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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. When you say that you prefer some browser, please put some strain on your fingers to type out why? What are the features for which you prefer it?Even I use firefox, the main reason is because it is free, powerful and fast. There are huge number of addons that are available on the site and they take hardly 5 secs to apply. The addons are just a few Kb's usually 15 to 50 kb. Some may be big... Is compleltely customisable and a TABBED interface.
  2. Must be some problem from the FTP software or something. Try using the File manager in the Cpanel and see if you can access everything from there.
  3. Well, Have a look at these sites, These are only parked domains from Xisto.com members. Besides, the list of domains which I have directly approved huge.. So, I can say so much that, nothing is wrong from our end.aso.net.ruc8d.netedrinkard.tkds-portal.netdamnhexors.comcocoatm.uk.tostarch.uk.tobik1164.combagaswara.comip.lhxp.com.ruav42.infoidv.com.ruqoo.org.ruqoohk.infos1.qoo.org.rutwoq.com.ruzhaodaola.org
  4. Hahaahahahahahahahahahaha....................................If you think that the above is SPAM! I think I can do it on my site..
  5. Listed on the main page ( Portal ). http://forums.xisto.com/
  6. Indeed, We don't belive in hiding things. We are sincere from our side. We don't want to keep up hidden things which ultimately lead to bad faith and suspecion and finally in our BAD reputation. Our company stands firm, on the grounds of reputation. Since, we wanted to create an informative community, we started this site. And since, member's are actually contibuting a valuable information, we are offering unmatched service , support and hosting. Because, we think that the member's who contribute sincerly, deserve it. And, also we apologise for the inconvience caused due to ads, but we have to catch up with the expenses to support this site and to keep the services free forever. I request that you use them if they interest you. We thank member's who take their time and contribute here.
  7. IF your site gets atleast 1000 page views ( not hits ) per day and you don't mind putting up a 468 x 60 banner on your site, then please PM me. You will have to prove with necessary statistics. This offer is only for those member's who don't have any problems putting up a 468 x 60 banner on their site. Minimum criteria is atleast 1000 page views per day. You can get Package 3, if you can put 728 x 90 leader board. Criteria remains the same. For best results you can also put up the tower ad on your site. Once your accepted, we will give you the code. It does not matter on what pages you put the ad, the main condition is that we require atleast 1000 banner impressions per day. all impressions are tracked and counted. [* This is a misc. Offer for only those individuals who cannot post and don't mind putting ads *]
  8. We have clearly mentioned over the categories that, post count are only counted at the CONTIBUTE section. We count only for the stuff which proves useful for others. Posting about other misc. topics which do not contribute much of information or only express personal opinions are not counted. We are have taken this step in order to counter spam to build a nice informative community. We would rather suggest that you contribute sincerly and spend your time here. Post count will increase gradually. Please don't force yourself to posting here.Anyway, I have just approved your hosting accout, enjoy it.
  9. Hello Member's, We hope most of the member's agree that Xisto is indeed one of the best Free Web Hosting Site. But, we are a free community and we really want to keep serving forever. Our main source of income is advertising and hence we require more and more people comming to this site. As the number of member increases, we are in a better situation to serve you. For this purpose, we want your help. We sincerely request you to please link back to our site. Just a small text link at the bottom of your website is more than enough. When, all the members do this, we will have a good ranking and help us attract more people. Text Link : <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/ Web Hosting</a> It will create a link like this : Free Web Hosting If you sincerly like our service, please VOTE US. Back Linking, helps us a lot. We request you to link as much as you can. Some examples include :- 1> Linking to your Favourite Topics at the Forum 2> Linking to your own posts at our forum 3> Linking to your profile information or statistics at the forum. NOTE : 1> Back linking is only a request from our site in return of the free web space, we are not forcing you. 2> By Linking us, you do *not* affect your page rank.
  10. :: QUICKS SPECIFICATIONS ::Processor InformationProcessor #1 Vendor: GenuineIntelProcessor #1 Name: Intel® Xeon CPU 2.80GHzProcessor #1 speed: 2799.824 MHzProcessor #1 cache size: 512 KBProcessor #2 Vendor: GenuineIntelProcessor #2 Name: Intel® Xeon CPU 2.80GHzProcessor #2 speed: 2799.824 MHzProcessor #2 cache size: 512 KBProcessor #3 Vendor: GenuineIntelProcessor #3 Name: Intel® Xeon CPU 2.80GHzProcessor #3 speed: 2799.824 MHzProcessor #3 cache size: 512 KBProcessor #4 Vendor: GenuineIntelProcessor #4 Name: Intel® Xeon CPU 2.80GHzProcessor #4 speed: 2799.824 MHzProcessor #4 cache size: 512 KBMemory InformationMemory: 2075076k/2097088k available (1604k kernel code, 20872k reserved, 804k data, 260k init, 1179584k highmem)System InformationLinux panda.unixbsd.info #1 SMP Mon Aug 30 14:38:11 PDT 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux( AS ON 7 - Sep - 2004 : If we upgrade, I will let you know )
  11. No, Your username is Fixed. The First 8 characters of your forum username, used by us to link the forums to our Domain Database.As for the site's domain or sub-domain name, you can use anything.As for the taking of your name, since you have now mentioned it to me, we won't register it for anyone else. you can also have microsoft.astahost.com, who cares
  12. Guys, the Symbol on the Right does not belong to me but to the INVISION. So, If I use it officially , it will be a copyright breach, Faf! the Animation is simply awesome.
  13. I think, It scambles up the HTML and removes up the space and whitespace. Well, If this is the case, it can be easily decoded by PHP or Perl. Atleast I can do it.. Just some regex skills However, If it manages to screw the HTML and then brings out the result in some way then it is of no use. It will not be SE ( Search Engine ) Friendly.
  14. Lord of the Rings ( All of em, Third was the best )Matrix ( The first and the last part was awesome )KillBill ( First part only )Van Helsing Troy
  15. Nice Banners, All have the same theme.I would suggest that you remove those images off your account and place it on external image sources ... even if an average of 200 people view it, your BW is GONE! So, please be careful when you post images from your own website.This is also applicable if you have set an image in your signiture from your site.
  16. We are looking out for moderators for Xisto.com.We will select on the basis of the following criteria :-1> Quality of the posts.2> Response to other member's queries3> Behaviour with other member's of the community.4> Amount of time active at the forumsPlease forward your applications by PM.
  17. Due to recent server attacks and stuff, I have been given instructions, not to allow SSH. SO, I may shut down the SSH access for a while. If it is extremely urgent and important, member's are free to request, But i will have to go through some procdures to request for your specific amount. So, request only if you really need it.
  18. I Got a better Idea, I should start putting these ads on your sites ( when you get hosting here ) !Now, you are free to post your comments about this idea, LOL.
  19. ::Answer:: Yes! This should be the first question that must come to your mind. The point that you said that they require about $900 for hosting is wrong. Basically it is far more less. unless they have purchased a DEDICATED SERVER. Xisto and Xisto have been supported by a very much reliable source. Most free hosting sites are supported by Google ads where they expect member's to c1ieek the ads. Even though Xisto is using Google ads, we are not depended on it. We have far more vast strategies. One more thing to prove this is, Xisto does not have Google ads at all. If we were like others, we would have closed everything just the next day. As said, we have vast strategies. We are partnered with hosts which have DEDICATED SERVERS and we are given space and BW which we are providing to our member's. Our partner depends on us for advertising requirements and the monthly revenue we pay them. So, it is an unbreakable contract we have had from the day we had launched of Xisto. Till now, our expenses have been so small that we have not advertised them. This is because, we pay only for the number of account we have on yearly basis. So now, if we approve an account to you, we only pay for your account and we do not purchase everything in BULK. This reduces a huge amount of revenue which usually gets wasted due to unallocated space and BW. Hadn't we been like other hosts, we could have allowed member's to SPAM and get our revenue. But there are some reasons, because of which we want member's requesting hosting to make posts. Spamming the Forums is a huge way for us to earn profits. But we are not interested in profits. Infact, Xisto was launched because we wanted a community. If you don't want to post GENUINELY, or you think you cannot post much here (due to some technical theme of the forum) , you are free to shift to Xisto. Xisto has Arcade, Off topic categories, Reputation points, Vent (place where one can post anything), Army System, RPG game,Shoutbox( where members are seen chatting with each other) and lot more. At Xisto, Getting hosting is like a form of Entertainment. There are no strict rules for spamming etc. However, Spam is deleted but the rule is not so strict. Member's there still make small posts. We get huge number of hits and also have a huge member base. So, it is obvious that we will be staying up forever. And I think, we have proved our point that we are not dependant upon advertising only. Then the next question arises? - What was the need to Launch Xisto? Why should I post here when I can get almost the same hosting on Xisto with any type of post? Most of the member's look only the facilities provided. While Hosting goes far behind conventional topics about space and BW. Xisto member's enjoy hosting on fast computers powered by 4 XEON Processors (2.8 GHz each ), High end datacenter, and an advanced monitoring system. In short, each account at Xisto costs $30 anually while at Xisto it is about $15 to $20 ( depending on the package ). Quality never comes Cheap! There are hundreds of host in the market. Why have most of the member's in Xisto ( Xisto is just started ) chosen us after being KICKED out of other hosts. It is only because of reliability. For the sake of reliability, we have changed our Server 3 times, upgraded more than 5 times. We give our first priority to reliability and Stability. Don't Fall for Unlimited Space and BW, none of them is Free and no person in the world has such a huge kind heart to give you that for free. He is openly cheating you. Even if you don't chose us to be your trusted host, we ask you to go to hosts which offer less (below 3 GB BW and less than 300 mb space). These are the people who actually live out forever. We give what we have. We do not OVERSELL. !!WHY GET CHEATED ELSEWHERE WHEN YOU CAN BE CHEATED RIGHT HERE!! :: REMEMBER :: You are posting here to keep your hosting account alive. We ask you to post, just to make sure that you are intrested in your hosting account and to see that you are a part of this community. Remaining *ACTIVE* is necessary to keep your Hosting account from getting deleted as well as keeping this site and community up! Unknowingly.. You are contributing to this site.. About Xisto and Xisto Sincerly, We get about 5000 page views and THOSANDS of hits per day and we havent used more than 100 mb per day! That again comes to 3 GB. So if your account really requires that much BW, we suggest that you go for PAID hosting . You can easily make enough money to support your site with that traffic. The main objective of our site is to help people get FREE Hosting. BTW, Let me make one thing clear. Go for any of the competitors FREE Web hosting company and get your account of about 20 GB BW. Upload some ZIPs, Songs and put it for Download and give the link to everyone! Within a day your account would be deleted! Dear Members, BW is one of the most expensive factors in Web hosting. Don't get carried away by those UNMETERED BW slogans.. All these Companies assume that you don't use more than 750 mb Approx. Every 1 GB extra BW is sold @ $1 - 2... depends on the hosting company. So, it is practically impossible to get FREE BW.. Because BW itself is not FREE and is charged at each and every place on earth. Because the Host himself is purchasing BW to provide you. All of them OVERSELL. What is Overselling ? Overselling is a process in which a Hosting Provider may provide more than the allocated amount, the host himself has. Suppose, we have altogether 100 GB BW. We can provide 100 accounts with 5 GB BW assuming , No one is going to use over 1 GB. This can be a great risk if most of the users actually use it. Xisto and Xisto Do NOT OVERSELL! Hence, We provide only that much as we successfully can. So you don't have to worry about us getting shutdown. Your Website is SAFE at our Servers. Respect the Site which is helping you so much .. and care for it. It is your responsiblity to help us in return of the Best Free Hosting Service. Spread out name and Link back to us.. Enlist us in Free Webhosting lists. Put us a nice review if you have been satisfied with your free hosting account with us at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ No other Company Provides Hosting Services and Advanced Technologies like JSP , TOMCAT, TCL, Macromedia Shockwave etc.. Yes! We do support all these, if you never knew them. All these are supported since we have started! Most of our competitors claim to give it but they don't have it in realility. Other Hosting providers charge a lot for these web-hosting services while here at , you get the same web hosting package absolutely FREE! :: Your Account is Safe with us, You can Trust US! :: So, Don't Get Cheated Elsewhere... If you want, I can cheat you Right HERE!! Just put up a mass POLL and I will start overselling giving out UNMETERED SPACE and BANDWIDTH!
  20. Right said, The people who carry out such practices are very much cleaver and should not be underestimated. They are extermely smart and know about the human psycology. They know what your thinking and usually attack your emotions ... in other words, play with your emotions. Clarification about your Doubts regarding Cpanel and Forums : I won't require your forum password because I can directly access your account. As for the Hosting account, I can also access you Cpanel without your permission. this usually helps in debugging the errors and changing various other settings. However, your DATA in database, Your mySQL tables etc. are all beyond my reach. The Data is Safe and believe me, I am like managing more than 200 clients (including clients from other network sites ). And the only thing I lookup for the statistics is for invalid downloads and activity. I have never even thought about sneaking into others files or folders. First of all, Xisto is a professional Company. We do not sneak into files as this is against the ethics. And we try our best to protect data. Xisto's hosting is maintained on secure servers and since we are hosted along with one of the toppest sites. Look at this page for the protection stuff we have for the servers.. http://www.softlayer.com/
  21. OpaQue


    Your always welcome here... Have a nice time. Glad to see you on the forums...
  22. Internet explorer 6 with SMART popup blocker. Any anyway, being a professional company, it would spoil our reputation.
  23. We are always trying to improve and please tell us your opinions and suggestions.Tell us about what facilites does count the most for you. What do you think should be given more preference.Answer things like :-1> Are you ready to accept ads on your website ?2> Are you ready to make a small payment for not posting?3> Do you feel that you are compelled to post? If yes, Suggest about other methods in which we can ask you to come up and support us. We are supported by advertising networks. 4> Do you feel that the facilities provided by this host is enough for you. If not, what do you require.5> Do you require Cpanel. [ We provide the most advanced cpanel ]6> Can you comprise Cpanel with more hosting facilites like space and BW.Please keep in mind when you suggest about posting stuff. Every account we give out is expensive and costs $30 anually. Therefore, we need member's to be active. So If you have any suggestions in which member's can be active as well as we can give them hosting with minimum initial requirements, please tell us.Suggest about our system and things that you feel. If you feel that our system ( requirement of initial good posts ) is wrong or if you think that there can be some other conditions by which both may benefit, please suggest them.We require suggestions regarding spamming and meaningless posts. We want to target this forum on the search engines and hence we are more focussing on good posts. Spam posts and copied stuff decrease our page rank. Hence, on Xisto, we have particularly more serious on spamming.--- Your Feedback is important to us | Please help us serve your better ----
  24. Do you mean like Blonde Jokes or something... no offence
  25. An empty site with a netfirms header is all I see. Is there a mistake or something. Oh, not to forget, there is also a google ad. Is that yours, or from the netfirms side.
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