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Everything posted by OpaQue

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  2. The Post here was MODERATED by our Staff. Hence, the original post no longer exists. We encourage you to enrich the topic with any valuable information you may have.
  3. The Post here was MODERATED by our Staff. Hence, the original post no longer exists. We encourage you to enrich the topic with any valuable information you may have.
  4. The Post here was MODERATED by our Staff. Hence, the original post no longer exists. We encourage you to enrich the topic with any valuable information you may have.
  5. OpaQue


    The Post here was MODERATED by our Staff. Hence, the original post no longer exists. We encourage you to enrich the topic with any valuable information you may have.
  6. The Post here was MODERATED by our Staff. Hence, the original post no longer exists. We encourage you to enrich the topic with any valuable information you may have.
  7. The Post here was MODERATED by our Staff. Hence, the original post no longer exists. We encourage you to enrich the topic with any valuable information you may have.
  8. Giving a whole new meaning to plug and play :-) [img]http://img64.exs.cx/img64/51/plug1bk.jpg[/img]
  9. Probably a noobish question, But how do i get rid of the Underlining under text links You can make stylesheet to has not underlinelink by put "text-decoration: none" . example (put code in current page between tag <head> </head> ) <style type="text/css"> a:link { color: #0000ff; text-decoration: none} a:visited { color: #808080; text-decoration: none} a:active { color: #808080; text-decoration: none} a:hover { color: #ff8040; text-decoration: none} </style> Or you can put code in to file .css and link them from current page example (code in style.css) <LINK href="style.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
  10. "Cellphones, which already double as cameras, Internet devices and music players, are poised to merge with the largest of home appliances - the television." Source: Link has Expired ? What do you guys think about this? i would say that -- a refrigerator is much larger than a television.. might be useful someday, when streaming costs and speed are not prohibitive in fully enjoying such an improvement in cellphones.
  11. here it is: [code]http://www.a-free-guestbook.com[/code] Just register and enjoy it. Carpe diem.
  12. here it is: [code]http://www.hooverwebdesign.com/sitebuilder/[/code] It's not very good, only good, the sitebuilder is evoluting. i made today a website and it was realy not bad. Try it after registering. Doesn't require an activation link. Carpe diem.
  13. her it is: [code]http://www.freelayouts.com/[/code] just click in the menus in the top of the page. Carpe diem.
  14. here it is: [code]http://www.garagemoney.com/database.html[/code] carpe diem
  15. here it is: [code]http://files.swish-tutorials.com/files.php[/code] carpe diem
  16. here it is: [code]http://www.freetemplatedesigns.com/templates.php?category=Business&start=6[/code] enjoy. carpe diem.
  17. You must have to register and activet, but i think it's the minimum you can do to download the templates and scripts she has. [code]http://xinclub.info/[/code] enjoy.
  18. If anyone has Counter Strike Condition zero we have a server called sF at Feel free to join anytime, we are always looking for new clans to scrimage. If anyone wants to setup a scimage. Email me or join the server! Gekz3@hotmail.com
  19. The name of the game is Petals Around the Rose. The name of the game is important. The computer will roll five dice and ask you to guess the score for the roll. The score will always be zero or an even number. Your mission is to work out how the computer calculates the score and become a Potentate of the Rose. http://www.borrett.id.au/computing/petals-j.htm It took me awhile to figure out the answer but I finally got it........Just read the rules carefully.........Bill gates took like hours trying to figure it out.... haha i had trouble even finding the roll dice button... nah its got me beat, they say patience is a virtue...well, i'm in trouble...
  20. can anyone give me a url to a site with xbox theme's for windows xp?? if you can thats great, i'll go check it out, if you can't it's ok, at least you tried thanx in advance oh and another thing.. i need one that doesnt need to be installed seeing on how i'm on a limited user account themexp.org, download themes from there. use style xp, if you need too!
  21. OpaQue

    Norton 2005

    What do you think about Norton Antivirus 2005 ??? Should i buy it, or not? No you should reconsider . i was using NAV (norton antuvirus) and i have to admit that for generic viruses its good but i lest thru all Trojans. I had uuninstalledNAV once to try kaspersky and i was shocked to discover 20 Trojans on my pc. So my advice it to stick with things made by ppl knowing good what they are supposed to do : [b]KAV - kaspersky[/b] it the same with viruses but it gives you a extra layer of protection when it comes to other unwelcome guests Oh really? My friend uses Norton Antivirus 2005 and he told me that NAV auto-blocks the trojans and worms and such. But he also has Norton Internet Security, which adds some more security to his system. advantage of norton is its powerful, strong virusscan. disadvantage, some virus can get out of hand, and norton cant control it so i still use norton. will be upgrading to 2005 soon, heard beta was good [quote name='dbh' date='Oct 12 2004, 10:44 PM']told me that NAV auto-blocks the trojans and worms and such.[/quote] he blockes worms and other viruses very good but he failes on trojan horses dialer and so on so that's why i switched to KAV And sometimes new viruses are build to bypass and dissable specific antiviruses like norton and mcafee. So chosing the most popular programs isnt always the best choice.
  22. In the hospital the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where their family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and somber. "I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news," he said as he surveyed the worried faces. "The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant. It's an experimental procedure, very risky but it is the only hope. Insurance will cover the procedure, but you will have to pay for the brain yourselves." The family members sat silent as they absorbed the news. After a great length of time, someone asked, "Well, how much does a brain cost?" The doctor quickly responded, "$5,000 for a male brain, and $200 for a female brain." The moment turned awkward. Men in the room tried not to smile, avoiding eye contact with the women, but some actually smirked. A man unable to control his curiosity, blurted out the question everyone wanted to ask, "Why is the male brain so much more?" The doctor smiled at the childish innocence and explained to the entire group, "It's just standard pricing procedure. We have to mark down the price of the female brains, because they've actually been used."
  23. Post ifyou havexboxlive andwhat games you playandyour gamertag damn this spacebarit wont work
  24. A voice heard in mournful song resounding haunting powerless to survive on mortal memories heart halved between sobering thoughts and desires unmet mangled wings drifting through thin air as shooting stars mingle with winter and a pale moon reverberates once upon a dream
  25. OpaQue

    Rpg Maker

    What game maker do you use I use Rpg maker 2003 because it is the best overall
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