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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Hmm.. Use CuteFTP. The server might be facing heavy load at that time. Try it again later.
  2. I think the banner is too big and there is lot of empty space..
  3. Google search is good. the only plus point I see about them.But, Did anyone know that Yahoo is such a VAST and ENORMOUS site that there is a big fat book which teaches you how to get the most out of Yahoo. I think it is those SAMs books.
  4. Some mod must have deleted your posts. Hosting credits are not calculated by humans to go inacurate. :-P
  5. Sorry, You got the suspended mail by mistake. It was a bug. I just corrected my script. Thanks for pointing it out.
  6. The problem is I m Lazy when it comes to beautify the things. The skins have few problems. 1 : The Ad thing which I have coded myself ( ads between posts ) might not work properly.2: The upper logo of all skins is diffrent. so we will have to make a matching one with some similar color combinations.3: The Ad color and Background might again need to be changed.4: The mods will have to be rebuild. Most of them have some certain files which depend on the skin. :-S.These are the things I could just figure out directly.. There can be many more
  7. Cpanel interface has many bugs. They keep fixing and release patches. Which are updated periodically. We had a few complaints regarding it but we have fixed them. The Cpanel interface is much faster now.
  8. yup! The title is Catchy.. That is why I havent changed it yet. I usually change the titles of all the posts which I find to be inappropriate.
  9. After soo many optimizations. Its impossible for me to switch :-( But I agree, VB is better than Invision.
  10. Completely agree to Wyllt, I am very much against voilence. But I will not miss any opportunity to kill such cruel creatureS! They must be sentenced to the most painful death possible.I still can't belive these things happen! Raping a mature women shows signs of lust .. but this act is simply cruel. These ******** are dangerous than Serial killers.Also, The parents of the child should have taken proper precautions. A metal frame / Grill across the window is quite affordable. That is what I have on my flat. All windows are grilled. Even the balcony!
  11. OpaQue

    New Here

    Welcome to Xisto, Kurt. Surely, Our forums have earned the reputation of being diffrent than the others. We try our best to make your experience better. I hope you will help us with our mission and enjoy your time.Have a nice day :-)
  12. Ok, No doubt google rules for many. But when it comes to company, Reputation and Quality, I like Yahoo.There is one fact that is pointed on that large Quote, that is, Yahoo has its papers clean. The very worst fact of Google is, it hides. Nothing is open! They are not even confident it seems. Here are some examples.Gmail : Still in Beta! Why do they want it beta.. Its been such a long time. People say its 1 GB Email. haha.. My mail box shows I got more than 2000mb that is 2GB. Am I supposed to be glad about this, Or should I worry cause it might be a bug and tomorrow my mail size can be 2 mb! One more thing, 1 GB space is not possible in reality. Hotmail has such huge cash with it, that it can build a network of super computers to give members more than that. Why do you think these guys are giving 2 mb. Yahoo can also give 1 GB (which they claimed), but It is not doing it. Think! , there must be some reason. 1 Million accounts x 1 GB sounds to be a Joke. Who is professional now ? One thing I admire about Google is the speed. Ya, with a very simple interface with no images, Everything will be fast. Yahoo, Just needs to start a LOFI version of their mail like I do for my forums and provide POP access. That will overpower it. That is all about the mail.Lets consider the next thing. GoogLe Ads! Believe it or not, I have lost more than 8 accounts to Google. The disabled each one of it. For 4-5 accounts they told me that since I was already disabled, I cannot signup again. That sounds to be a good reason.Well, What about the others. When I was suspended, I did not get any reason, Any record, any evidence on the grounds of I am disabled. They just said, they detected fradulent clicks. Sure they did, As some members or competitors must have done it. But I dont think this was a case then. I used ClickLoggers and complete records of all the Clicks, IPs, Ads which were clicked.. etc. None of them showed any fradulent activity. And for the third account, The story is still worse. I finally detected a member spamming my ads. I reported it to google and the next day, for my honesty, I am awarded with a suspended account! The reason I hate them is not because they suspended me, but because I was not given any proofs or specific evidence of Spammed ads. All I have to do is belive them blindly.Search the web for Google sucks or Google Adsense sucks, You will be shocked to see the countless numbers of suspended advertiser to whom no reason is given.Also, I advertise on Google Adwords. Its interesting to see that support Queries for ADwords are answered so quickly while those related to Adsense still remain un-answered. And If you are also a victim or have any questions, Never try to call them. They will keep you on a long long HOLD. This is what their Company is.Now there is still more. Google Lauches Google GULP. Which is also in BETA! LoL, Read the explanations they give about it. And don't forget to see the language they have used. They make a drink and have not revealed exactly what it is. Well, I think the consumers have every right to know what they are putting in their body. Common, things were diffrent when it was something related to Software.. Now, its related to your health. On top of that, They agree that, their drink literally affects your body and your thinking. More or less like mutation.. Someone clearly pointed out, Why Google Search isin't beta!
  13. Fantastico Installation on servers is not free. Fantastico is a software that allows to install scripts on client accounts with few clicks. However, Fantastico has nothing to do with the scripts that it installs.
  14. This is to warn you about your post. You are supposed to put the CODEs in [ CODE ] tag. I have reduced 5 Hosting credits from your account. If I had considered your complete post as spam, you could have lost more. Consider this as a friendly warning.
  15. Sorry about those numerous Account Suspend messages. It is obvious that many members will fear it. But trust me, The hosting credits system is really Generous when it comes to giving hosting credits. If you come up alternate days and spend just 5 mins or even less than it.. you will able to collect a lot of credits. But however, If you sit and try collecting in BULK, It will be difficult.Ok, as for the many new topics regarding account suspended. It is because of 2 reasons.1> After the hosting credits system was online, there were many members who were inactive. And those accounts were suspended. This is the main reason why this system was developed so that we can provide hosting to only those people who actually contribute something to this community.2> The second reason is the server shift. The hosting credits validator runs every 1 hour. It does the main job of checking the accounts. Now, recently we had a server shift. The problem occured when we realised that the data on the old server was not deleted and the CRONs were still active over there. Because of this, the hosting credits of members were getting expired in the old records and they were getting suspended. However, the new records at this present server were safe and did not reflect any suspension. And that was also the main reason for members recieving false emails regarding Account Suspension. I am very much sorry for this ... but mistakes do happen. Since, all the scripts are being developed from scratch (by me), there is still testing to be done. And bugs are fixed as we encounter them.Also, I request members whose accounts have been suspended and know that they have sufficient credits to directly contact me by PM and not make new topics. Making such topics simply give us bad reputation. Also, being professional in our work, we don't belive in deleting those topics or posts but try to solve them openly and keep the matter transparent.Sincerely,OpaQueOwner/AdministratorXisto : Free Web Hosting CompanyXisto Corporation
  16. OpaQue

    Help Needed

    Thanks for the reply Galahad.. :-)John, Please make the topic names more resonable. They should describe the contents of your post. It helps us to rank at search Engines.
  17. ok.. thanks will be fixing it.That problem is there only for firefox users. Site works perfectly in IE.
  18. A happy life is living in Peace. (which is very much impossible)
  19. I recommend you to search the forums before making a topic.
  20. Whatever drugs/medicines/pills you take... It will always be harmful. Suggestion 1:I would recommend Homeopathy treatment and Ayurvedic treatment if you want to get fine by eating or consuming something.Suggestion 2:Else, there are better alternatives like meditation, mind control exersises, Accupressure and Accupuncture Therepies. These things help you out without taking any pills.And using suggestion 1 and suggestion 2 simultaneously will give out better and faster results.Personally, I hate pills.. I say no even too those cough syrups. Scientifically it has been proved that there is no effective medicine for treatment of cough.. And most of the times, its just your mind which reacts to those pills.
  21. Competition is beneficial for both Producers/Sellers and Consumers. And that is always going to be there.
  22. I edited ur topic title. ( spelling mistakes )
  23. If you are putting our ads and get around 2K+ ad views then we give you around 5-10 GB extra BW.. And if request about 100 to 200 mb more space..There are some sites who put our ads and give us 25K to 35K impressions daily and we are providing them with 100 GB BW and 1 GB space.. It depends on your site. the more you give, the more you get. But we cannot allow you to provide 100 mb media file downloads just for the sake of couple of page views. Think logical.
  24. *ISSUE RESOLVED = Talked to member on Chat Client and fixed up the hosting issue.*
  25. No problem.. I have terminated your hosting account on your request and I wish you luck for your new host.Astahost is a young company and we are trying to improve day-by-day. As far as the boards are concerned, I think we rock! Our admins and mods are one of the best and are dedicated in their work. We don't have manual installation like others and the system is automated. So as far as reliability is concerned, I think we are better than any other post to host company..However, the choice is yours. Thank You for being with us and sharing your time with our community. If you ever feel to come back, you are always welcome. :-)-OpaQue
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