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Everything posted by OpaQue

  2. Clicksor Also known as : Clicksor :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER CLICK ( CPC ) :: PAY PER CLICK PROGRAM COMMENTS :: They are just like BiDclix. Ads are not relevant but you have to select categories. Thie feature might be useful to some.. but may not be for others. The Pay per click prices are not so good as Google. They claim to pay 70% of the revenue. :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: Clicksor.com Inc is a division of YesUp Ecommerce Solutions Inc. YesUp was founded in 1999 and incorporated in 2001 under the name YesUp Ecommerce Solutions Inc. Headquartered in the city of Toronto, Canada. YesUp delivers ecommerce solutions to its clients in the areas of high quality design, programming, technical expertise and marketing innovation. :: PROS :: Good Support Online chat reprentative. :: CONS :: Low payout rates. ADs are not keyword relevant.. hence you will have to manually select categories and add keywords. :: PAYMENT TERM :: Payments will be made on the 15th of every month for the earnings of the previous month. :: PAYMENT METHOD :: Check, PayPal, Wire Transfer :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: Clean and professionally designed. Free of nudity, pornography, and/or adult content. Not a personal homepage or a free hosted web page. Any publisher with a good website and with content can signup. Most applications for their pay per click program will be accepted :-) :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: yesup ecommerce solutions Inc. Attn: Clicksor.com Inc. 330 Highway 7 East, Suite 202 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3P8, Canada Phone: 905-763-9735 Fax: 1-503-213-6300 Email: sales@clicksor.com :: RECOMMENDATION :: Risky : Please try out their ads and see if they actually have publishers for your category. If you are paid a nice amount, go with them.
  3. Atlas Solutions Also known as : Bidclix :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER CLICK ( CPC ) :: PAY PER CLICK PROGRAM COMMENTS :: I used them after we lost google ads. Their pay out rates dont compare to Google Adsense.. However we had used their service long time back. They have a service representive for every account. So the support is better than adsense. :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: BidClix is one of the Internet's leading and fastest growing advertising networks. Based on a bid-for-placement model, BidClix enables advertisers to attract new prospective customers through placing their ads into highly targeted contextual channels. BidClix enables publishers to maximize yield by selling their advertising inventory to the highest bidder. :: PROS :: Good Support You can create channels for tracking diffrent pages seperately. NET 15 Payment Terms :: CONS :: Low CPC ( Cost per click ) :: PAYMENT TERM :: NET 15 :: PAYMENT METHOD :: Check :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: Anyone who complies with the standard No no.. list can join :-) :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: BidClix, Inc. 1137 9th Ave. West Seattle, WA 98119 p: 206.686.2800 f: 206.686.2801 e: info@bidclix.com :: RECOMMENDATION :: Risky ( Their Pay per click rates are not satisfactory.. So you can just try them out and see what rates you get ) :: LINK :: BIDCLIX : Pay Per Click Program
  4. Google Adsense Also known as : Google Adsense ( program used by publishers ) and the ads created by advertisers are called Google Adwords. :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER CLICK ( CPC ) :: PAY PER CLICK PROGRAM COMMENTS :: They are the biggest pay per click network. With a very huge amount of advertisers bidding for clicks. Some sources claim that they give about 70% of the revenue to the publishers. The main key factor of this network is their keyword relavant ads i.e. Contextual Advertising. Because of this, the ads delivered on your website would be relevant to your pages. Hence, the chances of people clicking those ads increases ( Click Through RAte - CTR ). :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: Google is the biggest search engine site and I dont think any futher introduction to this company is required. You use it daily :-) :: PROS :: Higher click through rate You can create channels for tracking diffrent pages seperately. Cost Per Click is higher than other networks ( in most cases ) Relevant ads. The ads are not annoying like others. :: CONS :: Very very strict rules. Very bad support. ( Usually the whole support system looks to be automated. ) You lose all your cash if your account is disabled. Not recommended for those sites who have rivals or very tough competition. Where competitors can easily spam ads. Google ADs can easily get disabled by some other persons spamming. And you lose all your cash. Google places free ads on your sites. :: PAYMENT TERM :: NET 30 :: PAYMENT METHOD :: Check :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: Clean and professionally designed. Free of nudity, pornography, and/or adult content. Not a personal homepage or a free hosted web page. Any publisher with a good website and with content can signup. :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: adsense-support@google.com :: RECOMMENDATION :: YES. ( If you dont have tought competitors / rivals ) Your account can be suspended easily. Read Facts about Google Adsense :: LINK :: Google Adsense : Pay Per Click Program More links related to Google Ads you might want to check out Google Adsense Sucks - Pros and Cons about Adsense More about Adsense Google Adsense Tips Best Ways to Earn from Advertisements Google Adsense Colors Google Adsense RSS Feeds Google Adsense Important Tips
  5. I disagre.. Its very rare that a SQL downtime takes 3-4 hours to get fixed. Usually it is fixed within minutes. If you have SQL downtime, use the following link and report it. It will be fixed asap. http://forums.xisto.com/help/ What is the basic reason ?? Well there are many accounts on the server. The Total no. of mySQL connections has been given a finite value and not like 999999999.. This is to protect the server from a major outage. Becaue those errors then realy lead to data loss and downtime. Every week we disable 1-2 accounts which are found to be spamming. These accounts execute codes which send infinite queries to the servers.. or create many simultaneos connections. This problem usually happens on free hosting sites and very rare on PAid hosting. because Paid hosting clients are more responsible people and they care more regarding their site. ( after all that is why they are paying ). Here is our problem :- 1> We don't put any restriction on the server 2> we give out unlimited no. of resources hoping that they would be used wisely. 3> We dont enable SAFE MODE. We give maximum possible access to server resources. 4> We give JSP / Tomcat service. ( Even Big Paid hosting companies dont give this~~!!! ) 5> complete Cpanel access without blocking any service.. especially ones like mailing lists which are very prone to be spammed. Run a mass pole and tell me if you dont have problem if i enable safe mode for php & mysql and see if u get those downtimes
  6. It really depends on the type of use.A professional photographer will always stick to film because of the high resolution quality. Not only that, but a Film does has many more advantages. The high resolution capacity of photographic films is simply unmatched. There is still research going on for developing very high res. photographic plates to be used in digital cameras.A normal user, who just want to just take some family snaps and scenery might not opt for a film based camera. Even a resolution of 2048 is more than enough. Digital cameras are much more portable and have a larger capacity. They do not have any problems regarding the films and can be managed very easily. As for me, I fall into second category, so I better go with Digital ones.
  7. Your topic has been deleted because you did not follow the new requesting format. Please use the new format.
  8. Nice Tutorial for Email marketting. Where did you research all this ?
  9. You will need to get it installed and it is pretty expensive. also you will have to get a dedicated IP address. So, Https is nothing but hypertext transfer protocol which is Secured. It is used for SSL ( Secured Socket Layer ).
  10. Google Adsense Sucks. Its really a big scam. They dont care for publishers at all.They value the advertisers (which is good). But just because a publisher does not pay them any money does not mean that their accounts can be simply deleted or terminated without any notice or approval. ( REad this, you will know the real face of Google Adsense - http://forums.xisto.com/topic/81960-topic/?findpost=1064289275 ) Anyway, I look forward for Yahoo to start its advertising network. I will be glad to join it. More than Yahoo, I trust Microsoft. I have never heard any cases of someone being cheated by Microsoft. And I am waiting for them to start this type of a network. As for yahoo, they have already started this service and it has a limitations on the publishers who can sign up . only big companies who recieve a lot of hits (in millions) per day can signup. I hope they will soon remove this restriction. And btw, Google is not the rich guy. Alexa ranking shows that Yahoo is the #1 site. All noobs who are introduced to Internet know Yahoo. Yahoo mail is more common and there are thousands of accountn. And also, have you ever noticed how large is the Yahoo website. I got an E-book which teaches how to use yahoo effectively.
  11. Let me answer your questions.--> The other free web hosting sites usually aim for traffic and hence they earn advertising revenue by ads. They make people <- snipped -> and then gain revenue to keep the site up. However, these niche web hosting companies don't stay for long and shut down as soon as their pay-per-click payment provider finds that they are cheating. Else, if they are not, they usually dont perform well. Members get used to the ads and after some time they stop clicking. We dont follow such malpractices.Second, Xisto Corporation has lots of contacts and agreements with other sites. And since we are now a part of an organisation, Our members will not have any questions regarding reliability.Our primary source of income is our Paid Hosting and othe misc. services. So even if we stop delivering ads, we will still be able to run the sites and fund the servers. There are many sites which are our affiliates. Many of them put our ads on their sites. Xisto.com lists some of the major partners on its site, there are more to the list.If your site gets more than 5000 page impressions per day and would like to join Xisto Corporation, Drop a mail to applications_at_xisto_dot_com. We pay for your hosting, marketting, domain and other misc. expenses that you may have. In return, we will place a 728x90 banner on your site.Trap17 delievers around 1,00,000 Ads daily. Out of which around 40,000 ad impressions are contributed by Xisto and Xisto.*Even though being a forum site we get very low payout due to repeating visitors, we are patching up with many advertising networks simultaneously to get sufficient Payouts*There are many members who have shifted to Paid Web Hosting after being satisfied with our services. We get free marketting for our network. It was our strategy to grow big and hit the Internet market. All these sites help us to setup and introduce new services quickly.So please be assured that we are not niche companies who come up for 1-2 months and shut down.}
  12. Sorry, I cannot approve this Request at any cost. Nilsc is right and we are here to serve. We find time out of our busy schedule to help people here and we simply cant afford any consequences related to this site.I do understand that you dont have any evil intensions but as a precaution and to maintain server uptime. I cannot approve this.
  13. I always get this message when I try to check the no. of pages that google has indexed from my sites.
  14. It was not about a virus infecting google.. It was a about a virus affecting client machines which accessed the Google search to get more and more email addresses. The virus seemed to have executing a lot of queries which eventually affected the server. Then Google had temporarily stopped providing cached results etc.. so as to protect against it.
  15. Experclick Inc. :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER IMPRESSION ( CPM / eCPM ) :: COMMENTS :: I got a very very low CPM rate when I joined them. I thought this was due to the International traffic and repeating members. So I started giving only unique impressions but the stats still did not show up any progress. :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: Not much can be said about this company. They have presented the things in a very professional manner but it has been setup in NOV 2004 which still makes it a very young company. :: PROS :: NA :: CONS :: Very low payout :: PAYMENT TERM :: Unknown :: PAYMENT METHOD :: PayPal / Check / Wire Transfer :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: Unknown :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: Angela Kolata Director of Sales Experclick, Inc. Make Every Impression Count™ voice 800.839.6504 x 112 fax 805.456.3100 angela at experclick dot com :: RECOMMENDATION :: NOT RECOMMENDED ( pending review ) :: LINK :: Pay Per impression Program : Experclick Inc.
  16. <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>BannerConnect </span> :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER IMPRESSION ( CPM / eCPM ) :: COMMENTS :: This looks like a young company. I have talked to their support and they seem very much dedicated. Customer support is good. Their system had some problems when I contacted them. I have started serving their ads and now awaiting for their interface to come online so I can check my pay per impression ( CPM ) statistics. They have claimed to fill up not only US/UK/Canada traffic, but also Asian traffic which very less Advertising networks support. Anyway, I cannot recommend them at this stage. :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: Can't Comment. Very few details on the main site. :: PROS :: Have min. CPM rate. So you are assured that your CPM amount will never go below that rate. :: CONS :: N/A :: PAYMENT TERM :: NET 45 :: PAYMENT METHOD :: Check :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: N/A :: RECOMMENDATION :: -> Completely Satisfied with the CPM rates! ( we havent been paid yet, so the payment part is still under review ) :: LINK :: Pay Per impression Program : BannerConnect
  17. RealCastMedia :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER IMPRESSION ( CPM / eCPM ) :: COMMENTS :: I cannot comment much on this company. It is still a mystery though .. if it is really a company. The language and presentation of the sites is not soo good. I have sent them a email regarding it and they told that they are soon going to re-design their sites. As for the statistics are concerned, I am very much dissatisfied. Here are the stats 728x90 (5) 15 11,534 3 0% $1.23 I don't remember If I had geotargetted their ads to US/UK/Canada but these stats are not satisfactory. And they are very much below average. :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: THE MAIN SITE also LACKS "Terms of Service","Privacy Policy" and other pages which specify the legal policies of a company. So I *cannot* comment on their reliability. They also own another Ad network called REALTEXTADS which was down when I signed up. *red flag* :: PROS :: N/A :: CONS :: Bad Rates Not a proper design. Does not look professional at all. :: PAYMENT TERM :: NET 60 :: PAYMENT METHOD :: Check :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: -> Unknown :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: PublisherRelations at realcastmedia dot com :: RECOMMENDATION :: NOT RECOMMENDED :: LINK :: Pay Per impression Program : RealCastMedia
  18. BlueTime / Azoogle Ads :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER IMPRESSION ( CPM / eCPM ) :: COMMENTS :: They are a good company (Pay Per Impression). After I applied, I talked to one of their Support techs and the setup was fast. The interface is cool. They claim to fill up 100% of your inventory. My statistics : The only reason I am impressed by this Advertising network is that I forwarded a lot of Asian traffic to them and still the eCPM rate was 18. Well, Considering 0.18 eCPM rate for traffic ( including Asia ) is really Good. However, I don't think they can pay you higher than 0.30. As that is why I was said, when I asked them about the max. I would make If I give them 1000 Unique US impressions. :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: Bluetime / Azoogle Ads is quite a big company. The payment rates are ok. :: PROS :: * 100% Inventory Fill * 75%+ CPM Payouts * Net 15 Payments :: CONS :: The Ad System was giving errors in the begenning. Payouts / Revenue fall behind when compared to other competing sites. Their AdVertising Server has many problems. I had experienced so many downtimes. Also, there was an error in the ad delivery because of which, The advertisements gave out some javascript code. They simply ignored to pay for all those ads which were delivered. I hope they improve their service. :: PAYMENT TERM :: NET 60 :: PAYMENT METHOD :: PayPal / Check / Wire Transfer :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: -> 5,000 impressions per month. -> Root level domain name (http://www.mydomain.com/ ). -> 80% US/UK/CAN audience. :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: Advertising Network Contact Details : AIM: bluetimesupport phone: 905-946-0300 x362 :: RECOMMENDATION :: YES : Nice Payment rates including International traffic. :: LINK :: Pay Per impression Program : BlueTime / Azoogle Ads
  19. Accelerator-Ads :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER IMPRESSION ( CPM / eCPM ) :: COMMENTS :: If you have a lot of UK Traffic, then this AD network is recommended. I used them and I have the following stats which can give you a better idea. Total impressions: 5077 Total clicks: 5 Total revenue: £0.57 Please not that, In the above stats, there were ( 1186 + 31 ) default Ad views. This shows that Their company is not able to completely fill up your AD inventory. However, If we do a bit calculation here, I was paid for approx. 3860 Ad Impressions. That means, their Effective payout rate was around ( £0.14 ) So, I would recommend these guys :-) But dont think about this network if you have mixed traffic. It is advisable that you serve your ADvertising space using some AD-server. And Geotarget this company to UK traffic only. :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: Accelerator-Media was formed in January 2004 as a new division of eType Limited. Our aim is to bring the high quality service and revenue generating abilities of eType to a fresh market of aggregated specialist content websites. eType was formed in 2000 as the digital sales division of The Media Initiatives Group. The group specialises in the representation and sale of media opportunities throughout the UK and USA. :: PROS :: Good For UK sites where majority traffic is from UK :: CONS :: Does not work well with other traffic at all. :: PAYMENT TERM :: NET 60 :: PAYMENT METHOD :: PayPal / Check / Wire Transfer :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: -> 5,000 impressions per month. -> Root level domain name (http://www.mydomain.com/ ). -> 80% US/UK/CAN audience. :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: Toby Harwood Business Development Manager tel: +44 (0)20 7631 4600 fax: +44 (0)20 7631 3122 email: tobyh at accelerator-media dot com :: RECOMMENDATION :: YES : Good for UK Traffic sites only. NO : For rest of the traffic. :: LINK :: Pay Per impression Program : Accelerator-Ads
  20. RealtechNetworK :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER IMPRESSION ( CPM / eCPM ) :: COMMENTS :: These guys are also Good. But the payout solely depends on your performance. The amount you earn is @ your CTR (Click through RATE) So if even 5 people click your ads per 1000 impressions you get around $0.30 CPM rate. (recommended) :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: RealTechNetwork was formed in early 2004 in order to better represent publishers to advertisers, and vice-versa. Together, there is over 12 years of advertising experience in both the online and traditional advertising sales channels. Our network, RealTechNetwork, has developed and integrated several security features for both our advertisers and publishers. :: PROS :: Good Rates if you have US/UK/Canda traffic. Non Repeating traffic is more preferred. Can also manage your other AD network if you go for reseller option. :: CONS :: You can get really horrible pay rates if you have a lot of repeating members. Not much suitable for forums. :: PAYMENT TERM :: NET 60 :: PAYMENT METHOD :: PayPal / Check / Wire Transfer :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: -> 10,000 impressions per month (7,500 Unique). -> Root level domain name (http://www.mydomain.com/ ). -> 80% US/UK/CAN audience. :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: RealTechNetwork Company 75A Lake Road, Suite # 150 Congers, New York 10920 United States Telephone: 888-324-1097 (Toll-Free) Fax: 888-213-4365 E-mail: Support @ RealTechNetwork.com :: RECOMMENDATION :: I tested their payout rates and it is good only for US and Canada. Not recommended for UK traffic. I HAVENT RECIEVED ANY CHECK FROM THEM. ALSO MY TOTAL EARNINGS DECREASE OVER TIME. THAT IS SUPPOSE IF THE SYSTEM SHOWED THAT I EARNED $70, AFTER FEW WEEKS, IT HAS DROPPED TO $65. ---NOT AT ALL RECOMMENDED--- UNTIL I GET ANY FURTHER REPLY FROM THEM, I REALLY CANNOT COMMENT :: LINK :: RealtechNetworK : Pay per Impression Program
  21. RightMedia Also known as : :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER IMPRESSION ( CPM / eCPM ) :: COMMENTS :: They only accept big networks.. When I joined , things were very cool. I got satisfactory CPM (Cost per Thousand - M->Thousand in Roman ) rates. But just after 2 weeks, The CPM rate has fallen below 0.10 which is very very poor.. I still havent been paid by Rightmedia, and I will let you people know if they pay :-p I havent tested them by sending them only genuine US/UK/Canada Visitors. (Still testing) :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: Rightmedia is an established dedicated company. They have a big advertisers base and many other major ad networks depend on it. :: PROS :: Good Rates if you have US/UK/Canda traffic. Non Repeating traffic is more preferred. Can also manage your other AD network if you go for reseller option. :: CONS :: You can get really horrible pay rates if you have a lot of repeating members. Not much suitable for forums. Payment rate shoots up if you get conversions, (Good if you are confident if your site can generate them) :: PAYMENT TERM :: NET 60 :: PAYMENT METHOD :: PayPal / Check / Wire Transfer :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: Clean and professionally designed. Free of nudity, pornography, and/or adult content. Not a personal homepage or a free hosted web page. Getting at least 250,000 impressions/month. :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: publisher at rightmedia dot com :: RECOMMENDATION :: --> Got their first payment. (On time - check ) --> CPM rate for traffic to North America, Europe was around $0.20 :: LINK :: RightMedia : Pay per Impression Program Notice from vujsa: Fixed Broken Link
  22. YESUP ADVERTISING NETWORK Also known as : Paypopup.com :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER IMPRESSION :: COMMENTS :: These guys pay a decent amount for ads and it has no hidden stuff in it. They straight away mention that 1000 impressions from US will be paid @ $0.28 Beware: Many impressions, which they cannot fill up, will be wasted. I have lost more than 36000 impressions this month. Later I realised they support a DEFAULT ad feature by which IF they can't fill in an inventory then they show your AD instead (which can be an ADCODE of other network too ). So they are not clearly visible. Anyway, since these people really pay the amount they claim, they are really Good from my point of view. Even though they pay a bit-small amount. :: COMPANY BACKGROUND :: PayPopup are a major network. A Part of Yesup Ecommerce Solutions Inc. Clicksor (Pay Per <- snipped -> network) is their sister company. :: PROS :: No hidden rates. Pre-determined set of Rates. Excellent Support :: CONS :: Not able to fill 100% inventory. Very low pay-outs for international traffic. ( 0.03 to 0.05 CPM rate ) :: PAYMENT TERM :: NET 15 :: PAYMENT METHOD :: PayPal / Check / Wire Transfer :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: Any sites can signup. No specific impressions count necessary. :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: Online Support at paypopup.com :: RECOMMENDATION :: Yes. :: LINK :: Yesup Advertising Network : Pay per Impression Program}
  23. I sincerely Recommend that you host that image on an image server (third party ) Every time that image is viewed, you lose BW from your account. ( remember this )
  24. I dont think there is any activation email associated with the creation of a Gmail Account. You can directly login at https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue= https://mail.google.com/mail/ you still think you have lost it, PM me your email address, and I will send you a fresh invite
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