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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. nah.. there were some misunderstandings and he was feeling quite un-confortable with the forums. There were some problems regarding the sites on our server too.. So he decided to discontinue with the forums.
  2. When you are making a website for a big organisation, It is quite recommeded you make a script from scratch for that organisation keeping in mind, what they want out of their website. Using Readymade scripts is recommended in most of the cases.. but they might not be able to provide what a user or Organisation wants.I had a client who wanted to make a forum like system and was interested in healthcare. He was a doctor and wanted to make a site for them... Well, his requirements were very similar to that of a forum system but some things were not possible. Eg. He wanted detailed statistics of all the members, patients that had signed up.. He wanted to categorise members in two parts.. doctors and patients. And wanted to treat the patients and help them online. he wanted stats regarding how many were successfully helped.. etc. He wanted to categorise doctors etc on the basis of their field and speciality in a particular subject.. Even though the system he wanted was quite similar to a forum.. When I installed it and showed it to him, he was not quite satisfied. But, readymade scripts do work out fine, if you have less time in hand, or your client is giving you some pennies
  3. I would like to shed some light on the equality and rights thing of women. In many parts of the world, there are reservations set for Women. In my country itself, Women have 30% reserved Quota for Education, Jobs etc.. There are also many fields in which women are given more preferences.. usually in workplaces, the total work time alloted for women is sometimes less. And also not to forget, the sepearate laws and privelages provided by the Government to women. Man and Women are diffrent, Government makes rules keeping this in mind. The people who made Goverment laws & rules were not stupid. Imagine, men demanding rights and similar privelages which women enjoy.. Recently I heard a rumur that, Women rights association (or some crap association ) were against the saying "Its a MAN's World" (which is used commonly ).. They insisted, it should rather be called.. Its a Human world or something.. What I want to say is, This dosen't make any sence. We all know, what we mean by that phrase. But most of these agitations are like Just for the heck of it. Cause some political person want to fill up his/her pocket. Now comes the SEX part of it. All I can say is.. "Its Nature!" and everythings natural. As far as I know, Any NORMAL MALE specie will get attracted by a Girl standing in front of him.. Now, Girls, If you are attractive.. and that guy does not look, then there is definately something wrong with that chap Also, When guys do hit on a girl who blows every circuit out of his mind.. he has two options, Either he waits for 3-4 months to get information about that girl and sorts out some way to find a link to her. Then he would finally meet her and talk ... talk .. impress.. ( continued for another 6 months ) wherby he can finally now think about getting laid! And At this point, if that girl says NO, that guy gets a TIGHT VIRTUAL Kick. ELSE, he might go to that girl.. and ask her straight away if she likes her or is least interested in him. this behaviour of some guys may be offensive to some girls .. but I think, girls are strong enough to ignore such things and continue with their beautiful lives... The BLAMING part.. I am not a religion freak.. but I do respect those guys who really put all their trouble to make those books. BTW, If you think that the ones who did write them never got laid, then I feel thats a bit dumb. In old times, Religion was the most powerful thing that bounded human beings.. All they had to do was say "I HAD DREAMS THE DAY YESTERDAY! AND GOD'S TOLD ME TO MAKE LOVE TO THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN TOWN SO THAT HE SHALL ...... ahem.. " You see.. no big deal! Not only women have been blamed, but there are so many chapters in which men have been blamed too.. Oh.. As for the EVE story, dont you think, it was EVE who pursuades the poor ADAM for the Apple fruit. It was only because of that, he had to climb that tree and get it for her... ( ehh.. this is what I heard. The one who told me this dumb story might be wrong) The people who have written those huge fat books really did had a lot of brains and do deserve respect. As far as i know, For every incident explained in the book, they have included appropriate explanations. And they cannot be simply be blamed for such reasons. -OpaQue
  4. You guys missed SPECTRE ... No doubt, He has made a TREMENDOUS CONTRIBUTION to this community... If he is not a part of Xisto now.. I dont think that should make his work go unnoticed.. Xisto is Thankful to Spectre for all that time, he has spent for this community.
  5. Well done Wassie.. thanks for solving the issue. As for you, Templest, you are not much online. And also someone is abusing your account. If this happens again, We will be forced to permanently suspend your site. We cannot allow other accounts to suffer because of one. Here, we expect members to share the server resources peacefully and enjoy their hosting.You have been warned!
  6. The ADs on the right have been removed... We belive our clients should be satisfied first. We put the ads on top of the page. Then, due to the server problem from FALK (the company from where we got our adserver ) the pages loaded a bit slow. So I have them at the bottom of the site. BEsides, they are also shown in between the posts. If you are still being bothered with those, please post ur comments.
  7. Can anyone just show an example of a script for both php and perl and guide us, how it is supposed to be entered in the Cron job thing in cpanel... I am also quite new to this thing..
  8. Hey Illusion, I FoRmAtEd your above post to make it more clear.. nice tutorial keep it up.So far as php is concerned, Whenever I start coding, I keep the manual open. You can download the chm version ( very handy ) from their site. Its simply great with lot of examples.A basic knowledge of any other language will help you to kickstart php.
  9. Oh! you mean the world famous darwins theory... It does has some logic in it but thinking practically, its quite un-acceptable. ( this is what I think ).If man came outta monkeys, then what are the monkeys doing now... Similarly it is said that dolphins are evolved from dogs... then what are the dogs doing. Also, If monkeys intelligence kept on increasing and he finally started walking (bipedalism) to turn into homosapiens, why would the monkeys present now decide to remain as they are... If you are aware of any other theories.. please post it
  10. WOW, that was indeed helpful...but if you put some of those tricks .. and some practical examples, it could had given readers a much better idea.
  11. Sorry, We do not give Reseller solutions at the moment. And if you want paid hosting, you are requested to visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Yes. It is called "The Microsoft Home". It has detectors in the dustbin which looks the things which are thrown and places an order for the same online. The photo frames also give a lot of information. The walls have microphones which allow the user to directly communicate and issue small commands. there is a lot of it...
  13. Grrr...Hold it! I thought we were talking about the BIG BANG theory... Now what about it ? No more comments ? huh ?
  14. sorry.. my mistake. I will change it. JSP is only for members who have 50 Good Posts.
  15. nope.. Not the correct answer. The answer is very very simple.. Even 3 words are enough. Come on .. Think Hard!
  16. Are you planning to connect to a REMOTE server to do the updating thing... And if you are, you will need server level access and you should be having a good knowledge of sockets and Curl in PHP. I am off with PERL so I cant help much in that.
  17. Good! I did not see it . I was having my Degree exams when that movie was running in theaters. I was thinking of renting a DVD! but now.. thanks 2 u.When I heard about the movie, I thought this one too has a story similar to LOTR or it seemed as if these guys were trying to copy this one..
  18. Nice work.. I kindly request members who create such contributions to leave me a small note/reminder at my PM box so that I can check your post. I really appreciate all the work and support.
  19. ROFLMAO... Too Funny! And for the rest of the points.. I agree with you. Anyways.. now I am thinking that this topic is too personal or for some it might be too embarrasing. And here I am already looking at the explict languages and topics that have been raised.
  20. Your question is not at all clear... Please explain your point clearly.. if possible try to give an example.
  21. Psyched .. Are you ASKING Becca & Cragllo to MOve the Shoutbox.. ROFLMAO... Just get them to agree over it and I will give u free hosting! No posts required!!
  22. This test uses about a dozen common pieces of code which test browser bugs. If this crash test crashes your browser, you should upgrade it. You may be at this page because you are choosing to test your browser, or maybe just because the hashbang doesn't like you. Trying con/con crash (various Windows)... FAILED Trying invalid JPEG Crash (NS 4.5+)... FAILED Trying bewm! Crash (NS 4.7)... bewm!@#$ FAILED Trying bewm!2 Crash (NS 4.5 and earlier)... bewm!@#$ FAILED FAILED Trying Internal Parser Crash (NS 4.04+)... FAILED Trying JS Crash (IE 5.5, etc)... FAILED Trying NetBunny's Big Form Crash (some IE5)... FAILED Trying IMG Width Crash (some IE)... FAILED Trying ClassID Crash (IE)... FAILED Trying EMBED SRC Crash (IE 4.0)... FAILED Trying Object Data Loop Crash (various o/s)... FAILED Trying flash crash (some IE 5+)... FAILED Trying Self Referenced Frames Crash (various o/s)... FAILED Unable to Crash System YAY!!!
  23. The beer.com is really cool.. try typing these words there.. 1> beer 2> *BLEEP* 3> *BLEEP* 4> strip 5> lick 6> dance 7> kick 8> shake 9> jump 10> sleep 11> fight 12> sing
  24. I had a similar problem. Preloading is done by using Javascript. I found this code which will explain you the things better if you know javascript <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- if (document.images) { image1 = new Image(100, 100); image1.src = "myimage1.gif"; image2 = new Image(468, 60); image2.src = "myimage2.gif"; image3 = new Image(50, 20); image3.src = "myimage3.gif"; } //--></script> The above code preloads three images.. However, care should be taken that the above code is put in the HEAD tag.
  25. We got a Paid hosting company "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; Soon we will be putting up advertiserments and offers for members who can shift to paid hosting with much better performance and uptime. We are not just any company with plans to make revenue from the ads. As for the posting, It was my dream to have a forum dedicated only for computes and to make up a nice community. Else, I could had spent the same time on my other site Xisto.com which also ranks amoung the best free hosting companies.Astahost has more features and performance than trap, due to higher quality of posts expected at the forums.PS : WE ARE NOT GOING TO FORCE ANY MEMBER TO SHIFT TO PAID HOSTING. Xisto WILL CONTINUE PROVIDING FREE HOSTING SERVICES FOR EVER! WE WILL ONLY BE GIVING OFFERS TO OUR MEMBERS SO THAT THEY DONT HAVE TO BE ACTIVE AND POST AT THE FORUMS. WE ARE NOT LIKE OTHER HOSTS WHO FORCE MEMBERS TO SHIFT TO PAID HOSTING AFTER A SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME.
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