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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Our records show that you have not yet created your hosting account. I think you entered a false mail address while registering at the forums. Hence you are having this problem.
  2. I have read all these. What I hate is, competitors post and give themselves fake reviews. If you really observe the high rated competitors and see the review TIMINGs, you will notice that they get reviews in bunches.. Like most of the reviews are posted at a particular hour of the day. That clearly indicates that it has been spammed.The next thing is about the BAD reviews. Those false reviews are really disturbing and spreading a bad word about us. It was only because of that I used to request members to put a logo or text on their site saying Hosted by Xisto. Even though these rules can be enforced, I don't want to do it. One more thing, Xisto has more than 10,000 members.. But the no. is stuck at 2xxx because we prun members with 0 posts. Unlike others, we dont like to show off. We show what we have.
  3. I can do this.. But I think I will rather do it manually than creating an automated script for doing this. There is lot of scope for spamming here. But the idea is really good. A member leaving for a long vaccation can ask someone else to donate some credits to him so that he/she can have hosting account active. But I am thinking of a commision like system where 5 credits would be reduced in the total transaction and only transactions over 30 credits should be allowed or something.. So that I am not spammed with requests
  4. I have started a bit of overselling on Xisto because I see most of the BW is being wasted. But I cannot do that on paid hosting at any cost. It will really hurt the clients if anything goes wrong.As for the other companies, I dont care about them. Just look at some companies who provide 5 GB space and 50 GB BW for $4.95 per month! I mean..WTH! Do you think this is even possible ?? Consider their servers to have 80 GB HDD. That means.. on one server they can afford to fit only 16 clients! i.e. making about $80 per month. The servers costs around $2-3K.If you search further, you will also get some hosts charging $4.95 for just 15 to 20 mb. These packages are ment for corporate sites where they cant afford even a minute's downtime. The fact is, Quality never comes cheap
  5. I generally dont fiddle with that. The Server techs have much more better knowledge and i think they take proper care for most of the issues. Like, cpanel ver. has been upgraded to 10 and PHP to 4.3.10. If they find it right, they will do it on their own
  6. The thing is Member post a huge news paper article and then get credits. After that, they simply edit it and make a normal 2 line post. So they get the credits and escape.
  7. Done :-)You are always welcome to apply for hosting again :-)
  8. I would suggest members to view sites like hostreview.com and hostsearch.comYou will get a better idea about the banners. These banners are good.. no doubt.. but dont give a professional feeling.
  9. No, We cant. We are trying to help and not to serve.. Please understand.Giving you extra BW means.. I am cutting down on the resources I have. I can use the same to give hosting to more people.
  10. Yeah.. I was about to hit the REPLY button and slap the answer that you are already hosted.. good that you figured out yourself :-D Yeah! timeouts do happen becuase once your account is created, The HTTP service is restarted.. And ther are hundreds of other stuff that has to be done.. Its only because of that, your account is online instantly
  11. Yup, Our forums are not limited to members who ask for hosting. Its Free for all :-)I will be happy if you go there and post there too.. :-)
  12. Go to http://forums.xisto.com/index.php and see if you have more than 30 credits. Thats the amount required for upgrading the package. We assume that you have these no. of credits at the time of upgrading.
  13. Well, since you have no problems getting your account suspended, I dont think there is actually any problem. The credits system is a private stuff and no one except you can see your credits. So even if you have negative credits, no one is going to know it. Your reputation remains the same. :-)
  14. Hosting credits are reduced every minute... its just like a Countdown timer.. So suppose you are contributing and come back in 4-5 hours, you will see a diffrence. This answer is for those people, who had queries about small diffrences which occur in the system.As for the people who lost credits in huge amount. Well, definately some of your post was deleted by one of our mods. Else there is no way one can lose credits.As for the gaining of credits is concerned, I would like to say, If your post count increases in a particular forum, then your hosting will increase too. There is no way, one can get bonus credits without doing anything :-)
  15. Congratulations! I long to see a pic of Junior :-)Ohh.. Babies are soo cute!
  16. I dont use that script now..The main reason is.. it puts a lot of load on the server.Removing words below 4 characters is a good idea.Comparing results with dictionary is not a good idea..puts load again :-(Also, many a times, the word which is repeated is not necessarily topic relevant. I now use The topic titles as "Page titles" for and also as Headings. This title is again repeated on the page to improve keyword density
  18. I edited your POST "topic". Please have some information about your post in your title and description. They are really important.As for your signiture, it is really good :-)
  19. Yeh.. Any suggestion to improve this forums are always welcome. That way, We can assure that you don't feel that you are forced to be here. Feel free to drop in a PM :-)
  20. milk.trap17.com milk Xisto Sun Mar 20 21:32:14 2005 spamThThere is your account status.. I fetched from the server. Your account has been banned by Server TECHS for Spamming.See, your are not supposed to give your account to anyone. And when I say to other people that the server lags are due to faulty scripts, many think that I am joking and giving false reasons for the downtimes.Since, I use Managed servers, Accounts disabled like these are out of my power.. I cannot re-instate them back. At the most I can do is REMOTE transfer your files to other FTP account. I wont be having much time to look at this thread again, If possible, please PM, to contact me further.
  21. There is a place called "fort" in Bombay and a large number of Hawkers sit on the roadside and sell CD's.Yes. they dont even know whats there on the CD but you will find almost anything from Microsoft Office Collection suite to Windows XP power CD ( which contains many versions of XP compiled in Single CD ).All the hawkers might ask you to show the CD cover or something. Some of the hawkers dont even know to read English.. So if you really want something.. then it would be difficult for you to get it just by telling him the name of the software. A good bargainer will get them below Rs. 40 which is less than 1 USD. There are all types of CDs from Software, Games, Porn, Music, Movies etc. Mind it, They have everything. Even those softwares which you might not find on some good p2p programs. They keep an album like thing which has photocopies of the CD cover. You select it and you get it. There are also other places like the local cybercafes who have around 40 computers in their store and they store all the softwares are CD images across all of their computers.. ( Consider 80GB x 40 = 2400 GB ) Then, If you want some software or game, you just name them and he will search the computers and write the image for you. The charges are around Rs.50 / CD. They usually charge according to the no. of CDs rather than they type of software. And then there are always friends .. and since CD writers are soo cheap in India, Everyone has one. So all of them usually share. A computer ( PIV ) will cost around $400 to $450 ( around Rs.18,000 to 19,000 ) CD-Writers cost around $34. So its no big deal to get a Writer :-) A PS2 game costs less than $2 here :-) This is available in all the shops ( stationary ). You might also say, Piracy flows in the blood of the entire IT industry in India!
  22. Welcome to Xisto, I hope you have a Good Time here :-)Things are pretty easy once you get started ...
  23. I was searching through Google for the best alternatives to Google Adsense.. There are a huge no. of Google Adsense publishers whose accounts have been disabled due to some reason or the other. Many are basically disabled because they try to cheat Google adsense script. Google terms are no doubt very strict. And If you have been disabled, then I am sure you are also searching for a Good Alternative to Google adsense program.You can also read my other post where I have claimed Google adsense, A fraud. However, lets get back to topic.The Following can be considered one of the best alternatives to Google Adsense :-1> Adsonar Quigo2> Targetpoint Ads3> Adhearus AdsWell the above 3 programs are all basically pay per click or CPC programs. IF you dont mind using pay per impression or CPM programs, I suggest you refer to the other topic in this same advertising sections. Where all these programs have been discussed and reviewed.
  24. OpaQue


    Solar.. I love ur avatar.. I couldn't help LMAO..
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