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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Warning s243a :: Do not make a Topic unless you personally know something about it. When you make topic, assume the reader to have no previous knowledge about it. Any further attempt to create such topics would be dealt severely. Information according to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) is a variation of a ramjet where combustion of the fuel air mixture occurs at supersonic speeds. This allows the scramjet to achieve greater speeds than a conventional ramjet which always slows the incoming air to subsonic speeds in the combustion chamber. Projections for the top speed of a scramjet engine (without additional oxidiser input) vary between Mach 12 and Mach 24.[br][/br]Like a conventional ramjet, a scramjet consists of a constricted tube through which air is compressed, fuel is combusted, and the exhaust is vented at higher speed than the intake air. Also like a ramjet there are either few or no moving parts. In particular there are no high speed turbines as found in a turbofan or turbojet engine that can be a major point of failure.[br][/br]The scramjet requires extremely high speed airflow to function and requires acceleration to supersonic speed before it can be started. Recent tests of prototypes have used a booster rocket to obtain the necessary velocity. Theoretically, air breathing engines should have a better specific impulse while within the atmosphere than rocket engines.[br][/br]-- SOURCE : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scramjet
  2. OpaQue


    Becca, you are very funnY! LoL! I got to admit this... But I love pigeons.. I get up in the morning and see them in the verandah.. There is this one pigeon which comes up my house daily at around 1 pm .. usually waiting for some grains or stuff. My mom keeps in near the kitchen window. And as for the eating the pigions thing *YUK* no offence but I am a vegge.. I dont like meat at all. It's not like some religion or stuff but I always hated meat. I am forced to eat Eggs by my parents else I would had not eaten that too... But I dont think this has affected my height, I am 6'' Never had problems with my height.. I just manage to be taller than my GF ( thats enough I guess )
  3. We have our Partner site ( http://forums.xisto.com/ ) where we have a lot of spam problems and stuff. Most of the members post for hosting and there is no specific restriction regarding topics and stuff.Astahost was specifically developed for Quality posts. Since, we are expecting quality posts, it was obvious that we have to provide more here. For that, we provide our members with better stability, features, Dedicated BW etc. If we wanted traffic, we could have got a lot by Xisto alone and we could had spent more time on trap rather than building this another huge branch for Xisto Corporation ( Main site still under development ).We were not satisfied with Trap as a community. We are improving slowly. We are still a young company and learning by our mistakes. Xisto forums are targetted towards skilled talented people who have lots of information to share and contribute. Incentives like hosting does work well to quickly build up a community. However, We are really glad to welcome members who might already have hosting and would purely want to share their knowledge with us. As for the positive envoirnment, we have a lot of forums and categories. We have done this that members may not find difficult to post about the topic for which they are most interested. Even when a user posts for keeping his account active, We are sure he will find some intereesting topics owing to the increased no. of signups.. We usually look for quality rather than quantity. However, judging this might be difficult once we get huge number of members. The staying active rule is very generalised. We havent specified the limit. All we mean by saying it is that we expect members to contribute their knowledge whenever they can. We generally do not delete members accounts. but if our services are abused we might start deleting accounts of members who have records of high inactivity. We are also working upon an algorithm to detect inactive members.. Hope we finish it soon
  4. Staying active means.. you should know whats going on the forums and stay in touch. I really need members to be a part of the community. For this I am struggling hard to make the forums as entertaining and fruitfull as possible so that you have a good time here... If I put an inactivity limit, then I am afraid members will start abusing it. So the best thing I guess is that you stay in touch with the forums whenever you get some spare time. Trust me, I wont delete your accounts for no reason. I havent deleted accounts of members who were inactive for more than 2 months! But now, looking at the statistics, I wont be linent anymore. The only reason my site has survived inspite of loosing the high paying google ads is because of the Traffic it recieves. Advertisers came to know about this sites potential and they are willing to advertise. It doesnt matter what *BLEEP* payout they are giving but as long as this site remains on and fetches out its own hosting bills, I am satisfied. If I really wanted to make a fortune for myself, I would have closed this site a long time back when I lost google ads for my forums. Please stop thinking about activeness and *BLEEP* and contrinute your knowlegde. Your knowledge fuels our Hosting Service!
  5. IF you dont have competitors and enemies... then go for Google ADs.. Those guys pay a *BLEEP*ing lot of cash for clicks and stuffs and they are the best in the market.If you get suspended or disabled like Xisto, then you can go for the following ad networks,adhearus ( best after google, I guess )AdbriteVeodaBannerbox ads
  6. Did you know that MySQL is not inBUILT in PHP5 as it used to be in the previous versions.. I hope this is enough to answer your question. To add up, I tried installing it too but then I was so pissed off that I un-installed it and re-installed the older version of PHP. It works fine for me.. and the Xisto servers are also running 4.3.9 [ date: 7-December-2004 ]There is also a thing called PHPTriad or Apache Triad or something like that. ( search for it on google ). It is a single installation with pre-configured general settings for windows. It includes all mySQL, Php, apache . Really cool if you are a beginner and want to get started fast. Also in order to taste the advanced properties of php, you will have to install php in linux. So it is obvious that to do that you gotta have linux. The advanced properties are not build in and hey have to be activated during compile time. So better change your operating system to Linux you want to do advanced stuff. But looking at the problems you are having, I assume your are a beginner or an intermediate in php. So, try getting the triad thing first which has all the installations in one single package.
  7. I hope you are in your senses, I install windows and check my ram indicator! daMN.. I was wondering where did my 160 mb go. So windows XP does take a *BLEEP* load of resources. And it is a general rule that as operating system progress, they do take increased amount of resources. But they also give that much of stability, reliability, performance etc. in return. Don't believe me, Start off with DOS to Windows XP and see for yourself.
  8. Let me give a shot,Both take sips alternately...One of em is a freakin diabetic and hands over the entire thing to otherThey will find a nice cozy place and put a straw or something like that and sip it offThey may come to Xisto to read a thread by rowita who has managed to fry up the brrains of a couple of members...
  9. LOL! Right said! I dont know If I should even continue or stop this topic.. But this topic is gay! First of all, I dont believe this Crap! And even if it is true, I guess the teacher would be cleaver enough to take precautions to do it in extreme privacy.. And as for the Teacher Student Relationship, This Topic has *BLEEP*ed it throughly.. man, you guyz have screwed the whole *BLEEP*ing nature's god damn law! Teachers are supposed to be respected for the good ( ahem.. a bit horrible ) job they do .. and If I would be in your place, I would had filed a complaint against that teacher!
  10. Solution 1 : Re-install windows!Solution 2 : Format your Root drive and reinstall windowsSolution 3 : Repartition your Drive and reinstall windowsSolution 4 : Get a Saw, Break your Window, Pick up your comp and throw it out! Solution 5 : If the comp. comes back, then Run for your LIFE! Something is going against nature!!!
  11. I dont think so.. I guess something is wrong from your side. or may be I havent understood what you are trying to say ? Many members at Xisto are using uni.cc and I dont think anyone else is facing such a problem.If they are then We might collectively mail them and ask them for a solution.
  12. I would like to install a very detailed one kind of a reputation system but this is all that I found. Xisto has been excessively modded and I am afraid If i could mod it further..
  13. I hope I made my point clear, I said they say that the names "MASTER" and "SLAVE" sound RACIST
  14. I heard that there has been an objection that has been taken against calling hard-drives MASTER and SLAVE. Someone said that it is kinda RACIEST and it will soon be renamed ?Do you know about it ?
  15. Dont you people think that it is kinda unfair that the MAN's SIRNAME dominates after marriage ? I hope, I am making my point clear. But its sometime feels so un-fair.Ahem.. even though I am a guy there is should be problem with me, but still this is what I felt.. I usually think of various random things ( usually when chatting with a close friend ). Just post your thoughts about it .. Do you think it is fair ? Why do you think this system has arised that in every part of the world , under every civilization, this is been happening ? Do you think that this proves that men is superiour or something ?Post any possible solutions or what would you prefer ...
  16. My friend and I were talking and suddenly he gave me the news that Women's Liberation had objected to saying that " Its a Man Made World " ... Or something crap like that. I really dont know if it is true..but they are objecting to the fact that HUMANS are referred as MAN. Well, we all know its a World made by both man and women but still its crappy looking at the objection that they have taken! I dont even know if there is any womens liberation .. but this was all a part of a chat that I had with my friend..
  17. The upgrading thing for HOTMAIL can get is throughly screwed! Man, I dont think it is easy for them. They got one of the most email accounts in the world and upgrading all of them can be a huge problem. What I mean to say is, If people really start recieving large mails and stuff, things can go wrong. The huge mail box is as now becoming as good as an online storage space like an Hard drive! I guess, its for for companies like X-Drive to shut down..
  18. First I thought you scanned them and pasted it here! I was just about hit the Back button when I saw the word "MOUSE"Man! That looks AWESOME! I mean its very hard to do it using a mouse... BTW, how much time did it take to make those ?
  19. OpaQue

    I Hate Wiggers

    I really dont know much about the western culture so I cannot comment about the wiger discussion that is going on. But I feel that a person has a right to chose, accept and act in whatever way he likes to.. I guess, by wiger u mean, a white guy acting like a black. well, I do not feel anything wrong in it. And by acting I suppose, its just his behaviour and stuff.. But still, I cant comment much because I am completely off this topic.
  20. We usually hear that the younger generation is intelligent and stuff. What do you think? Is it really true and if it is, what can be the reason for it ? What I feel is that, younger genration are intelligent because of the technologies they are exposed to. Which makes them think big and better! But I do not find any thing related to their thinking or skills...
  21. Important thing is making the first post.. Once a member makes some posts and gets familier with others, only then he can feel that he is a part of a community. I and my admins along with the moderators are working Hard to make this community, a success!We hope that every member of Xisto feels that they are a part of a healthy community and enjoy their stay here. We welcome your suggestions to make our community more intresting and exciting!
  22. switch ( online_dating_case ){case 95%:Both of them are lyingcase 4%: The Boy ( Male Species of the internet world ) is lyingcase 0.999% : The girl is lying ( most of the time expecting that the boy is lying too )case 0.001%: Both are NOT lyingDefault : The Other Person is a BOT and is propably going to ask you to enter a stupid porn site !! So, its better that you leave.}
  23. I really did not understand the theme of this topic...
  24. .tk basically gives you an option for forwarding rather than the DNS service. The DNS service is available only for Premium members. So I wont recommend that. The only best company to offer dns services is UNI.CC .Which easily sets up with the Xisto account. You can use the PARK domain option in the cpanel and point it to your hosting account.
  25. LOL! The Small version of my banner! hehe
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