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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Wonderful, I registered there. Nice .. and I wish u luck on your project :-)
  2. We have closed the vent to let the things cool down and also so that we can sort a good decision regarding it.
  3. I think you want to link a sub-domain to your website. You can do this using ADDON domain option.For redircting subdomains, it is also easy enough. the options are there in subdomain section.
  4. I get atleast 15 mails like this which usually say that they have a lot of money and want to share a small percent of it, If I help them to do blah blah blah... But I still haven't figured out what is the plan behind all this. The money they state is in BILLIONS and claim to give me 5% share.
  5. Yes, We have implemented contextweb advertising on our lofi pages. Even though we get lot of clicks, but the Average Rate per click is not soo attractive. However, it gives a very high CPM rate :-)
  6. Having a merchant account gives you freedom. You are not bound by TOS and restrictions (ofcourse, the security and the standard ones will always be there).Its like, In PayPal you have to create subscriptions and then manage stuff to collect monthly payments. Your billing software has to adjust according to the paypal facilities. When you have your own merchant, things are cool. The billing system automatically sends him invoice and tells him to pay. Because there are no subscriptions, there is no fear of cancellation of subscriptions or things like that. Also, Administrators have more flexibility. They can send him custom invoice or invoice for some extra service or it can be anything.PayPal also has pretty high fees when compared to a Merchant account. And morever, using paypal, you are also bound by their longest ever terms of service which was ever made.
  7. OpaQue

    Gmail Drive

    CooL! This is really Good. We must spread this utility as much as possible. Lets see if Google can really afford to give that much of space. Imagine, 1 million people filling up 500 mb space.
  8. The payout of Google adsense is better than any other. I had started a big topic on Xisto. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The above discussion gives more information. I recommend anyone interested in reading it.
  9. stopping people from saving your web page is not recommended. This blocks search engines from reading your text and so the possibility of getting indexed.But if you still want to do it, I recommend use FLASH. Create a 800x600 flash file and put all the text in it in a scroll box. disable, text copying in it.And password protect the file. The reason for using flash file is because it really saves hell lot of space.
  10. [notice=Stick to the topic]I would appreciate if members stick to the topic[/notice]
  11. You have to make a request at the MISC Request section for the JSP servlet. See to it that you are in a good forum standing. I approve it to only Good members :-P
  12. I don't understand, What does Python 2.2+ And Wxpython 2.3.2 has to do with your openRPG game. I suggest you use a game which is based on PHP/MYSQL engine.
  13. You must have been blocked by the management. Please wait and see if anyone responds. I cannot give you access until the moderator who banned you permits it.
  14. How about declare a variable $title before including the header file $title="This is the title of my new page";include("location-of-header-file.inc.php"); Inside the header file, You can use this variable $title. <!-- Contents of Header file --> <html> <head> <title><?=$title?></title> </head> Try this out, I haven't tested it. But it should work.
  15. This is a problem with your script. We have nothing to do with this. And be considerate, before making such topics, which give an impression that there is something wrong with our server.
  16. Thanks for your appreciation :-) We are trying to improve this place to the best possible extent.. Our active forums makes the place alive and members don't feel bored when they come here. When I started this site, I used to sit purposely for 16-17 hours in a stretch so that the members active on the site don't feel lonely.. But now, things are hot. Thanks to my mods/admins.. who work and dedicate their time for this community despite of their tight personal schedules
  17. I m not a professional mod maker. I just studied the scripts and made this system by test and trial. I don't even remember how many files I edited exactly. Besides, this system is directly connected to my servers. So things are pretty linked and complex. But you got a good idea.. I might look over it later :-)
  18. Even if you don't submit your site too google.. Google will still index your site if there is any other site which links to yours.
  19. OMG YEAH! The links blinkk... I could not stand that page for more than 15 seconds! LOL, We made that page famous.
  20. I know, Ebay is not safe. My friend (in India) purchased goods more than $250 and ordered to his friends place in US. This friend was supposed to mail the package to him. Everything went fine and the package arrived too. But then, after a month, the people from whom all these goods were purchased lost the money which he had paid. After 1 month, Ebay tells him that we purposely freezed your account as we thought it was a scam!! !@#$@#% What the hell on earth is it supposed to mean ? :-SI mean, after taking the cash and working out the transactions.. it suddenly sez this.. No way dude, its not safe.I got a paypal account which is used for accepting payments on Xisto - Web Hosting. I don't use it on ebay at any cost. I rather transfer the money to some other account and use that for shopping. :-)
  21. you can setup Subdomains and also create folders and setup add-on domains which will allow you to hold multiple sites on a single account.
  22. WOW! This is wonderful! How do you people manage to put so simple words together to make a beautiful and meaningful poem :-)Thanks for sharing it with us
  23. If you can't access the site, Please mail me at opaques AT gmail DOT com and tell the problems or errors you recieve. If you don't report, how are we going to know .. and it will be very hard to fix the errors.Sincerely,OpaQue
  24. Frankly, talking to girls and elders is a bit diffrent for me. When I m talking to guys.. its like I say whats on my mind. When it comes to the other two, I have to think and talk :-S When it comes to ask a girl out, I just put that in between normal conversation, If she says yes, its cool. Else.. the conversation continues.. I don't make such conversations serious.
  25. Till now you were collecting credits so that you could request for an account. but now you will be collecting credits to keep your account active.Every credit you collect will let you remain active for a day. So if now, by posting this suppose you gained 2 credits, you just got permission to stay inactive for 2 days :-)However, I would suggest that you come here daily and contribute to only those places where you got lot of genuine information to contribute. Make 1-2 posts everyday and you can collect a large no. of credits in this fashion. If you try to sit down and post to collect lot of credits in bulk. It won't help you much.Try being active and helpful to community. Credits will follow automatically.. you dont have to worry about it :-)
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