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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Animals : Carnivores dont have the brains to make decisions. They are made so that they can kill. ITs their destiny. They have been programmed from birth that, what moves can be killed and Eaten! Humans : We can make our decision. You have been given the power to think as a Gift. YOU HAVE 2 OPTIONS BEFORE EATING BEAF! 1> Either Dont eat it and let the cow live! 2> Kill n EAT! WHY I FEEL IT IS CRUEL As Shackman pointed out, Those facts are true. A Cow's throat is simply Slit and it is bled to death so that its meat remains tender! Seriously, it is shocking to see HUMANS doing this! Also, I read this following phrase some where on the net and I took it quite seriously.. It did seem to have a point in it! The above phrase is quite practical. WHAT I BELIEVE ? If you can't give life! You dont have any right to take one! HERE ARE SOME FACTS ABOUT VEGETARIANS and ADVATAGES OF BEING A VEGETARIAN ( Source : andrews.edu ) I copied the contents because I knew many would simply ignore the links :-) BEAT THESE FACTS ( FOR THOSE WHO ARGUED THAT BY BEING NON-VEG THEY ARE HELPING THE ENVOIRNMENT ) ANOTHER PRACTICAL FACT : SEARCHING "Non-vegetarian advantages" gives 10,000 results while Searching "Vegetarian Advantages" gives 216000 results. "I dont want the non-veg's to convert to Veg diet after reading this, but I request to stop giving stupid explanations for why you are non-veg, rather than simply accepting the fact that science has proved that staying vegetarian is healthier! And if you switch to a veg. diet, you will be helping the nature! -Just Accept the fact." FACT : Bill Gates is Vegetarian! Another True FAct : I AM A VEGETARIAN TOO No doubt, I supported Vegetarians so much in this post. Its not that I was forced to be a vegetarian. But I switced when I saw the slaughtering with my own eyes. I still eat eggs. So, I am not a complete vegetarian, but more of an Eggitarian. But I support them and Accept the fact!
  2. Nice Explaining with those images, Keep it up!
  3. Pretty nice. Also you can simply run this code <? phpinfo(); ?> and get the output regarding the total no. of available envoirnment variables which are available for you to use. Use those values inside $_SERVER['VARIABLE-NAME-HERE'] and impress your clients
  4. PRANAYAM is a special type of breathing exersises which when done properly only for few minutes a day with a proper diet can do wonders in your life. I can say more on this stuff, but you wont believe me.. :)You might have heard about Yoga, Well Pranayam is the boss of yoga you can say..
  5. When You COPY STUFF from other Sources, [ QUOTE ] IT!
  6. OpaQue

    Funney Movies

  7. Nice point. I had thought about it. But then, Since all the plans have been set and there are already more than 50 clients, I dont know If I should reduce the lower plans. Also, There are hundreds of other companies who are giving the same amount of features (unlimited) for low prices. Some are even lower than mine. Anyway, I will think about this.As for the language, Can you please PM me any particular corrections.
  8. Yes. 1 Credit -> 1 dayYou collect 356 credits and Go out for a holiday for a Year! Your account will be safe till then.REMEMBER : You lose credits when a MODERATOR deletes your posts if he finds you have spammed. Not only you lose the credits you got from that particular post, but you lose Extra as penalty. So think 100 times before you are spamming or copying stuff from other sites. You will propably get caught easily. We have caught thousands of posts which had been copied and they have lost so many credits. Some members who had posted copied tutorials lost more than 30 - 40 credits. The more you copy the more you lose. So NEVER Spam! You contribute genuine information. Even NOW, For this very post, I am sure I will earn atleast 2-3 credits. It hardly took some seconds and if you had been in my place, you could have enjoyed 3 days of holiday ;)One more Secret, If you stay regular and post little everyday. you will get the maximum amount of credits PER post. If you try to collect more and more credits, it will simply increase your load and also affect the credits you get per post.
  9. Never Played Socom III .. The images of Socom 3 are really cool.Have they released Socom 3 for PC ?
  10. BANNED! Have a nice time with your luns!
  11. Sorry for being Rash.. but its simply that when people make LARGE ATTRACTIVE FORUM TOPICS saying that Xisto SERVICE NOT WORKING.. IT affects the thousands others who are Guests and visiting this site for the first time.. Very few bother to read your message and my reply. The rest assume that Xisto's service is bad.. I hope you understand.
  12. Working perfectly at my place.. This is what I sawwhen I checked your site...
  13. Ensure that your site is pointed to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COMIf the propagation is successful, after pinging your site, you should get the IP associated with your account.If it is pointed and others can access the site but you cannot, then there are dns issues with your isp. Please contact your ISP.Sincerely,OpaQue
  14. Firstly STOP SPAMMING my PM BOX!Second, we assume that you have basic knowledge and even if you dont, we assume that you will collect some information from other sources.You are supposed to Upload your files in WWW directory OR PUBLIC_HTML Directory.The default placeholder has to be deleted.Secondly! STOP BLAMING OUR SERVICE! WE ARE FREE SERVICE PROVIDERS AND GOT MORE THAN 3000 ACTIVE ACCOUNTS ON OUR NETWORK!!! YES, Xisto is just one small PART! So think before you post anything regarding our service.If you dont know such basic things, you simply wont even need any of the advanced facilities that we provide!
  16. I think you will soon be in my list of Special members at Asta along with MC, M^E and NiLsC..
  17. The free hosting font and text is fine.. But I think you will have to make it more professional.. Thanks for your help :-)
  18. Thank You so much for your vote of support and Confidence..
  19. RVSKIN gives you more details and also tells you about remaining BW and there are many many more things.. Dude, when its paid.. its the best! ( except linux )
  20. For people who place php programs in seperate folders, I ASSUME YOU PLACE THE FILE IN A FOLDER CALLED PHP in ROOT i.e. public_html/php Also create a file called crawlhistory.txt and chmod it 777 and place in same folder (above). SAVE THE FOLLOWING CODE IN A FILE SAY : detect.inc.php Assuming that the above submitted code works, I have just integrated one more peice of code with it. <?php if(eregi("googlebot",$HTTP_USER_AGENT)){ if ($QUERY_STRING != "") { $url = "http://".$SERVER_NAME.$PHP_SELF.'?'.$QUERY_STRING; } else { $url = "http://".$SERVER_NAME.$PHP_SELF;} $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); $message = "Googlebot detected on http://$SERVER_NAME - $today - Google crawled $url.\n");}if(isset($message)){$filename = 'crawlhistory.txt'; if (is_writable($filename)){ if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) { print "Cannot open file ($filename)"; exit; } if (!fwrite($handle, $message)) { print "Cannot write to file ($filename)"; exit; } fclose($handle); } else{ print "The file $filename is not writable"; }} ?> Now, FOR any page you want to detect if Google indexed your pages, simply insert the following code. <?require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/php/detect.inc.php"?> To view the output, you can simply go to http://ww38.yoursite.com/php/crawlhistory.txt :: ADVANTAGES :: You can use this CODE in Dynamic Pages also like Forums, CMS where the no. of pages are very high. In such cases, email alerts can flood your mail box like hell. This is much controlled way. You can simply download the TXT file periodically and keep a record too. This is the system I used to determine google cycles. ( to get an idea about the frequency of visits ) :-)
  21. <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Pay Per Impression and Pay Per <- snipped -> networks</span> <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Facts / Guide about CPC, CPM, CPA, CPL Advertising networks & Ads</span> Frankly, You might all be very very shocked to READ this FACT! I serve 70,000 AD Impressions per day and Yesterday I made only $2.82 by showing 28,563 AD impressions from one network (Pay per Impression or CPM ad network) called Rightmedia. ( I will tell you about this network later ) I really dont know what the hell is wrong with the AD companies (whether CPM or CPC) and why I am not able to make any good money.. Anyway, I have stopped bothering about individual ad companies. The problem is the Forums. When same persons keep on visiting a site, they soon view all the ads which can be offered by a company. Soon, The company runs out of ads to show to a particular user and hence, further AD impressions are wasted (this is what I think ) Cost per <- snipped -> are good for sites with many unique visitors but not for Forums where same people keep on visiting. Also, members seem to get immune to ads and their eyes automatically learn to ignore them. Especially TEXT PAY PER <- snipped -> So I stick with Pay Per Impression ADs which are usually bright to attract attention and also give out some better results than compared to Pay Per Click. Since I have more number of repeating visitors, I now use 10 + diffrent ad networks and run them off an adserver so that a visitor is able to see maximum no. of diffrent ads. I NEVER used to respect the advertisers money before.. I used to ask members to <- snipped -> .. etc.. but Now I very much respect their money and try to be as faithful as possible. Hence, I have stopped worrying about high paying ads and I think about showing as many diffrent ads as possible. So that the same ads are not being repeated (even though they may be highly paid). The next reason is, I got lots of international traffic. Everyday, I get visitors from ATLEAST 75 countries. Of which, only US, UK and CANADA are commercially important. ( No offence to people from outside US/UK/CANADA :-P ) Anyway, International traffic simply does not have much of any commerical importance and many few advertising networks seem to support it. If you got a high performing forum, Dont go for pay-per- <- snipped -> (except google and adsonar). Also befware of IMPRESSIONS policy. There are two types in it. One is RAW and the other is based on UNIQUE CAP. RAW : The name explains it. All the impressions are counted. UNIQUE CAP : Only Unique members (IP) are counted that too, Once every X amount of time. Where X is the decided time (usually it is 24 hour ) The Following are the AD-Companies I have used. I have tried my best to provide max. details. I will keep updating this list.. Check back Later ;-)}}
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