online Chat.User is requested to keep his password safe.IP Address reported.
  22. What do you mean by Hosting Control panel under windows ? Are you talking about normal windows ( win xp home, win 98 ) or Professional dedicated servers running windows NT, 2000, 2003
  23. As you wish, But it is hard for us to keep on giving stuff for free... Asking a bit of your time in return is no too much. If you really don't want to post, go for paid hosting. https://xisto.com/ ( our paid hosting site ) - super fast servers dedicated to paid hosting only.
  24. OpaQue


    Try to explain some specifications and theme of the banner. So that the people who are interested in making you a banner have an idea of what you want.
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