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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. The error is caused when the server is experiencing a lot of load. These errors are automatically tracked and reported to server engineers every 15 minutes.Your site should be operational now. Please check it.
  2. With all those wonderful posts at the Howtos and Tutorial Section, I and NilsC have decided to break that forum into seperate Sub-forums which will allow us to better categorise the forums. And they are viewed by as many people as it can attract. Many tutorials are fading out because of the new ones which posted. Categorising will help it to stay longer on the charts. Also, once this is done, We are planning to create a seperate HTML page which will be linking directly to these topics and posts.We are still working on it and we would definately like to hear your thoughts and ideas regarding it.Regards,OpaQue
  3. May be its the ASTA Power or ASTA Aura .. that your Machine cannot handle.. It happens because there are too many Great men at this site and your PC just cant handle it.. Kidding.I dont think there is any reason for that. We do not have any heavy Flash files at the forums.. And there are no special mods. the Ads are all loaded in I-Frames so I dont think they should slow up. anyway, let us know if you find it out.-OpaQue
  4. Please contribute your 728x90 size banner here. Post it and if possible PM me, I may not be able to check this category frequently.
  5. Dont Worry QUOTES are not counted at all. This feature was added right from the day when I created the script.
  6. Dont Assume that people you are asking already know about it. When you are requesting some information, Please try to give details about it. (how much ever small, but it will still help ). Here, I am pasting a small intro for what JHOTDRAW is exactly.
  7. Hey, I was actually replying to this topic and giving out additional tips. But I got so involved in typing those things and the Reply had gone beyond this topic. So I created a new Topic for it. Here it is, you might wanna read it. Tips For Slim Health And Long Life
  8. When you want to cough up the extra weight you got, Most of the people make big plans and schedules for exersise. This guide wont tell you how to do it, but it rather focuses on what you must NOT do. Never skip Warm ups. If you skip this, you will not be in a condition to continue your exersise the next day. Also, Here are some tips regarding Cardio exersises. If you want to burn Fat, then people suggest Cardio Exersises. You may have wondered why ? The fact is, when you exersise, for about 20 mins ( usually till you start sweating and stinking ) you are using up your primary energy resource. After this phase, the body shifts to the stored reserves for more energy. This is when you are actually burning fat. So, Only the exersise after these 20 minutes count. So better exersise as much as you can till you cry. and once you are done with it, dont stop and watch TV. Instead, after your exersise session, always stretch your body and do some light exersise. So that, the body comes back to the normal condition and the blood circulation becomes normal again. This is also very important step. Never miss it. And before you really take some huge decisions in your life regarding rigourous workouts and exersise, consult a doctor. He really has more brains and can definately guide you better. Also, never ever go on DIETING. Here is the reason, When you go on dieting, you limit the food intake. The body is a wonderful peice of machine. It is more clever than you think. In your dieting phase, it starts extracting more nutrients than usual. So when you are dieting, the extraction process is on a full scale. Why do you think the stray dogs are so healthy as you puppy. Becuase even though they eat less, they extract more. Back to the point, Dieting will also make you pale and dull.. So, now you are looking miserable and you finally decide to quit. You have lost 5 pounds and you are quiet proud of it. You go to stores and get some pastries and cakes.. But your body does not know that you have stopped your dieting routine. And this time, it works uses the ADVANCED extraction process that it had learn't at the time of dieting on this junk food too. So what do you think the result is ? You gain weight at much faster rate than you lost it. Keep the following things balanced and everything will go fine :- 1> Sleep 2> Food ( Balanced - Avoid Non-veg and junk .. ya .ya. you heard this from thousands of other people too.. now you know, we are not stupid to tell you the same thing again and again.. ) 3> Exersise ( Moderate ) Anyone who thinks can do meditation can really benefit a lot from it. Meditation can really help you in achieving your goals. It keeps your mind focussed and pin points your goals. It is the best Stress reliever. Also, if you don't believe in God, I suggest you start believing today. Not because you want to cast miracles but you will help yourself live longer and better. Now, your thinking I have gone crazy. NO, not until I read this in newspapers and searched the net to show you guys.. Here is an article. Most of my above points are all scattered but I felt you must know these things. - OpaQue
  9. // Added Aliases just to avoid those big lengthy names $sql="SELECT count(*)FROM participantes AS a, sancionados AS bWHERE a.No_Ficha = '$no_ficha'OR b.No_Ficha='$no_ficha';";$sql_result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) || die(mysql_error());Check the Following, The Column names are Case-sensitive and they are properly written. If the things still dont work, Would you please put down the error statement reported by the "mysql_error()" function. -OpaQue
  10. I got windows firewall and mcaffee virus scan running 24/7.And I dont think , my linux has anything to do with this, because I got this error in windoze
  11. Once your Account gets suspended, you will have to make alteast 3 credits after which your account will be re-activated automatically.
  12. When you click submit, The script that I ve made does some of the following.1> It checks your posts.2> Then it checks your hosting credits.3> There is a lengthy procedure for validating the name. 4> It determines if you are using a .com domain or an Xisto.com sub-domain.5> It validates your username which can be a max of 8 characters.6> If all the above it succesful, It verfies your forum username and password and checks for permissions.7> If you have the permission to create account, it will reset the permission.8> Reset your hosting credits.9> Generate the information which it needs to create your hosting acccount.10> Contacts the server and checks if the username is in use or not.11> If the username is valid, then it forwards the entire information to server and waits for it to process at the server.12> The creation is the most lengthy procedure and takes a hell lot of time. Sometimes even more than 15 minutes.13> If your account is setup successfully, the returned information is validated and Once it is confirmed that everything is fine, You are given the details of your new hosting account.14> The Apache server is also re-started so that your account is active instantly.If in-between all the above procedures, you get pissed and HIT the stop button, you screw up the entire procedure and it calls for a call back. then it again gives you back your credits and the token. If something is really wrong in your case, Please PM me your forum username, password and the Required domain/sub-domain you want. I will do it for you.
  13. Your hosting token is still valid and hasent expired. You should be able to give it another try.Dont Worry, When the load is too much, the server does not give much priority to this process. The ports used for creating the accounts do not have much BW and priority to them. Most of it is assigned to Port 80 ( http) and mail ports. I hope you know the reason ( Faster performance ).
  14. Severph, Thanks for the help! The news ones are really cool and professional.As for Mario, the animated one is nice. I liked it, just the price could have been changed to $9.95/Year. If you dont mind.. :DEDIT :And BTW, I have put your banners in Rotation. If you are from US, it may take some time for the banner to appear. They are capped and targetted. :-)
  15. First I dont want this topic to invite spam. Second, People answering this thread, please be broad minded and don't make childish comments. Okay, I am putting my reply. Forget that I m the administrator and in no way I want to blame anyone or express hatred. It is just my views. Also, the thoughts below, does not include people who are gay because of hormonal imbalances. I feel Gay people are Shy guys who cannot face girls and they dont have guts to face them. The most wierd thing I feel is Gay marriages. At some time, I feel pity on the human race and the amount of things man has been doing against nature. Ever seen any other species behave in this way. Obviously the answer is no. Nature has made man and women to be together. Sex is a part of life, Homosex is not.
  16. This is one of the most wonderful things ever posted on the board.. So simple.. and so true.
  17. Issue resolved.topic closed!
  18. It means,I got 100 candies,I believe in,Giving one candy to 100 kids and make them all happy THAN100 candies to one kid to make him super happy.
  19. This is what I got when I tried to search Google Today... Has anyone experienced this error message before.
  20. We belive in giving LITTLE to MANY than MANY to LITTLE.I hope the above phrase makes sence to you.. and I just made it..
  21. For domain names, I suggest that you always PING the site and check the IP before putting up a complaint. Most of the domains, it is the DNS which needs correction.
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