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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. The code you are using was used before which acted like the READPARSE() function in perl. This code automatically puts all the values passed to a script by get, post etc in an array. But after PHP 4.0.3 this was removed and was enabled by default in the forum of track_vars. So in other words, you simply dont have to include it. The Following Explanation is given in the PHP Manual. If enabled, then Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, and Server variables can be found in the global associative arrays $_ENV, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, and $_SERVER. The thing that you are using is quite outdated and if enabled..Note that as of PHP 4.0.3, track_vars is always turned on. I hope the above information is useful. -OpaQue.
  2. ADVANTAGES :Making it digital is going to effect the sale. More people can purchase it and also since they are digital it will also mean, reduced price ( If they are paid ones )If they are free, then it will be a GIFT for the internet. DISADVANTAGES :If the liabraries are going to be paid ones, then.. I smell piracy.. Because as content is digitalised.. it is obvious that people are going to spread it or share it using P2P.
  3. Damn! I failed after I made 2 lakh points... Those agents finally caught me Sorry, couldnt help you much..
  4. phpAdsNew is really complicated but at the same time very very powerful!We are using the same to rotate the ads on our site. :-)Now, you in the advertisers page, you make a campaign and put up the banners or any banner code from a third party company. Then you go to the publishers page, and create a publisher, link the banners that you want for that publisher and then generate the code. Well, If you browse through the interface for some time and try some experements, you will learn it on your own ( the way I did ). Else, go to their official site and download the PDF manual.
  5. The only reason big files are not allowed because, we are running on shared resources. If I allow all members to upload huge files, The performance will go down. Imagine, if 100 people ( across various accounts ) downloading 10 mb file. It will really screw up the other people who have come to visit the sites.. You are requested to shift to paid hosting if you really want to post that kinda huge files.
  6. You cannot be hacked unless u got an open port. So i guess open ports must be avoided *unused ones*.
  7. Aah ! There you go.. As soon as I read I was just going to introdue you to becca, But she has already replied you so you will be quite familier with her now.. Welcome to Xisto and I hope you have a good time here. If you have any comments, queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact my MODS or ADMINS ( ) Because, I wil be busy for a couple of days. I generally take the big decisions .. however, other admins are also free to do that. As for your hosting, I dont think that would be any problem. Xisto has a good resource of support information. If you ever have any problems related to that, Just search the forums. There are good chances you will get an answer for your query. - OpaQue.
  8. I prefer paypal .. Even though it has a huge list of features, I just wanted to put down which really helped me a lot :-1> Its free2> any one can have it and add funds using CC3> IT files all the transaction4> There is a buyers protection thingy and also provides an easy way to refund money if anything goes wrong5> They rates are very competitive.6> Their system is very secure. So you propably dont have to worry about hackers and stuff.7> They got a neat interface to accept the payments and also easy to integrate shopping cart like system.Besides, the above, there are still lot of points for which one should prefer them. The downside I hate for paypal is regarding the WITHDRAWAL of funds which is limited to only US banks.
  9. Buddy, Xisto is for talent minds... We assume that once we give you the password to your cpanel .. you know the rest. There is no question for Spoon Feeding! Anyways.. here are your answers.1. how do you connect to your remote server?Use the IP address to connect.2. what is the hostname or ftp address of your web server?ftp.YOUR-SUB-DOMAIN.astahost.com or you may also use the IP address directly.3. what folder on ther server do your want to store your files in?the WWW folder must contain all your files.4. what is your ftp login?It is same as your Username and Password to Cpanel. However, you are requested to create Additional FTP accounts to directly acess WWW account for security reasons.5. what is your ftp password?Password for Master account is same as that of Cpanel. You can set the FTP passwords of any additional accounts that you create.
  10. I had made a site before.. I usually do not recommend using content management systems. I have made couple of sites and I have always made own scripts for managing the content. The advantage of making your own script is that you are in better control of design and working. Just a thought.. but this might not work in complex cases.
  11. Has it been activated on your site ?If yes, There is some XML thing with which you can use it. I really have no idea regarding it, but when I asked my server host people, they said something like that... So please open the JSP tomcat manual and check the procedures..
  12. WEB: home.mcafee.com/speedometer/default.aspx?culture=en-US This Site is really cool.. check out your internet connection speed. For some guys who dont know what is internet connection speed, this article found on the same site might be helpful. What is Internet connection speed? Internet connection speed refers to the data transfer rate from the Internet to your computer. Basically that means the amount of time it takes your computer to download a given amount of data. Internet connection speeds are usually measured in Kbps (kilobits per second, or thousands of bits per second) or KBps (kilobytes per second). Nowadays with the technological improvements in data transfer speeds, Internet connection speeds can also be measured in Mbps (megabits per second, or millions of bits per second) or MBps (megabytes per second). For example, if you had a 28.8K (28,800 bps) modem, then it would take at least 4 - 5 minutes to download a 1MB file. If you had digital subscriber line (DSL), the same 1MB file would take approximately 10 - 20 seconds.
  13. I woke up at 4:00 am to find this small cat.. it was near our main apartment gate.. I just ignored it and went off to sleep and finally woke up at 9:00 to find that thing still crying.. out .. I went out and saw that small little thing.. Damn, it was really small and also some stupid crows were like waiting for it to die iguess .. it was also very weak. so I bought it home and my sis started calling it Kitty! ( I dont know why the hell she likes this name.. this is my 8 th cat and still she prefers keeping the same name )...Oh, you might be thinking about what happened to the last 7 cats.. I gave them to my friends and relatives and 2 of em ran away. Most of them were stray cats when I picked them... so these cats usually dont stay at home either.
  14. the Addon scripts which are found in our scripts library in Cpanel are not under our direct control so not much can be done about this. Those are updated automatically.. I hope they will be fixed soon. We request you to upload the latest version of the script and setup the database.thanks.
  15. OpaQue


    Astahost is targetted for post relating to technical topics.. So if you post at forums which do not have much significance related to computers, your post count wont increase. We have made this point clear. If you find this rule suppresive or you have any other feelings, you are requested to join Xisto which has more linent rules.
  16. The diffrence between amd and intel is that, If you aMd gets overheated, that damn thing continues giving you PERFORMANCE, until it burns itself.. and also damaging the motherboard. As for the intel processors ( which I like ), these chips have some kinda system which halts the processor as soon as it starts getting heated up.. In other words, if you are playing Unreal Tournament and your processors gets overheated, then you will notice that the FPS reduces gradually, Also If you happen to remove the HEATSINK and try this out, the fps reduces gradually until the whole pc halts down.. If you did the same with AMD, you will see continued performance for few minutes before your pc motherboard and the processor itself are burnt out.. ( you can actually see the smoke ). I have seen the above test performed in Tom's Hardware Benchmark Tests. -OpaQue
  17. Exactly.. now I know what was missing!!!
  18. 1>IF IT IS LEGAL YOU CAN HAVE IT!!This is the first rule that we have! Go throught this... =====================================Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)=====================================Use of Xisto.com's service constitutes acceptance and agreement to Xisto.com's Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).The TOS and AUP may be changed from time to time at the discretion of Xisto.com.All websites must be in English to qualify for free hosting.We may remove any material that, in our sole discretion, may be illegal or may subject us to liability.Xisto.com's services may not be used for illegal purposes, or in support of illegal activities. Xisto.com reserves the right to cooperate with legal authorities and/or injured third parties in the investigation of any suspected crime or civil wrongdoing.In addition Xisto.com shall have the right to terminate all services set forth in this agreement.Unacceptable UseSpam and Unsolicited Commercial Emails (UCE) are not allowed. Accounts will be cancelled and deleted immediately if found to be spamming or sending out UCE.Web sites deemed offensive or racially degrading, by Xisto.com, will be removed from our servers without notice. Web sites promoting, making available or otherwise contributing to software piracy, hacking, spamming, denial of service attacks and/or damage to commercial networks or servers will be removed from our servers without notice and illegal acts will be reported and prosecuted. 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  19. If you are going to buy ... then go for Kaspersky! the are the best according the the virus scan comparision charts. Then comes mcaffe and on the third position is Norton. Norton scored less because it was resource extensive.
  20. God Damn it! Remove that MARQUEE for gods sake! I hate those.. they look so un-professional! I wish if Microsoft had that ... LoL.. seriously, remove that DARK and BRIGHT color scheme.. I dont know how some guys manage to like it
  21. I dont know if anyone has replied for the above post.. but Dude.. I dont get what you are saying! MATTER <-> ANTI-MATTER stuff If Proton -> Matter then Electron-> Anti-Matter so whatever exists in universe, has proton and ELECTON so the equation gets balanced there itself.. so whats the deal about the whole new galaxy or another univirse regarding the anti-matter stuff.. Lets assume it is present.. then that would again be like a conflict or something. Because matter and antimatter are always bounded and close to each other. So you cannot say necesarily that SOMEWHERE that thing might be present. because if it were , we could have known it. My own explanation for the big bang theory :: I feel it is *BLEEP*! Humans are very much technologically behind .. So thinking about a crap like that is simply a waste of time. We are talking about the EXISTENCE of this universe. When we talk Existance of CONTINENTS, we dont talk about the Forms they were before.. We dont talk about the fact that there was a huge land mass packed to gether which seperated due to some reason ( I dont remember that thing related to the Earths internal waves ) Formation of continents takes us back to the formation of landmass... Similarly, when talking about formation of the Universe, we must talk how it was formed rather than what it was before. So, Question is how the whole thing came into existense ?? For which no one has an answer ... Another THEORY! IT is said that Einstein used to tthink in the post dimensions.. i.e. more than 3 dimensions which is impossible for us to perceive. According to this extract from an article, The theory of 4th dimension might be clear. HyperspaceHere we go with the extra dimensions again. "How can space curve?," you might ask. Well, imagine the surface of a sphere (a ball-shaped object). The surface itself is two-dimensional (flat and thin like a piece of paper with two possible directions to go, horizontal and vertical), right? But it's curved around a three-dimensional space, the shape of the sphere. The same thing happens with three-dimensional space, only it curves into a higher-dimensional hyperspace. This hyperspace contains extra dimensions of space (specifically, six), not to be confused with the time dimension of space-time. Of course, we can't see the extra dimensions. Imagine two dimensional creatures living on the surface of the sphere. They go about, doing their daily business, totally unaware that their world is bent into the third dimension, but even if they knew, they couldn't see it. All they see are flat shapes and lines, just like all we see are flat images. Of course, the different images from our two eyes give our brains a sense of depth, but our field of vision is two-dimensional, like a movie screen.http://library.thinkquest.org/17508/TXGeneralrelativity.html I feel that the Existence of universe involves these dimensions and hence it would be quite stupid for us to prove that Universe came into existence with such stupid theories as they speak about only those dimensions which are interpreted by our brains.. In simple words, We are only Humans, and not Super humans! I would really like to request you to read this article here.. https://gitso-outage.oracle.com/thinkquest After reading that, no wonder Einstein was a great man. It was quite obvious that he did use like 26% of his brain. ( I dont know how far this rumur is true ). The existence of the next Dimension itself is very facinating itself. The article suggests it to be the CO-ORDINATE of TIME. Well, I can use it to very well explain most of the unsolved mysteries of the earth like the Bermuda triangle...( Wow! I got to start a topic regarding this ..) But considering most of the tools and theories that man has in hand to prove these complicated stuff, it seems we are far behind. We havent discovered the total no. of waves that are exisiting around us. For Eg. Considering the general types of waves emited by atomic particles, we have alpha, beta & gamma rays. Of which , Gamma can be called waves because it is completely a form of energy. and there is no matter involved in it as such. Then you might also be intrested in the sub-nucleonic particles like Mesons and glueons. ( I hope I am right with the spellings ). But they are the building blocks or protons and neutrons. Humans are not yet successful in finding the Waves emited by these Particles. Also there are hundreds of undiscovered unknown radiations and unknown waves that surround us. The size of the Accelerators used to study them are still limited.. Humans might get a huge break through when we discover these new waves.. Nothing can be said much till then.. - OpaQue
  22. Just put up a permanent redirection ... 301 Moved PermanentlyThe requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and any future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the returned URIs. Clients with link editing capabilities ought to automatically re-link references to the Request-URI to one or more of the new references returned by the server, where possible. This response is cacheable unless indicated otherwise.The new permanent URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the response. Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s).If the 301 status code is received in response to a request other than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might change the conditions under which the request was issued.
  23. Grrr... No doubt! I hate maths ~ ! How about some programming challenges..
  24. Did you Mom come up after some time and told you " Honey! Your late for your school! Get ready " or something like that... :DI mean, were you sleeping...
  25. Matrices are a Great deal of help.. Atleast in Boolean Algebra where this stuff is really used! Getting the order and type of the sets ... Discrete Structure ( the whole subject ) could had been so much complicated! Matrices really ease the job! As for Tensors, I have studied matrices but I havent hit this word. I know the following concepts related to Matrices,1> Multiplication ( which is row to column one )2> Adjacent Matrix3> normal Matrix4> transpose5> complement6> conjugate7> skew matrix8> Hermatian skew matrix9> Inverse of a matrix10> General Matrix properties & types also the properties related to Matrix Determinants! ( this thing is assumed though )Being a Computer Engineering Student, I havent gone deep into this topic. But I gues tensors are really advance topics of matrices.There are many other things about matrix, but they aint clicking me at the moment.. but if you get an idea regarding my knowledge from the above points, feel free to continue this post ahead! May be my knowledge about Matrix is still in the beginner level.
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