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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. We have installed advanced Script management system and enabled them on all the accounts. Please try them again.-OpaQue
  2. Your Account is working fine. It is accessible. Sometimes DNS settings are not setup and give problems with certain ISPs. It will work within sometime.
  3. Your post is COUNTED at 95% of the Forum Topics. There are some exceptions like "Hosting Request forum", "Support" etc. where your post count does not increase. This is because we believe that these areas do not contribute much the the Information base of the forums. A post to Qualify must be atleast 10 ALPHABETIC CHARACTERS in length, EXCLUDING the BBCODES. Only these posts will give help to increase your post Count. ?? POST COUNT & HOSTING CREDITS ?? The Hosting credits is a system which was introduced secretly on 5th January 2005 to keep a track of Active members. Before we go into details of HOSTING CREDIT, let us see what it does and how to increase it. [+] Why is this system useful? How does it help members? The Hosting Credits System tracks the posts and keeps a record. It depends on the type of post you make rather than normal post counts. When you post a tutorial, article .. you recieve more credits than the conventional post count. Hence, it ensures that your work is not wasted and it is properly credited. The next advantage is "Activity Period". The Credit system, will tell you approximately how many days you can remain inactive. Unlike our competitors, WE DO NOT :- 1> Force our members to post Daily. 2> Hide or disclose information regarding activity 3> Force members to visit forums in particular period. 4> Give them Periodically posting targets. 5> Take long time to approve accounts. The Above manual system ( used by our competitors ) is not useful. And has following limitations. 1> A member is willing to post Quality posts but limits it, because of the Post count system. As large posts will also be counted as a single post and not contribute anything extra. 2> A member wants to take a vaccation or leave for few days and has to depend on Administrators. 3> A member is supposed to request adminstrators for every details regarding activity. 4> A member has to wait for long time for his account activation. 5> A member has no knowlegde about his activity and has to depend on the sole discreation of the administrators. He can be asked to post more or less depending on the admins. 6> As the system is not automated or tracked, there are lots of members who abuse services as a result, these hosts fall down and shut down. 7> The Forum activity decreases and is usually below avearge thus making the forum experience boring and dull. [+] HOSTING CREDIT *DOES* DEPEND ON POST SIZE. The Hosting Credits depend only upon the size and Quality of the post. It does not depend on the number of post you make. All posts are counted except posts like "thank you", "LoL"... [+] Hosting CREDITS are *NOT* counted in forums where Post Count is NOT counted. [+] Hosting CREDITS are nothing but the number of Days you can be active. They are shown in Forum index page or Forum Home page. [+] Hosting CREDIT has NO CONNECTION with Post Count. And both are completely Seperate values/variables. However, if your post count increases, you can be assured that your Hosting credit has been incremented too. BEcause the Post Quality filtering tools apply to both of these functions ( Post count system & Hosting Credit ) Hosting credits are calculated and maintained inside our system. The possible calculations determine a users activity at the forums, performance. The Calculations depend upon your frequency of activity, length of posts etc. :: IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION REGARDING WORKING OF HOSTING CREDITS :: Hosting Credits are scheduled to be checked on daily basis. The Forum members credits are checked and steps are taken accordingly. The Following is our Hosting Maintanance script task :- [+] Hosting Credits Exhausted : Your Account gets SUSPENDED*. [+] Hosting Credits Satisfactory : Your account is kept Active. If it was suspended, It will be un-suspended / Activated. [+] If your Account has Exhausted your Hosting Credits and you have been inactive (after exhausting credits) for One month or more, Your Account is TERMINATED**. *SUSPENDED : Files are safe, only the site is blocked. **TERMINATED : Files are all deleted and all the records are cleared. No recovery possible. If for some reason, you fail to be active and your Account gets Suspended, you will have to make the necessary posts and check your validity so that it shows it is healthy again. This will AUTOMATICALLY ACTIVATE your hosting account. ( Your files are safe ) :: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION :: [Q] : Can I transfer my hosting Credits ? A : No. [Q] : If I cannot stay active at the forums, What can I do ? A : This is one of the most frequently asked question, The answer is, Be EXTRA active at the forum and collect enough hosting credits to take a nice leave. Do not Spam. We handle Spamming issue very very Seriously and we will not step back to Suspend your account if we see that you are spamming. It is better if you have a forum reputation. It helps us to know your activity and quality of posts. [Q] : If I am in very Bad Emergency, then what ? A : You can purchase the Hosting Credits. Please contact Adminstrators. [Q] : The Hosting Credit shows my account in healthy condition/ Good condition, will posting more help any further ? A : Yes. The hosting credit reporting tool only reports if your account is safe or not. But as for the credits are concerned, you still go on accumulating it. The limit max limit of this hosting credit extends upto approx 110.8 years. In short, your every valid post is counted. :-) [Q] : What is the Best way to be active and collect Hosting Credits ? A : We suggest that you make posts regularly and collect hosting credits accordingly. You will find it easy to make posts regularly and maintain your Hosting credits near 7-8 days. As you go on collecting more, the amount of credits offered also decreases. [Q] : How do I know, If I am suspended ? A : Your site will be redirected to a new location. ( suspension page ). [Q] : My Account is Suspended, How do I un-suspend? A : The main forum page will show you your current hosting credits. If it is negative, your hosting is propably suspended. You must have atleast 4 Hosting Credits, So that your account is Un-suspended automatically. We do this, so that members dont activate accounts and become inactive again. Activating and Deactivating puts a lot of load on our server and it requires us to restart the services. If you want any more Questions to be answered, kindly post them. Warm Regards, OpaQue.
  4. How Hell froze overOnce, a gay man went to heaven. At the Great Gate, Saint Peter was waiting for him. After rewieving his records Saint Pete decided to let him in. "Follow me" he said, opening the gate and walking in.After some walk, Saint Pete's keys accidentally fell on the ground. Unaware, he bent over to pick up the keys. That was something the gay man just couldn't resist, so he jumped on him and did his thing.Saint Pete was furious."If you do that again, You'll go straight to hell! But follow me, we're almost there."After some more walk, Pete dropped his keys again, and again, the gay man jumped on him. Saint Pete was even more furious than before, but decided to give the gay guy one last chance.Again they walk and for the third time Pete drops his keys, so he bends over and picks them up. The gay guy, having no self control jumps on him. Pete is now fed up and sends the gay guy straight to hell.A few weeks later, Saint Pete goes down to hell for his routine inspection, but this time something is wrong, it is freezing, no fire, no lava and in one corner, he finds the devil lying under a stack of blankets freezing his *bottom* of."Why is it so god damn cold down here? "Pete asks."Well you just try bending down for firewood!!" The devil replied.
  5. Prodigy decided to leave Xisto yesterday ( January 30, 2005 ) due to his own busy life and also his new company. He has contributed a lot to this forum. Not only that, but all the free web hosting accounts, configurations, modification.. were managed by him. Without his help, It would had been very difficult for me to get the sites up and to keep the hosting requests updated. I sincerely wish him luck on behalf of the entire Xisto Corporation to his new company and his career.Also, From today, I will taking all the responsiblity for approving, upgrading and performing maintanance tasks on the hosting account.-OpaQue
  6. This is an error in the Rv_blue.. when I installed it, It was supposed to be configured for rvblue seperately.. I have done it now, can you please check and confirm.
  7. Hey , Did anyone realise that there was a donation Button at the bottom of Xisto too.. Anyone generous enough
  9. OpaQue


    I have increased the max. no. of battles. I dont understand the sold out thing because ther is no setting regarding Weapon Stock or something.. I think increasing the number of battles must have solved the things. Also, I dont have much knowledge about gaming, If you suggest genuinely regarding more types of weapons, I can set them up. Here are the settings that need to be configured for a new weapon, Name : The name of the weapon Description : A short description of the weapon Strength : How much the weapon adds to your strength Price : How much the weapon costs Also, Currently there are no missions set in the game and I would ask someone to suggest the possible setttings to set it up. Here are the things that are required to set up a new mission. Please suggest values to favor the game and not you. NameThe name of the mission DescriptionA short description of the mission Start TextThe message displayed when you start the mission End TextThe message displayed when you win the mission GoalWhat the goal of the mission is (i.e. rand_area, goto:medic, or battle:Unknown) ActionWhat happens when you finish the mission -OpaQue
  10. I REPEAT MY QUESTION AGAIN :MAy I know where you are getting the error. Is it in the FANSTASTICO or the ADDON-SCRIPT Tab. We are working on it
  11. Anti-bullying Bands.. hmm.. They are really doing a good job. Most of them should be supporting them. Dont they have a group name of do you simply call them ANTI-BULLYING bands..
  12. Check out our paid web hosting site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ host paid accounts on seperate dedicated servers.
  13. WOW! Pretty CooL!Thanks. Hey, May be this will be like.. Asking too much. Can you make one more version of this banner. 728 x 90. Btw, I have saved it ;-)
  15. MAy I know where you are getting the error. Is it in the FANSTASTICO or the ADDON-SCRIPT Tab. We are working on it.Also please specify your package details too.
  16. OpaQue


    Firefox fails with some types of popups. Our ad network, Realtechmedia started serving popups within the banners by mistake and all of them were successfully delievered :-S
  17. This is a very helpful information that you have contributed! And it must be known by many programmers. I have Granted you 2 Hosting Credits as reward!
  18. OpaQue


    People hate popups. They are annoying. I could set those popups at Xisto and easily make $100 .. but they simply aint good. It also looks very un-professional to show popups.
  19. Trust me! I am really Dumb in photoshop! talk FLASH! I can manage many things in it.
  20. Take my advice and always keep Windows in Root partition. Linux is not a CooL operating system to work with. I have used both linux and windows over a year. Windows makes my work easier and things are fast. There are less bugs or problems. also I find my pc gives better performance with windows. So, If you plan to un-install linux, you are assured that your data is safe. If you put in a root partition, and un-install it in future, your primary partition becomes unstable and you end up losing everything.
  21. The Second banner is really professional but the font really needs to be changed. I am thinking about running the ads across hundereds of websites..
  22. I will be looking through it. Can you please give me more details. What were you trying to install exactly..and your hosting plan details.
  23. Nice site. You should consider butting a web site banner on top.
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