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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Well, Xisto is an ad-supported site. And we dont even force members to click them nor we have those high paying google ads. We survive because of our quality posts and the activity of our forums. If you cannot stay active for a longer time, you can purchase hosting credits. Please contact me for more details regarding purchasing credits.
  2. Your accoutn will be suspended only when you have 4 or more hosting credits.Now you may ask why ?The answer is, If the system just Unsuspended after you have a positive hosting credit, it will be exhausted easily if you quit posting at that instant and we do not want to hog up our system. So please secure atleast 3-4 days for yourself. And the managing script is executed periodically. Please give some time for our script for un-suspending your account.
  3. You did not check the new system parameters. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6147-posting-activity-rule-automated-hosting-script-know-about-how-this-system-works/ It states that any post over 10 chacters is counted. i have put this limit for posts like thank you, lol, "yes, I agree" etc. is this fine ? or you want me to lift this rule too
  4. You have NEGATIVE 5.04 points. Make it positive by posting. As soon as you have 4 Hosting credits, your account will be un-suspended automatically.
  5. Dont worry, I have taken care of most of the things... The script filters the post too. The one on the Forum page is the right one. So be happy
  6. Due to the possible objects from members, We have re-constructed our system. We simply cannot let misunderstandings breed.. REMOVED THE 300 POST COUNT SYSTEM. ALL POSTS WILL BE COUNTED. MORE DETAILS AT : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6147-posting-activity-rule-automated-hosting-script-know-about-how-this-system-works/
  7. The Zend encrypted pages are supposed to be uploaded using BINARY format rather that ASCII Format. If you are using an FTP client, Please configure it so that the files are transfered in binary format.
  8. Goofox is still better... but foxgoo... eww.. the name sucks.
  9. You have possibly lost your password or typing wrong ones. Please request a password RESET at the request hosting forum.
  10. This is because of the fact that , only posts greater than 300 characters are counted. So you must make good posts so that your post count increases.
  11. How bout you install the opera browser in your pocket PC?
  12. IT is called a Rollever image. Put the following code between the head tag to preload the images. This will not screw up the effect. <script language="Javascript"><!--if (document.images) { button1 = new Image button2 = new Image button1.src = 'img1.gif' button2.src = 'img2.gif' }//--></script> Then. When you want to insert such an image link, put the following code. <a href="http://Xisto.com" onmouseover="document.rollover.src=button2.src" onmouseout="document.rollover.src=button1.src"><img src="img1.gif" border=0 name="rollover"></a> Hope this helps, OpaQue
  13. Trap17 did suffered on terms of uptime. But now, since we are filtering the inactive members, I guess the server load has been reduced considerably and the future uptime stats will improve.As for Xisto - Web Hosting ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ), We had used a service but due to complaints regarding false reporting, we had to bring it down.
  14. First, I did not mean that you are spamming. I am sorry if I have offended you. By saying "you", I was referring to those spammers who are reading the post. Ok, now about the issue.You still dont get my point. Why do you think people will prefer to post a Long thank you message rather than a short one. I thought this system will be the best way to tackle spam and also to give genuine post points. I am trying to make a better solution against spam. The only hitch in the plan that I have already implemented is, Posts which are less than 300 cannot be said to be 100% spam.Ok, now I did make a better system than this, but I did not implement it because it was complex. The two major issues regarding the post count issue is, 1> An easy interface by which members can understand what it is.2> A tracking system which checks the post and gives points depending upon it.The current system and hosting credit system were running in parallel as both had the common 300+ character rule. If we remove that, we can get more complex and effective system but members will have no clue on what basis they are given credits.Here is the actual system which I had in mind.There are 5-6 Regular expression filters which first filter the post for bbcodes, extra spaces etc. After that, it is analysed in the following way.If a post is less than 50-100 characters, we ignore it. Because no genuine post can be so small.If post is greater than 50 characters, We add a minimum level hosting credit. *So users do recieve something, instead of nothing*. We also increment the post count.If the post is greater than 300 character, we run the next function which calculates hosting credits depending on the size and quality ( more sets of Regular expressions for determining it ). So that user recieve more for all the contribution they make.Definately the above system is more advanced and will calculate every post made by members. But the problem is, members will start complaining that "Why the system is showing less amount of credits even after they posted 3-4 messages". Because the new system gives post counts for small posts, but since the post themselves are small, they give a small amount of hosting credits to members.The current system does not have this problem as the posts count and Credits both are given only if post is>300.Also, it will be hard for us to tell members to make X amount of posts because we have no way to predict what kind of posts that particular member is going to post. With all the above problems, it is obvious there will be a lot of misunderstanding and bad faith. And we cannot afford to lose the trust of our members. So, even though the current system does has small limitations, it is quite effective for controlling spam and assigning proper hosting credits.
  15. This is Example of a post which is exactly 300 characters in length. This will clear most of the people's misunderstanding. The special characters within post like commas, hypens, spaces etc are all counted. However, the algorithm filters out any other possible methods of spamming. End of the Post
  16. no9t9, Your above post reveals that fact that your active only for getting your post count up. This is wierd, why members want their post count to rise for a post like "Thank You". By making a post like that, Are you CONTRIBUTING? The sole purpose of this forum is contribution. You Contribute, and you get hosting. So, now, suppose you make 15 posts, you go on posting Thank you for each one of it. And again expect that to give you hosting credits... this is wierd.When you Post a message like, "Thanks", "ok", "yes", Our system DOES NOT count it. Because it is not a post or does not help our information base at all. Simple as that. So instead of BLAMING a member for Spamming, we simply DONT count that post and allow you to post it. We dont like deleting every other posts. Its a headache.And just like you mentioned it out, Yes, next time you want to spam by saying "Thank You", you will have to write nice brief text and thank him. As mentioned, This Rule does make it difficult for Spammers who want to increase post count by saying "Thank You" :-DReputation points are there for these small reasons. Say thanks by giving reputation points. That is more valuable than just a small thank you post.Now you might say that, SMALL POsts necessarily dont mean SPAM. I agree. But, it is a fact and also mentioned earlier that most of the small posts are spam. This is from our own personal experience. There is yet another downside too. We Do not want to rate members by the number of posts. But we want to rate by the type of post they make. Suppose, you make a good post and did dedicate some extra time for it. Previously, it was considered just a normal post. But now, it is considered more valuable. You get more credits for it. Revealing a small secret, Some members at trap have so much of hosting credits that they can now remain inactive even for more than a month. And another secret! That list includes You too. (no9t9). The same system which you are blaming has given you so many credits. The above post which you have made has been recognised as a good post by our system. Naturally you recieved points for it. Believe me, This system is as lienent as it can be. It is very very generous when giving Hosting credits. :: ONE COMMON MISUNDERSTAND :: A SINGLE HOSTING CREDIT DOES NOT MEAN, ONE EXTRA DAY OF HOSTING. HOSTING CREDITS ARE CONVERTED TO "DAYS". SO WRITING AN ARTICLE CAN GIVE YOU HOSTING CREDITS ENOUGH FOR ONE ENTIRE WEEK OR EVEN MORE THAN THAT.
  17. Your Cpanel username : guangdiAnd your Site name is : guangdian.trap17.comI accessed your site and it is active. I dont know what is the issue. Also, next time, can you please make the points more clear.And if you cannot post and dont get time out of your busy life, I suggest you can switch to paid hosting which costs just $10 for one year. I hope it is quite cheap and affordable.thanks.
  18. Hello, Welcome to Xisto. Thanks for the complement and the vote of support. Please enjoy your stay. We are still a young company and learning from our mistakes. Well, But compared to other providers (of those who close down), we have gained a lot of experience in this field. Its our members views and support which has made this site possible.-OpaQue
  20. Check the Overclocking setting. I am sure you have messed it over there.
  21. In India, I feel medication is the cheapest. The Government pays for vaccinations for the 1 billion + population. especially the polio vaccine and hepatysis. It pays a major percent of the vaccine and makes then available to public. Not only that, it also does excessive advertising and mass media publishing ( which costs a lot ) so that even the illeterates are aware of them.It does not only end here, the vaccines are adminstratored by officials who go door by door and inspect. Ok, also there are government assigned doctors who do free treatment. Not only the treatment, but the medicines are also free. I dont think, medicines from Glaxo, Cipla etc are free. Naturally its the government which is paying for all that. I dont know how the government here even manages it, but it is cool.Students who are studying Medical science are encouraged to go to remote parts of India and treat people. The medications are again provided by the government.
  22. Please read the following post which will give you more idea about the Hosting credit system. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This page will try to explain why we did it. Some advantages and disadvantages. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6186-new-posting-rules-opinion/ -OpaQue
  23. I plan to keep it purposely on the main forum page because :-I dont know how to make it appear on every page I am still learning these coding stuff. And it was hard to learn how the database system functions (inbuild to invision) work.Putting that alert on all the pages might frustrate the members.
  24. You guys may feel this new posting system a bit tough because most of the people ( more than 70% ) used to be inactive. But the people who are sincerely active will really benefit a lot. As for your Question regarding Activity. Your activity is only counted when you post.
  25. Hi, This poll will really help to know the views of the members regarding this new system. I dont really now how members will respond to it. But, I feel that this system will definately help to cut down on SPAM.I feel proud about my forums and my admins, mods.. I go and check my competitors site which show large number of Signed up members 5000+ members, and thousands of posts. But i still pity them bout thier community and the amount of Spam they have. When I introduce people to my website, the first reaction I get is, you got one big bunch of quality members there. How did you manage to get them ?Anyway, I would sincerely respect your views and opinions about this system.Regards,OpaQue
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