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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. I have edited the title. The meta tag information will not help you to get indexed faster .. however, it will can improve your ranking. META TAGS ARE OPTIONAL. For Example, Consider this page's (yes this very page you are reading) listing in Search Engine. In the absense of Description tag, it could have been listed in the following way :- Meta Tag Information (Web Page Title) The simplest thing to do is make sure you do Meta tags.another thing is to ad full alt names to your images...robots like those..dont use the same name over and over ........ AT THE SAME TIME, SUPPOSE YOU HAD SET THE DESCRIPTION TAG (META) it could have been listed in the following way :- Meta Tag Information (Web Page Title) This tutorial gives you a quick information about META TAGS and how they can help you to improve your search engine ranking. Similarly, KEYWORD (meta tag) helps in setting specific keywords for your web page. But due to excessive abuse, many search engines ignore this Meta Tag information. So even if you do use META tags they will not prove to be of much help. Search Engines are getting smarter day by day -OpaQue
  2. Hmm.. Good Point. When Internet access was available in my area (YEARS AGO) it was very much damn expensive.. I did this for my emails, I connected checked the mails... Disconneced... I opened NotePAD, Typed my replies.. Connected Again.. *COPY* - *PASTE* ... Bingo! Sent emails without wasting a dollar! My point is, You must be knowing something in web designing because of which you are using our service. Use you knowledge and experience and create a Tutorial, Post etc. Login to forums, Check out the latest topcis.. DISCONNECT, Type all those replies in notepad .. Connect and post. You can easily collect hosting woth 2-3 months in this fashion. I am not even forcing anyone to go for paid hosting. I expect my members to be humans and show some level of courtesy and respect to the company who is giving them for free.. You never ASK money to your GF when you give her a gift. Nor she ever forces you to give u a gift. Its just want to give something back in return... I hope you understand. Anyway, We havent forced any member to link back to us. Nor made this rule mandatory. We can automatically put a link back to Xisto on all the websites. We dont do it. So Dont argue over this !! How about you post more sincerely for one month prior to going out for a vaccation. And you people talk as if you are expected to post 1000 characters for 1 credit. As for as sandymc, your Questions have been beautifully answered by No9t9 and Dooga.. And other members, I thank you for your vote of support.
  3. In order to hack INVISION BOARD, Unlike the other people here, I think the hacker has simply used SQL INJECTIONS.If one searches for underground sites, it is quite easy to find underground hacks for these popular boards. The SQL Injection is enough to clear all the data and files. Because hacking a server is not easy. Because servers have a hell lot of protections. Consider my own server, IRC has been blocked, there are various ports which have been blocked. There is an option for DDOS attact protection which has been enabled etc.. All these things make it quite difficult for anyone to hack a server. The only easy way to get in is, SQL Injection. Which is what I think this person has done. In most of the cases, The Admin password is used to sneak in. Your friend must have made him a MOD or ADMIN and then he or someone else may have given him the access. I suggest him to Chose Admins wisely. The same had happended at Xisto. One of my admins ( x3rox) had accidently kept the admin CP open while his friend managed to mask his username with ADMIN access. He started abusing our board and luckily we found out. Anyway, these are just a few things which come into my mind regarding hacking of a board. If your friends site is not a major one then I am definately sure that the hacking was actually done by abusing the forum system.
  4. Your PASSWORD has been changed and you have been PMed the new PASSWORD.
  5. I think it is because of the RicH media ADs.. And since it is a flash one.. Its going to be difficult for me to detect which of the ad providers is serving those type of ads.
  6. About a week for your site to get included.And a month to get it indexed.If you site is linked by any other site, it can get indexed faster.
  7. Any Request at the REQUEST HOSTING forum will take away credits from you.
  8. did u login once..you definately forgot the pass or changed it.
  9. The accounts we give are not for RESALE. We give so that you can use for your own purpose.I really support your idea and the nice design you have made. But Consider these points :-Advantages :-1> Your site gets more popularity ( and I am happy for it ).2> It will be a free advertising for Xisto.Disadvantages :-1> If any of the user spams, your account will be closed and you lose everything and also the trust of your members.2> The BW is checked only once per day and you will never come to know that you have used up your BW.3> The resources of Xisto are being used without recieving appropriate contributions from the members.4> Making more sub-domains and putting it to use altogether puts considerable load on the servers.5> We might not be able to expand this service without getting proper response.Anyway, I will permit you to do this ( If you had done this without my knowledge) I would had terminated your account straight away. But I appreciate your honesty and you are free to run that service. However, you will have to take the complete responsibility of your account resources.NOTE : You are permitted to give only sub- Sub-domains of Xisto like,YOUR-CLIENT.you.trap17.comIf you give service using any other DNS service, we will not support it.-OpaQue
  10. With very talented members here, getting reputation is even harder. As said, this site is diffrent from Xisto.
  11. Even I use the same thing.. It is really powerful scanner. I downloaded it from Download.com. It had the most number of positive reviews and ratings. and Welcome to Xisto kaputnik!
  12. Just after reading your awesome tutorial, I decided to check out your site. Nice art there.. Anyway, Your index page does not have a valid title. IT is not recommended and will affect your search engine ranking adversely.
  13. Your Web Hosting account should not take more than an hour to come back online once you have collected enough credits to unsuspend your account.
  15. Ok, CooL Down! Dont worry.. Reupload the files and check out everything.. IF things are still not working, Ask for RESETTING your account (which is a very big headache for ME! ). It will cost you 20 Credits. Sorry for the credits thing, I got to impose this rules else ther are many people who will abuse this service.
  16. Hey, you got any suggestions for my forum pages. I have the following variables in hand, so that I can include them in every forum page dynamically using PHP, inside meta tags. 1> Title 2> Description (which is usually empty) I had developed a program which did this to my forums :- 1> Seperated all the words and loaded them into array. 2> Filtered out the ones like "and, for, the, as ... " 3> removed special characters and stuff like that. 4> Finally calculated the Word density of each words. ( Suppose Word computer is repeated many times, then it would be given highest rank ) 5> Then That generated list was sorted in decending order (density) and the top 20 keywords were included in the meta tags. DISADVANTAGES : [+] It put a lot of load on the server as the entire page was to be scanned serveral times for each word. [+] For some pages, many useless words got included which did not have any relevance. Suppose a page which gives information about tea, words like hot, drink, like, morning etc were ranking more than others. Got any other solutions ?
  17. The eyebrows might look better if you make it more curve and smooth. The smiley Ads can give you a good idea for a cute face.
  18. IT was suspended possibly because you are short of hosting credits. Collect hosting credits by posting atthe forum and After you have more than 3 credits you account will be reactivated automatically.. Your files are safe on the server.
  19. I acutally REMOVE the related HOSTING CREDITS due to the Double posting. But since I dont see you posting for credits.. I m letting you keep it as a BONUS.. or consider it a gift.:PClosing Topic.
  20. I use webmaster@Xisto.com_NOSPAM format for logging in. You can use + or @. Anything is fine with the server :PI am closing this topic as the topic issue stands resolved.
  21. Issue resolved. Topic Closed.
  22. Hosting Credits are checked at the time of Signup and Upgrade. If the Hosting credits are sufficient, they are reduced and the account is created/upgraded. Besides that, they also play a role in inactivity limit. Well, the no. of posts is not of much significance after the installation of this new HOSTING CREDITS system.I hope your Questions are cleared. I am closing this Topic.
  23. Our Techs work 24/7 for finding such vulnerabilites. Dont worry, Your data is now our responsibility. We try our best to keep it safe. All precautions regarding the Awstat have already been taken.
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