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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Craglo, where do you get such wonderful ideas.. but soon as the shops fill up there wont be any space.. may be you will have to span the pages or something.. We can even make up a flash marquee or something that will scroll the shops
  2. We do not allow download sites, cracks, warez etc.. so forget it.
  3. Ever heard of 1stpage 2000 from Evrsoft. [br]1st Page 2000 is a professional HTML editing software which lets you create great websites fast! The visually appealing program comes bundled with over 450+ Javascripts and supports all the latest web languages.[br][/br]Evrsoft 1st Page 2000 helps you write, edit and improve your HTML, its powerful tools let you author websites faster, easier and better! Most new builders don't realize the time they're losing by relying on traditional based text editors like WindowsTM Notepad to author their sites. Whether you're a beginner or an HTML guru you'll find 1st Page 2000 great to use![br][/br] Sorry for Copying.. but this one is Really very COOL!! Check out the feature list .. 1st Page is a powerful product years in the making - from concept, design to programming Evrsoft has extensively researched and surveyed thousands of webmasters worldwide to gain high knowledge and experience in the web authoring field. Check out all the features within 1st Page 2000: [/br]Editing * Access local and remote files * Insert and convert files * Easy tag selection * Supports proportional fonts and full color customization * Customizable Syntax Highlighting * Customizable Tag Highlighting * Ultra-fast editing facilities - line no# support, gutter, margin * View/disable Hidden characters * Insert/Overwrite modes Functionaility * Tool tips and hints for all features * Single-click bookmark support and easily set bookmarks! * Syntax Highlighting Parser supports HTML documents from 1 -> 5.0, Perl, ASP, Cascading Style Sheets, Javascript, VBScript, CFML (Allaire Cold Fusion) and Java. Browsers * Preview pages in multiple browsers (up to 4 supported) * Automatic detection of installed browsers. Split-view Editing * Edit Web documents and watch real-time updates of the page in the integrated MS Internet ExplorerTM engine. * Split-view browser can be used to browse the web. * Extended ruler support to show resolution width * Change browser window resolution quickly. Resolutions supported: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768. Control * Complete control over code - create Web pages for all browsers * No proprietary formats - just regular files presented in a way that is easy to use and understand. Choose the Code to Create * Tags Filter, Syntax checking based upon user-specified browser support * Create custom tag libraries Proofing and Testing tools * Spell checking * Theasuarus Lookup * LiveSpell : Check documents while you type (like MSWord 2000) * Tidy HTML integration : Fix problem Web documents with the best tool! * HTML Source Formatting Extensive Online Support * WebMag Portal Online Center (forum/discussion, chat, updates, handy tips, web news) * Chat as your building web pages with 1st Page LiveChat window * Online discussion board for all members, free of charge! Additional Power tools * HTML Source Compressor * Instant View : Views jpg, gif, png, html, txt files. * Evrsoft 1st Transfer : Transfer documents to FTP Server * Tag Stripper * Instant Scripts: The world's largest and most useful script repository. 450+ scripts * DHTML Zone : Scripts from the world's best DHTML authors/sites * Common Javascript Wizard * Internet Explorer/Netscape bookmarks * Flexible Web-Safe Color Palette, Side Color Picker * Convert Text Files into HTML documents * Speedy Table Sizer - Create tables super fasst!! Internal Preview * Fully-functional built-in browser using MS Internet ExplorerTM Cutting Edge Technologies * Eye boggling DHTML/Javascript effects found in iScripts * Latest DHTML scripts * Huge Javascript repository * Page Transitions * IE/Netscape language extensions * In-line Media, Macromedia FlashŽ/Macromedia ShockwaveŽ integration Extensive Help/HTML Aid * Integrated Reference Window * Get Help with any tag quickly * Complete reference for HTML 4.0, SSI, CSS, Relative paths * HTML Knowledge Base / Commonly Asked Questions Language Support * Convert Web documents to XML * Upgrade Web documents into 100% compatible CSS layout * Perl, CGI, Java, VBScript, CSS, Javascript support * View Special/Extended Characters * Tag Library for over 13 language/versions. 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  4. WOW! Thats CooL. I am really bad at graphics.. but I will give it a try. Or may be I will wait and copy what Bexa makes and delete her post ... LOL . Kidding! thanks. Got to make my shop now...
  5. Microsoft rules ! Thats what I am gonna say. Even though open source if free, it will always fail when compared to microsoft. Microsoft hires one of the finest programmers, developers, designers.. and on top of that, there the work is organised and ther is a proper planning. As compared to opensource, it throughly lacks proper planning.Windows Server 2003 beats Linux and I also read it somewhere that it beats it by 58% or something! now thats what I call quality.It will take lot of time for compete with microsoft.
  6. I really need the slogans .. but more important is the LOGO. Craglo, I liked the 3rd one.. the cookie thing.. something more like that. A symbol ( not a Xisto written text ) .Written text may do if it really looks cooL
  7. The Addon scripts are automatically updated by a third party company. Please do not request for the script updates because it is simply not possible for me to do it.
  8. I like nokia because of the the technologies they support like ( bluetooth, infrared, gprs etc ). they try their best to accomodate all of them in one peice. I got Samsing D400 recently but now I feel it simply isint worth it. I will be changing it next month. No doubt it has excellent resolution, camera etc but it lacks bluetooth which I think is one of the most basic features that a camera phone must support.I hope you get my point...
  10. Its a real headache for me to Check the user Accounts and also for the script that I am developing. If the username at the forum is same as username for the cpanel, the script can automatically get the id, mail it to me or connect to server and take further actions. hence, It was decided that member names must be equal to or atleast similar ( the first few characters ) the id at cpanel;If it is not, please email or PM me. I will change the username at the forums. Username of cpanel cannot be changed and trying to do so might screw up the data. Once the script is run, all the accounts with usernames completely diffrent from the Forum will be deleted automatically. As for the Three copies of the same email, I really got no idea. I clicked only once of the bulk mail thingy... or may be I loaded the page or something. However, it was completely un-intensional.
  11. This Question did bug me a lot and wanted to add this.. After reading this, may be you will think again before calling games a peice of **** [/br][br]In The Face magazine (December 1992, page 46),[/br][br]Dr Margaret Shotton, author of Computer Addiction?, is quoted as saying, ?Apart from increasing your manual dexterity and hand to eye coordination, video games speed up your neural pathways.? This, the writer says, allows knowledge to travel around quicker, thus speeding up judgements and decisions, possibly leading to a higher IQ. Margaret Shotton, like David Deutsch, believes that parents who disapprove of their children playing computer games are mistaken, but David Deutsch is sceptical about the neural pathways theory. Perhaps surprisingly, he doubts that computer games improve hand-eye coordination.[/br][br]Life improves one's hand-eye coordination. One spends one's whole life picking things up and doing fine finger movements, which one does in video games as well, but video games, if they are well designed, tend to use skills which people already have. If they go too far beyond what people already have, they tend to be less attractive as video games. They are then more like playing the piano, which requires a new kind of physical skill. Video games do not really impart a new kind of physical skill; what they impart is the fundamental mental skill, of understanding a complex and autonomous world.[/br]
  12. WTF!! There are other Brands too... All of you are using Colgate.. Ah Crap! Change the topic name ... from Your Favourite Toothpaste to Your favourite Colgate! And Guess what ? I use COLGATE too
  13. On that site under Budget hosting, Xisto Ranks #1
  14. nice poems! really appreciate for the time you've put for thinking and writing them... I am thinking of integrating all my sites under one organisation called Xisto.com. I need banners for it.. more than banners I need symbols. By symbol what i mean is, all of you know that symbol of Adidas is "Three slanting lines" and most of you should be familier with symbol of Nike..Well, I need something like that. I am also planning to launch ADVERTISMENT based hosting for people who hate to post at forums. It may fetch some nice amount to support the hosting for Xisto. I am just looking out for scripts which automatically add those ads on top of users site. Please let me know if you find them.. or got any idea about it. Any PLANS for advertising based hosting are most welcome.
  15. Yeah! I am very very much interested in optimzation and I dont think I got to say that.. .the forum structure. the links etc all reflect that here. I have studied a lot and I know most of the details of SEO. So, contact me if you ever have questions.. I will be glad to help you out. I cant optimize these forums because the topics are large and the categories are vast too. So any attempt to target this site for any set no. of keywords is not going to work much.
  16. I can sincerely understand that, but man, even after putting all the procedures for obtaining a hosting account, I still get emails from members asking, "how to get a free hosting account " and many are still lost. They dont know who to contact. So I thought it was better that my name directly gave a straight forward idea about who am I. Also, not many people know about forums. Most of them are simply unfamiilier to the entire system. Some years back, when I was searching for Free hosting myself, I was Literally confused and just asked my self, "What the *BLEEP* on Earth is going on! " Where is the REGISTER or Signup button ! When will I get hosting and all that ... I hope you undestand what I mean. Besides, I really do not want to classify or categorise my members. Nor do I want to be partial with any one. So a kid of 10 as well as man of 80, both are welcome here. So I really do not want any possible confusion. Many other hosts simply Deny Chinese or other language site. I do allow it. I believe internet is free and everyone has right to use whatever language they want. Banning sites other than english is simply stupid! As you may see, for my other site, Xisto, I have genuinely targetted it for internet professionals and talented members ( in the field of computers especially )... So, there I did not bother to put my display name as OpaQue. How is the name OpaQue, BTw
  17. JSP is really Server intensive and you will have to get it activated personally by PMing me. See to it that you are an active user before I grant your wish
  18. Too many Connections => Error from our side. Takes about a min to restore. Incorrect Username or Password :=> Error from your side. Check the database permissions. Go to MySQL section of Cpanel.
  19. Thats nothing compared to what I am facing here!! I switch on my PC and after exactly 3 seconds ( after windows loads ) the DEADLY GAIM MESSENGER Loads up. Well, It starts of with HOTMAIL, then it connects to AIM, Yahoo, ICQ ....And as soon as it connects BANG!! I am attacked with IM's.. Thanks MSN for not supporting OFFLINE messages! But YAhoo! they Flood my Screen.. most of them are filled with "Hi! Admin ", "Is this admin", "Are you the owner of Xisto?", "I had a question regarding your services ", "how are you?" ................... ........Ok.. after going through the spam ones.. ( usually takes a minute ), The members at MSN come to know That, and then the IM attack starts! CHORUS ........ ( I mean the same messages on top )Then, since they are online, I got to answer it.. Phew, it continues for about half an hour easily... When things do cool down.. I finally get to Work! Most of the times, typing emails. When suddenly another POPup comes up saying " Are you busy ? ", " Why do you provide all this for free ?" , " Umm.. Actually I had another Question ", " Is it ok if I do blah blah blah on my site .... " Then I reply these messages and I lose my link.. ( I mean what I was doing before that ) and again go all over! And again one more IM! And most of the time, I am fighting with IM's.I really hate when someone IMs me and asks "How can I get a Free hosting Account ? " Damn! It pisses me off.. Well I can go on and on... but I guess so much ( its only an intro of what I am going through ) is enough So, Consider yourself lucky
  20. FOOTBALL! Aaahh.. why the hell are you on top.. Since its my attitude to say the truth! I hate your Username! Creating your account was difficult. Because I created Football.trap17.com first! Then I had to DELETE it and recreate another one! Grr...You get 1. :(PS : Please type something in your reply ! This topic is really funny and I dont want members to spam it. Just ensure that you write something and aslo give some reasons .. that would be more fun too. ^^[ RATE ME AND YOU LOSE YOUR HOSTING !! HAAHA .. Kidding! Dont leave this oportunity .. rate whatever u feel like ... ]
  21. I dont trust them. I am just experementing here with google. If I hit $100, I am gonna remove the ads and wait...I have been disabled a lot many times before.. and I havent recived any payment. So trust me and dont use them. But they indeed pay you higher than all the other networks in the market.* EDITed the POSt and I appologise for the Slang LAnguage I used. *
  22. I like Yahoo because I can stay connected to it with my Cell ( this is possible with MSN too, but the procedure sucks ).Members can directly send and sms and stuff. It is also supported in GPRS. So I love Yahoo! But I dont use it because most of my members use MSN.
  23. My Suggestion. If you want to have a server envoirnment and you dont want to leave SP2, then install up an APACHE server. Only downside I see is, you dont get ASP. I also heard that , there is a mod for Apache which enables it to run aSP files. Do you have any idea about it.. If yes, I might try to get it installed on the server
  24. Remember to upload your files to the WWW or public_html directory only. Your WWW directory acts as your ROOT DIRECTORY. so anything above this folder is invisible and cannot be accessed.
  25. ashiezai is right. Once you get a hosting account, you are free to provide downloads provided that the content is legal.
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