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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. TOPIC CLOSED. Replied at other topic.
  2. I recently came across this question, so I wanted to make a general record for this. This happens when any user in the world clicks your email and Clicks SPAM. Those providers automatically notify others about it too and finally your email starts going to bulk. I think there is a list of spam email addresses and domains which are maintained at some place where various email providers can access. When someone sets your email as spam, unfortunately this happens and I haven't got any known solution. All one can do is to Ask their friend or client to WHITE LIST the email. Tell him to set it so that it comes in main folder. There is nothing that can be done from your site. You can use SMTP and send the email as some other company like anything@hotmail.com
  3. Thanks. But I am using the microsoft Link Exchange and I doubt if they would allow me to use SWF files.
  4. A link from my member's site .. back to mine is most appriciated. A tiny link is more than enough.
  5. Cool! Added it for our other site.. Xisto.com Just made up a plain one. Can you make some good ones...
  6. Thank you members. Yes, We thank you for contributing and sharing your knowlegde with us. With your amount of contribution, time and support, our services are too less. Xisto will try to be the best always. But, one of our main sources of new members, free-webhosts has removed our listing for some reason and We would like to request member's to spread word about this site. Please link the articles and post about us at diffrent forums. You are also free to post a link at your site ... Thank You very much.
  7. Types Of Women: HARD-DISK Woman: She remembers everything, FOREVER. RAM Woman: She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off. WINDOWS Woman: Everyone knows that she can't do a thing right, but no One can live without her. EXCEL Woman: They say she can do a lot of things but you mostly use Her for your four basic needs. SCREENSAVER Woman: She is good for nothing but at least she is fun! INTERNET Woman: Difficult to access. SERVER Woman: Always busy when you need her. MULTIMEDIA Woman: She makes horrible things look beautiful. CD-ROM Woman: She is always faster and faster. E-MAIL Woman: Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense. VIRUS Woman: Also known as "WIFE"; when you are not expecting her, she comes, installs herself and uses all your resources. If you try to uninstall her you will lose something, if you don't try to uninstall her you will lose everything....
  8. >SUPER BABY > >A baby was born so advanced in development he could talk. >He looked around the delivery room and saw the doctor. "Are you my doctor?" he asked. >"Yes, I am," said the doctor. >The baby said, "Thank you for taking such good care of me during the birth." >He looked at his mother and asked, "Are you my mother?" >"Yes, dear, I am," said the mother, beaming. >"Thank you for taking such good care of me before I was born," he said. >He then looked at his father and asked, "Are you my father?" >"Yes, I am," his father proudly answered. >The baby motioned him closer, then poked him repeatedly on the forehead with his index finger. "Hurts, doesn't >it!?" > ________________________________________________________ > >BABY FOOD > >A three-year-old walked up to a pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in the doctor's office. >He inquisitively asked the lady, "Why is your stomach so big?" She replied, "I'm having a baby." >With big eyes, he asked, "Is the baby in your stomach?" >She answered, "He sure is." >Then the little boy, with a puzzled look, asked, "Is it a good baby?" >She said, "Oh, yes. It's a real good baby." > With an even more surprised and shocked look, he asked, "Then why did you eat him?" >_____________________________________________________ > >I RATHER HAVE A PUPPY > >A little boy and his dad were walking down the street when they saw two dogs having sex. >The little boy asks his father "Daddy, what are they doing?" >The father says, "Making a puppy" So they walk on and go home. >A few days later, the little boy walks in on his parents having sex. >The little boy says "Daddy, what are you doing?" >The father replies, "Making a baby." >The little boy says "hmmmm, can you please flip Mommy around? I'd rather have a puppy instead!" > __________________________________________________________ > >DEAD GOLD FISH > >Little Tim was in the garden filling a hole when his neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky-faced youngster was up to, he politely asked, "What are you up to there, Tim?" >"My goldfish died," replied Tim tearfully, without looking up, "and I've just buried him." >The neighbor said, "That's an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn't it, Tim?" >Tim patted down the last heap of earth and replied, "That's because I couldn't get him out of your cat." > ____________________________________________ > >WHISPER > >A mother took her little boy to church. While in church the little boy said, "Mommy, I have to pee." >The mother said to the little boy, "It's not appropriate to say the word 'pee' in church. So, from now on whenever you have to 'pee' just tell me that you have to 'whisper.'" >The following Sunday, the little boy went to church with his father and during the service said to his father, "Daddy, I have to whisper." >The father looked at him and said, "Okay, why don't you whisper in my ear."
  9. >The man discovered COLORS and invented PAINT, >The woman discovered PAINT and invented MAKEUP. > > >The man discovered the WORD and invented CONVERSATION, >The woman discovered CONVERSATION and invented GOSSIP. > > >The man discovered GAMBLING and invented CARDS, >The woman discovered CARDS and invented WITCHERY. > > >The man discovered AGRICULTURE and invented FOOD, >The woman discovered FOOD and invented DIET. > > >The man discovered FRIENDSHIP and invented LOVE, >The woman discovered LOVE and invented MARRIAGE. > > >The man discovered TRADING and invented MONEY, >The woman discovered MONEY and invented SHOPPING. > > >Thereafter man has discovered and invented a lot of things... >While the women STUCK to shopping.................
  10. HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT WOMEN AND BE POLITICALLY CORRECT: (new 2004 version) 1. She is not a BABE or a CHICK - She is a BREASTED AMERICAN. 2. She is not a SCREAMER or MOANER - She is VOCALLY APPRECIATIVE. 3. She is not EASY - She is HORIZONTALLY ACCESSIBLE. 4. She is not DUMB - She is a DETOUR OFF THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY. 5. She has not BEEN AROUND - She is a PREVIOUSLY ENJOYED COMPANION. 6. She is not an AIRHEAD - She is REALITY IMPAIRED. 7. She does not get DRUNK or TIPSY - She gets CHEMICALLY INCONVENIENCED. 8. She does not have BREAST IMPLANTS - She is MEDICALLY ENHANCED. 9. She does not NAG YOU - She becomes VERBALLY REPETITIVE. 10. She is not a **** - She is SEXUALLY EXTROVERTED. 11. She does not have MAJOR LEAGUE HOOTERS - She is PECTORALLY SUPERIOR. 12. She is not a TWO-BIT ***** - She is a LOW COST PROVIDER. HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT MEN AND BE POLITICALLY CORRECT: 1. He does not have a BEER GUT - He has developed a LIQUID GRAIN STORAGE FACILITY. 2. He is not a BAD DANCER - He is OVERLY CAUCASIAN. 3. He does not GET LOST ALL THE TIME - He INVESTIGATES ALTERNATIVE DESTINATIONS. 4. He is not BALDING - He is in FOLLICLE REGRESSION. 5. He is not a CRADLE ROBBER - He prefers GENERATIONALLY DIFFERENTIAL RELATIONSHIPS 6. He does not get FALLING-DOWN! DRUNK -He becomes ACCIDENTALLY HORIZONTAL. 7. He does not act like a TOTAL *bottom* - He develops a case of RECTAL-CRANIAL INVERSION. 8. He is not a MALE CHAUVINIST PIG - He has SWINE EMPATHY. 9. He is not afraid of COMMITMENT - He is MONOGAMOUSLY CHALLENGED 10. He is not HORNY - He is SEXUALLY FOCUSED. 11. It's not his crack you see hanging out of his pants....It is MALE CLEAVAGE.
  11. I guess I had warned many people about them... They don't have any back support and hence they close off when they face loss. Because, they got nothing to lose and they are quite happy with the profits that they may have made in past. We are striving on advertising and If we close this site, we got everything to lose. And we will not close them, as we are not going to lose any..
  12. Yeah .. sure you can put it up. But see to it that the games arent too big. Games of 100 to 150 kb are all fine. But if you put large games, they might suck up your BW.
  13. NEXdesign, your signiture is going to suck up your accounts BW. Please use external sources.
  14. STEALING HTML is no Big Deal... Just open that page up in Frontpage and edit it... use some beautify HTML tools which will rearrange the scambled html tags and there you got your new edited page.
  15. It is very much recommended that you use the scripts that are provided by the Xisto addon scripts option. They are safe and easy to install.
  16. There are basically two rules which come into consideration :-1> What kind of a downloads they are? Big or small etc...2> Legal issueIf the downloads are small ones which wont have much affect on the servers and which will not affect the BW, it is ok to put those kinda stuff. However, we recommend that you put such files on YAHOO SERVERS and link them via your site. This would be the best safest options. The legal issues and the downloading stuff, some of these rules have been imposed on this site by the host managers and the people with whom I am partnered with. As for the legal issue, put up a NOTICE or thing or a disclaimer which clearly states that the download link is a genunie one and the purpose of it. Also, state clearly, the intented audience. Tell them, it is for those people who already have purchased the orginal game but are obsessed with the changing of CD's now and then.I hope this information is useful.
  17. G e n e r a l Q u e s t i o n s: Where are our servers located? Our servers are located in Dallas, USA. W e b H o s t i n g : How long does it take to setup an account at Xisto? Once payment is received your account is typically activated within the next 6 hours. What control panel is offered with our hosting packages? All sites come with cPanel, you can find more information on cPanel » here How do I log into my control panel (cPanel)? Go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ip/cpanel. Or you can access it by typing http://www.yourdomain.com/cpanel. Either way will enable you to login into your control panel. I have been notified that my account is set up, but my site is still not active? If it has been more than 48 hours and you are still not able to access your website then check that you pointed your site to the right DNS server. If the problem is still persisting it is probably that your ISP's DNS servers have not updated yet. What DNS should my domain name be pointed to? Your email will detail which of our DNS servers you should point your domain to. You will be told in your welcome letter which nameservers to use. Can I get a dedicated IP address? Yes, we do offer IP addresses, although we do follow » ARIN guidelines. Most of the time you will be granted an IP address if you are going to use SSL or you are a reseller and require your own Private Name Servers. If you are able to justify your use of an IP address then you will have to pay US$2.5/month. Does email or FTP traffic count towards my bandwidth limit? Yes, all incoming/outgoing traffic counts towards your limit. What happens if I exceed my allotted bandwidth allowance? Once you exceed you limit your account will be suspended. You can keep track of your bandwidth usage through cPanel. Can I edit MySQL database tables without creating applications? Yes, you can use phpMyAdmin included in cPanel to edit MySQL tables. Do you support CGI/Perl Scripts? Yes, every site comes with its own CGI-BIN which allows you to run your own Perl scripts. Do you support PHP? Yes, we support PHP and MySQL. Do you support webmail? Yes, we support webmail. You can login into your webmail using: http://www.yourdomain.com/webmail/ Please include your full email address as the user name. You have the choice of using Horde, Neomail, or SquirrellMail. Will you place ads on my site? No, we do not place any forms of advertising on your website. Will I be able to send and receive email through Xisto ? Yes, you can both send and receive mail through our servers. We provide both POP3 and STMP capabilities, details will be provided in your sign up email. What methods of payment do you accept? We accept Credit Cards, and PayPal. If you have further questions regarding payment methods please contact us at » billing@Xisto.com. Incase you want to purchase additional space and BW. Will Xisto transfer a domain for me? We do not transfer domains for you. You must point the domain name at the name server included in your server configuration. We do register domains for you at a cost of US$10.00 (.com, .net, .org). Do you have 24/7/365 support ? Yes, we have onsite personnel 24/7/365 for reboots and assistance with your server. Do you have cPanel available on your servers? Yes cPanel is available for Red Hat Linux. Do you allow Adult Content on your servers? No, Adult related content is not allowed on our Servers. Do you allow IRC services on your servers ? No, we do not allow any type of IRC services on our network. How many mail accounts can I create on my hosting account? You can create as many mail accounts as you need, you can also setup auto-responders, forwarding, aliasing, and any other mail services. Do I need an IP for each domain on my server? You do not need an IP for each domain on your server; in fact, you only need one IP for the entire server. Can I get additional IP addresses? Yes you may get additional IP addresses, please » contact us and we can let you know the pricing depending on how many IP addresses you require. All IP addresses have to justified to ARIN.
  18. Our network has state of the art features such as fiber optic networking, 13 x OC48 (1000Mbps/each) connections from 10 different providers, Bandwidth on Demand, redundant UPS systems, generator backup, VESPA detection systems, closed circuit monitoring of all areas and entrances, card key access, 24 hour guard manned security, and redundant a/c systems. » Our Servers Accounts are hosted on servers running RedHat Linux and installed with a minimum of 512MB of ram and 7200 RPM drives. Our newest servers feature Dual XEON 2.4GHz processors with 72GB 10K RPM ULTRA 320 SCSI drives and up to 4GB of RAM. Our servers also have 80GB backup drives to keep data integrity at its highest and ensure that you data is kept as safe as possible. » Software Our servers run industry standard software, including RedHat Enterprise Linux, Apache, mySQL, PHP, and WHM/cPanel. Servers are updated daily for the most recent stable releases of software, including the latest versions of cPanel and WHM. » 24/7 Monitoring Our servers are monitored 24x7x365 using offsite and onsite monitoring, notifying our technicians by email and SMS within seconds of any problems. Not only are the servers monitored by ping, but also HTTP, FTP, DNS, CPU, STMP, cPanel, Disk Space Usage, and server load. » Uninterruptible Power System To guard against local power failures, our servers utilize two industrial-grade, three phase Liebert UPS systems. These act as back-up batteries, maintaining uninterrupted power in case of surges or power outages. With these backup systems in place, we can keep our network up and running indefinitely without relying on external power. » Force Filtered Cooling All web servers are equipped with a positive pressure filtered-air system. Four large fans pull filtered air into each server's protective case and the components within are cooled by fans which circulate this purified air. This constant introduction of clean air into the case creates a positive pressure environment ensuring dust and particles remain outside of the server. » Hot Swap Drives The drives and drive bays of all servers are constructed from high-grade aluminum, and rest in shock mounted drive cages, which adds to the durability of the hardware. Our drives proudly feature the lowest failure rate in the industry. » Redundant Hot Swap Power Supplies Each server employs dual-redundant hot swap power supplies. If a power supply were to fail, the server would continue running with power from the alternate supply. Meanwhile, alarms would alert a technician, who would quickly restore redundancy. In the meantime, servers and client sites would experience no downtime. » Industrial-Grade Air Conditioners Our servers are kept cool by two Liebert ten ton industrial air conditioners, which condition our computer rooms and operations center. our computer room is kept at an optimal temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit. » Standby Servers We keep spare servers on-line of all CPU configurations. If a server were to experience a hardware failure, we would turn a key, grab the handle on the drive, pull it out, and insert it into an identical standby CPU. We would then reboot the second machine and the server would be up and running again in a matter of minutes.
  19. 1. What kind of physical connection do you have to the Internet? And how many hops are you to the backbone? At Xisto, we only purchase the highest quality parts. The servers configuration is (current) Pentium 4 (XEON) x 4, 2 GB RAM, 80GB Hard Drives. The servers are located in a World Class Datacenter with 10 independent bandwidth suppliers for over 12Gbps of bandwidth. All connections do not go over 60% usage, providing unmatched reliability and speed. 2. Do you use any UPS incase of power outages? To guard against local power failures, our servers utilize two industrial-grade, three phase Liebert UPS systems. These act as back-up batteries, maintaining uninterrupted power in case of surges or power outages. With these backup systems in place, we can keep our network up and running indefinitely without relying on external power. 3. Do you guarantee that your hosting service will be up for a long time if not forever by means of just using ads? Yes! We have vast strategies here and we do no depend only upon ADs. However, Advertisements are our major source of income. Have you noticed, Xisto does not have google ads, we lost them since we were disabled. If we were like other hosts, we would have been closed by now. 4. When did you create Xisto? And could you tell me statistics or percentage of your server uptimes since then? Did you experience any severe downtimes since you started this free hosting deals? Yes, We do have downtimes, but at a max of 15 mins. We give DATA Security, Storage and Safety the First Priority. Then comes the Uptime. So, we RUN Complete system backup process in a week due to which Server's may be affected for 15 mins. Uptime is guarenteed to be above 99.5%. Usually we have a 99.99%. Below will be my personal questions: 1. I'm planning to post 10 GOOD POSTS. But I won't apply for the hosting yet, let's say I'll be away for about a month and then I'll apply. Will be the last month's 10 post counts to get starter package? Yes, It will count though. However, we have cleared the fact that, you must be active at the forums. We track member's performance at the forums. We won't tolerate member's who are active only once a week and then disappear or member's who make 100 posts in a day and Disappear for the rest of the month. We need your sincere contribution. Especially, we want you to contribute your knowlegde and opinions. This not only helps us with the AD revenue but also builds up our community. Which is the main reason for which we started this Another site. 2. I'll be using a subdomain first but can I shift to a domain hosting without reposting again? NO. You will need an additional 15 posts to delete your existing account and rebuild a new one. You will lose your files and folders. Your PACKAGE would be RETAINED and you directly start off with our MAIN package. 3. You did not state on this website about how many storage and bandwidth do I get with my starters package? 20 mb space and 500 mb BW.
  20. Sorry, those are just like image files, If GIF, JPEG files work, then they should also work. The best suggestion is that, look in the HTML file and see to it that the file name is exactly the same. FILE NAMES ARE CASE SENSITIVE IN UNIX FILE SYSTEMS. so, flashfile.swf != Flashfile.swf != FlashFile.Swf != flashfile.SWFI hope you got my point
  21. IF you have a site with more than 1000 page views per day then you may put OUR Advertisement [ A small 468 x 60 banner ] and enjoy hosting without posting. The Ad must have a minimum of 0.5% CTR. i.e. For every 1000 views, it should have atleast 5 clicks... Your site should be from a valid category ( no porny , illegal stuff, downloads etc ). NOTE : This OFFER is only for those member's who do *NOT* wish to be *ACTIVE* We are NOT Forcing any member to switch to this OFFER.
  22. Well, for better search engine optimization, I had created a AUTO-KEYWORD generating script. The following was the procedure that I followed..Read the entire contents.Converted it into String.Removed the HTML Tags and the Whitespace charactersFiltered out only valid words without special characters ( only hypen permited )Once all the filtering process was done, General words like "the", "a" etc was removedAfter that, the string was converted into Array.Using the callback of the following function, I calculated the Frequency of the words.[array_count_values() returns an array using the values of the input array as keys and their frequency in input as values. ]Then The Top 15 words were selected, converted into string and printed out.They were embedded in BOLD characters automatically!Now the **** thing that happened was, All the spelling mistakes and things like LOL and OK and hundreds of diffrent words started comming up at the top 20. Any suggestions in which I can make only top valid english meaningful words as the keyword.
  23. I don't know much, but if the thing that you type takes it as a php code then wassie is right. But if it supports php, then HTML should work. PHP code in a php file is included in a special <? Tag ?>. So, your html should have been worked.
  24. We are hosting 100's of sites and the free .info domain providers don't seem to support us.
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